Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1848615-Angelic-Trust-Chapter-2
Rated: 18+ · Other · Romance/Love · #1848615
Continuation of Angelic Trust
It took me a while to come back to my senses. That feeling I had was stronger than ever now. All I could do was stare. I didn't notice Jazmyn sitting next to me until she nudged me back to earth.

"Hi, I'm Karissa. It's nice to meet you." I responded hoping he didn't notice me dazed and a little confused at how Sean knew him and why I hadn't seen him at Sean's office before.

"Well now that everyone is introduced, it's time to play some Gin." Sean says with a smile. He looks at me and winks his eye as if he planned this whole thing.

"Kari, can I talk to you for a second?" I followed him to the back room as Jazmyn and their guest sat down at the table. "We'll be right back."

As we entered his room he went straight to the closet and pulled out a small black bag.

"Remember when I said I had something to show you?" Sean asked as he pulled out the small black box from inside of the bag. I nodded in response.

He opened the box and there sat the ring Jazmyn described. But instead of just the 2-Carat yellow diamond she'd mentioned the other day, this one had two white diamonds on the side with each diamond being no smaller than ½ carat. My mouth dropped in shock.

"Wow, this is beautiful Sean! You bought this for Jazmyn?" That was a dumb question I had to chuckle at.

"Of course, who else would it be for? I plan on asking her on our anniversary next week." We both pause for a second. I could tell Sean was waiting for me to say something. I finally was able to get over the shock and break our silence.

"Well you know Jazmyn likes to search, so where are you going to hide it until then?" Then he gave me a lookthat told me thats where I come in.

"Oh no, Sean, it can't be my house. You know she'll go snooping through there too." He gave me that pleading smile that he knew I couldn't refuse.

"Please, Kari? You're the only person I trust with this. I'll owe you big time." He leaned his head on my shoulder and stuck out his bottom lip. He had me. I just couldn't refuse then.

"Ok, i'll do it but if she finds it it's not my fault." I told him, rolling my eyes as he put the ring back in the bag.

"Thanks, Sis. I'll give it to you before you leave." He kisses me on the cheek then put the bag back in the closet.

We walked out with smiles on our faces. I had to laugh at how I just got played and Sean laughed at how easy it was to do it. Once we got back to the table Jazmyn stared at us.

"What's so funny?" Jazmyn asked. I couldn't tell her the real reason so I had to think of something quick.

"Nothing, Sean just reminded me of something that happened when we were kids. That's all." I explained hoping she would by it. We walked to our seats as Jazmyn was dealing the cards. I went into the kitchen and grabbed something to drink as Sean kissed Jazmyn on the cheek then sat in the chair next to her. I sat across from Jazmyn right in between Sean's coworkers. Eric sat on the other side of Jazmyn. As we started to play I glanced at the people across from me and notice Eric smiling at me.

"So Eric, where are you from?" Jazmyn asked trying to break the ice.

"Hollywood, California but I've actually been here in Colorado for about three years now." He responds with a smile. Sean gave him a confused look as if hearing that for the first time.

"Oh, did you live here in Englewood?" He asked him. Sean realized he hadn't seen Eric around until he started working with him at his office. No one has. He was a complete stranger to us and now he is here in my best friend's house playing cards and eating some chips Sean gave him before I got here.

" Yea, for about six months now. I lived in Colorado Springs for two and a half years. My grandparents wanted me to move closer to them and the family so I found a job working with Sean and moved right down." I studied Eric for a second. Why would anyone move because their parents say so? He must have a close knit family. I glanced at Jaz and Sean. They were studying Eric just as hard as I was.

"Your family must be really close?" I asked him. I was curious. I wanted to know why would heleave everything in Colorado Springs and move here. I mainly wanted to know why he was here in this house. What's his agenda? I studied him some more as he mulled over the answer.

Why is he thinking about it? It's just a question…ANSWER ALREADY! I thought to myself.

"Yea we are." He smiled at me after he answered. I could see truth in his eyes but there was something he wasn't telling us and it looks as if he had no intention of telling us either.

"What are you?" Jazmyn blurted that out. I shook my head and chuckled, not surprised by her bluntness. Sean pushes her arm as the other two guess just laughs at the question.

"Excuse me? I don't understand." Eric says with a confused expression upon his face.

"You know, your nationality, your race. I've been trying to figure out your nationality but I can't come up with anything." Her head tilts as she mentally tries to take another guess.

He chuckles. "Oh, well my mother is Shoshone Indian and my father is from Perugia, Italy." He chuckles again as if the questions amused him. That would explain why he was so damn gorgeous. He looks my way once again. Making my heart beat faster. I glanced down at my hand for a second before looking at Jazmyn.

"You're going to have to excuse my friend. Sometimes she can get a little annoying." I said smirking.

Jazmyn stuck her tongue out at me while Sean and the rest of us just laughed.

"No, it's fine. She didn't ask me anything that I was ashamed of." His smirk was inviting.

"So do you have any sibling that looks as good as you?" Sean glared at Jaz when she asked that question. I could tell he was thinking the same thing I was thinking. Why the hell does she care?

"Huh yea, I actually have five siblings, two brothers and three sisters, to be exact."He looks down at his cards smiling while he deliberates his next move.

"Wow, five brothers and sisters. Your mom and dad must have been busy." Eric chuckles at Jaz's joke.

"Well, my parents only wanted four children but after my older sister and I, they ended up having two sets of twins." As Eric explained I notice Sean roll his eyes. I could tell he was becoming annoyed at the fact that Jazmyn was asking so many questions about stuff she really didn't care about.

Eric lays his last two cards on the table winning the game. "Is there anything else you would like to know?" He leans back in his chair with a smirk on his face that seemed more like gloating.

"Yea, actually I do. What about your girlfriend? Did she move down her with you?" I could tell what she was doing so I got up from the table to put my finished plate in the sink trying to avoid the subject I just wasn't comfortable talking about.

Eric laughs. "Huh, no, I actually don't have a girlfriend." Jazmyn opens her mouth as if about to say something but Eric beat her to it. "I'm not married either." I could hear everyone laughing as Jazmyn glares at Eric.

I opened the freezer and grab the half eaten gallon of ice cream. I pulled one of the bowls from the top cabinet and started fixing myself some ice cream. Just as I turned around to ask anyone else if they wanted any, Jazmyn walks up beside me and reaches for the bowls in the same cabinet.

"I know what you're doing." She asks me.

"What? What are you talking about?" I gave her my best confused look I could muster up.

"Oh you know what I'm talking about. As soon as I started asking that guy questions you got up acting like you wanted some ice cream, knowing good and well you were trying to avoid the direction the conversation was headed to. You can't fool me. Plus you should know I would never bring you in it unless you wanted me to. I know you not ready to start dating again. I was just asking those questions to get to know him better. Stop always assuming I want to hook you up with everyone." She stops scooping the ice cream on turns to look at me.

"First of all honey, I was not trying to avoid the conversation. I just really like cookie dough ice cream. Second of all, I was not trying to assume that you were trying to hook me up. You only asked him two questions for goodness sake. So there was no way to tell anyways…" she cut me off with a simple roll of her eyes.

"Oh cut the bull crap Kari. I know that's what you were thinking. That's the only reason you would even think about sweets at this time of night. I don't even know that guy and neither do you, so why would I ever try to hook you up with someone I don't even know. When have I ever done that? So how about you do both of us a favor, sis, and get your head from out of the clouds and back on earth. Because you are obviously high off of something if you think I would ever betray your trust with something like that…" I could tell she was annoyed with me.

"You're grown women. If you want someone you know how to go get them yourself. I only step in if you ask me to. So please don't make this more than what it is." I look down than back up at Jazz. Even though she was smiling I could tell she was serious. Maybe I am taking this a little too far. Like she said I didn't know him and he didn't know me so why should I care if she asks him a few questions? Man, I hate it when she's right sometimes. But I wasn't going to admit it just yet.

"Say what you want. I'm just making ice cream and minding my own."

"Mmm hmm, sure you are, Karissa. Can you just enjoy the rest of the night without jumping to any conclusions, please?" She gave me a quick grin and then walked into the dining room with everyone's dessert.

By the end of the night I knew a little more about Eric and everyone else at that table didn't know. We seemed to talk all night. He told me about his family and I told him about mine. But something stayed on my mind the whole time I was there. It was something about Eric that drew me to him. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him and it seemed as if he felt the same. He would ask question about me and when I would go and answer I would become nervous and I couldn't look at him in the eyes. I tried my best to loosen up a little more around him but I couldn't. The longer I was around the more nervous I became. This has NEVER happened to me before and I have no idea why it was happening now. Nor did I have an idea why meeting him was so difficult to go through. It was like I was waiting to be interviewed by the president of a major company I want to work for and hoping he liked me. I knew one thing I had to get home so this feeling could go away.

Once I made it home I fed the dogs and took them out one last time before heading to bed.

Man, what a long night. I'm tired as hell! I thought to myself.

I put Sean's ring in my closet, then climbed in my bed after taking an hour long bath and fell asleep 20 minutes after my head touched the pillow.


The next morning I woke up to a slight headache. After washing up I went in to the cabinet and grabbed so aspirin from off of the top shelf. I went into the kitchen to fix myself a glass of water and noticed Angela was still in bed. After taking the aspirin I went into Angela room to wake her up.

"What? Why are you waking me up so early?" she put the pillow over her head trying to drown me out.

"You know you have to be at work early today, so get up!" I yanked the covers off of her, laughing she rolled onto the floor.

"Ugh! You're such a pain, you know that." Angela said with a glare.

"Yea, I know." I walked out of the room and went into the kitchen to fix us some cereal.

After we ate I could tell Angela was not intrigued about going to work today. Just by the way she dragged as she put on her clothes I could tell she really wanted to stay home. Hell, I would have called in sink for her if her boss didn't have to speak to her this morning.

"Why does that old man need me to come in so early just to talk to me? Why couldn't he just talk to me when I get there?" I could tell those questions weren't me for me to hear.

"Well maybe it's important." I responded. She huffed then finished putting on her shoes. She grabs her purse off of the door handle and head down stairs. She pets her dogs bye, gets in her car, and head to work.

I strum through the clothes in my closet trying to find my white ruffle shirt I got a couple of days ago."Where is my shirt? Ugh!" I was talking as if someone was here. As soon as I found it I hurried and got dressed. Then got in my Nissan Maximum and turned on the radio just as Halo by Beyonce was going off.




I checked my phone to see who was calling.

"Hello?" I tilted my head, resting the phone between my ear and my shoulder trying to back out of the driveway.

"Hey sweetheart, how are you doing this morning?" It was Sean.

"I'm good. I'm on my way to work. What's up?"

"What time do you get off today?"

"3 o'clock today, my boss is letting us off early."

"Great! So you don't mind going shopping with me today?" It surprised me that Sean actually wanted to go shopping.

"What's the occasion?"

"You know it's my anniversary in two weeks. I wanted to get Jaz a new gown. I need your help

picking it out."

"Well don't you think Jazmyn would want to pick out her own dress?"

"Yea but she works on that day so I'm surprising her after work. My boss is throwing us an anniversary party anyway and …" I interrupted him just then.

"And you were just thinking I could make sure you don't pick the wrong dress and make a fool out of yourself?" I smiled in the phone.

"Exactly, so what do you say?" he chuckles.

I thought about it for a second as I approached a light. "Of course, you already knew the answer to that." I answered.

"Yea I guess I did. Well I'll see you around four o' clock?"

"Yea, see you then. Bye." As I hit the end button on my phone I turned into the parking lot of my job.


After talking to Sean, I parked the car in my usual spot in front of the entrance, got my stuff from the backseat, and hurried to my office. I knew I was getting off early today and I wanted to be finished with all of my work I had to do today.

"Good morning Ms. Johnson."Candice greeted me as I pass by her.

"Good morning Candice…" I chuckled a little at the astonished expression on Candice's face as she watched me fly by her. I usually stopped to talk to her and collect my mail but this time I was getting off early and had no time to talk. I ran to the elevator that was just about to close.

"Hold that elevator!" I yelled to the person already standing in the elevator. He stretched his hand and caught the door just before they shut closed. I ran in, slightly breathing harder than normal and pressed the button to my floor.

"Thanks." I finally breathed out while trying to catch my breath. I set my bag down next to me then tugged on the bottom of my blouse trying to straighten it out. I didn't hear anything from the guy standing next to me. I would have thought he would have responded after seeing me sprint for the elevator. For whatever reason, not receiving a "welcome" really started to mess with me. I mean didn't his parents teach him any manners. I glanced over to take a look at the idiot who was ignoring me.

Thomas Blake. Why am I not surprised? He's the only guy that I work with that truly makes my skin crawl. We use to work together on a project that in the end made us sworn enemies. I hated him and he hated me. I couldn't believe I didn't recognize him when I got on, I would have held out for the next elevator. But, here I am, standing right next to him, fighting the urge to say something. No matter how mediocre it is. I pulled out my cell from my purse right as it started to vibrate, telling me I received a text. It was from Angela.

"Hey, sis, call me on your lunch break. I have great news." I rolled my eyes and text back.

"Why don't you just call me now? I should be at my desk in a minute."

"I can't. I'm in a meeting and have one right after this one, so just call me when you get a break. 'Kay?"

"Alright, I'll call you around 10:30, 11." I responded snapping the phone shut.

The elevator stopped and the doors opened to my floor. Thomas got off before me without saying a single word to me. I really didn't care either. If I could go on forever without even looking breathing the same air he did, I would. I picked up my bag and rushed to my desk. As soon as my computer finished loading I started on the work I had already on my desk. It was a lot, knowing I was ready to start on the new project, so I speed through them with ease.

Three hours had pasted and after every hour Tanya would peak over at my desk once in a while to see if I was doing ok. I hadn't spoken to her since I came in and I could tell she was a little worried I was mad at her or something, which I wasn't. I just wanted to be done with everything so I could leave on time today. My best friend was taking me shopping and I defiantly didn't was to miss it. Once 11 o'clock hit I call my sister just as she asked to see what was up. She was so excited because her boss just gave her a promotion and the rest of the day off. Apparently, she figured out a mistake one of her bosses made and saved the company a boat load of money. Her boss promoted her the next day. She decided to have cookout to celebrate her new promotion and wanted me to invite Tanya and Jazmyn. Since she'd known Sean just as long as I have so she'd already called him and invited him tonight. I told her about the plans Sean and I had after I get off of work and told we should be there right before everyone else gets there. She agreed and hung up.

"So what do you and Sean have planned today?" I jumped in my seat when I heard Tanya's question. I didn't realize she was behind me.

"Oh, well, he wanted me to go with him to pick out a dress for Jaz. Then after that we're headed to Angela's cookout which she has invited you to." I respond.

"Oh really, what's the occasion?"

"Angela got a promotion and wants to celebrate and Sean wants to propose to Jaz on their anniversary." I smiled at the expression she got on her when I told her about Sean's plans.

She gasped. "Oh my gosh, I'm defiantly going to the cookout and I'm so happy for Sean but I must say I'm a little surprised though." I couldn't help the confusion I show on my face.

"Why are you surprised? You knew Sean and Jaz have been dating for a while now."

"Well, I know that but I kind of always thought you and Sean had a little thing going on. You two just never explored it." She gave me a nervous smile, not knowing how I would react to that comment. I had to admit, though, it did kind of rub me the wrong way. I chuckled a little to assure her I wasn't mad at the question.

"Oh no, Sean and I are just best friends. He's like my big brother. We've known each since forever and we've been through a lot together."

"My point exactly, you and Sean are really close and to someone who doesn't know you they would think he was your boyfriend or something. I'm just saying, I'm surprised you two never wanted to try it out. But I am glad Jaz found a great guy to spend her life with. Hopefully one day I will find that knight and shining armor." I shot a 'whatever' expression at her and turned to finish my work.

I could feel her smiling down my neck. "Well, we tried that and it didn't work out so now were just friends, nothing more, nothing less." I explained to her while still doing some work on my computer. With that she shrugged then disappeared behind the cubical wall to her desk.

A couple of hours had passed and I was on my way to my out of the office when Tanya stopped me. "Hey, so I will see you at Angela's party later on tonight?" She gives me an apologetic smile which I can only assume was for earlier. For some reason I couldn't get what Tanya said out of my mind. It took her to bring up old memories of Sean and I. Memories I'd forgotten for the past seven years. Sean and I were just friends and when we did try to make it more, it didn't work out. But for some strange reason our friendship became stronger and now were about to go shopping together to pick up a dress for my best friend, his future fiancé.

"Yea, of course, I'll see you there." I gave her my best fake smile then started walking to the elevator. I hated keeping a secret from Jazmyn. Especially when it's about Sean and I. Jazmyn always thought we were just really close friends, like he was an older brother of mine. She knew he would do anything for me. But she always wondered why he would call me sweetheart or babe whenever he called me or we talked. The truth was that Sean and I had a history and it wasn't just that we've known each other for years. It was more on the lines of James wasn't my first like everyone thought. We knew if we told Jaz about us, I would not be on my way to meet him so we can find the perfect dress she would wear when he propose. So Sean and I decided to keep our past a secret. I made it to my car with these thoughts rumbling through my head. I set my stuff in the back seat, got in the driver's seat, and pulled out of the parking lot. I text Sean to let him know I was on my way to the restaurant he was suppose to meet me at. Then I call Angela to let her know I should be there in a couple of hours from now.


When I arrived at the restaurant, Sean was sitting at a table outside on the restaurant's patio. He had his phone to his ear and a frown on his face. He wasn't really looking at anything but he seemed to be looking forward as if looking at the waitress in front of him. As I walked closer to his table he turns to me and a smile approaches his face. I discreetly waved to him and smile as he ended the conversation and hung up his phone. Once I got to the table I almost lost my breath as he yanked me into his strong embrace. He always seemed to hug me too tight, each time being as if he hadn't seen me in years. I couldn't help but laugh. Once I was able to breathe again, he went to my chair and pulled it out for me then sat back down in his own.

"Hey sweetheart, how was your day today?" Sean greeted me with a smile.

"It was good. I was able to get a lot of work done today and we have a new project. The company just got a new account so he asked Tanya and I to work out all of the details. We also get extra from this account. So I'm excited about that. What about you?" Right before he was about to answer the waitress came and gave us drink Sean had already preordered.

"Oh, I see your friend made it. Would you like me to get you anything else?" Sean winks at her.

"No thank you, I'm fine." She winks at Sean and gives him a flirtatious smile before walking away. I give Sean a suspicious look knowing if Jazz would've saw that she would've freaked out. Luckily, I'm here and not her.

"Now, I don't know why you're flirting with her like that. You already know if Jazz was here she'd be jumping down your throat right know." I shot him a playful glare out trying hard not to expose the smile I'm hiding.

"What? All I did was wink." The confused look on his face only made it worse. I couldn't help but smile. He knew I just caught him look at another women but he also knew I would never tell Jaz about it. Sean was a flirt. That what he do and nothing or no one could change that. Not even Jaz. One thing I do give him credit for is that he never acted on his flirtatious advances. He always stayed faithful.

"Mmm Hmm, yea…right. Anyways, so do you have any places in mind, where you wanted to look for Jaz's dress?" Maybe if I change the subject it would wipe that stupid, guilty smile off of his face and change to something else.

"Oh yea, one day when we went shopping together, she spotted a dress in the window of a boutique about two blocks from here. I told her to try it on and it fit her perfectly. She wanted it then but I told her I didn't have the money to afford it right then but I really did. So I'm coming back to buy it for her and surprise her on our anniversary. I asked you to help me because I know she's going to need shoe to go with it and you two are about the same size so I figured you could help." I rest my right elbow on the table while resting my head on my right fist. I prayed in the car that he had the day planned out and as it seemed my prayers where answered.

"Oh, ok, well you know Angela is having a cookout in about an hour so we have to leave now so we can help her set up. So did you invite anyone?" At that moment my mind went back to what Tanya said earlier. I couldn't help but notice some of the things she was talking about. About how people thought we were together when they first see us. Sean and I seem to be leaning kind of close to each other since I've been there and I couldn't help but smile every time I looked at him. There still may be some old feeling between us but we both knew better not the let those feeling dormant. I loved him but no more than I loved my own brother and sister. It made me laugh, though, at how right Tanya was.

"Yea, I'm inviting a friend of mine from work. He's kind of new to this part of town so I'm showing him the ropes." He takes a glance at his watch then calls for the check. "Why is she having a cookout in the middle of the week anyways?" I didn't answer him as my thought ventured back to earlier today. "Kari?" I was brought back to earth by the wave of Sean's hand in front of my face.

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I was wonder why Angela was having a cookout in the middle of the week?" He gave me a quizzical look.

"Oh, well she told me she got a promotion today and has to work this weekend, for whatever reason, so she's having the cookout today since she has the rest of the day off." I tried to keep the subject on Angela but it didn't work. The same waitress brought Sean the check along with her number she descretly left for Sean. Sean put his credit card in the check slot then took the number out, holding it in his hand until she left to run his card. He then slid the number towards me to get rid of. I smiled at the waitress when she returned with Sean's credit card and receipt. She ignored me and smiled straight at Sean before leaving.

"Wow, well I guess not everyone thinks the same." I said out loud to myself. I forgot Sean had hearing like a bat so it was no surprise that he heard me.

"What? What are you talking about?" He asked confused. He started got up and then walked behind me to help me out of my chair.

"Well, Tanya brought earlier today that when people see us together they think were boyfriend and girlfriend. It's just I never really noticed until just know how right she was." He gave me a small grin before shaking his head in agreement.

"Well, she's right. We flirt with each other all the time and if Jazmyn didn't know us any better, she probably wouldn't let us hangout." I didn't say anything while we exited the restaurant to our cars. He stops at my car and stands in front of me slightly trapping me against the driver seat door. He softly grabs my chin and lift if up so I can meet his gaze. I couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable at that moment. "You know if I hadn't have met Jaz, I would probably be trying to get back with you. You're my best friend, Kari, not to mention you've gotten me through a lot and I love you for that. But we both know we weren't ment to be together, together. We were just ment to be close friends." I tried to hold back the tears when he mentioned the child. He moves closer to me and turns my head to kiss me softly on the cheek. "So if Tanya brings that up again just remember that. I know its hard holding those memories of what happened back but that's the only way, I think, for us to stay sane and best friends." He wipes away the single tear the seemed to escape my hold and run down my cheek.

"I know. I love Jaz and no matter what we had, you two were ment for each other. I just told her I've been there and done that. But no matter how much I try to forget her, every time someone brings us up, she pops into my mind and then I start to wonder what it would have been like his she was still her." Without another word, Sean lets go of my chin, breaking our eye contact. He looks around almost as if he's trying to see if anyone was around. He puts his hands around me in a long embrace. I automatically hug him back, laying my head on his chest. He rest his head on my head, holding our position there for a while before breaking our hold and moving around me to open my car door for me. I wink at him before getting in the driver's seat and close the door behind me. He walked to his car, got in, and pulled off with me following close behind.

We arrived at the boutique five minutes later and I automatically spotted what dress, Sean was talking about earlier, sitting on a manikin in the window. It was gorgeous. A beautiful, one shoulder strapped gown the started as the color red at the top and trailed off in black. The designs were outlined in sequence and the back of the dress seem to start right the small of the manikin's back, a spot that would undoubtably show off Jaz's small tattoo. The only thing that held the back of the dress in place was a ribbon that started at the middle of the back and intertwined in the side loops before flowing down the rest of the dress. I Jaz wore this dress she would always have the option of tying the ribbon into a big bow that would sit on your ass or have it flow down the dress. Sean and I walked into the boutique, immediately being greeted by the older women in the business suit. From the way she approached us I could tell she was expecting us.

"Hello Mr. Smith, nice to see you again and who might this lovely lady be? Surely she's not the one I met before." She takes a look at me following by shaking my hand.

"Oh no Mrs. Newton, this is actually my best friend, Karissa. She's just here to help me pick out the right dress and shoes to match." Sean throws me a quick smile then turns his attention back to the boutique owner.

"Well, I think we already know what dress you're interested in, it's just finding the right shoe to match. Now, Ms. Karissa, you and your friend seem to be the same size, her being a little smaller but we have her sizes so I think we can do final fitting with you. I'll just take you measurements and we can just go from there." As measures me I notice Sean grinning from the corner of my eye. He seemed to be enjoying this.

He knew I hate being measured and fitted because it reminded me of my actual size, a size I wasn't ashamed of but I still wish was a little lower. I tried to glare at him from the corner of my eye but it didn't work. I notice him seating in the chair beside the mirrors in front of me. I waited for the lady to finish before she handed me to dress and led me to the fitting rooms. The dress was tight but I was able to fit it, nonetheless. She helped me zip it up then led me back to the mirrors. As I stepped onto the podium, glanced at Sean, he looked almost like he just heard some big news. His expression was priceless. It was a cross between 'aww and wow'. That only made me smile more.

"So, what do you think?" I turned to face him. His gaze was intense. He got out of his seat and grabbed my hand only to slowly spin me around.

"Wow, Kari, you look…damn! I know if it look great on you it will look great on Jaz. Hell, we might have to buy you the same one." I could feel myself blushing.

"Oh no, never buy two girls the same thing, especially if they're friends. If you want to get me a dress, make sure it looks totally different from your girlfriends and cheaper too."

"Oh well, I might have to do that." He let go of my hand then turned around to look at the dresses hanging on the rack. He picked out an all black gown with silver sequence and beading on the top and the bottom. He came back and handed it to the Mrs. Newton. "Here, try this one on." Mrs. Newton led me to the fitting rooms where I tried the dress on. I must say it looked absolutely gorgeous on me. I was surprised he knew which one would look good on me. I walked out of the dressing room back to the mirrors.

"You look great, darling, just a little hemming on the bottom will surely do the trick." Mrs. Newton said with a smile.

"It does. What do you think, Sean?" I turned to him to find the same intense gaze from before.

"Huh, Mrs. Newton, I'll take both dress and the shoes to match. Think of this as your early birthday present, Kari." I laughed then headed back to the dressing room to change while Sean and Mrs. Newton did there thing. When we left an hour had already passed and we were on our way to help Angela.

We arrived just as Angela was putting the burgers on the grill. I took the dress up to my room and hid them in the back of my closet. I took a second to change then headed into the kitchen where Angela was preparing the macaroni and cheese to be put in the oven. She figured by the time it is finished, guest will be here chatting. Sean was tending to the grill while I started to fix up the tables outside. Somehow Angie was able to get a DJ at the last minute. She told me he worked with her and was doing this for free food. Thank goodness because I'm pretty sure nobody wanted to listen to her CDs over and over again. They were old and outdated. I'd just finished with the tables when I heard Jazmyn walk in. She had a huge smile on her face as she greeted Angela and me with a hug. She then walked over to Sean and greeted him with a long passionate kiss.

"So, need any help? I just got off of work and I'm hyped on coffee so I need something to do." Jazmyn asked Angela.

"You can come in here and help me with some of the food. Karissa is setting up the tables, Sean is working the grill, and the DJ, over there, is setting up his equipment." Angela responded.

"So, how many people are coming to this thing, anyway?" I was wondering the same thing. Angela knew people but most of them where from her job. Besides her friend, Naomi, and Sean and Jazmyn, Angela didn't really know that many people personally. Well, not that many I knew of anyway. I wondered with all of this food how many people were actually going to show up. A few minutes later the door bell started to ring. It was Naomi. We never really got along that much. She was always jealous of my friendship with Sean. Even though they were the same age, Sean and I always seem to be a lot closer than him and Naomi. Naomi always wanted him for herself. I always believed she had a crush on him, no matter how much she denied it. Whenever he'd come over to visit me after school, her and Angela would be in the bedroom talking and as soon as he hit the living room Naomi would come out and sit right next to him. I was sort of funny. I would sit on the other side of Sean and he would put his arm around me and pull me close to him just to mess with her. The expression on her face was priceless. So now that Sean has a girlfriend, she does everything she can to get him alone with her. And every time she does Jazmyn would save the day by giving him something to do.

The smile on Naomi's face fades once I answer the door. I didn't break my smile as she walks in the door losing it as soon as she turns the corner to the kitchen to give Angela a hug and the dish she carried on her way in. Jazmyn shakes her head and roll her eyes letting me know she was not in the mood. I glance at Sean as he just ignores everything that is going on inside the house. He knew not to get in between his women he called family and the woman they didn't like. It was just a cat fight waiting to happen. Jazmyn walks to me and nudges my arm.

"What is she doing here? I thought she was out of town." I shrugged, not knowing the answer to that question.

"I'm telling you she better not start some shit because I will cut a bitch today." I couldn't help but laugh at Jaz when she said that. It's like she turn from suburban chick to hood rat in two seconds.

"Ok, calm down, Jaz. We don't need you cutting people. Just stay ignore her, she knows the deal." I try and calm her down noticing her become angrier and angrier every time she passes by Sean.s

I walked over to Angela, who was standing by the sink rinsing off some celery. "Hey Ang, can you make sure your friend over there doesn't cause any trouble? Jaz is already ready to jump on her and you know you don't want that." Angela glances at Jazmyn's hard glare and nodded her head in agreement. "Thanks…" I was interrupted by the door bell.

"I'll get it." Naomi calls out while walking towards the door. "Well hello there, how can I help you today?" Wow, the first guy she sees she's already flirting.

"Huh, yea, by the smell of the food and the music in the back, I believe I'm in the right place. Is there a Sean Smith here?" I watched the door as it opens wider and the male walks in. I already knew who it was by that feeling I had when Naomi opened the door. It was the same feeling I had last night at Sean's house. That feel of being pulled toward whatever was on the other side of that wall. I walk out of the kitchen with a finished dish and put it on the table next to the grill. I decided to fix up the serving table the way I knew Angela would want it. I tried to push that urge of wanting, I felt, out of my mind. And it seemed to work until I turned around and who it was at the door standing next to Sean by the grill. It was Eric.

© Copyright 2012 Ms.Karissa (zmoody at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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