Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1848613-Angelic-Trust
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Supernatural · #1848613
A girl has fallin for a guy with his own secrets but she has secrets also, can they trust.
"Hurry up, Karissa. I don't want to be late. I want to get there early so I can get a good seat." Angela said urgently. I hurried and put the last touches of my lip gloss on my lips then put the gloss in my purse. I turned to the right and then to the left to check the finished product.

It seemed a little silly me getting all dressed up to just go to the movies, but Angela wanted us to look our best just in case the movies wasn't the only place we went tonight. I walk into Angela's bedroom just as she was putting on her black jacket over her red and black blouse. I took a moment to check her just to make sure nothing was out of place as she did the same to me. I grabbed my tan sweater off of her bed and followed her down the stairs to the garage. As I took her dogs, Missy and Midnight, out to do their thing she backed the car out of the driveway and put her Janet Jackson CD on. After the dogs finished I tied them back up in the garage and closed the garage door.

"Hurry up, girl and get in the car." Angela rushed.

"I'm coming, gosh. So impatient" I got in the car and Angela speed down the drive way in her BMW 6-series and headed to the theater.

As Angela speed down the hwy I found myself thinking about him. The guy I told myself I would never fall for but I did. The way his brown eyes gleamed in the sunlight, giving a hint of blue or grey. The way he use to touch me ever so softly when I got mad at him. The way his kiss use to make my heart skip a beat and send those butterflies in my stomach. I thought he was my forever. Boy was I wrong. My head started hurting when the day we broke up came to mind. I turned to Angela to find her staring at me while we were at a light.

"You ok over there?" She had a concerning expression on her face. "Why are you crying?" she asked

I couldn't say anything. Was I really going to tell her that I was thinking about James? That I started to miss him just then and that the memory of that day was the reason I had tears in my eyes? I couldn't. I was supposed to be the strong one right now. She just got out of a 5 year marriage just a week ago and I knew she needed me to help her through it. Angela has always tried to be the strong one when it came to stuff like this. Even when we were kids and our mother almost went into a depression when our dad left, she was the one who told my mom everything will be alright. That was something I admired about my sister. But yet when she thought no one was watching she would cry her little eyes out. She was so stubborn when it came to people helping her with her issues. Was it that she thought we would think she was weak if we saw her cry or was it that she would think she was weak if she did? Nonetheless, with this issue she couldn't handle it. I promised her I would be there to help her through this. So when I got a chance to get away from my ex, I moved in with her.

"You know I'm here for you if you want to talk about it. I know he hurt you but keeping it bottled up will just only make it worse, Karissa." Angela said comfortingly.

"I know." I gave her a quick grin. "I'm ok, Ang. You don't have to worry about me. I'm more worried about my life right now, anyways." I said sarcasiticly.

"Why you say that?" Angela asked confused. "Because of the way you're driving. Your gonna kill us driving like this." I laughed while holding on to the door handle.

Angela glared at my accusation. "Well we're here, anyways, so you do have to worry about me killing you." She stuck her tongue at me while she park.

We got out the car and took out our wallets from our purses before throwing them in the trunk. As we walked to the ticket booth I scanned the concession stand to check out the lines. They were long but seem to be moving pretty fast. As soon as she got the tickets we headed to the concession stand to get some popcorn.

"I hope this line doesn't take too long. I don't want to miss one bit of the movie." Angela said as she scanned to theater.

"Don't worry, you won't miss the movie but you might miss the previews though if this line doesn't go any faster." She gave me a look that screamed 'NOOOO!' I chuckled and checked out the menu above the cashier. As soon as I saw what I wanted I scanned the theater once more hoping I would see Jazmyn. She told me the day before she may come and meet us here if she had enough time. I didn't see her. Most likely she was with her boyfriend Sean. When they were together I really didn't expect to see her by herself. They were so much in love. I knew Sean before they got together so I was cool with not seeing her when we had plans.

The line moved up one making us the second people to the cashier. As Angela figured out what she wanted, something told me to look to the right. I obliged. I saw no one just a couple all hugged up in line waiting to order just like us. Ugh! Since the break up I hated seeing PDA. I turned to Angela to see her still deciding. The line to my right moved to the couple I glared at just a minute ago, making the line one person shorter than ours. That's when I saw him. The most gorgeous creature on two feet. He was beautiful. He had to be no shorter than 6'2. His hair dark and silky, long enough to run your fingers through but short enough keep it spiky. His skin was a caramel, tan that gleamed in the light. He had on a short sleeve shirt that looked as if he just bought it on his way here, which made his muscles become very noticeable. I couldn't stop looking at him. He stood beside a guy that didn't look that much different from him almost like they were brothers. The only difference was he had to be two or three inches shorter than him. I quickly turned to Angela so I could stop staring. I seem to be in a girly daze for the man standing in the line next to me.

"Hello, earth to Kari." She snapped her fingers while waving them in front of my face to get my attention. "Are you gonna order or not." I hadn't notice that we moved up in the line and Angela was waiting on me to order while she took one more look at the menu.

"Huh. Oh, sorry. Yea can I just get a large bucket of popcorn and a Strawberry and Cola mixed ICEE, please." After I finished ordering I glanced to the right to find him staring at me and smiling. His eyes were beautiful. A mixture of grey and green that could only leave you breathless and a smile that made your heart melt in a puddle of gook on the floor. I quickly looked at Angela while she paid for both of us. That was not my intention. I wanted to pay for the food because she picked up the tickets but instead of getting out the money before she had a chance to pay I was in a land on my own.

After Angela paid she turned to me to see if I was on the same planet she was on. She knew something wasn't right with me because I haven't really said a word since we left the house. That wasn't like me. I'm usually the one that starts the conversations but I was quiet. She decided to scan the theater to see if she could find out what had me in a daze. Just then she turned and looked to my right and there she saw them. She saw the reason why I didn't jump to the tab like I usually would. She looked back at me. "Girl, they are fine as hell. Now I see what got you looking all crazy like. You haven't been this quiet since…" she stopped before she said his name.

"I'm not in a daze. What are you talking about?" I tried to get her off the subject but it didn't work.

"Mmm hmm, ok. Whatever you say, little sis." She rolled her eyes at me and walked toward the theater room that was showing the movie. I grabbed the food and followed behind her.

We made it to our seats just before they started to show the preview. I started on my ICEE while Angela grabbed some of the popcorn I ordered for us. Our attention went to the screen as the lights dimmed and the previews started.

"I really hope I didn't waste $10 on this movie. When I saw the previews of it, it looked like it was really good."

"Yea I know what you mean. If it sucks I'm gonna be pissed."

As the previews ended I glanced over at the people coming in to take their seats. Hoping I would see Jazmyn and her boyfriend Sean walk in but it never happened. The movie started and for the first few minutes of it I was glued. Just then they walked in. And then two girls behind them. The girls were gorgeous as if they'd just stepped out of a glamour magazine, from what I was able to see anyway. One girl had long dark hair that stopped right at the small of her back. The other had short spiky brunette hair that looked as if it stopped right underneath her ears. They definitely were models if not they should be. I scowled at them as if they were with my man or something. Why was I mad? I didn't even know those guy and they didn't know me. I tried to pull my attention back to the movie but I couldn't. My attention stayed on them as if they were the movie. What was wrong with me? I was supposed to be done with the male species for now. Besides Sean and Midnight, I didn't even want to look at another guy. Even in my classes the only thing I saw was the information being written on the board. So why was it so hard to take my eyes off of these guys? It's like I had something pulling my attention to them. I couldn't stop.

Angela saw where my attention was focus and nudged me to bring me back to the movie. She giggled at the expression on my face that said I was pissed. She knew exactly where that expression was coming from. I struggled to keep my attention back on the movie. I needed to leave. For what reason I couldn't figure out but I knew if I was going to enjoy the movie I had to take a breather.

"I'm going to the restroom." I said as I exited the theater. Angela nodded an ok and went back to the movie.


After I finished doing my business I went to the sink to wash my hands and check my hair and makeup. What's wrong with you, Karissa? I thought to myself.I shook my head hoping it would help. It helped a little. I was never the type to be so mesmerizes by a guy. And here I was staring at someone I didn't even know. I'm ashamed of myself, not to include embarrassed. As I was starting to walk out of the restroom the girls from the theater walked in. They were even more beautiful than I thought. They turned and glared at me. Maybe they saw me staring at them in the theater, that's probably why they glared at me like I was there enemy. Whatever the reason was I could tell they didn't like my presents one bit. I quickly walk out of the restroom. I could feel someone staring down the back of my neck as I walked down the hall, I turned around to see no one.

The movie ended, with me and my sister satisfied that we didn't waste any money. As we walked to the car I dropped my wallet in the parking lot three cars away from where we parked. I was bending down to pick it up when I had that feeling again. This time it made the hairs stand up on the back of my head closer to my neck. I stood to me feet and I turned around to find the same girls I saw in the movie theater staring at me. But this time they were staring like they were ready to attack like a tigress ready to attack her prey. I looked into their eyes that were red with fire. A chill went down my spine as I thought of a reason why these girls were staring at me. I glanced behind me to see if anyone was behind me besides Angela, but I had no luck. I looked around and tried to find the guys that were with them but no luck at that either.

"Why are they staring at me like that?" I said to myself.

"I don't know but it's starting to freak me out. Let's just get in the car. I'm hungry and that movie theater food did nothing for me." Angela responded to my question. I had no idea she heard me but I obliged. We took our purses out of the trunk of the car and Angela got in the driver's side and waited for me to get in. As I walked to the passenger side I turned to check my surroundings as I do where ever I go and there the girls were standing only five feet away from me with a devilish smile.

"Can I help you?" I asked. I was becoming very annoyed.

"No. Not yet anyway." The girl with the long hair said with a smile. They both chuckled and walked to the car that was parked in front of us. What the hell was that about? I thought to myself. I got in the car staring in the window of the Porsche in front of us. They glared back at me with a smirk on their faces.

"Who are they?" Angela asked.

"I don't know but I asked them if I can help them with something and they said 'No. Not yet anyway.'"

"What does that mean?" Angela seemed just as confused as I was.

"I don't know but it kinda freaked me out." I stared back at them noticing their eyes were a basic hazel. That was weird. It's like their eyes changed from one extreme color to a normal color in a matter of minutes. I didn't take my eyes off of them until they were no longer in sight.

"We're headed to Longhorn Steakhouse to eat. They have the best steak and this time you can pick up the tab." Angela said with a huge grin.

I chuckled, "Of course, Angie. Of course, just don't kill us would you?" I smiled as she turned up the music and speed down the street without answer.

We arrived home around 11 o – clock to the dogs barking. Somehow they always knew it was us that would arrive at the garage door. As I got out of the car I noticed the stars were out bright tonight. They were so beautiful. Somehow I could be in a total rut during the day but when the night came and the stars came out, all of my pain and confusion went away. I loved looking at the stars. They had such peace to them. And peace was one thing I did not have in my life. I patted the dogs on the top of their heads and headed into the house. Feeling tired from the food we just ate, I jumped into the shower then into my pjs and got comfortable on my bed. I plugged in my phone to its charger and set it on the end table beside my bed. I picked up my new novel I'd just purchased from the library yesterday and started to read it. I could hear Angela singing in the shower from her room. I laughed as I heard an Aerosmith version of Halo by Beyonce. My sister was never much of a singer. Once she told me before I born she was around five years old and her and her friends started a singing group. She said they tried out for American Bandstand but didn't make it. That's when she realized she couldn't sing. Now she only sings in the shower. Just thinking about my sister, Angela, trying out for American Bandstand made my chuckle. And here she was 28 years old and still singing in the shower. How funny.

As I kept reading, Jazmyn, my best friend, called me. "So how did the movie go?" she asked once I answered. "It was good. Better than I thought it would be. I was kinda distracted on some of it, though." I responded.

"Why? Was it because Sean and I weren't there? We tried to come but when I came home today Sean had cooked!" My eyes widened once I heard the last three words 'Sean had cooked.'

"WHAT? Sean cooked? But he NEVER cooks." I said.

"I know. It surprised me too but that's not the crazy part of it. The crazy part is the food was actually …good." I was totally shocked at my friend Sean. I've known Sean since we were kids. Hell, when I met Jazmyn 6 years ago and she told me she wanted a boyfriend, I introduced her to Sean. I knew he would do anything for her. Except cook. And here he is, my best guy friend, cooking for my best girl friend. Never thought I'd see the day. I was sort of proud of him. He's growing up. "Wow. That is crazy." I finally said after a long pause.

"You still didn't answer my question." I knew she would come back to that subject so I was already prepared for that question. "What made you so distracted at the movies?" Jazmyn asked a second time. I thought for a second about how I wanted the story to go.

"Well, when we got to the movies we were in line at the concession stand when I saw these two guys that were absolutely gorgeous. It's hard to describe the feeling I got when one of the guys and mine eyes met. It felt so wrong, yet so wonderful. It was weird, Jaz. I started staring. You know me. You know I was never the type to be mesmerized by a guy. I was supposed to be done with male right now. It's only been six months since I broke up with that thing I was dating. Sean and Midnight were the only males I wanted to see. But for some reason I couldn't keep my eyes off of them. Then when I went to the restroom these two girls they were with kept staring at ME and glaring at ME like I was trying to still their boyfriends or something. It was weird. Then when the movie ended and Angela and I went to the car they were outside staring at me AGAIN. But this time they looked like they were mad or something. Their eyes were this bright red like they were about to attack me. It was crazy. It freaked Ang and I out." Once I finish, I heard Jazmyn growl under her breath. "Ugh. I hate when chicks like them get mad because their boyfriends notices other girls. Where were the guys when they were doing all of this?"

"I don't know. After the movie, it was like they disappeared. They were gone. I didn't see them anywhere." I responded.

"That is weird. Girl, don't worry about them. There are more quality fish in the sea. Don't look into it too much and keep doing your own thing." Jazmyn always knew what to say to get me back to reality.

"Well, Jaz, I have to get up early in the morning so I'm gonna see you tomorrow. You will be in class tomorrow, right? Jazmyn missed last class and ended up missing a quiz. So the only way for her to take it again is if she shows up for class tomorrow and stays after to take the quiz.

"Yes, Kari. I'll be there. Goodnight." Jazmyn respond.

"Goodnight, Jazzie." I said before hanging up the phone and getting back to my book. After a few more pages of reading I closed the book, pulled the covers to my neck, and thought about what happened at the movie while drifting off into dreamland.

Waking up to the smell of eggs, bacon, and toast was the highlight of my mornings. Angela always found ways to wake get me up in the morning so I wouldn't be late for work. Somehow she always seems to wake up before me. I told myself that one day I will wake up before her and wake her up the same way she wakes me. But so far it hasn't happened yet.

I get out of bed feeling like I had 50 pound weights around my ankles. As I drug myself to the bathroom to wash my face, I could hear Angela in the kitchen singing Decode by Paramore. It was the only song she sung that sound decent. Once I finished getting ready for work, I grabbed the plate of food Angela already set for me and sat down to eat.

"Good morning, Little Sis."Angela greeted as I sat down at the table.

"Good morning. You're in a good mood this morning. What's up with that?" I said with a grin. Angela looks down at her plate as if she was trying to hide something. She looks at me and smiles. "Nothing…I'm just…happy. I can't be happy in the morning?" Angela had a sly grin on her face. I knew something was up. Something she wasn't telling me. Whatever it was, it made her smile and that's all that mattered to me.

"Yea, you can. It's just not normal for you. Lately you've be in a crappy mood when you wake up. Like the sandman forgot about you or something. I'm just not use to it." Angela pushes my arm playfully and smiles at my comment. "Whatever it is, I hope it keeps you in a good mood like this. One more morning of Mrs. Grinch, I was going to have to sleep at Jaz's house." We laughed as Angela finished here food. After I was finished, I kissed Angela on the cheek and wished her a great day. I went down stares just as Midnight and Missy were waking up, patted them on the head, and headed to work.

"Good morning, Candice." I said to the receptionist as I got my daily mail.

"Good morning, Karissa." She responded. "How are you doing this morning?" Candice was a beautiful young girl that just graduated from high school. She had the body that could catch any professional man that work in this building but she lacked the brains.

"I'm good. I could be better though. I have class tonight and I'm longing for Cosmo." I responded. My face said it all. I knew even though I tried to look my best today spite the way I felt when I woke up this morning.

"Well, I hope things change for you today." Candice smiles that perfect smile as I walk passed her to catch the elevator.

I worked on the 8th floor. That was the floor of the people who has work for the company for a while and is still waiting for their next raise. I knew I was in line for one but the only way I could get it was if I had a Bachelors degree. I was only one more year away.

Once I got off the elevator, I greeted the coworker I passed and headed to my cubical. I glanced over to the cubical beside mines and notice my coworker and close friend, Tanya, smiling from ear to ear.

"Good morning, Tanya. I see you drunk some of that happy juice today." Tanya smiled at my humor.

"Good morning, Karissa. It's just a beautiful day today. Why are you so gloom and doom this morning? Did you have a bad dream last night?" Tanya always knew when I wasn't being myself. I was hesitant. Thinking about what happened yesterday and wondering why it bothered me so much. I smiled a fake smile then sat down in my chair before she could notice the wonder in my face.

She leaned over the cubical wall that separated us.

"Are you ok, hun? You seem out of it today." Tanya taps me on the shoulder to get my attention. But I was already in my own world by then. She taps me again. I finally responded with a smile.

"Yea, I'm fine. I'm just thinking about some things. That's all." I kept the smile on my face as I turn to face my computer and turned it on. I hadn't checked my email yet and I know my professor sent us some homework via email.

"How was your yesterday? Didn't you tell me you were going to the movies with Angela?" Tanya asked. I introduced her and Angela about three years back when I started this job.

"Yea, I did. We had fun. The movie was good but I was distracted by the lovely view I had in the theater." I said as with a smile.

"OHHH, DETAILS!" She knew exactly what I was talking about. When I told her about James and I she seemed to be really happy he was out of my life. She never really liked him and she hated the fact that he was with me. She almost killed him when she found out what he did. That was Tanya. She always seems to have my back.

"It's a long story but so some it all up, I saw these two guys that were very handsome and one of them I just couldn't keep my eyes off of. It was like my attention was being pulled to him. It was kinda weird but great at the same time. I'll tell you the rest when we go to lunch today." I tried to change the subject. I hated having the spotlight when I wasn't really comfortable with a situation. "So what did you do yesterday?"

"Oh, nothing but visit my parents and be hounded about why I wasn't married yet by my mom. She thinks just because my sister went and got married then I should be married too. We may be twins but that doesn't mean we have to do everything together. My sister found that right guy and I'm still looking for mine. That's all there is to it."

I could see the frustration in her face and hear the anger in her voice. Her parents must've thought she would be married by now. Her sister got married a year ago to a man she's known and been dating for several year. Tanya has only had two long relationships with two of the worst guy she could've possible chosen. It was good she didn't marry those losers. She would've been miserable. I kind of felt sorry for her.

I stopped typing and looked up at her to see if she was alright. "But other than that it was a good day?" I asked hoping to take her mind off of it a little.

"Yea, besides that it was a good day." Her smile lets me know her mind was off of it for the moment but knowing her it hasn't left her mind. "Well that's good to here. Now you know we have a project due by the end of the week. Don't you think you should get back to work?" I said jokingly.

"Alright, Alright, I'm going." Tanya throws a piece of balled up paper at me and get back to her work.


After Tanya and I finish our lunch we head back to the office. It was only a block away and we didn't bring our cars so we had to walk back. As we walked and talked I could feel someone staring at me. As I glanced at my surroundings I noticed a Silver Mercedes with tinted windows parked at the curb. I found myself staring at it for a second. Without giving it another thought I shrugged and kept walking with Tanya.

Once we arrived at our building something told me to turn around. I had the same feeling I had at the movies yesterday. I turned around and glanced at the Mercedes at the light. It was the Mercedes I saw a few blocks from the office building. The window was down and I could see the person driving it. It was him. The same guy I saw at the movies. He looks my way and smiled once he saw me. Was this a coincidence or not? I saw him twice in two days. Maybe I was thinking about it too much. "Kari?" Tanya called to me. "Are you coming?" She asked.

"Huh, yea" I responded. Tanya walks into the building to head up to the office. I walked in a few seconds behind her.

"Who was that?" she asked once we caught the elevator. "Someone you know?"

"I don't know but it looked like the same guy I was telling you about. I didn't know he worked around here" That was the very first time I'd seen him around here. Everything seemed kind of crazy and ironic to me. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary though. Maybe he just moved down here and his job was around the corner. Maybe someone he knew worked around here. Whatever it was this was the second I'd seen him. Maybe I should just forget about it and go on with my day. Yeah…that's what will do. Just go on with my business.

As we arrived at our desks I noticed a message sitting beside my computer keyboard. It was from Sean. He called while Tanya and I were at lunch and wanted me to call him as soon as I came back to my desk. I wondered what it was about. I hope Jazmyn was ok. I put the note down, grabbed the phone and dialed Sean's number.

"Hello, Sean here?" Sean answered in his professional voice.

"Hey Sean, what's up? Is Jazmyn ok?" I said. He could tell I was worried by the panicky tone in my voice.

"Calm down, Karissa, everything is ok. Jazmyn is fine. I see you got my message. I wasn't sure if that receptionist would give it to you or not. I really called to ask about you. Jazmyn told me what happened. She said you told her you were distracted. Anything I need to resolve for you?" Sean has always been like a big brother of mine.

I met him when I was five years old and he was seven years old. My parents and I moved to a new house not too far from the military base in Colorado and Sean lived two doors down from us. We officially met one day at the school we attended when I was being bullied by a group of boys and girls for being the new kid at the school. Right when they were pushing and shoving me around, I fell to the ground. They laughed and walked away. That's when Sean came and helped me up. After school I had to walk to the store down the street from the school and wait for my mom to come pick me up. He decided to walk with me. We really got to know each other that day and he promised to always have my back when I needed him. We've been like brother and sister ever since then. Hearing his concern for me brought me back to that day and many other days he was there for me. I loved him for that.

"I'm fine. Someone just distracted me a little that all. You know how that can be at the movies." I tried to change the subject. "Hey, can you make sure Jaz will be in class tonight please. She missed lasted class." It worked a little. Sean knew what I was doing but he went with it.

"Yea, Sweetheart, I'll make sure she's there. I have to go but call me when you get home, ok."

"Alright, talk to you late." I said before I hung up.

The rest of my day was answering phone calls, typing up presentations and coordinating with Tanya on the new project we had together.

I arrived home after work tired and drained from the amount of work I had. It felt like a long day even though it was only thirty minutes after three in the afternoon. I put my purse on the counter then went into my room to change into my jeans and t-shirt. I walk to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water before walking down stairs to take out the dogs. Missy was lying down curled up in a ball in her bed just waking up while Midnight hopped to his feet as soon as I opened the door. I untied them and let them run outside freely. As I watched the neighbor saw me and waved. I didn't see them much. They were always gone and asking Angela if she could watch their dog them. She would do it even though Missy didn't like their dog one bit. The neighbor walk back inside of the house just as Midnight walked back to where I was standing. Missy soon followed him. I brought them back inside and feed them their food. I left the door open knowing they will want to come in as I got ready for school. I walked back up stair and went to my room to get my books ready for class. I could hear Missy walk up the stair to my room as I called Angela to see what time she'll be home. She's usually here by the time I get home so when she's gone I would always call her to make sure she is alright and to see what time she would be home. She didn't answer so I left a voice mail telling her that I fed the dogs and reminding her that I had class today. Just as I was receiving a text from Angela letting me know she was at her co-worker's house, I called Sean to let him know I made it home ok. We talked a little before promising we would see each other the next tomorrow then hung up. I walked in the kitchen to fix myself a snack then went back to my bedroom to do a little studying. Midnight and Missy laid beside me on the bed while I compared Shakespears Hamlet to his Romeo and Juliet. My phone rang again and again as I ignored it. I never answered my phone when I was studying. Once I finished I took the dogs out once more than tied them back up in the garage. I looked at my phone to see who was calling me while I studied as I walked up to grab my book bag. It was Jazmyn. I decided to text her back.

"What's up, Jaz?" I text.

"How come you didn't answer my calls? You must have been doing some last minute studying, huh?" Jazmyn text back. Sometimes I feel like she knew me too well.

"Yes I was studying. Are you on your way to class, Lady?" I asked her with a grin on my face.

"Of course, I'm actually on my way there now. I'll see you there." Jazmyn text me. I could tell that she has a smile on her face by the smiley face on the end of her text.

I closed the phone, grabbed my phone and headed out the door.

Once I was at school I walked in the class to see Jazmyn sitting in the seat beside mines. I walk over to her and gave her a hug as I sat down.

"I see you made it, finally." I said with a smile.

"Yea, I couldn't miss this one. I'm trying to graduate on time." Jazmyn smiled. She turned to face me as soon as I sat down seeming eager to tell me something. "So did Sean tell you where we went today?"

"No, why would he tell me? Where'd you two go?" I asked her. I was confused at why would Sean just tell me where they went today unless I ask him. And I didn't ask him. I couldn't wait to her this one.

"He took me to a jewelry store today. When we went in he told me to look around and tell him if I see anything I liked." She was giddy when she told me the next part of the story. "I saw a couple of necklaces and bracelets I liked then when I got to the engagement rings I saw this beautiful 2-Carat Yellow Diamond engagement ring. Karissa, I fell in love with that ring." Jazmyn's eyes lit up when she mentioned the ring. I already knew where this story was going before she could even finish it. But I had to ask anyway.

"So did you show Sean?"

"No, I already knew what he was gonna say anyways so I didn't even bother." My mouth dropped when she told that. I knew for sure that was the one thing she would show him first when the time came. I guess I was wrong.

"Wow, Jaz. That's surprising even for you." She couldn't help but laugh at my backhanded comment.

"Whatever! The time is right…for me anyways. But for him, I'm not so sure about. I'm willing to wait though. I love him too much and been through too much shit to let him go and start all over again with someone new. He's stuck with me." Jazmyn said with a serious look on her face. She was right about one thing. They have been through a lot together and I know for sure that Sean is in love with her and only wants her. I guess she's not so sure though. Once she told me they went to a jewelry store that confirmed it for me. I guess I have to start looking for wedding presents now.

Just as the professor walked in Sean sent me a text.

"Hey Sweetheart, are you coming over after school? I have something to show you." Sean asked.

"Yea, what's up? Class is about to start." I responded.

"I'll show you when you get here. A couple of coworkers of mine will be here and were just going to be playing some cards and watching the game."

"Alright, that cool. I'll just follow Jazmyn when we leave." I texted Sean right before the Professor started to talk.

"Alright see you then." Sean respond with a smiley face on the end of the text. I put my phone on vibrate then shoved it into my purse. Jazmyn did the same as we started listening to the professor and jotting down the notes being written on the board.

Once class was over I followed Jazmyn to her house. I couldn't help but wonder what Sean wanted to show me. Something told me it had nothing to do with me. I remembered Sean telling me his coworkers were going to be over there. He never invited anyone from work to his house. He always said that was letting the competition to close to home. So what was different about today? Whatever it was I hope they are nice. I don't feel like breaking up a fight tonight. From what I remember, most of his co-workers were assholes. I hope they are different.

I pulled into Jazmyn's driveway right after she did. Suddenly I had that feeling again. It felt like something was pulling me inside the house. The same feeling I had at the movies. I walked in right behind Jazmyn. Sean greeted Jazmyn with a long kiss and a hug then me with a hug and a brotherly kiss on the forehead.

"Hey Baby, hey Kari, How was class?" Sean greeted us while grabbing our coats and grabbing Jazmyn's bags.

"It was fine, babe. How was your day?" Jazmyn asked as he held her in his arms. I scanned the room and notice two people sitting at the dining room table with cards in there had.

"Who are they, babe?" Jazmyn asked as she notice them also. At that moment that feeling became stronger. I sat down on the couch and stared at the hallway. That's when I saw him. They guy from the movie theater. The guy in the Mercades I didn't notice was parked out front. I couldn't move. I just stared. I could hear Sean talking but I couldn't make out what he was saying. I was in my own world. He walked closer to me. With every step he made could feel my heart beating faster and faster. Then he stood right in front of me. I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

"Hi, I'm Eric."

© Copyright 2012 Ms.Karissa (zmoody at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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