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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Drama · #1848457
Normal as you can get, but Pierson has to carry the issues of a lot of people. Ninja?
Chapter 1: Dark Warp


          "Ow!" Pierson yells in pain as his two younger brothers jump on him while he was still sleeping. The two laugh and proceeded to pulverize their older brother with two out of three of his pillows.

          "OW! HEY!" Pierson whinces and tries to block the pounds and slaps of his own pillows.

          "Boys!" A female's voice appears from the hallway.

          Abruptly, the pulerizing stops and the bed felt lighter. Peierson sits up an dlooks at the blurry figure standing in the hallway with a basket full of laundry and his baby sister of eight months in the other arm. Pierson grabs his glasses and puts them on.

          "Morning mom." Pierson smiles delgihted that his mother had come to his rescue.

          "Afternoon son. Now, get up, put some clothes on, and clean your room. Aunt Sarai i scoming to stay with us for the weekend and she will be here in a few mintues." With that his mom disappeared into the hallway.

          Pierson swept his golden locks from out of his eyes and proceeded to get up. Standing on the right side of his bed, his eyes looked around his room, and he rose a brow. Thinking; my room is not dirty. Pierson's built structure made it hard for his family to find clothes for him, so he mostly wearrs hand-me-downs; clothes that were popular back in the 1990's. He throws on a red polo shirt, black ripped jeans, plain black van shoes, and his monster four jacket. He headed down the stairs to only be ambushed into a noggie by his dad.

          "SON!" His dad greets him.

          Pierson grunts in pain, "Ahhhh! Dad!"

          His dad stood Pierson up and fixed hsi clothes, "So, when are you going to bring your girlfriend around again?"

          Pierson looks at his fatehr, just when he was about to answer. DING DONG! goes the doorbell. Whew, saved by the bell Pierson thought. Literally.

          "Who is it?" Pierson asked in a sing-song kind of way.

          "Auntie Sarai."

          Pierson opens the door to be greeted by a huge bear hug by his Auntie. Pierson hugs his auntie back.

          "Oh Pierson. Its been so long since I seen you-."

          Pierson interrupts, "I just seen you at the store two days ago, Auntie."

          "Seems a lot longer than just two days ago," She says matter of factly and sucks her teeth. She then smiles and roughs up his hair. Pierson grunts.

          Just the his brothers and sister comes racing down the stairs, laughing as they lined up in front of Auntie Sarai. Their Auntie gasps and starts from right to left greeting every child. "Oh, Noah. How old are you now?" Auntie Sarai exclaims at the child who was almost as tall as she was.

          "I am 13 years old, Auntie." Noah smiles and pushes his black hair from out of his face.

          Sarai smiles and moves on to the next child on her left, "Kedrick. Now, why did my sister name you that?"

          Kedrick smiles and shrugs, then their mother comes down the stairs holding the baby girl and answered, "It was our grandpa's name remember."

          Sarai smiles remembering. "Yes, Grandpa Kedrick. The drunk."

          Their mother bursts out laughing, "Yes, him. But, he gave us money all the time."

          Sarai eyeballs her sister, "That's cause he was too drunk to remember when he gave it to us or when he didn't. You use to play tricks on him and tell him that he did not."

          Pierson looks to his Auntie and figured she didn't like the way his mom use to trick their grandpa. Pierson nodded slighty. Yep touchy subject. Note to self: Do not trick Grandpa Kedrick again.

          "I am 9 years old." Kedrick interrupts as he held up nine fingers.

          Sarai smiles and roughs his straight black curlie hair, then looks up at Seth. She looks back to her sister and she shrugs. "I don't know where he got that growth spurt from."

          Smiling from ear to ear, Seth bends down and hugs Sarai, "Hey Auntie." His deep voice boomed through out the house as he spoke.

          Pierson sat on the sofa's arm and looks at his line of siblings. Man, I love my family. He thought.

          "Seth, you have gotten...taller my boy."

          Seth smiles and excitedly says, "I am on the football team as a Wide receiver and sometimes I play as a Quarterback."

          Sarai gasps and Pierson rolls his eyes, shakes his head, and folds his arms.  Show off.

          She then moves to their sister, "Gracie, you are really filling out there."

          Gracie smiles and starts laughing as Sarai playfully pokes her boobs. Gracie hugs hee Auntie, "I am 18 now and I made captin of the wrestling team this year."

          "Wait, wrestling?" Sarai turns to her sister.

          "She is really good at it. They are thinking of adding her to the boys team."

          "And of course the boys don't like it."

          "Only Traibus does." Seth jumps in.

          Sarai than sits down and looks at her brother in law, he waves to her and she nods. "Oh, I forgot the baby." Sarai coos and reaches for the baby.

          "This is Jalila and she is eight months old" Pierson explains.

          "She is getting so big."

          Pierson sits up striaght due to his cell phone vibrating, he takes it out, and flips it open to see it was his only and best friend calling him. He abruptly gets up and walks into a siletn room, Sarai looks around for her nephew. "Where is he going?" She asks while bouncing the drooling baby up and down on her leg.

          "He is talking to his girlfriend." Seth teases.

          Sarai looks at Jalila and wipes her mouth, "Wow."

            Pierson paces around the kitchen with the phone a few inches away from his ear. "Melly, calm down and slow down. Stop yelling, I can't hear you. WHAT?! Oh my God! Okay, okay. I am on my way." With that he hung up the phone, grabs his keys from the blue, wooden key hook slips out the back kitchen door, and gets in his red Dodge Neon. Raging, he rips out of the drive way and speeds down the street. Just before leaving, he saw his dad staring at him, but he ignored his dad and kept driving.

          Whilest speeding most of the way, he slowed down and tried to think about what to tell Melanie when he got to her house. He rounded the corner on to Pleasant Street, then parks at the two story brick house with a black charger police car in the front of the house. Pierson jumps out of his car and runs up to the door, he could hear the yelling and screaming. He rang the doorbell and heard some crashing, then the door opens and the yelling ecsalates; it was Melanie. Her hair is a mess and she also has a few scratches on her face and arms.

          "Melanie! Get your skinny ass back in here!" A heavy set man rawrs and threw a lamp; it shatters on the floor.

          "Fuck you!" Melanie cursed and slammed the door shut before the man could throw another thing.

          Melanie grabs the brush from her pocket of her jacket and brushes her long, brown, straight hair. "Thank you Pierson. I swear my days get longer and longer whenever I am in that hell hole the social services call a home." Melanie says as they walk to Pierson's car, he opens the car door from her, and she gets in. "Thanks."

          Pierson than gets in the driver side of the car and cranks it up, then sighs. "Melanie, how did this one start?" Pierson asks before he backs away from the curb.

          Melanie sighs, "He found a used condom in my room from when Slim and I was dating. Now, he thinks I am pregnant because he said it was broken." She turns to Pierson, "but I swear to you I am not. Pier, I...he...we never did that."

          Pierson nods and sighs, backing away from the curb, and driving back to his house. She puts her flip-flops on adn tries to do something with her hair, but has no luck. They finally stop in the driveway of Pierson's house.

          "My Aunt Sarai is here, so you know the drill." Pierson explains as they exit the car and enter the house.

          Sitting on the sofa is his father, "Son, nice of you to make it back."

          His eyes then dart to Melanie.

          "She was having problems at home so-."

          "It's okay son." He interrupts, "your mother, siblings, and aunt went out to eat. I told them I would wait up for you."

          Melanie finally steps from behind Pierson, "Hello, Mr. P."

          He smiles, "Hello Melanie." He looks at her torn sun-dress. "Why don't you go get cleaned up and some of your old clothes are still here."

          Melanie nods and goes up the stairs.

          Once she is out of ear-shot, Pierson's father begins, "Son, you can not keep coming to her rescue all the time."

          Pierson knew this day was coming, "Dad, I don't want to hear it. I really don't. Not today. She needs to get out of that house and if that means me coming to get her to the clown won't hit her, then so be it."

          His dad stood there looking at his son, "Okay, son."

------NEXT DAY--------

          At Chanson Highschool, during lunch Pierson and Melanie sit at an isolated lunch table.

          "Pierson, I can not stay there anymore." Melanie complains more about the place she is staying at.

          Pierson shovels a spoonfull of mashed potatoes and gravy in his mouth, then begins talking, "Where will you go?"

          Melanie shrugs and applies lipchap to her lips, "well, I recently found out that I have an Auntie who stays in New York."

          Pierson nods, "Far away from here, Melly."

          Melanie nods putting the lip chap back in her purse, "Yeah, it is."

          Slim struts over to Melanie and Pierson wearing his Varsity football jacket and puts his arms around Melanie's shoulder. Melanie groans in disgust and tires to shrug his arms from her shoulders but he didn't move. Instead, he flashed a smile to Melanie.

          "Umm, we were talking." Pierson says.

          "What's up, Melanie?" Slim ignores Pierson.

          Melanie slides away from Slim with this irritating look on her face. Slim blinks, wondering why she was acting like this, he then chuckles, "What? You don't 


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