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Rick still has a lot to learn ... and Ann is happy to teach him. |
"Damn!" "What?" the response came from Ann Winter's husband, Ashley, who was unloading the contents of an enormous blue Igloo ice chest onto the kitchen counter. "My glasses. I left my sunglasses on the island." the pretty, petite, 40 year-old mother of two teenagers, 17 year-old Nate, and 14 year-old Charlotte, seemed awfully worked up over losing a silly pair of sunglasses, her husband thought. The family, including Nate's friend, Rick, had just come back from an outing on the lake, which had included a picnic lunch at their favorite spot, a small island studded with pine trees just beyond the cove where their lake house was situated. "They're just sunglasses," he replied, "you can go into town and get another pair at the CVS." "But they're 200 dollar Fendi's," she replied. Ashley sighed. It was just like Ann to drop 200 bucks on a pair of sunglasses. It wasn't so much the money, they could certainly afford it on his salary as a hedge fund manager, it was just that he couldn't see spending that kind of money on something so trivial as a pair of sunglasses. Not to mention the fact that Ann could be scatterbrained on occasion. She had a habit of leaving sunglasses, cell phones, keys and other items when she laid them down, often meaning a return trip to wherever she had left them. "We have to go back," she whined. He had no desire to drive the boat back out there to pick up her sunglasses, and she certainly couldn't go it. The wine she had had with lunch had turned her cheeks a rosy red and she was not in any condition to drive. He wasn't sure he trusted Charlotte with the boat, she was not even old enough to drive and had never shown any interest in learning to drive the white Chris Craft gently rocking by the dock. Nate was in the shower, trying to rinse the sand out of various crevices. His playful wrestling match with his buddy, Rick, on the sandy beach had not exactly gone as planned. Rick had quickly turned the tables on Nate and had him face down before he even knew what was happening. That left Rick. "Hey, Rick," Ashley asked, trying to get the young man's attention. "Mind driving my wife out to the island to pick up her sunglasses? She thinks she left them on the beach." "Sure thing, Mr. Winter," Rick responded, hopping up from his seat in front of the TV .He had always had a thing for his friend's mom. He liked the way she styled her lusturous brown hair, the mischevious glint in her liquid green eyes and her trim, fit figure. Who cared if she was 20 years older than he? Anyone would be lucky to end up with Miss Ann. She was still clad in her green bikini, an nice color that complemented her eyes. He would never let on to anyone, especially Nate, that he thought his mom was hot, but it was hard to ignore. He had almost fainted when they had all gone for a swim after lunch and a "wardrobe malfunction" had caused one of the cups on her bikini to drop down, exposing her alabaster right breast with its delicate pink nipple to full view. She quickly realized the problem and discretely tucked herself back in, thinking no one had noticed. But he had noticed, and the image would be forever burned into his memory. "Keys are in the glove box, just keep her on the straight and narrow," he smiled. Ann followed her son's young friend out the back door and down the wooden walkway to the dock. Good looking kid, she thought. Rick had known Nate since the two were in grade school, his family had lived just down the road until they had moved a couple of years ago, but they were still in town, and Rick and Nate has remained friends. Both had just graduted from high school and were planning to start college in the fall. Rick was more of an athlete than Nate, playing both football and baseball in high school. He was tall and muscular with reddish blond hair and a fair complexion. Nate was the rock star, tall, thin and tanned, with a good ear for music and a talent for playing the guitar. In a lot of ways they were opposites, which may have been why they had remained such good friends. She had always liked Rick, he was a good kid, unfailingly polite, the kind of son any mother would want, the kind of kid any mother would be happy to see her daughter date. Heck, if she were 20 years younger, it was the kind of guy she'd want to date. She wasn't sure if it was the booze, but she was feeling rather "cougarish", at the moment. Ann's bright yellow flip-flops echoed on the steel dock as she made her way toward the boat. She realized that she had probably overindulged on the wine, causing her a twinge of embarrassment. It wasn't like her, and it certainly didn't set a good example for the children. Rick helped her over the side of the boat and she had a seat as he put the lower unit in the water and started the engine. The powerful Mercruiser roared to life and after releasing the lines, Rick skillfully backed the boat away from the dock. "You did that pretty good," Ann observed. "My uncle has a boat up on Lake Norman," he replied. "I take it out all the time. It just takes practice." The teenager guided the boat down the channel, keeping the speed down to avoid making a wake. He obviously knew what he was doing. He found it amusing that Miss Ann, as he referred to her, had gotten a little tipsy. It somehow made her more human. It was refreshing in a way. The trip to the island was quick and uneventful, and when they arrived, Rick, ever the gentlmen, helped her down from the boat, over the water and onto the sand. "Oh, thank you, whew," Ann breathed, recoving her senses somewhat. "Now, where did I leave those glasses." She scanned the beach with nothing popping out at her. "Hey, weren't you guys sitting in the shade over here by these trees?" Rick asked, heading toward the tree line. "Yeah, over by these trees," she replied. "Oh, then I went to, uh, shall we say "relieve" myself, back here," she said following a little path through the pines. "And ... aha! Here they are. I must have set them down here when I was ... well, you know." "Hey, you can see the other side of the island from here," Rick noted, having followed her into the little woods. "I just want to see what it looks like from the other side." He made his way through the other side and out onto a sandy spit that gave him a view of the entire lake. "Hey, we should have had our picnic here," he said with a tinge of regret. "You can see everything from here." The sun was beginning to set, casting a beautiful, warm, golden glow over the entire landscape. It was very romantic and despite every fiber of his being advising against it, Rick turned to Miss Ann. "I have a confession to make," he said in a low voice. "What is it," Ann asked, puzzle and concern apparent in her voice. "Well, when we were swimming earlier, I ... I saw you come out of your swimsuit. I probably shouldn't say anything, but I don't know if you saw me staring and I don't want there to be anything weird between us, so I just thought I should come out and admit it." Ann blushed and tried to come up with something to say. "Well ... I sure didn't notice you looking ... not that I would have noticed a lot in the condition I was in," she giggled slightly. "Don't worry about it, it's only natural. I guess I would have been more disappointed if you didn't stare." She smiled broadly and reached for his hand. "I was kind of wondering," she continued, not really believing that she was about to say it, "if you would like to see it again?" Rick was flabbergasted, and left truly speechless. Here was his friend's hot mom, the woman he had lusted after, essentially asking him if he wanted to see her topless. Of course, he did! His brain flashed alarm bells warning him that the best thing that could come out of this was that things would definitely be weird between he and Miss Ann and Nate; the worst ... well, he didn't even want to contemplate that. But he was 17, and to a 17 year-old boy, boobs trump just about anything. Taking advantage of the teen's temporary loss of common sense, Ann took his hand and led him deep into the trees where there was very little chance of them being spotted. Reaching back, Ann untied the bow that held the upper part of her bikini top in place. As if in slow motion she hooked her finger around the string and allowed the top of the cups that were now merely resting on the swell of her breasts to fall away. Rick stood, still speechelss, his eyes devouring her breasts. She sensed the effect that he nearly naked body was having on him, and it was intoxicating. She hadn't felt this way since high-school and she was enjoying it. Gently, with one hand she cradled his face and brought it to her breast. The feeling of a young man's mouth on her breast once again was incredible. He was surprisingly skilled, not too rough or too tentative. His tongue swirled around her quickily hardening nipples, bringing them to full attention. His fingertips found their way to the sides of her milky globes carving soft grooves into the flesh with delicate strokes, driving her wild. Oh, he was good. He endevored to move lower, his lips gliding over the faint sheen of sweat that had popped out on her taut belly to the waistband of her bikini bottoms. The moment of truth. He looked up momentarily, receiving a faint nod of approval from his friend's mother. Tentatively, he hooked his fingers into the fabric, hesitating briefly as if pondering in his mind if he dared go further. Slowly he drew the bottoms down over her hips, Ann's lips parting slightly at the sensation of the cooling afternoon air on her bare skin. Rick allowed his eyes to roam down the older woman's nude form, the beautiful face, the full, but still firm breasts, the flat stomach, the gently swelling mound of her sex covered with fine dark hair, and finally her shapely smooth, tanned legs. He could scarcely believe this was happening to him. Ann, noticing his appreciative assessment gave him a reassuring smile. It had been over 20 years since she had allowed any man other her husband see her naked, and the notion gave her a slight thrill. Rick offered her his hand and gently drew her to a kneeling position on the ground in front of him. staring directly into each other's eyes, their lips met. The teen's skill once again did nothing to disappoint as Ann discovered that he was also an excellent kisser. Young boys, including her husband when they first started dating, are often over eager and have a tendency to be rough, pressing their lips as tightly as possible to the object of their affections. Rick was different, probing but not aggressive. His lips were soft and supple, allowing Ann's tongue to slip past and into his mouth. Ann lost all track of time as she allowed the embrace to run its course. By the time she pulled herself back to some sense of awareness, she was on her back on a floor of soft pine needles with the boy's body suspended above her. She was ready for him to fuck her, but to her surprise he lowered his head toward her mound and allowed his tongue to probe the soft folds of her labia, paying special attention to her now hardened clitoris, before plunging into her slippery channel. Her hands instinctively clutched the young man's head, guiding it to exactly where she wanted it. He was so responsive to her touch that she thought briefly that this kid would be the answer to any young girl's prayers. Climbing higher and higher, she readied herself for what she knew would be a massive climax. Just as she reached the brink, he withdrew his head, drawing a cry of anguish from Ann's lips. "I want to fuck you he whispered," bringing his face up so that it was even with hers. She nodded her head emphatically, nearly in tears, gripping his torso and pulling it fiercely down on top of her. She had to have him inside of her ... NOW! Placing her hands on his youthful hips she managed to get him positioned above her. He was looking directly at her, implying permission with his eyes. She nodded affirmitively as the tip of his cock forced its way between her slightly swollen lips and into the warmth of her pussy. She groaned in satisfaction as his shaft slid along her wet tunnel, pulsing like a giant snake, plumbing her darkest depths. She pictured Ashley back at the house puttering around in the kitchen while she was being well and truly fucked by her son's best friend. The image nearly sent her into orgasm then and there, but she wanted to relish this. She instead concentrated on the sensation as the teen's member pistoned in and out of her tight cunt. Her breath quickened as the feelings that signaled an impending climax built within her belly. She wrapped her legs around his torso to pull him deeper inside, her heels resting on a spot just below the small of his back. Taking his cue, Rick began to thrust harder, drawing sharp cries from deep within the woman beneath him. God, she was hot. "Ooo, yeah, like that, fuck me hard, baby," she moaned encouragingly. For his part, Rick worked hard to comply with her wishes, driving in as deeply as he could. "Ahh,oh fuck!" Rick grunted suddenly, as he discovered he was a lot closer to cumming than he had realized. Like a dam bursting inside him, hot streams of his seed were jetting through his cock, about to explode inside Ann's pussy. He wanted to pull out, but her arms and legs were tightly wrapped around him, drawing him even tighter to her as her own climax was triggered. As her own sensations washed through her, Ann tried, and failed, to calculate whether or not she was safe. Her periods had always been irregular and she had come up with some elaborate, but fairly reliable system of determining whether or not she was fertile, but she couldn't concentrate on that now as the incredible radiating waves of orgasm carried her away to a heavenly place. God, she couldn't remember ever cumming so long and hard. Resigned to the inevitable, Rick allowed himself release, spurts of hot cream flowing into Ann's constricting vessel. Given his inexperience he wasn't sure if he could get her pregnant or not, but he figured he probably could. But then surely the older woman was taking precautions, right? He preferred not to think about it. He rolled off of her, giving her a quick peck on the lips for good measure. Ann, smiled up at him as she managed to heave herself into a sitting position. "Well, well," she said softly, "you sir are quite and accomplished lover, to what do you owe your experience?" "Huh," he gave her a puzzled look. She laughed. "I said how did you figure out how to FUCK so well," she said more plainly, emphasizing the word "fuck". "Oh, my mom," he said matter-of-factly, turning around to conceal a wry grin that was spreading across his face. "Your MOM?" Ann, asked, completely taken aback. She tried to imagine Rick's mom, a woman she remembered as a tiny, short haired blonde who reminded her of a young Sandy Duncan, writhing beneath her handsome son, calling out his name as he fucked her fiercely. "It's not like it sounds," he said, turning back around so she could see his grin. "Mom subscribes to all these magazines like Cosmo and Woman's Health. I read the articles. I figure they'd give me a leg up on the other guys. You know, I hear girls talk about how clumsy their boyfriends are, and it's like school, you study hard, you get good grades." "Well, young man, I give you an 'A'." "What, not "A+"?" "Don't push it," she replied lightly, slipping her bikini back on. "There are still things you need to learn." "Does that mean you'll be my teacher," he asked, bounding after her like a young puppy as she headed back to the boat. He received no reply, but Ann smiled mischeviously as she crossed the sand. The summer term would soon be in session. |