Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1848359-Aversion
Rated: E · Poetry · Action/Adventure · #1848359
Just a story idea I've been playing with. It's a dystopian tale of sorts.

Do you ever feel like a puppet?
Like someone else is pulling your strings?
You’re still you, but someone else is controlling
your movements, doing what they want you to.
I feel like that.
I feel like that every day.
Every time I get out of my bed.
I feel like a toy.
Letting someone else control me.
Letting someone else live me.

I guess that’s how it’s supposed to be though.
Ever since the government has decided our lives.
Ever since they took control,
They let you think you have power.
But truth be told.
You’re lucky if you get to schedule your bathroom times.

So you’re probably wondering
What we are all wondering.
What happened?
Why did a world that use to be free
Use to have at least some freedom,
Get thrown into a complete dictatorship?

Well I don’t really know the full story
Only what I’ve learned so far in my education.
Which is, in 2084 the world
for lack of better words went to shit.
Apparently we couldn’t strive as independents.
Took advantage of our supplies.
And went into a total chaotic state.

One where people would murder,
steal, and assault one another.
Now the only people that get to do that
Are of course the government.

The government did get us back on track.
After about 20 years of war against the rebels.
The ones who didn’t want to conform
and fought back with a massive power.
Not enough power though.

Not to say there still aren’t rebels.
Just none that let themselves be known.
Those rebels live on the outskirts.
They live like hungry savages.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1848359-Aversion