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Rated: · Other · Other · #1847785
You couldn't find two people that loved eachother more than Landon and I had loved eachother. We laughed together, we loved together, we died together. I loved Landon with every fibre of my being. We wanted to be together forever, we really got "forever".

I came home after school expecting Landon to be sitting on the front porch waiting for me. Dissapointment hit me hard. I sighed at made my way into the house. As soon as I got into the living room mom smiled at me.
"You look upset."
"Uhm.. Wow?"
"I didn't mean it to be rude, I meant I know why you're upset, and I know how to make you un-upset."
"Uh, ok, how?"
"Landon called.." I smiled hugely and dashed for the phone, "he said he won't be here until later, but he's taking you out for dinner and he said to wear something nice." I sighed and put the phone down. I nodded and headed out my room. Something nice.. why was he taking me out? what should I wear? something nice? Do I look bad every other day? Oh no, what should I wear?! Why was he taking me out?!?!?! He must have gotten paid. I decided he had gotten paid, I ran to the bathroom and hopped in the shower. Once out, I picked a dress out of my mother's closet, it fell just above the knees and was ridiculously tight, with sequins on it. I liked it. It showed the perfect amount of boobs and showed off my butt just perfect. I blow dryed my hair and curled it perfectly. I put gold eyeshadow on to make my brown eyes pop out more, my eyeliner was slightly thick but looked ok with what I was wearing. The doorbell rang. Shoes!!
"Mommyyyy!!" I yelled running into the living room. "Can I borrow a pair of shoes for tonight?"
"Yes honey, of course." I smiled and raced for her closet. Her shiny stiletoes looked appealing. I slipped them on and went to my room for my purse. Somethng shiny on the dresser caught my eye. A condom. I grabbed it just in case.
"Bye mommy!" I yelled shutting the front door. I stood in front of Landon just staring, smiling. His shy smile spread across his face and I melted. He scoope me up in his arms and kissed my cheek.
"I missed you," he whispered in my ear. I shuddered, his voice was perfect. He set me down and grabbed my hand. We made our way to the car. Once out of the trailer park my questions started.
"Why are we going out tonight?"
He shrugged, "I love you?"
"Haha, why are we going out?"
"Got paidddddd." The way he said the word paid made me sick. He sounded just like David. His best friend David was so wrong for him, he'd changed him.
"For what this time?"
"Don't worry about it."
"Landon!! What did you get paid for?!"
"Why does it matter as long as I got paid?!"
"Because. I want to know what you're doing for money.. I love you, I don't want to be so stressed because I don't know what you're doing when we're apart.."
"Baby, I love you more than anything.. I-I've been doing some not to good things lately.. But what do you expect? I live in the ghetto, it was bound to happen.. I'm selling drugs.. Lot's of drugs.. I carry a gun.. I steal things.. But I do it for money. I do it for us. For you." He grabbed my hand.
"So, you're a thug pretty much?"
He looked hurt, he looked upset. "Pretty much." He finally spit out. He was ashamed, that much was clear.
"Hmm, oh well. If you don't get hurt, I don't care what you do for money.. But if you get hurt because of this, I will kill you."
He chuckled, "I promise I won't get hurt. I promise you won't get hurt."
"Why would I get hurt?"
"Because, of what I do.. You'll be the first to be targeted if anyone needs to get at me." I shuddered. Why was he doing this? The car stopped. "Here we are.." I smiled, he was trying so hard. It was working. I crawled closer to him and looked in his eyes, he looked upset. His eyes always looked sad now. Before they were so full of life, and energy. It made me sad.
"I love you." I said kissing him softly. My soft kiss turned into him rubbing me, kissing me faster, it was more urgent. My stomach grumbeled. "What a mood killer." I griped flopping back into my seat reajusting my hair. He chuckled and stepped outside the car. I was about to come out myself but I heard my phone buzz somewhere.. shit! shit, shit, shit! after a while of digging around under the seats, I finally found my phone. The passanger door opened and I stared at it mouth open, he'd opened the dor for me! Omigosh! How cute?! I hopped out and into his arms.
"I love you." I whispered in his ear softly. He shivered. I smiled and skipped to the front door of the restraunt.

We slipped into the car and Landon pulled out of the parking lot.
"Wanna go to my place for a bit? Or do you just want me to drop you off at your house?"
"I wanna stay the night at your place."
He smiled, "alright, call our mom and ask if it's ok." I whipped out my phone and dialed her number.
"Mom, can I please stay the night at Landon's house? Please?"
Don't you have school tomorrow? And he's twenty two..
"So? that's never been a problem before, and no, it's friday."
Uhm... I suppose so..
"A yes I'm guessing?"
"Mhm." He grabbed my hand and stroked it softly.

One thing I loved about Landon being in his twenties was that he had his own house, no one to interupt us. I knew exactley what he had in mind for the night. He opened my door again and shut it softly behind me. I laid my eyes on his, he was staring at me. I melted slghtly. After taking no more than two steps, Landon scooped me up in his arms.
"I'm sorry that I'm not fancy, and that I don't own a suit, or I may drink to much, and I'm in a stupid line of business, but I love you more than life itself Mel." I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"I love you more.. You're my world." He smiled.
"Melanie.. I know you're only seventeen, buy we love eachother, will you marry me..? This wasn't how I wanted to ask you.. But I couldn't wait. I don't have a ring yet, but I'll get it soon, and I-"
"Of course." I cut him off, then giggled and pressed my lips against his. He smiled and raced for the house, after setting me down, he locked the door and ran off to his room. I giggled to myself. I didn't care how Landon proposed to me, I didn't care if I had a ring, I just wanted to be married to him.
"Ok! You can come in now!"
"Oh? I need permission now?"
"What? no, no.. of course not-"
"I'm kidding baby, calm down." I said entering his room smiling. He kissed my forhead then excused himself to go to the washroom. As soon as he exited the room i slipped out of my skin tight dress and threw it on the floor. The toilet flushed. I wouldn't have time to take off my silky thong and bra too. I dove onto the bed, and waited. He looked shocked entering the room. I felt like a fool. Why had I done that?! Then his shocked looked turned into an amazing smile.
"Well, I was going to suggest The Big Bang Theory, but this is a great substitution."
"Well good, I wouldn't want it to be a bad one."
"You look even better with your clothes off." he said winking jumping on top of me. His lips gently caressed my neck, my chest, my stomach..

I woke at five in the morning, rolled over, patted the spot where Landon should have been beside me.
"Landon.." I tip toed out of the bed and flipped the light on. "Landon. Landooooonnn!" No answer. What the fuck? I slipped my dress back on, I had to fix my messy curls before I even thought abot exiting the house. Walking around the pitch black house scared me a little. It didn't feel right. My stomach had that feeling you get when something bad is going to happen. I ignored it and pushed on to the bathroom, flicked the light on and stared at my messy sex hair in disbelief. Oh god. I ripped the brush thought it then put it up in a pony tail. It looked cold out.. If I were going to go outside, I would definatley need something else to wear. I riffled through Landon's drawer, picked out one of his plain red and black shirts and a big Fox hoodie. Slipped them on over my dress then ran down the stairs. I heard something outside, something wrong.. Something being thrown arond thudding against the walls. What the hell... I stepped outside and a cold burst of wind hit my face.
"Landon..?" I asked walking around the side of the house. Three guys dressed in white and black were surrounding Landon. He looked scared. "Baby? Baby!"
"Go in the house!" He screamed, looking hurt.
"Yeah, do what he says honey."
"Don't call me that."
"Got an attitude don'tcha?"
"Doesn't matter to you." I was probably ust making the situation worse but I wasn't going to not be a bitch to him. One of the men started walking towards me. Oh no.. Oh no.. I wanted to cry, but I wouldn't let any of these freaks see me cry.
"Melanie! Go in the house! Now!"
"No! Not without you!"
"Well honey," one of the black and white guys said staring at me, "that aint gonna happen."
"Well honey it's gonna have to happen, because if it doesn't, you're going to have a pyschotic girl on your hands, and I will fucking kill you."
"Is that a threat?"
"Yeah. It is. And It is most certainly a promise as well."
"Mel !!!! Just go in the house!" Three sporty black cars ripped around the corner and parked on the curb beside us. People all wearing black and red piled out of the cars. Oh my god, finally. The man holding Landon, who looked beaten and broken dropped him and backed up three steps. I sprinted over to him and held his face.
"Are you ok? What was that about?"
"I'll tell you later, and no not really. After these guys get delt with all will be better." I nodded and helped him stand up.
"I'll go in the house now." I said watching the black and white guys get pumeled. "Please?" He nodded and we made our way to the front door.

© Copyright 2012 Nessa Anne Smith (tapebudies2010 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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