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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Drama · #1847779

Seraphina sat in her new bed. There were three beds in the room. She took the one in the darkest corner. That should be a good place to be alone. She had left the orphanage a week ago, sick of being in that place.
Her mother had died when she was six. Sera had watched it, as her father held her mother down. She could still hear the deafening gunshot in her ears. Still hear his insane, drunken laughter. He had left Jenna Dapkus lying on the bed, dying. Seraphina waited until her father had walked out, then till he collapsed on the couch a minute later. Then she ran to her mother.
“Mommy?” she asked, voice trembling. Jenna put a hand on her cheek.
“My little Sera. My little firefly. Run. Run away now. Before he gets you too,” she said. She then coughed, blood spilling onto Sera’s fingertips that were clutching the front of Jenna’s top.
Sera didn’t move. “You’ll be alright, won’t you Mommy?”
Jenna just smiled. “Go now firefly, and know I love you, forever and always,” she said, pulling her hand from her daughter’s face. Her eyes followed Seraphina all the way out the door. Sera threw things into her backpack, clothes toothbrush, etc. She added a picture of her and her mother, and a stuffed firefly. She ran back to her mother, and kissed her cheek.
“I love you Mommy. I’ll miss you,” she whispered. She then left her mother. She just managed to hear the whisper.
“I love you too firefly. Forever.”
Sera ran down the street. Her slamming the door awoke her father. She heard the scream. He was sober now. He cried. He called her name. But she didn’t go back. Then she stopped dead, hearing the last shot, imagining the sickening thud as Eric Dapkus hit the floor.

Sera was jerked from her memories by the opening of the door. She quickly turned of the CD she was singing along to, and closed her notebook, where she had been drawing an illustration for her story. In walked a girl. When she entered she caused a hit on every girl’s self-esteem, even Seraphina, who didn’t care about how she looked.
Sera had light red hair, decent length. It was slightly wavy. She had eyes that constantly changed from dark to light. She had a pretty smile, but it only showed on very rare occasions. She was five-five, OK height. Her style was really cool too. She currently wore a deep blue top over a black tank-top. She had a black miniskirt on. She wore black converse. She had metallic blue nails, and metallic blue extentions in her hair. She wore blue, black and silver bangles. She had blue feather earrings, and one of her mother’s old lockets. She was feeling a little black and blue today. Maybe because starting at this new school would cause sadness, like blue, and more depression, like black.
The girl was easily six foot even, had long, blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. She wore silver ballet flats, black legging capris, a jean skirt with a skull on it (the skull had a little pink bow). She wore a light pink shirt. And to top it off, silver earrings, silver bracelets, and a pink bow headband. She had a dazzling smile with perfect white teeth, and a perfect, natural tan.
“Hi. I’m Sky,” she said. She held out her perfectly manicured hand to Sera. Sera just stared. Then girl then looked slightly confused. “Hola? Bonjour? Guten tag? Come on! What language do you speak!”
Sera shook herself. “English. And I’m Seraphina.”
This perked Sky back up. “Awesome name. Seraphina. But a bit of a mouthful. You have any nicknames? Like, Fifi, or Raphi, or Sera?” Seraphina winced. Sera. Only her mother had ever called her that.
“No,” she snapped, a little harshly. “It’s just Seraphina. You don’t like it, don’t use it.” Sky looked taken aback. She turned away with a muttered apology, and took the bed nearest the window, and farthest from Sera. Sera felt immediately bad, but shrugged it off. She didn’t do feelings. Only misery and anger.
She went on youtube and typed in “A Very Potter Musical.” Of all things to make it her actually feel better, this was it. One of the surefire ways to actually make her almost want to smile. She sat back watching. She waited for Sky to say something. When she did, Seraphina felt smug for a millisecond, before realizing what she was saying.
“You like AVPM to? OMG! I am a total fan! I think it is so F-ing hilarious!”
So much for that.

Sky was genuinly surprised. She wouldn’t think her grouchy roomie would like something she liked. Seraphina looked honestly shocked, and disappointed. Almost as if she wanted her to hate it. Well, no that couldn’t be it. She unpacked her things, putting a picture of her boyfriend, Jake, right in the sunlight, where the warm rays could shine against his perfect tan skin.
She sighed. She had been gone for barely a day and already missed him. Her phone bleeped. She smiled at the song. “Love You Like a Love Song” by Selena Gomez. He had texted her at just the right time. She wondered if it were chance, or fate, or if he just knew. She truely loved this guy so much. She picked up the phone after a minute.
Hey! he texted. She so wanted to tell about this place and vent about her moody roomie.
Hey baby! she replied. She waited a few minutes after sending, then got a reply.
U ther?
Of course! I just txted u Jakey! she typed. Had he just not gotten it? A few more minutes…
Sky? Heloooooooooooooo?! she cloud tell through that one text that he wasn’t getting her messages. She looked. Full signal. Her bill was definitely payed. Hm.
Jake? If u get this pleez tell me. idk y u r not getting them! she messaged quickly. A few more minutes. Then…
Of course ur prob with a buncha new bffs. when u get this txt me. rly gta tty asap! Sky stared gaping at the message. WTH? Why wasn’t Jake getting her messages? This wasn’t normal.
“Hey, can I perhaps use your cellphone?” she asked Seraphina. The girl looked up at her.
“Well, why not?” said Sky.
“Because. I said no. It’s my phone. End of story,” Seraphina said before turning back to whatever she was doing.
Sky stood tall. So she was going to have to result to this. Dropping on her knees and clasping her hands she begged. “Ple-e-e-ease! Ple-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-ease! Pl-”
“No! Alright! I don’t have one. Never had a reason to. Still don’t! Alright?” the other girl finally said. Sky sat there, just for a moment.
“Oh.” She had understood the backmeaning to Seraphina’s words. Never had the friends or money for one. Sky stood back up and went back to unpacking. After about five minutes the door opened. In walked another girl.
“Hi. I’m Nikki. I’m your new roommate!”

Nikki walked into the room, head held high. She knew already she’d be older than the others. The two girls already there were probably about sixteen. Great. She was eighteen, and one of the only students who were legal adults. She smiled at them.
“Hi, I’m Nikki! I’m your new roommate!” didn’t quite get the reaction she expected. She was typically met by squeels and smiles normally. This was her reaction now.
The redhead looked at her with a bored, almost annoyed expression before returning to her notebook. Nikki thought she heard her say, “Great. Another,” under her breath.
The blonde was assesing her through narrowed eyes. After about ten seconds she talked.
“What the hell are you wearing?” Nikki was shocked. The first things out of the girl’s mouth was about her clothes. Faded jeans and a Glee T-shirt. Along with shabby sneakers and hair pulled in a ponytail, she looked like she could either go the way of athlete or nerd. Sadly, she was the latter.
“What?” she asked the girl.
“Oh,” the girl said. “Sorry. That was rude. I’m Sky Smith. This is Seraphina Something-or-other. Welcome to our room!”
“Thanks,” Nikki said. There was one bed left. Sky had taken the one by the window, Seraphina in the shadows. Sky beamed straight to Nikki while Seraphina stared at something she was watching on the internet. Jeez. These girls were as different as day and night. She went to the bed and began unpacking. Sky turned to her cell phone, which she had obviously been already doing. She looked worried.
“Cells don’t work here,” Nikki told her.
Sky looked stunned. “But…”
“They aren’t allowed. And though you can get on the internet you can’t make any comments or leave any statuses on Facebook or anything. Sucks, doesn’t it?”
Sky looked upset. “Yeah. Well, I’ll have to write Jake a letter then.”
Nikki, who hated to be the bringer of bad news, chewed her lip.
“What now?” Sky asked. “Not allowed to send letters?”
“Well, you can, but they read all your mail. I think its to make sure you don’t send, like porn, or gossip about anyone. They’re really strict about what you say to other people.”
“Clearly,” Seraphina muttered. She was typing away on a laptop, not seeming to be paying attention, but apparently she could hear them, even with her headphones.
“Well, anyway,” Sky said, “Are we allowed to go and mingle with the others? Or are our conversations under survellience too?”
Nikki laughed. “Well, if that’s true then I should have been expelled ages ago. I’ll go with you. You wanna come Seraphina?” she said, turning to the other girl, but she was feigning deafness again. Nikki sighed. “Well, come on, Sky. Let’s go.”
“By the way, why are you here? What’s your talent or whatever?” Sky asked, curiously.
“I’m a human dictionary,” Nikki replied, matter-of factly. “I can define any word.”
“Define ‘sexy’,” Sky said, stopping dead.
Nikki stopped too, in full definition mode. “Sexy- sexually attractive or exciting.”
“Hot- having a high degree of heat or a high temperature. Or, containing or consisting of pungent spices or peppers that produce a burning sensation when tasted. Or, passionately enthusiastic, eager, or excited. Or, involving much activity, debate, or intense feeling. Or knowledgable or skillful.”
“Hormone- a regulatory substance produced in an organism and transported in tissue fluids such as blood or sap to-”
“OK! I get it! Just look in a that way direction and you’ll know the reason for my questioning,” Sky said impatiently, pointing to their right. Standing down the hall were four guys. They were obviously argueing. Well two were. The other two stood off to the side nervously. One of them was young, no more than 12. He had glasses and looked about ready to cry. He held several of what looked like textbooks in his arms, a laptop bag over his shoulder. His brown hair was tucked partially into a baseball hat.
The other was about Sky’s age. He was tall with light blonde hair and big brown eyes. He held a satchel clutched to his chest. Nikki could tell immediately by the careful styling of his hair and his obvious designer clothing that he was gay.
The two boys who were fighting were very different too. One was big and burly, about 17. He had short brown hair and brown eyes. He had a gym bag with the rest of his things behind him. The other was tall and lean, with black hair and jade green eyes. He seemed nice enough, but had a cocky air about him.
“Excuse me for accidentally breaking it, Seth! Not my fault if they have crappy keys here!” They burly guy said. His voice was deep and kinda scary.
“Well, that’s great that you’re sorry, but that still means we can’t get in the room!” The other guy said. He had a thick Irish accent. Thick, but understandable.
Nikki was about to cut in when another guy appeared. This guy was…different. A dark and mysterious air surrounded him. His hair, eyes, and clothes were black. He was also African American, so he was even darker.
“What’s the problem?” he said, voice calm and cool. Also bored, like he knew the answer.
“Well, bonehead Mike here broke off the bloody key in the lock,” Irish Seth said.
“It was an accident!” Burly Mike shot back.
“Can’t we stop fighting?” Gay Boy said quietly. Nikki wasn’t sure anyone else heard him, so she stepped in.
“Will you all just shut up the fighting and get a teacher?” she said. A moment of silence… then hell broke loose.

Jarrett looked at the girl. One look. Then he collapsed. He could barely register one of the others catching him before he blacked out. Then:
Pain. Disaster. Lust. Fear. Confusion. A piercing scream stabbed his heart. No. No Nikki. Gotta save Nikki. He felt that thought so strongly that he wanted to scream himself. He had to save Nikki. He had to-
He woke up panting in the hallway. The others were clustered around him. He was sweating. And closest to him was her. There was no doubt in his mind that she was Nikki. He looked into her concerned blue-green eyes, considering the vision. He had been in a dark room tied up. He had been hearing her scream. He had to save her, but was trapped. He felt others in the room with him, felt their feelings, Nikki’s, and whoever was making her screams, too.
“What did I say?” he demanded. He always said riddles when this happened.
“The Dark Room in which her nightmare lay,
to never again see the day.
But should the gifted try for the plan to fail,
Fire, Ice, Love, Strength, Lightning, Flight, Nature, and Future will prevail,” came a new voice. A girl was standing at the end of the hall. She had red hair and a bored expression in her gray eyes.
“Great,” he muttered. He knew what it meant. His riddles were prophecies. They always came true.
“It means something,” the girl said. “It has a purpose. Sounded kinda prophetic to me.” Jarrett stared. She was smart.
“I’ll be damned. This is the most I’ve heard yousay yet Seraphina!” a blonde girl exclaimed. Nikki looked up suddenly.
“Fire!” she said.
“What?” everyone else said.
“Seraphina means fire!” she looked around. “Sky, you know it’s true.”
Blondie nodded. “Yep. This is coming from the human dictionary.”
Seraphina stared at him. “Well? Is it prophetic or what?” she said impatiently. He didn’t know how to answer. Fire. She was going to be part. He was obviously Future, so he’d have to stick with her to prevail, apparently. He nodded. “So, basically now I’m Fire, you’re Future, and we’ve gotta find a bunch of other idiots to help us do some crap?” she concluded. He nodded again.
“Great,” Sky sighed. “Anyway, I’m Sky Smith.” She apparently wanted introductions overwith.
“Nikki Ferare,” Nikki said.
“Seraphina Cantel.”
“I’m Mike Ames,” said the big, buff dude who had caught him when he fell.
“Alex Miller,” said the timid looking, clearly gay guy from by the door. Poor kid.
“My name’s James Lexum,” said the little kid.
“Seth Breez,” pitched the Irish guy.
“I’m Jarrett Kartele.”
“And I’m Angel Reat!” came a perky voice from behind him. He spun around to see a young girl, about James’s age, coming towards them. She walked with an odd grace, like she was light enough to be whisked away on the wind.
“Just wondering, could you direct me to room 8D?”
“That’s our room!” Sky exclaimed.
Seraphina just sighed. Obviously not a people person.
Nikki smiled and walked up. “Come on. We’ll show you the way. Bye guys. See you around.”
When the girls were gone there was an awkward silence.
“Anyone know where the teacher’s rooms are?” asked James, finally.
“I do,” Seth said. “Come on. Let’s go get someone about this door.” He and James left and the other three sat on the ground to wait. More silence.
“Was it really prophetic?” Alex asked suddenly. “What you said?” Jarrett nodded. “Wow. So if you’re Future, and Seraphina’s Fire, who’s everyone else? How long have you been able to do it? Are there others like you who can?”
Jarrett sighed. “Dunno who the others are, done it my whole life, and no, no one else can see the future. But there are others who can do amazing things. That’s why I’m here. To find them. Along with seeing the future, I see auras, and this school has a big aura. There are at least six here. Special people, like me, have gold flecks in their auras. With you it’d be impossible to know.”
Alex looked taken aback. “Why?”
“Because you’re auras gold. You must be a really good guy. The lighter and shinier an aura is, the better the person.” This made Alex blush.
“Thanks!” Jarrett had a feeling he wanted to say more but he didn’t.
“What’s wrong?” he asked him.
“What is going on here?” asked a voice from behind him. He got a chill. Then he blacked out for the second time that day.

Seth ran to catch Jarrett like Mike had just moments before. What the bloody… but he never finished the thought. In front of him was a gorgeous woman. He had thought that Seraphina girl was hot. Maybe he still would think so if she was still here. But with only this one woman, all thoughts of other girls flew from his mind. But he couldn’t dwell on the beauty.Jarrett had started to speak again. “The Dark Room in which her nightmare lay, to never again see the day. But should the gifted try for the plan to fail, Fire, Ice, Love, Strength, Lightning, Flight, Nature, and Future will prevail." The same thing as before. He looked at the woman. What was that on her face? It looked like anger, curiousity, and triumph all mixed together. “Well well well,” she said, voice silky smooth. “Jarrett. It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen you.” Looking down Seth saw Jarrett looking at her in fear. Quite an odd expression on an emo/goth face. “Melinda,” he whispered,sweat starting on his face,despite the warmth of the hall. “Professor Ardain. I am your Head now,” she corrected Jarrett’s look intensified. The Head was basically the principal of James’ Academy. And sadly, he was totally checking her out. How could he not. He looked and saw Mike and James staring, even Alex had his gay little eyes popping out of his head. She had silky pure black hair to her waist,flowing like a river. Her velvet dress showed off her curvy figure. It was only when he saw her eyes that he snapped out of it. They were bright red. “Bloody hell,” he muttered. She turned to him. “What was that Seth?” Wait, how did she know who he was? He had never met her before. Suddenly the room got ten degrees colder. Literally. Even Professor Ardain noticed, but she reacted differently. While the boys shivered and tried to warm back up against the slowly dropping temperature, she was examining their faces intensely, as if one of them had done this… had they? Fire, Ice, Love, Strength, Lightning, Flight, Nature, and Future. Ice. Ice? Was it one of them? Could it be the chance that three of the eight had met already? How many of them were gifted.Was he? No. There had been nine of them in their little meeting total. One would have to be ordinary. No doubt it was him. They all jumped at a noise. Nikki ran back down the hall, then, seeing a teacher, slowed down and blushed. Jarrett looked from her to the professor, fear in his eyes, even worse than before. “I, um, dropped my keys,” she said nervously. Then Seth noticed: She was looking her right in the eyes and not flinching. Couldn’t she see the color? When she bent to pick up the fallen keys she shivered. “Br, it’s cold. Um, I’m Nikki, ma’am.” “Professor Ardain, Head of the school,” the professor replied, sliding out a hand. “Might I say, you have the most unique eyes,” Nikki continued. Seth stiffened. “I’ve never seen such a vivid shade of green.” Green? Looking around he saw everyone but Jarrett was highly confused. Ardain smiled. “Thank you, Nicole. Well, I must be going. Why don’t you boys go in your room now?” she said, turning the handle. The handle that was locked with a broken key inside it.
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