Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1847585-Love-Me-Not
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #1847585
Two different worlds collide, creating a heartbroken girl and a life changing boy.
January 15, 2012, last normal day since I met him. It was a friday night and like usual I was going to my best friend Cameron's house. Tonight was an exciting night because I was sleeping over her house with our friend Jamie. I felt like I was in heaven; the food, the drinks, the Jamie, Cameron and Cassietime, and all the Oreos I could stuff down my throat, this was the life. We had no boyfriends to call or text, no parents to yell at us to go to bed, no siblings to annoy us, this was my heaven. That lasted about an hour and a half until we got so bored we decided to do something you only do with friends, or if you are that insane to do it. We went on a video chat website where we could chat with anybody from around the world. People usually go on it alone but they only chat, no webcams. Cameron opened her laptop as quick as she possibly could before Jamie could attempt to talk us out of it. A lot of people go on this website and show off their concieted personalities by showing off their bodies or their assumed knowledge of what the opposite sex wants to talk about. All of a sudden, out of the blue Camerons ex boyfriend calls, Jamie and I know that the fun is over for Cameron because when she starts talking to her ex-boyfriend there's no stopping her. Cameron gets up off the bed and picks up the call, her and her ex-boyfriend get along great. They are best friends and tell each other everything, their relationship was like one of those relationships you have in the Seventh grade, literally. As they are talking Jamie and I keep clicking away the guys that don't deserve our time when suddenly, a guy in a blue sweatshirt and white sunglasses comes on the screen. Just as Jamie is about to click away I stop her saying "Wait, this guys cute lets talk to him.". Jamie stops her hand and hands me the lap top to talk to the boy. I make sure the camera can see us both in the shot so it doesn't seem like i'm alone talking to strangers. The conversation starts off as every normal conversation that I have ever had, saying 'hello' and asking 'what's up?'. Jamie and I look up to see Cameron laughing her head off at something her ex-boyfriend had said. The boy on the other side of the screen writes out "What happened?". I respond by typing "Our friend is talking to her boyfriend and shes having a laughing attack.". The boy just smiles and types "Ah, the friend with the boyfriend is always the one laughing the most.". All I can do is smile and giggle, Jamie just stares at Cameron trying to figure out what they are talking about. Cameron hangs up with him and comes and sits down next to us and swoops her lap top off my lap as if we were five year old children and I took her favorite doll. Cameron looks at Jamie and I and says "Really, your talking to this guy? He seems like a poser.", just as she finished saying that the boy types "Oh hello boyfriend girl!". I swear the look on Camerons face towards Jamie and I was a mixture of the two facial expressions I hate you and this could be fun. She asked the boy for his age, location and gender and he did the same. After an hour or so we all ran out of things to say until my jelousy came out from Cameron and him talking and typed the question "Which one of us is prettier?". The boy stares at the the screen for a good two minutes and responds "I can't tell, show off yourself by doing a fashion show or something.". Jamie, Cameron and I just stare at each other in confusion and wondering how to respond to his idea. I said to the boy "Can't you just choose by looking at us?". He just shakes his head no and said "No because I don't really know who to pick.".  After I said that I handed the laptop to Cameron saying "Ugh, this kid should just pick already." and me with my smooth moves slips a little off the bed, feet still on it but head swinging back and forth trying to get up. Cameron and Jamie being too interested into the boy to care ignore my shrieks of falling face first into the hard wood floor. As i'm dangling from my feet all I could do was think that he was obviously going to pick either Jamie or Cameron and not me. Cameron, the shiny brownish tinty red hair, big greyish green eyes with a big chest and dresses like a bum and Jamie, the tall dirty blonde, tom-boy girl with an even bigger chest and brown eyes. Then theres me, medium height one with the dark brown eyes and even darker brown hair and not a big enough chest to even compete with them, why would he even pick me? Finally, the last time I tried to pull myself my whole body comes crashing onto the floor leaving me in pain and embarrasment when all I can do is lay there and laugh. Jamie and Cameron bring over the laptop and say to the boy "Isn't she so graceful?!" and the boy smiles and laughs and says "The clumsy one always wins so I choose her.". All I could do was lay there covering my now red from blood rushing to my head and from embarrasment thinking of ways I could get back and Jamie and Cameron. Cameron, being the most out going of all of us tried to mimick the boy by flipping her hood up, putting on sunglasses and pretend to eat something just like he did. This caused some trouble when he noticed and offered her a challend, she could do everything that he could. Cameron accepted the challenge by pretending to throw pop corn in her mouth just as he did. The boy then takes off his sweatshirt, the jersey he was wearing underneath it and the undershirt he was wearing under that. Cameron wasn't about to loose this challenge. She takes off her sweatshirt then hands the lap top to Jamie making her face it away from her. She then rolls off her sleeves to the shirt she was wearing and pulls the top of her shirt down just so it shows that her shoulders are bare. She then takes the laptop and hands it to me making clear instructions that I don't show lower then her shoulders. All he can do is laugh and redress himself. The boy tells us he has to go soon and to add him on Skype so we could talk again. Cameron adds him and I tell him i'll add him when I get home and go on my skype. We then say goodbye to the boy and that we'll talk to him later. After that we all decided to go watch some television and get ready for bed. I crashed as soon as I sat down on her couch waking up to both of them sitting on the floor on the lap top on skype with the boy. I rolled off the couch and layed down right next to Cameron asking what she was doing. She replied "Talking to the guy we met on skype, he's going to leave now though because he has another girl that's willing to show him stuff.". I waved goodbye to the boy and fell asleep right there, when I woke up again he was still talking to them. I got up from the floor went back on the couch and fell back asleep.
© Copyright 2012 Cassadee18 (cassibear at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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