Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1847237-A-Surprise-for-Valentines-Day
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1847237
When Valentine's Day is not all roses...
A Surprise for Valentine’s Day by Cherubann

The contractions were coming closer and closer. They were only minutes apart now. Brian stood by her side with a smile and a huge bouquet of blood red roses. Giving birth on Valentine’s Day, what could be more perfect?
He set the roses down on the table beside the bed and gave her a soft kiss then gently patted her beading brow.
The nurse entered the room with a cup of cool water. “Sip this Helen. It will keep you hydrated.”
Brian took the cup and held it to Helen’s lips. It was the first of many comforts he showed her over the next few hours as she laboured to bring their child into the world and finally at 1.17 pm Maggie Lou was born. She was red and wrinkly but looked like an angel to her proud beaming parents.
After they had weighed and checked Maggie Lou over thoroughly, they placed her snugly wrapped into Brian’s arms. Helen was exhausted but overjoyed. They wheeled both mother and daughter back to her hospital room from the birthing suite and Brian then reluctantly said his goodbyes. “I will be back later tonight. I love you Helen, happy Valentine’s Day.”
Helen lay back on the bed, smiling. She closed her eyes, she would sleep now and she wondered if life could get any better. What a wonderful Valentine’s Day!


Helen returned from the shower and sat on her bed. The smell of dinner wafted and the noise of the food trolley echoed up the hall. She was famished. She looked at little Maggie Lou who was sleeping peacefully then readied herself for her meal. She noticed as she straightened the covers that she had a room mate. The woman looked about her age and with all the blue balloons and cards, Helen figured she had had a boy.
The woman glanced across at her. “Evening,” she said as she pushed her sleepy self up straighter. She leant back against the bed board and pushed her hair out of her eyes. “My name is Emily.”
“Mine is Helen,” Helen returned. “You have a little boy?”
“I do. He came into the world this morning.”
“Really!” Helen exclaimed. “Little Maggie Lou here was also born today. How wonderful to have our babies on Valentine’s Day.”
The smile Emily gave Helen was not a happy one. “I guess so but Sam, my baby, will never know his father.”
“Oh no, why?” Helen asked, moving to let the kitchen staff deposit her food tray on her table.
“He died several months back. I got a letter from his brother.”
Helen watched as Emily received her dinner and then ate in silence.
After she finished her food, Helen visited Emily and cooed over Sam. She couldn’t help feeling sorry for her as well as a little guilty for the contentment she was experiencing. Life had been good to her.
When Brian entered at 7.30 pm with yet more flowers, these rosy pink carnations, Helen’s face showed her pleasure.
They kissed and Helen turned to introduce him to her room mate.
“Brian!” Emily stated with complete shock.
Brian spun around.
“I thought you were dead!” Emily almost screamed watching Brian’s face turn a deep shade of red.
He looked from Emily to Helen then back to Emily. Blinking several times he then thrust the pink flowers at her. “Happy Valentine’s Day Emily.” He felt the heat of both women’s stares and swallowed hard.

Far from The End!

© Copyright 2012 Cherubann (cherubann at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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