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by Eront
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1846861
A parody of the whole fantasy genre with humour and action.
It was a gloomy a day, the rain dropped heavily on the horseman’s cloak. The sole noise one could hear on the road through the forest was the constant thumping of the drops and the squelching of the great warhorse’s hoof in the mud… and the occasional muttering under the man’s breath: „Can’t believe I’ve been assigned for this. I’m one of the best, yet here I am in the middle of nowhere coming to save a village which I never even knew that existed against a threat wich probably doesn’t….” After two weeks of riding he finally arrived at Hellmarsh.
One heavily decayed signpost was showing the way to the village, which was quite redundant for the lack crossroads. Another five minutes, and he actually reached it, and was ready for the celebration the lesser folks gave for a paladin when he showed up at theirs doorstep… except, there was nothing. The whole village looked like deserted, like the rain have washed away all the people and only left their belongings. „Perfect, I come to save them and I don’t even get a hurray, ehh whatever they’re probably at the church praying. Arriving at church, he dropped off his horse, walked up the doorway. „Since I’m already here I should make my entry as dramatic as possible, for future reference. Hm, hm, ohhh I’ve got it, this is gonna be even better than the last time. So I’ll just need to wait for a lightning to strike and then I shall threw the door open and everybody will be like -Ooo we are all dead! -  and then they realize who I am and then I’m gonna get my rightful celebration. Ahahahha I’m such a monster but I simply love making fun of the smallfolks.” He leaned against the door, both his hands ready to push with all his holy might when the lightning slices through the sky, and there it was, he sensed it without even looking, he push in and…. Nothing. „What the ninth circle of the infernal abyssal demonical cookie is this?! The door is barred in? Do I look like a mailman to knock on somebody’s door? Damn it! I’m gonna have my epic entry!” He leaned against the door and pushed, and pushed and pushed… and all that happened was making the old oakdoor’s hinges scream like a dying horse. „ This is unbelievable, what is this door made out? Adamantium!? It should have opened for my first try let alone my fourth. Damn I feel ridiculous having to use one of my spells for opening a door but there is nothing to do….” He dropped the visor on his helmet with a *clink*, pulled out his sword, and started the incantation. He was standing silently for minutes holding his sword in both his hands. At first the air started to vibrate around him, after minute his heavily rain soaked cloak was floating around him another minute and he was ready, with a flick of his swordhand he cut through the plank barring the door and possilby some of doors material, and he kicked inside it with such force, that he actually had to cut back on it, of fear that he would simply kick through the door instead of kicking it in. The cold damp air rushed inside the church, extinguishing all the thorches and candles inside leaving only utter darkness. It just didn’t seem right, where is everybody? If they are not in the church, the safest place in a small village like this, where else…..? „ HEEY! Is somebody here?” Movement, he saw movement between the benches and pillars slow, and full of fear, but a few came out of their hiding place. One started at him, probably an old man the way he was moving „ You idiot! Do you have any idea what have you done to us?! You have doomed us all this was the only safe haven for us and you have opened it up for them!”    „Them….?”    „The demons, mayor Salos means the demons which are lurking outside this church. Our priest sacrificed himself to put a sanctuary spell on it, which you have just broken. Josh, Sam pulled that git inside and close the door we may have a chance of closing it. Elysa lit the torches if you would.” He was lost in his thougths, he didn’t put up any resistance when they yanked him inside, he simply couldn’t belive that he messed up and quite possibly condemned these people to death with his carelessness…. Ahh fuck it, I’ve come to slay demons not to listen their whinings, He walked up to the man who seemed to be in charge. he door closed again, and the fires lit, he could see that every villager were holed up here. Mothers trying to calm their children stricken with fear. Father lost in hopelessnes knowing they can do nothing saving their loved ones. Tsk, tipical demon attack, he was thinking to himself, they lose all hope, believing they are doomed just beacuse they see an imp. „And who are you, having such confidence that you call your savior a git, eh?” Coming up to the leader of the refugees, he could se that he was in quiet bad shape, he had his whole right arm bandaged, a long cut through his brow had soaked his head bandage already judging by the blood spots on the clothing. His right eye was always closed from the swelling. This guy did take a real beating…. „I’m Rodrak, it would be a pleasure meeting you, if you hadn’t just doomed us, also I would shake your hand but as you can see, it’s not in the proper shape for such an activity. Guess you’re the paladin sent from the ordo malleus to eradicate our problem.” It wasn’t as much a question as a statement, sitting down to one of the benches he invited the paladin to do so as well. „ I’d rather stand thank you, I don’t intend to linger here for long. So where are the demons?”  „Everywhere” he said in a tone which implied that he wasn’t of a good opinion of a paladin who couldn’t even see the demons around the village. „ I have just come from outside and I can tell you aside from the raining there is no demon there. Even my horse is outside and ..- a horse’s neighing could be heard, and it wasn’t implying that the animal were having any kind of fun. „Guess your horse WAS outside, now it’s just a corpse”  Swearing he started for the door, shouting to open the door for him, or he will bust it down for real this time, the two guards didn’t need anymore motivation and opened the door, while Rodrak was just shaking his head. Stepping outside he got quiet surprised how the events unfolded before his eyes. His warhorse Retribution was just finished trampling the sixth imp which attacked it. He couldn’t help bursting out in laugh, his voice echoing through the empy village. Laughing he went over to his horse gave it a pat on the head, grabbed a carcass, and went back. This time, knokcing on the door, he waited for them to open it. He stepped inside „This was the demon that you have made me come here? An imp? I mean what do you guys have your pitchforks for, if not to kill nuisances like these?
„No that’s not the kind of probl..” Rodrak started, but was cut off with the sudden crashing sound behind the paladin, he turned around, and was faced with a twenty foot demon, a hordeslaver.

* * *

„Get up!” the demon roared in his face, he could smell the stench of corruption in it’s breath. He had his head smacked in the desk „ Seriously Josh, you get doozed off in any of my lectures again I’ll rip off your swordhand and show around the barracks as an example for any other lackluster cadets.”  Josh rubbing his pain throbbing forehead was about to say something witty, but he rather just swallowed and said „My name is not even Josh, why do you always have to give me names instead of just using my real one?”  Rodrak leaned in close and whispered to Josh, suggesting that the information he is going to share with him is of utter importance and even an empty room like this one might eavesdrop.  „Because…” he started confidentially „you don’t deserve to have one. It’s that simple.”
„You know Nancy,” continuing his monolog in a casual way while moving around the small room „I’d rather stick to the Josh if I get a say in the matter…” Nancy tried cutting in.
„Too bad. You don’t”
„And if I say sorry?”
„Too late, too little. Now where was I? Ohh yes..  hundreds would kill for the opportunity” he gestured at the window which looked on the courtyard where the initiates trained „ of which you have just came accross by pure blind luck and are trying to throw away by every chance you get. What really bugs me, is the blindness of everyone else that they can’t realize how useless you are, instead they believe you are a worthy candidate of becoming a paladin, heck that old man Heissar said you may one day very well become a mentor.” Nancy could see Rodrak gripping the hardwood panel of the mentor’s table with such strength that it was giving away slowly. Damn if I could just make more angry I could actually see his real strength… but what should I say?... argh for faith’s sake nothing is coming to my mind when I need it the most desperately, he is right, I’m a bloody idiot – he was thinking to himself so just said. „ Old man Heissar? Never heard of him.” Rodrak’s grip lightened on the wood              -There goes the chance of the decade. Nancy thought to himself - „You guys know him as Faithgranted Warjen…”  „What?! You mean the Grandmaster? He is that good of an opinion about me? Awesome.” –Well I don’t understand why is that such a big matter that he thinks that I can become a mentor but whatever….DARN IT, that’s what I should have said back then! It’s too late now, he is not gripping anything so he most likely will crush my skull if I try to anger him right now, and that’s not the kind of price I’m willing to pay to satisfy my curiosity. –
„ Aye, he is. Now show me his trust is worthy of you and tell me what did we study about today.”
„Alassieer the chick who singlehandedly destroyed the second infernal cohort and-„
„Chick!? Show some respect boy that woman was the mightiest of all the Faithgranted since Signard the doubletapper.”
„Respect? That girl was younger than me, and was crazy for blood. I recall you saying that once she ripped out her commanding officer’s arm because he dared to say that we are too deep in the barrier and should get the hell out before a whole cohort drops on us. And what would faith grant them? The second one fell right on them, they had to evacuate ’cause their formation was wrecked up by the loss of the commanding officer and his second in command, Alassieer, was lost in her frenzy and ran inside the cohorts core. Of course this was the biggest luck they had, for the demons were so surprised that a girl was charging at them that they only had time to eradicate half of the expeditionary force. Also she was the only Faitgramted who wasn’t killed in action but was rather said to be missing, I wouldn’t she surprised if she were still there killing everything that moves. I actually don’t understand how could she aspire for a paladin.”
„hahahahahahaHAHAHA…..” Rodrak was uncontrollably laughing, he even had to wipe a tear from his eye.
„Did I say something funny?” Nancy found himself puzzled at the fact that his all so serious mentor was bursting out in laugh over the history he himself taught him just half an hour ago.
„No, it’s just so damn ironic hearing it from you” he let out a final ’ha’ and switched on a more serious tone. „Had you already forgot what happened the last time we went out on a patrol?”
„That was entirely diferrent! I wasn’t giving myself in for the bloodthirst-”
„Bloodthirst? No you gave yourself in for the glorythirst. Let me remind you what happened that night incase you forgot your own misshapen form. You were on guard. It was a silent and dark night. No stars, no wolves, nothing. Yet you heard a kid’s scream for help. Of course it wasn’t suspicious for you at all, where there are not even wolves, you’ll find a kid. Thank god your best friend Duke, was on guard duty as well so he could wake me up after you kicked him in the groin and sprinted into the darkness. We have searched for you for two hours, and in what shape did we find you? That abomination pupeteer was just about to suck your soul dry, and I wasn’t ’bout to stop it. Were it up to me, I would have let it to take a part of your soul, that way maybe you would have learned some humility and discipline. But the initiates seeing one of the cadets getting ’raped’ stirred them up so highly that they rushed in and started to whack the hellfire out of the creature. I personally believe that most of your wounds were from the ’tiates rather then demon.”
„I have tried to save a ch-”
„You have left your guardpost, leaving your squad potentialy undefended, hurt one of your fellow cadets, and gave the chance for a pupeteer to reach the second circle.”
Nancy couldn’t say anything to this. He knew that Rodrak was right about the whole thing, but what does it mean to be a paladin if not saving others’ lives?
„You are looking at me like that night, you are probably thinking again about what is our duty? Well as much as I would like to have another debate about it, we have no time for it.
No matter how much I disapprove, this is still your aspiration’s day, so get down to the dine hall and eat up, it will be a long day and you’ll need your energy.

*  *  *

He walked through the halls and corridors till he reached his destination, all the while thinking about what Rodrak said. His heavy boots echoing in the darkness.
-My Aspiration, today? No way, nobody told me anything about it… also what was he saying about eat up, I’ll need the energy? It’s two bloody clock in the morning, we never go out on patrols at night let alone going without sleeping, does he really want me to get myself killed?-
Finally he reached the dinehall, it seemed that the cook were waiting for him, the greasy bearded man motioned him to take one of the plates and sit down. Nancy grabbed a plate stuffed with ham and vegetables and took a big slice of black bread with him. He didn’t have to trouble himself with the ale, since the flagons were full at every table. He took a seat at the corner and started on his possibly last meal as his darkest imaginations suggested…
„Hey Nancy!” He didn’t even have to look up from his meal, to ascertain the owner of the voice, he already knew the identity of the person when he stepped into the dine hall. There was just on thing he didn’t know… „ How the gibbering gravedigger did you learn about my new nickname, Duke?” he took a quick glance at Duke’s green eyes, short raven black hair, high cheek bones, clean shaved face and thin lips… just to make sure all of his features were intact since their last met. „ You know Rodrak much better than I do, if he wants to get something done, he is not gonna do it halfwitted.”
„Ehhh you know we never had a chance to clarify the happenings of that night…”  Nancy started but was cut short by his friend „Cut the crap, nothing happenned that wouldn’t be healed by a ’cure light wounds’ so no need for an apology. I actually understood you, but we can’t go rushing out saving everyone.” They were the best of friends yet they had their differences. While Nancy was all about doing the right thing no matter the cost, Duke was more disciplined and was ready to take sacrifices for the greater good, even if it meant an innocent’s death. „So” Nancy started between two bites of his ham „do you have any idea why are we actually here?”
„As far as I know, we are to take the ritual of aspiration.”
„Yeah, I’ve got that part, Rodrak told me as much, anything else of importance that might mean the difference between life and death?”
„Well, I may have overheard a discussion between my mentor, Zill, and Rodrak…” he lowered his voice as he would be about to share the most disturbing information about the world. „… they said we are going inside the barrier.” Nancy was in the middle of drinking his ale but hearing Duke he spit it out in a golden spray. „You’re pulling my leg, there is no way that they are sending two cadets inside the barrier.”
„ ’Course not. They are sending five cadets and a justiciar.”
„Tsk, that justiciar must be the toughest guy in the order if they believe we even stand a chance inside. Yes, I know that the smaller the expeditionary force the slighter the chance that they spot us, but if they do there is no way that we can get out of there alive. Well, not in one piece, that’s for sure.
„Isn’t it what you always wanted? An epic chance to show your worth? That how fascinatingly awesome you are?”
Nancy let out a sigh „Dying inside the barrier for nothing is not exactly the opportunity I was looking for.”
„All right, let’s sail the calmer waters with the galley of our conversation, I’m not in the mood of getting a gastric ulcer from all the anxiousness it’s giving us.”
Nancy looking at the remnants of his meal just found the perfect tal material.
„What are we actually?” Duke took a glance at Nancy’s plate
„Judging by what I can see there, I would say ham…”
„No, no, I know what my food is made out of, what I don’t understand is, how is it possible that we are eating this good? I mean isn’t the whole realm is on fire since the portal’s erruption?”
„As far as I know, we are the guardians, so it’s quite mandatory that we need to have enough food, weapon and armor to take up the defense against the regular invaders. That’s why king Salahiir the second have set out the one third tax on food.”
„So you mean that the peasants are practicly starving so we can have as much food as we want?”
Duke knew exactly where this conversation is heading, and was really not in the mood for another debate about what is a rightous tax or tiranny. He took a deep breath and started.
„Why do you always have to do this? I’ll just speed this up cause we both know where we are headed. I’ll tell you that without the taxes our order wouldn’t be able to defend the realm, you are going to point out that than they should tax the noble’s instead of the peasants, in return I’ll say that taxing the nobles would make the king lose their support, and it could easily grow out into a bloody civil war, and that’s something we really can’t afford right now.”  Duke was out of breath, he needed to take another, however his best friend did not fail to perceive the opening. „Oh yeah? So you believe that it’s right that they are suffering instead of giving them the chance to volunteer?”
„The possibility is there to volunteer, the problem is who the heck would take up sword against a bloodthirster by his or her own will?”
„That’s still no reason to take other’s hard earned savings so we can feast!” before he knew he was standing at the table, staring down at Duke with bloodshot eyes, throwing his wood bowl away, and slamming the table. Duke was looking at him with the mixture of calmness and surprise. „Dude, it’s half past two in the bloody night, the heck are you putting up such a show? There is nobody here to witness your virtuous righteousness.” Nancy, snapping out of it, shook his head, and sat down. „Sorry, I guess I’ve got a little carried away.”
„Yeah it would be much more authentic if you wouldn’t actually despise the small folk for their lack of courage and patriotism. Work on that and someday, someone may actually believe you for the paladin you want to become.” Duke said coupled with his cold glare at him. „Now any other stupid matter that we could discuss while we are waiting?”
Nancy was thinking about the books Rodrak made him read, till he found one particular such that always bugged him. He grinned. „Armour of the paladina. Volume two.” Duke’s eye glinted in the torches light. „I like where this is going, please elaborate further on the matter at hand.” Nancy knew that he got him, now all he needed is a little push, and the bars of his mental cage would snap on him. „Page sixty-eight, the second illustration, the paladina stepping on the bloodthirster’s head.” Duke was doozing off „ Ohh yes, hehe, I remember that picture.”  -That’s it! Everything is in place! It’s now or never!- with that, he grabbed his friend’s head with both his hands, and positioned it to look right at the cook, who was just about taking down his shirt. The cook took the greasy shirt and wiped his upper body in it.
„AARRrrgghhh, fuck you!” Duke tore out of his friend’s grip „I’ll rip your bloody heart out for this! I’ll never be able to think about that woman without associating it with the cook’s manboobs!” Nancy was laughing at his best friend’s outburst, who was thought to be the calmest guy in the southern branch of the order, rolling on the floor trying to dodge Duke’s ferocious strikes at him. Duke was just about to reach for one of the mugs to help beating the other’s head to a bloody pulp, but he couldn’t help get caught in the stupid atmoshpere of the situation, so instead of fighting, he reached down and helped his friend up. Nancy still laughing said „You know, there is actually a reason I brought that picture up.”
„Which is?” Duke reached for the tankard and filled his mug.
„Don’t tell me it’s not bugging you? That woman is practically wearing nothing. She is wearing her hair untied, a sleeveless top, a short skirt, and I’m inclied to believe that that’s silk stocking on her legs. I’m not even mentioning the fact that her boots are high heeled and she is showing more bosom than  a wet nurse.”
Duke was looking at him with disinterest. „And?”
„Aaaand? How could somebody so poorly geared defeat a demon? Let alone a bloodthirster? The plates on her skirt and top are more of an accesorie rather than for actual protection.”
„Soon we ’re to ascend to paladins, so we can interact with order’s females finally, but you’ve gotta promise me, that you’ll call for me when you ask one of the girls.”
„The heck do you care? You didn’t show any interest for my thread of thoughts…”
„Still not,” cutted in Duke „but I wanna see when possibility one, she strips for you out of her clothes and puts on her ’battle regale’, and possiblity two, which in my honest opinion is much, much more likely, kicks you in the groin and calls you a pervert.”
„You do know that’s not gonna stop me, do you?”
„Of course, that’s why I told you to wait for me.” They smiled at each other and…
„All right kids that’s enough. Stop right there before we have to throw up a ceremony for your wedlock.” Zill roared at them, his dark red hair falling on his broad shoulders.
„It’s time.”

  * * *

„Finally we get to wear some real armor!”  Nancy said as he was strapping up his own full plated armor. Duke wasn’t so happy about all this „ We are not even aspired, yet you give us the best of the order’s armor? We really are going inside the barrier, aren’t we?” he asked Zill.
The mentor was leaning in the doorway of the armory with his arms crossed, occasionnaly scratching at his long shaggy beard. He wasn’t the man of words, he rather did something than speaking of it. And this subject clearly put him at uneasy, but he shrugged and said.
„Yes.” That got even Nancy’s attention who was obsessed with his new shiny armor. „You’re kidding, what would we be doing there?” he asked as he was strapping the last pieces of the armor on himself. „Didn’t ask, didn’t tell.”  With that he went over to one of the weaponcases, and took out two longswords, giving the two boys one, both of them. „These are… Soulfaders!?” Duke exhaled. Nancy was awestruck as well those weapon weren’t just any kind of magic or holy weapon. These imbued blades could save the wielder’s soul from even a ninth circle demon, and could cut through solid rock. If that wouldn’t be enough it rendered the wielder immune to any kind of mental distress, even the most horrific ones. „Bloody imp nuggets… this just got real.” He admired his newly gained ’toy’ in the torches’ light. The long majestic blade, the elaborate runes on it’s surface, the blue gem in the pommel. He didn’t even dared to touch it’s edge for wear it would cut trough his heavily armored gauntlet.
Zill went out into darkness, saying over his shoulders. „Let’s head to the stables, we’ll join with the other member’s of your squad there.” The boys sheathed their weapons, and followed after him with their helmet under their shoulders’
Arriving at the stable they spotted the silhouette’s the figure of the same armor they were wearing, except it was a good head shorter than either of them. „Cadets, I introduce you Justiciar Cass.” Zill pointed at the figure standing still in the shadows. „Cass? Isn’t that a woman’s name?....” asked Duke but his question turned mandatory just as he finished the sentence with the figure stepping out into the light. „’Sup guys?” the justiciar asked lightheartedly. The two cadets dropped their jaws in amuesement.
„No no no nononono, that’s clearly against the fucking rules! We are not yet ready to go on a mission with a woman amongst our ranks!” Duke was mumbling in dismay. The justiciar lightness seemed to affect even the all so grumbly Zill, who hearing his cadet speaking like that any other time, would have served him his backhand. „It is not against the „fucking rules”  per se, if there are other women in the same team.” Rodrak joined them, with three others.
Duke was really on the verge of losing it, seeing the other three woman. Their cowled faces, the long traveling cloak on their back, the occasionally interlocking chains protruding out from under their leather vestments, there was no doubt about their class. „Embracer’s of darkness?! This simply cannot be! This is no test for aspiration, you are sending us to our death! We are clearly untrained for such a ta…” Duke’s yelling at Zill got the best of him even in the company of the justiciar, and gave an encouraging backhand across his face. „Damn it boy, pull yourself together, you shame all of us with your gibbering.”
„Gawd, she’s beatiful.” Nancy’s straightforward confession surprised even Rodrak, who knew exactly what he could hope from his cadet. Standing at five foot ten inches, she was tall for a woman, her long curly blond hair resting on her shoulders, her face like the marble sculptures of the angels, and her body, her body was, even wearing full bloody armor…
„All right kiddo, that’s enough, we’ve got it, you wanna marry the justiciar, now wipe the drool off of your dumb face.” Rodrak’s call at him snapped Nancy out of his sweet dream, however it missed the good old Rodrak like rusty edge of a battleaxe, almost like, he understood the boy’s feelings. „No need for introduction with the bracer’s, since you are prohibited talking with them. You want something, you talk to the justiciar. Now, Zill and I have some talking to be done with them, so Cass would you be so kind as to let the boys in of the mission’s objective?.”
„Sure thing, sweety.” Rodrak visibly shaked hearing those words from the woman.
Rodrak let the other’s away from the boys so they couldn’t possibly hear a word from what they were speaking about. „Well then boys, as you may know, and very much should be aware of, a justiciar a high ranking officer in the order’s rank whose specialty is leading a team behind the barrier’s line. This exact time, to Hellmarsh. Now, this is the map of the area, and the route that takes us there. Memorize it while I get ’tiates to get us our horses. There is a table over there, put it to good use.” she said.
They went over to the table, rolled out the map, and started examining the terrain.
„She’s a woman.” Nancy whispered under his breath to Duke.
„Thank you, kinght-lieutenant evident, I did spot that feature of her as well…” he whispered back at his friend.
„I’m gonna ask her about what we talked about in the dine hall.”
A heavy armored hand slammed on the table and interrupted their chit-chat. „You’re gonna ask me what, exactly cadet? We are here to clear things up so don’t hold back.” the justiciar joind in their little private conversation.
„If you’re gonna ask our operative leader about her underwear, then pray that the demon’s get you before Rodrak does.” Duke whispered still under the impression that the woman can’t hear him.
„I was just wondering, with my friend over here,” grabbing Duke over his shoulder „if you could tell us about the armor of the paladina.”
„That’s just great, you couldn’t leave me out of this, could you? Forget the demons or Rodrak, I’ll rip your tongue out for this!” Duke exclaimed with a high pitched voice.
„What of it?” she asked mildly.
„Ummm there is an illustration of a paladina, standing on a slain bloodthirster’s skull…”
„Volume two, page sixty-eight, yes I know that.”
„Riiight so….”
„Why am I wearing a full body armor showing none my skin, or bosom? Where are the high heels from my boots? I love my silk stocking, but I fear that a demon might tear it.” She winked at him.
Nancy flushed. „Did she just flirt with me?” asked whispering.
„I’m not sure of anything in my life, ever.”
„If by any chance, you are referring that the women in every illustrations of our order look so hot that parchment they are drawn ever so nearly catches on fire, the answer is recruitment.”
„I’m sorry what?” Duke asked puzzled.
„The volunteers.” She said.
„Yeah, I’ve got that, I’m puzzled that you answered his question.”
„What do you mean by volunteers? Who would join our ranks by his or her own will?”
„Well, every noble’s little son, who doesn’t succed his father, comes to us in hope of fame and glory. And it’s much easier to lure them here if they believe that the women of the order look like sluts who are in for a quickey.”
„Did she say slut?” Nancy asked
„She most definiately did, also she mentioned a quickey.” Duke replied „Look if we beg to Rodrak he may change his mind and let us go back to initiates instead of going with her.”
„Heh, too late for that.” Rodrak and Zill joined them with the three women. „It’s nearly daybreak, and I don’t have the time, nor the patience to find some other meathshield.” Rodrak turned to Cass. „Is there anything else we need to talk about justiciar?”
„No, we’re all set.” Just as she said, the ’tiates led to them their six traveling horses.
„Well then, I wish you good luck, you most probably will need it.” said Rodrak.
Cass climbed in her horse’s saddle „Giddy up, guys, let’s not waste anymore time.” The others reluctantly followed her lead.

* * *
Zill waited for the small group disapper over the horizon, then he turned to Rodrak. „I understand that you hate your own cadet, but what does this have to do with Duke?”
„He is his best friend.” Rodrak answered curtly. Zill clenched his hands, and hit Rodrak, who didn’t even intend to dodge the attack, with such a force that he fell backwards. „Tsk, I always forget how hard you hit with those ham of yours even if you withhold your strength.” He tasted blood in his mouth, and spit out some of it to ascertain of it. „I actually am surprised you could wait ’till they are gone.” Zill’s eyes still radiated with rage. „ Duke was one of the best cadets we had since a century. He was calm, disciplined, not the best with a weapon but perfect leader material. Yet you send him to his death because he is the best friend of the boy who you hate?!” Rodrak got up from the ground and dusted off his tunicn and started deliberately. „First, don’t talk like he is already dead, second, I sent him exactly because he is the best we have. Heissar is right. That stupid boy has so much potential, but he needs someone to set up the limits for him. And whose better than that than his best friend?” Zill seemed to ease up a bit at a seemingly logical explanation of the events. „Well it did work in our time, maybe it will work this time around as well.”

* * *
They have travelled since an hour in a line formation. First Cass, then Nancy, Duke and three ’bracers. Nancy urged his horse to a gallop and pulled to the justiciar’s left side.
„Hope you have a good reason breaking the formation, cadet.” she said severely.
„I just wanted to ask a few questions.” He said.
„Well good enough reason like anything else. Duke get over here, you might as well join in.” She called over her shoulders. Duke did so.
„So what did you want to ask?”
„You seem to respect Rodrak, also it would seem to me that you actually think of him as a superior. Yet he is just a mentor, while you’re a justiciar. Also, if I may be honest, you are awefully young to be in your curret position.”
She took a long glare at the cadet.
„Just what do you think how old I am?” she asked with a smile.
„Ummm…. around… ’bout… twenty-six?.” He said reluctantly.
She laughed out loud. „I’m fifty-one.”  Both the paladin-would-bes gasped at her answer.
„’Guess you don’t know everything about the barrier, so I’ll just clear some things up. The barrier does not prevent the demon’s movement like a wall. It’s actually creates an interference with their whole being on this plane. The demon’s can move out of it, the only problem is that they die instantly.”
„But how can they die when we can go in and out as we please? Also, there are reports of demons coming through it. How is it possible then?” it was Duke’s voice this time around.
„Good question. The case is, that we know the precise fluctuation, so we can move through it unharmed, while there some lucky, or sly demons that can also reach the other side.”
„Still, I don’t see how this connects with your aging.” Nancy mentioned.
„Easy, the barrier is an area effect time stopping spell, which radiates through the realm for twenty miles. That is why anyone comes to these branches of the order, which are the closest to the barrier, stay at that particular age for a long-long time.”
„So, this means that everyone around us, is possibly a lot older than they seem to be. For example Rodrak would be-”
„Three hundred years old.” She cut in. Duke’s visor went down with a *clink*.
„What was the other thing troubling you?”
„The relationship between you and Rodrak.” Came the response from her left.
She flushed. „How do you even know about that?! Well, whatever. Those broad shoulders of his, the slender yet muscular body of a true warrior. The stubbled face, the short black hair which begs for a rummage, the heroic scar over the right eye. And those eyes! Those green eyes that glittered like emeralds on that very night…” the words just flooded out of her as she evoked the memories.
„Whoa, wait a minute-”  Duke’s voice cut her off „-I’m more than sure that my friend meant the fact that you take orders from Rodrak as if he was your superior, while as far as we know it, it’s the other way around.”
„Ohhh” she said, „OHHHH!” she said again as it dawned to her that she just spread the most juicy rumor since a very long time.
„Damn you Duke! I was just having the time of my life! It would seem that Rodrak is as much a lady killer as a demon slayer!” All three of them laughed, even Cass let out a slight giggle who was still embarassed.
Cass gathered the last pieces of her dignity and asked the boys. „What makes you believe that I’m his superior?.”
Duke answered her. „According to the book,’Of ranks and title for any and such’ a justiciar is the fourth highest rank one can achieve, while the ’mentor’ is not even listed.”
Nancy joind in, „So we figured, that being a mentor, is like being the most useless, since you have to train the cadets instead of going on missions.”
Cass took a glance at the cadet at her left and then her right. „You boys got the part right that it is a rank out of the normal chain of command, but not because it means being the ’lowest’.
On the contrary, it’s actually the most revered title a paladin can achieve, second only to the grandmaster of a branch.” Nancy let out a yelp, realizing just now why Rodrak was so upset about that the grandmaster said ’he’ could be a mentor. Duke just let the visor fall on his face again.
They have rode for ten minutes in silence, everyone of them lost in their own train of thought, when they reached a crossroad. The three ’bracer’s took the turn to the left, while they continued onward. Cass give ’em a nod, while motioning the other two on her side that there is no place for question on the matter. Duke was the first to break the silence. „Hellmarsh. That’s the town which was marked on the map. What happened to it?”
Cass aversely responded „A horde of demons found their way through the barrier, probably a bloodthirster led them through. There was no battle, the vanguard never stood a chance… it was a massacre.” She said struggling with the words. . „You talk like you were there.” Nancy said insesitive. She nodded. „You just said that it was a massacre, and you guys never stood a chance. Then how is it possible that you are right here?” he asked accusingly. „I deserted…”
He wasn’t about to let it go „You did what?!” he spitted the words despisingly at her. „Desertation is punished with death, I can’t believe that you had such a good ’relationship’ with Rodrak, that he let you go!” This was the last drop in the glass, Duke couldn’t take it anymore, and snapped. „You bloody moron! Don’t you get it?! She IS condemned to death.
We all are! If you didn’t realize it yet, no one expects to see us again, ’cause IT’S A FUCKING SUICIDE MISSION!” the yelling at his friend made him breath heavily. The news shocked Nancy. „Wha- wh- …” he couldn’t even form the words properly. He rather waited for himself to grasp reality again. Cass turned to Duke „That’s quite the feat, realizing that you are going to your own death, and not running away. What did you guys do acquiring this retribution?” Duke still having trouble breathing properly since his sudden outburst, answered slowly and structured. „As far as I know, nothing. He is and idiot” – motioning at Nancy – „and my crime is being his best friend.” Cass chewed a little on the thought.
„We are not actually ’condemned’ to death in the traditional sense. If we are to a retreat a certain artifact, I’m exempted of my crime, and you two are to be aspired.” She gave the boys a minute to think on it before continuing. „Knowing Zill’s passion for words, and Rodrak’s personality of a hag, they probably didn’t tell anything about your armor.” With Nancy still lost in desperation, only Duke shook his head. „All righty, aside from your blades, the armor is a prototype, which we are puting to the test. The armor is as strong as your fatih, so no matter what adversary you fight against, as long as you believe and don’t lose hope, it will protect you. Also, it cloaks our presence from the demons, so they can’t exactly spot us if we don’t give ’em a reason to search the area.” Duke nodded in acknowledgment. „While the helmet has this same enchantment on it, it gives you the ability to see in the dark, and protects your mind from any mental distress that might affect you from outside. But-” she punctuated „ it will not protect you from your own hopelessness. That’s why Nancy is still helpless, even while the helm is on his head.” Duke just shrugged at the mention  of his friend. „And will it work?”
She answered calmly with a hint of distress. „We can but hope.”
Finally they reached their destination. The barrier had no visible walls, but a continuous whirlpool of flames marked it’s boundaries. The play of the whirling falmes was beutiful, even mesmerizing. The kind of beauty that could bring back Nancy. „Glad to see you back, Nancy.” Cass said to him with a smile. He was still mad at her for abandoning her unit, and wasn’t about to ease her pain. „Whatever.” She said. „Off the saddle boys, no horse can survive inside the barrier.” She hopped down from her horse, and walked toward the barrier. The two cadets followed her lead, only Duke asked her. „Shouldn’t we tie the horses or something?”  She answered without looking back. „There is no reason. We either return in a flash, or we don’t return at all.” The two cadets walked up to her both side reluctantly. When they reached her, Nancy tripped in a stone and took a bite out of the dirt.” Cass turned to him, kneeled down in front of him, and offered her hand to him and started sweetly. „You may despise me all you want, but we are together in this mess, so I propose you put your childish smug away and act like a man, for the time being. Also, I think that since we most probably will die here, you should share me your real name. Of course if you prefer Nancy…” she let her voice faint away. He spit a chunk of mud to the side and grabbed her hand firmly.          „It’s Eront… my name is Eront.”

© Copyright 2012 Eront (eront at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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