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Rated: E · Other · Experience · #1846678
Poem - The path of life from unknown to contentment
The Path Unknown

I know not why I walk this path,
At this time, on this day,
A Winter Wind blows from the North,
Yet grass and Trees failed to sway.

I do not feel the frigid air,
Against uncovered skin,
As I walk this foreign path alone,
Never to trod again.

Each step, each bend, all look the same,
There was no different from whence I came,
No solace behind, where already tread,
Was unfamiliar as the path ahead.

The path unknown, I lost my way,
As darkness falls in shades of gray,
The only sound in this realm of bleak,
Was, breaking shells, beneath my feet.

I am aware of what should be,
With no control to what I see,
Void of things that should exist,
All disappeared in the rising mist.

Am I the first to venture this place,
At this moment, through this space,
Know not the purpose nor intent,
During the time, on the path I spent.

Was this a dream or meant to be,
Is it real or only perceived,
Was there a wind that calmed the tree,
So much to ponder, but never conceived.

One travels a path, unable to stay,
Tarry awhile then be on the way,
Dauntlessly face unknowns and strife,
From birth to grave, such is life.

Like the Ocean’s Tides that ebb and flow,
Some paths shall merge, while others may go,
No two lives exactly the same,
Except at birth from whence we came.

I’ve walked my path for 61 years,
At times I felt lost, shed a few tears,
My path crossed another that brightened my life,
My path merged with joy from my beautiful wife.

Our paths did merge, was it by fate,
Happiness in life comes never too late,
Having my wife stand by my side,
Uncertainty is gone, has no place to hide.

Now that each course merged side by side,
I stumble less often, our path twice as wide,
I’ll no longer trod that pass through the haze,
We’ll walk ours together, the rest of our days.

George T. Regenauer 

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