Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1846267-Rose-Part-Two
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Death · #1846267
The second part to Rose's story~

Tuchi walked into the room Rose was staying in, He looked at her with a smile and then looked back at Matt who was walking in behind him,

‘Awe she looks like a cute drunken baby.’ Tuchi laughed loudly and Rose lifted her hand flipping him the middle finger she rolled over kicking the hot blanket off her body.

‘Shut the fuck up.’ She growled before rolling over again hugging a pillow tiredly,

‘Well some ones in a good morning mood what about a hello Tuchi how are you, how’s your arm? Bet it hurt like a son of a bitch.’ Tuchi laughed and Rose sprung up from the bed and wrapped her arms around Tuchi tightly as she gave him a squeeze,

‘Oh my god I thought you were Matt!’ She cried happily and looked back at Matt over his shoulder as Tuchi poked Roses forehead with his index finger,

‘Well Matt has told me everything there is to know and as scared as I am I really want to take down that corrupt father of yours. Well sorry if that came out harsh but I mean,’ Tuchi pointed to his arm and sighed softly and Rose nodded laughing.

‘No let’s take him down.’ She snarled happily and looked at him with a smile she stood back and shooed the two boys out of her room. ‘Shoo shoo I’ll get changed then we can get down to car business.’ Laughed Rose

Matt walked down the hall way with Tuchi explaining their plan to make money. Rose walked out of the room wearing her jeans and a long white top she played with her tussled brown hair. Leaning on the counter she heard the revving of cars outside and her heart jumped with excitement.

‘Please tell me those are our cars?’ She said rushing over to the kitchen window and looking at the sleek cars in the drive. She looked back at Tuchi as he nodded,

‘Yes I got the boys to move them from our work shop they are cleaned up and ready to race, don’t trash em,’ laughed Tuchi as Rose rushed out of the door and ran towards the car holding her arms wide and hugging the hood of the car she nuzzled her head against the familiar metal. Matt walked out slowly with a blank expression and twirled his finger around his ear Rose looked up with a sheepish look.

‘Ahhhh..’ she said slowly pausing as if thinking of what to say,

‘It’s ok I know you’re crazy,’ Laughed Matt as Tuchi walked out of the house and threw a pair of keys at Rose she caught them and he threw her a small black phone as she looked at it, ‘I’ll text you directions to the race I’ve set up, you’re racing with kiddies for now before you get the big guns and speaking of guns I’m going to start drawing up our ideas for taking down Maxwell.’

Rose nodded happily and she scrambled into the car taking a deep breath smelling the car which made her jolt with excitement as Matt slipped in beside her shaking his head and looking at her oddly . Rose just sheepishly put her keys into the ignition and back out of the driveway taking off down the road she heard the phone buzz. Matt picked it up and read it out,

‘Che Road 7:00 pm have gun guys and remember what I said don’t total the car or I might have to bring Mr. Glock.’

Laughing at the Text message Rose tried to switch gears then remembering it was an automatic and she swore turning the corner onto a closed road. She drove around the closed road sign she rolled her tinted windows down approaching three other cars as she held out a rolled up bunch of notes to a tall man standing in front of all three cars. Rose revved her engine as she looked forward.

‘Ready set, BANANAS!’ He called out laughing as all three of the cars took off. Rose was lagging behind the other two as she watched them, tailgating the red car in front of her. The black car soon dropped back

behind her. Rose laughed as she pulled out from behind the red car and pushed her foot down harder feeling the car put up a fight before she felt a change of gears she lurched forward the needle shooting into the red as she just pulled in front of the other car
‘SHIT CORNOR,’ She slammed on the brake and did a lazy drift turn her back wheels spinning out she quickly regained control as she speed down another straight stretch. Rose looked back at the other cars, her heart pumped though her chest adrenalin putting her on a high as she smoothly turned a very wide corner made for tucks before swerving around the road closed sign.

Rose watched the red car drop back as the black one over took. She closed her eyes for a second feeling her wheels spin out but she regained control again quickly as she slammed once again on the brake spinning the back of the car millimetres away from slamming into the side of the wall. Rose saw the man standing in the middle of the road she decided to play chicken and felt the engine roar as she speed towards the man he stood there motionless Rose swerved at the last second passing the line and stopping as the two other cars speed past her.

Rose unrolled her window slightly and held out her hand the man placed three bunches of rolled notes into her hand and she pulled off for the first time looking at Matt whose face was a pure ghost white. ‘Are you ok there Mattie boy?’ Rose asked as she pulled onto the main road and quickly dodged away from a cop car she could almost hear Matts heart race though the air,

‘Ah yea just need a better seatbelt for when you take those corners,’ Said Matt rubbing his side gently as she slowly pulled up the residential road pulling into the drive way. Rose left the car laughing at Matt’s still scared expression. Rose entered the front door unable to stop laughing she collapsed on a couch looking over as Tuchi walked in from the kitchen and loomed over Rose who was still laughing,

‘What are you laughing a..’ He paused and looked towards Matt who was now sheepishly walking into the room rubbing his cheeks as they slowly returned colour,

‘Shes a crazy son of a fucking bitch!’ Cried Matt finally spitting out words as he glared towards Rose she lifted her hands defensively,

‘Hey you’re the one who got in the car with me you could have stayed home with Tuchi who is a big baby!’ She laughed,

‘IF! You haven’t forgotten I got fucking shot,’ Tuchi put on a smug face, secretly happy he didn’t have to go driving with the maniac Rose, ‘Besides I was working on something god damn productive like planning.’ He smiled and sat down near Rose looking at the two men Rose was now twitchy like a small child whose had just a little too much red cordial.

‘Well what I was thinking was taking out everyone who protects Maxwell get rid of his helpers.’ Said Tuchi

‘And how do you suppose we do that genius,’ Asked Rose

‘Black to the mail’ Laughed Tuchi

‘That sounds like a bad band,’ Laughed Matt

‘Everything sounds like a band name to you,’ Grinned Tuchi as Rose drifted off in her own little world again she started humming and Tuchi and Matt looked at each other with odd expressions then they both looked at Rose, ‘Transvestites,’ Said Tuchi and Rose turned her head towards him with a grin,

‘I know you’re a Transvestite I’ve been though your wardrobe,’ Laughed Rose and Tuchi blinked shaking his head,

‘Damn it was paying attention his face fell, ‘Wait you’ve been though my wardrobe!’ He yelled out,

‘No but that reaction makes me think there’s something you’re hiding,’ Rose jumped from her seat and winced running towards Tuchi’s room with him hot at her heals yelling.

Back in the lounge Matt was slumped over his couch and whispered to himself, ‘Note to self, hide porn better,’ He laughed a little then looked around hearing Tuchi and Rose wrestling as Rose squealed, ‘WATCH THE LEG JERK!,’ She cried out and came running back into the lounge,

‘Yea shut up you didn’t get shot huh!,’ said Tuchi

‘OH BOO HOO!’ Cried Rose laughing as she stopped and gave Matt a blank look, ‘I heard what you said about your porn by the way,’ Rose fell to the ground laughing as Matt watched her drop like a sack of potatoes. Matt then looked at Tuchi sheepishly, ‘She’s high I swear I don’t have porn! She’s fucking crazy I tell ya!’

‘I have no doubt she’s crazy but I believe her.’ Tuchi stuck his tongue out at Matt and started laughing.

Rose picked herself up off the floor and cleared her throat tossing the cash she had earned on the table but only throwing in two bundles, ‘There’s the money I won.’

Tuchi looked at the cash, ‘It’s a start.’ He said softly looking at Matt who looked from the two bundles of money to Rose then the money then Rose then the money one more time, ‘Hang on there were two cars and us there should be three bundles,’

Rose sighed and threw the money on the table, ‘Oh ok you got me I stole one bundle.’

Tuchi laughed and looked at her curiously, ‘Well hawk eye Matt looks like you should go on every race just to keep an eye on little miss red cordial Rose here.’ He laughed leaving the room as Matt gave Rose a very worried look he really didn’t look like he wanted to go on any more crazy races with Rose.

Tuchi leaned back into the room and looked at the two with a smile, ‘You’re on a stake out tonight to get some dish on our lovely Governor so have fun with that,’ Tuchi threw a long lenses camera at Matt

Rose stood up yawning, ‘Well I guess I’ll get some rest until out stake out.’ Matt nodded yawning he himself laying back down on the couch.

Night fell over the city Rose was once again happily asleep she was starting to get more and more annoyed with having to be woken up by an alarm she couldn’t throw at a wall. Rose got out of her bed and walked towards the front door were Matt was waiting for their stake out. Like a brain dead zombie she walked towards the car with a yawn she slipped inside grumbling to herself shutting the door with a slam. She watched Matt grab a few bags as he rushed into the car. ‘I just got word that the Governor is having an affair with someone in a hotel on the east side of town, we need to get there quickly before they get to the hotel, I feel like the paparazzi.’ Smiled Matt as he quickly turned on the car speeding out of the drive way leaving Tuchi to look for loop holes in Maxwells legal documents that he had gotten from an unknown source, well he wasn’t about to tell the two were he got them.

Soon after they left Matt pulled into a small hotel stopping in the guest parking lot looking towards the top level of the hotel as he set up the camera. Before long they were watching the red haired Governor leave her sleek red car walking towards hotel room 357B. Rose was now passed out in the back seat. Matt looked back and shook his head, ‘She sleeps too much,’ He whispered to himself before seeing the Governor with a tall man, he snapped many pictures of the two hugging and kissing before disappearing into the hotel room. The Governor looked back and saw Matts car as he quickly speed from the parking lot waking up Rose as she rubbed her eyes sleepily,

‘Huh did you get it?’ She asked with a yawn as Matt flipped on this indicator pulling into the traffic, he always found it odd that there was traffic at 2 am in the morning they were probably all drunk people returning from the pubs, fantastic he thought. ‘Yeah I got em,’ He said pausing slightly as they finally pulled up into the drive way. The two of them like zombies left the car and walked up into the house flipping on the lights,

Son of a bitch went to bed didn’t he, of course make us stay out and he gets to sleep, fucker,’ Snarled Rose she was angry when she was tired.

Matt laughed at her walking into Tuchi’s room Rose slumped over the couch closing her eyes. Tuchi walked out with a yawn as he looked at the two, ‘Got the pics?’ He asked slowly,

‘Yea.’ Said Matt ,

’Good now sleep.’ Grumbles Tuchi retreating back to his room, Matt could finally sleep in his own bed since Rose had passed out on the couch.


The morning sun hit Rose as she arose from the couch looking over at Tuchi who was closing an envelope with the pictures of the Governor in it followed by a note, Walking over to Rose he passed her the note with a smile,

‘What you think?’

‘Deer Lucia Vale please find enclosed some career destroying pictures of your affair with the Head of transport, I’m sorry but that guy is ugly I hope the sex was worth it because it is going to destroy your supporters trust and your life at home, unless these pictures somehow don’t find their way into the public eye on a giant billboard say, if you stop all association with Renwell Lawyers in the government sector that will be much appreciated and also if you announce on TV you love Pineapple just so I can have a laugh, yours sincerely

Fuck you~’

Rose laughed reading the note as she handed it back to Tuchi sealed the envelops and tucked it away, ‘I’ll go send it,’ He yawned walking out of the house.

Rose stretched getting up from the couch and walking into the kitchen to make some coffee she loved coffee a little too much and she was already hypo enough. She was pouring the boiling water when Matt walked in and the phone buzzed giving her a shock she almost spilt the water on her hand, ‘Oh my are you ok Rose,’ Asked Matt as he took away the kettle and she laughed nodding,

‘It didn’t get me is that new race info?’ Asked Rose as Matt nodded yawning a little, ‘Let’s hope this one isn’t as boring at the last one,’ he stuck his tongue out at her and walked off to his room to get dressed, ‘You think my races are boring huh well I will show you,’ She said to herself pressing her coffee cup to her lips grinning.

After a while they were both ready. Rose had her hair neatly over her shoulders wearing the same grey dress as she was wearing at her mothers, she didn’t want to wear it because of the memories which also reminded her she really needed to buy some new clothes. She looked at the address of the new race she found it odd that it was in the middle of the day but it was away from the main city and over a few hills. She swerved around another road closed sign as she looked at the other sign,

‘MT Pandora dirt track closed,’

Dirt Track? Asked Rose to herself as she kept going over the top of a tall hill looking at 6 other cars lined up Rose felt her heart race as she placed her mask on winding down her window holding a roll of notes out to the woman standing by the track who was going to announce the race. There were actually spectators at this race it made Roses heart flutter, she heard one driver remark as he got in his low car,

‘Fuck a chick this will be easy,’ He scoffed. Normally these comments got under Rose’s skin but she was to worried about the course. From what she could see the track went off down the steep road and did a sudden narrow turn off the edge of the road. The woman stood in front of the cars and called out, ‘Running off the track will disqualify, READY,’ The engines started to rev, ‘SET,’ Matt started to go pale as Rose smiled,

GO!’ All the cars pulled straight out apart from Rose, she started off slower than the rest letting them lose control of their speed on the hill as all 6 of them hit the narrow corner, 4 of them ran off the road while only two made the tight corner. Laughing Rose slammed on the brake swinging around the corner with a laugh as she looked behind her to see all the other driver jumping up and down swearing and moving their cars off the road to make way for the second lap, the problem was Rose was now behind the two cars that blocked her from getting up the front. She revved it as much as she could watching the dial speed up as Matt wined in a scared tone, Rose laughed manically as she finally caught a brake over the top of a hill she flew over and as she landed one car spun out as the bumper hit the road, now there was only her and a small white car. The sealed road cut off and now both cars were ripping up the dirt in giant plumes. Rose swore loudly as she felt her back wheels spin out she quickly revved it again turning a wide corner as the cars struggled up a tall hill Rose only just paused her nose in front of the other car as they sped over the top of the hill Matt cried out as he gripped the roof feeling his stomach drop. Rose smiled she loved that feeling a lot. She pushed the car even harder as she saw the girl at the top of the hill, Rose finally passed a cars length in front of the other car as she spun out doing a circle coming to a stop. She slowly drove up holding her hand out of the window towards the woman who placed the bundles of money in her hand as Rose smiled brightly rolling her window up and driving down the hill though the kicked up plumes of settling dust, she swerved back around the road closed sign looking over at Matt who looked like he was about to lose his food.

Rose took the ride home slowly to stop Matt from throwing up in the car. Smiling she pulled into the drive way before she noticed the large truck and all the things being loaded into it Tuchi ran towards the car and lent in the window huffing,

‘We’re making a hasty move I’ll text you the directions to the new house.’ He ran from the window and Rose pulled out hearing the phone buzz she quickly pulled it up and began to drive as Matt looked towards her,

‘What do you think hap...’ Matt began to talk but was cut in by Rose who was gripping the wheel with white knuckles she pulled behind a large slow going truck, ‘Maxwell must know where we are.’ She paused and looked towards Matt pulling away from the city towards the eastern suburbs, ‘I’m so sorry about all this,’ She paused and lowered her gaze a little back to the road as she sighed stayed quiet,

‘It’s ok.’ Paused Matt as he sighed looking towards Rose before looking out of the window. Rose pulled up to a large two story cream coloured house with off white windows. She frowned a little then laughed, ‘Now I’ll have my own room,’ She smiled and let the car die as the tuck pulled up behind him.

‘All of the afternoon and late into the night was unpacking, as they stopped for dinner they finally finished and Tuchi assembled them in their new kitchen which was a lot bigger, Rose sat on the dark marble bench as he spoke,

‘I found a Bomb planted by Maxwell in the end room we had to get out.’ Said Tuchi shortly as Matt and Rose both looked at him with clueless expressions,

‘Wow well I like this house better,’ Said Rose looking around the place, ‘But it does feel kind of spooky.’ She paused for a second and looked back at Tuchi with a soft smile she wiggled against the bench top watching the two boys exchange odd expressions, ‘Ah well I might rest then you two can finish unpacking,’ Rose retreated to her new room she sighed sitting on her bed looking at the blank white wall letting herself cry she looked away towards the dark sky outside before falling on the bed and burrowing her head in some pillows. She heard a light knocking at the door,

‘Are you ok Rose?’ Asked Tuchi walking over to her bed bending down pulling the pillow off her face, She rolled away, ‘Yeah I’m ok just a lot to take in.’ She sighed softly and looked up at him,

‘We all know but it will end soon well at some point, then I guess you can live with your mother and know you did this town a favour it’s full of

corrupt cops it’s a dirty city.’ He paused and petted her head softly, ‘Thanks,’ Smiled Rose as she closed her eyes drifting off to sleep Tuchi left the room and the two boys continued to unpack.

Rose woke up early in the morning from the phone buzzing loudly she had a new race message. She jumped up happily running out of her room before stopping to see the address,

‘Wait that looks fa....oh my god it’s Maxwell he’s trying to trap me,’ Said Rose softly before calling out, to the boys, ‘Matt! Tuchi! She cried out ‘Maxwell is trying to trap me,’ She stood in the hall looking at the message as a sleepy Matt and Tuchi walked from their rooms and down the hall towards her,

‘What?’ Asked Matt as Tuchi took the phone in his hand and read the text message,

‘How do you know it’s from him?’ Asked Matt

‘Because that’s my...OH..OH MY GOD that’s my mums address!’ Rose cried out grabbing the phone and franticly stabbing her mother number into it, The phone began to ring before it picked up hearing the tone,

Hello, Said a man’s voice The person you have called is currently tied up The voice broke up in psychotic laughter as Rose dropped the phone,

‘Oh my god,’ Matt and Tuchi’s faces fell as they watched Rose run down stairs Matt grabbed her arm holding her back, ‘Don’t it’s a trap you know it is!’ Rose tried to pull away but was held back by Matt she fought him off running down the stairs with Mat close behind her.

‘Fuck off!’ She cried grabbing the keys and bursting though the front door as she ran towards the car Matt still hot on her heals trying to grab her. She finally made her way to the car and slipped in quickly locking the doors behind her. She looked back revving up the engine before backing out of the drive way looking at the front door as Tuchi tossed Matt a pair of keys and the two split up.

‘Shit!’ She swore and started to drive down the road looking asMatt pull out behind her but Tuchi went the opposite way, ‘Oh fuck fuck fuck,’ She looked down at where the gear box would be as she flipped on the right indicator and turned a tight left hand turn. She speed past a yellow set of lights glancing in her rear view mirror as a red light camera snapped Matt speeding though. She sighed to herself and pulled another tight illegal uturn and she went speeding past Matt on the opposite side of the road going though one red light and narrowly missing a white van. She looked back in the mirror and saw Matt stopping at the lights as she headed out of the city. Pulling the phone out of her pocket with one hand trying to keep steady control of the wheel with the other she flipped on the phone dialling a few numbers. The first number went straight to busy and the second she just left a message.

‘Dan...Danny? it’s Rose remember that favour you owe me well I guess it’s time to repay it get to mothers as soon as you can.’ She hung up the phone feeling the car kick into the next gear as she pressed the brakes slightly heading out of the city, she looked behind her again she couldn’t see Matt or Tuchi’s car so she slowed down to the speed limit she knew that cops would be out this time of day.

‘I know this is a tr...ap’ She paused and looked in her rear view and saw Tuchi pull up behind her as her phone began to buzz. She looked at Tuchi’s number and hesitated before answering the phone.

‘What?’ She asked coldly

‘Look if you’re going to go in guns blazing you may as well have back up.’ Said Tuchi as his car sped up beside her and quickly pulled in front causing Rose to slam on her brakes as she held the phone looking in the mirror Matt pulled up behind her. ‘I guess so,’ said Rose softly before she pulled over flipping her hazards on. Matt pulled up behind her as Tuchi continued on the road. Rose slipped from her car and walked over to the driver’s side of Matts car as she shooed him across slipping into his car as her hand grabbed the gear shift,

I don’t like the feel of automatic, manual makes me feel like I have more power,’ She laughed

‘Eh so you like power huh?’ Asked Matt as he started laughing and Rose slapped him across the arm she pulled out shifting gears quickly.

Matts face fell white again as Rose started laughing the car sped up a tall hill reaching the top and making Matts stomach lurch,

‘Oh my...god,’ He lent forward and closed his eyes tightly as Rose shook her head and continued to drive finally catching up to Tuchi who was far ahead of them but was now stuck behind a slow moving truck. Rose smiled as she changed gears speeding up in front of the truck then slamming on the brakes sliding past the truck just so she could watch Matts face loose even more colour as Matt lurched forward coughing Rose squealed,

‘Ew ew ew ew don’t throw up! Ew ew ew ew,’ Rose cried

‘Then don’t drive like a psycho you crazy bitch!’ Coughed Matt as Rose eased up on the brakes looking at him with a grin she hummed softly turning the radio up, ‘Sorry Matt,’ She snickered and hummed the tune from the radio softly as Matt closed his eyes trying to regain colour in his face.

It was a long ride Matt had finally passed out on the side window as Rose watched a few sea gulls over head. She cleared her throat and switched gears speeding up as Matt slowly woke up looking at Rose who was gripping the steering wheel tightly. Matt was about to talk before Rose’s phone buzzed as she looked at Tuchis number. She picked up putting Matt on the phone.

‘Yeah?’ He asked before nodding and looking at Rose, ‘Pull over.’ He said as Rose looked at him flipping on the indicator and pulling off the main street watching as Tuchis car pulled up in front of them. Tuchi slipped from his car holding two metal objects, as he got closer it was apparent they were two guns. He lent into the car and threw one on Matt’s lap then handed the other to Rose with a black strap silently leaving them he got back in his car letting Rose pull out in front only because she knew were to go. Rose stayed quiet as Matt put on his throw up face again.

‘I...I..’ He paused then looked out of the window tucking the gun under his loose black top Rose pulled up to a house. She saw her car in the driveway still with the cover on. Rose slowly turned off the car as she sat for a second taking a deep breath. She looked at Matt before sighing gently and opening her door wrapping the black gun holster around her thigh slipping the gun in as she checked the bullets pulling her skirt over the top so it couldn’t be seen.

She stood up slamming the car door shut as Tuchi pulled up behind them. Silently Matt and Tuchi stood behind Rose as she walked towards the door turning the handle it clicked open. Slowly Rose walked though the hall way Matts hand was on the back of his shirt as the three of them slowly stepped into the house.

Rose looked at a mirror and saw her mother tied up against a chair. Rose stopped in her tracks as her heart thudded though her chest. Matt knew what she was going to do and tried to grab her arm but it was too late Rose was already running towards her mother falling to her knees as she pulled on the rope Matt cried out, ‘No it’s a.’ Rose felt her heart pounding as she felt the cold steel barrel of a gun forced against the back of her head. Rose slowly moved her hands as she looked back and saw Maxwell aiming the gun at his daughters head.

‘God damn it, it was this hard to get you!’ Yelled Max as Rose looked over at Matt and Tuchi falling to their knees with their hands on the back of their heads were two more guns were pressed against their own skulls. Matt’s eyes shut tightly and Tuchi looked at Max with a glare,

‘Why are you doing this?’ asked Tuchi

‘Blood sport,’ Smiled Max looking towards the one man holding a gun in each hand at Matt and Tuchi’s heads

You’re a fucking Psycho!’ Cried Matt before the handle of the gun was slammed against the back of his head he fell forward on the ground, Tuchi looked away and closed his eyes tightly as Rose shot up and ripped her gun from the holster and held it towards Maxwell’s head,

‘Son of a fucking bitch you’re fucking insane!’ Rose cocked the gun as Max kept his gun extended at her head. Rose’s sudden movement distracted the other gun man giving Tuchi a chance to grab his gun levelling at the man’s head.

‘Now look what we have hear,’ Maxwell looked at Tuchi and smiled as the other gun man was now distracted from the seemingly passed out Matt who was now grabbing his own gun and raising to the world. The sound of Matts gun cocking rang though the air,

‘You’re a crazy son of a bitch you know that right?’ asked Rose, ‘Why would you kill me?’ She snarled.

‘Well you might end up ending my empire.’ Said Maxwell twirling his gun as he spoke but keeping it in the same direction as Rose.

‘You wh..oh my god’ Rose sighed and lowered her gun looking back at her mother as Rose fell to her knees.

‘Wha..what the fuck are you doing?’ Asked Max as he waved his gun at Rose, ‘Oi get the fuck back up and fight me bitch,’ Rose just sat there with the gun slipping out of her hand as she closed her eyes and lowered her head, ‘What...Rose! Rose you silly bitch get the fuck up before I shoot you, well I guess before I blow your brains out any last words?’ He laughed psychotically as Rose looked over at Tuchi and Matt frozen in their place as tears fell from their eyes,

‘Duck,’ Rose started to laugh before a shot rang though her ears and Max stood there looking down at Rose.

Max’s body fell over on the ground in a heap, Rose slowly stood up as Max’s blood poured onto the floor.

Rose grabbed a knife from her side and cut the ropes off her mother as she stood up looking from where the bullet flew though the window, ‘Debt repaid,’ She smiled and looked down at Matt who was rubbing his head, ‘Ah that hurt!’ Matt slowly stood up and looked over at Rose’s mother who ran to the phone punching in numbers, ‘No thanks needed I only just saved your...’ Rose spoke before shaking her head and walking for the door stepping over Max’s lifeless body.
..The End..
© Copyright 2012 Lizabell Ambleside (lizziebee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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