Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1846266-Rose-Part-One
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Entertainment · #1846266
Rose is a high octane racer who might have pushed her self to far.

The night air was hot and humid. The soft warm breeze twirled though the trees filling the air with a soft clicking. There was a long stretch of Asphalt road leading out of the small town of Kuduro. Normally the road was used in summer for all the tourists flocking to the beach in the hot sun, but the summer was almost over meaning all the tourists were leaving the town.

On the side of the road was a light blue car its paint was lit up by the moons soft rays. Leaning against the car door was a girl; she wore a short light grey dress with tall red shoes. She huffed slightly leaning harder against the car door as she pulled a mask over her face; the mask was a ginger cat. She twirled a pair of keys in her hand and huffed again looking down the long stretch of road as she heard the low rumbling of another car approach, a black shining car with its windows rolled down, pulled up. Leaning down slightly the woman held her hand out as an arm left the car window handing her a rolled up pieces of paper. Anyone who didn’t know what was happening would think something very odd was going on.

The woman returned to her car opened the door and slipped in revving the engine up before closing the door and driving past the black car, she pulled out speeding off down road. The second car was following close behind lurching forward with every gear change. The woman laughed as she swiftly changed again the needle sped up towards the red before she looked back seeing a pair of head lights. She swore loudly as the other car passed her quickly and pulled in front slamming on her brakes she pulled back off the road.

‘Fuck,’ She cursed and rolled down her window and grabbing two rolls of notes she held her arm out of the window.  The other car pulled up grabbing both stacks of notes and pulled off in the other direction. With another huff the woman pulled out driving back towards the town


‘Rose?’ Cried a females voice as the woman from last night sleepily opened one eye to find a tall female looming over her bed,

‘What?’ She groaned rolling over and burrowing her head into the pillow her long dark hair falling over her head as she gripped her sheets over her body.

‘Have you forgotten?’ asked the woman tugging the sheets off Rose and leaning over opening up the blinds, sun hit Rose’s eyes.

‘You’re going to stay with your father,’ Said the woman as she left the room, ‘Your stuff’s already packed.’

Slowly Rose finally arose from her bed slumping as she stumbled over to the dresser pulling off the dress she wore last night and stuffing it in a drawer as she pulled on some jeans and a boring white t-shirt. Rose sighed and crouched down grabbing the mask from the floor she tucked it away in one of the bags packed at the end of her bed. She quickly grabbed the bags and ran out of her room heading down a set of stairs she heard her mother calling out.

‘Hurry up Rose I don’t have all day!’ She cried as she held the door open Rose rushed through it. She hurried over to a small silver car and threw her bags in the back as she climbed in the front looking to the side at her own car with the cover already put on it from when she returned from last night.

‘I didn’t see you come home last night,’ Said her mother as she slipped into the car slamming her door shut and pulling her seat belt on.
‘I just came home later than normal, car troubles,’ Hissed Rose leaning her elbow on the door and looking out of the window as they pulled away from her house.

There was mostly silence as they travelled for some time before Rose’s mother spoke up again.

‘You know your father doesn’t like you getting mixed up in all those car things,’ she said softly watching the road.

‘Car things?’ Scoffed Rose as she shook her head looking back out of her window at the trees quickly passing.

‘Given what he does! And he doesn’t want me mixed up with cars,’ Growled rose lowly as she looked over at her mother watching her jaw clench slightly.

‘You know your father wouldn’t put you in harm’s way you know that!’ She cried loudly and flipped the indicator on.

‘Yeah so that’s why you left him huh?’ Said Rose raising an eye brow as she watched her mother’s jaw clench tighter knowing she hit a nerve.

The rest of the trip was spent in silence as Rose sleepily closed her eyes leaning against the cold window and watching each tree speed past. They headed from the rural area of their small town and into the big city. Rose never liked the city but it was going to be fun she suppose, as long as she didn’t have to go back to school.

‘On the bright side you can see your old school friends,’ Said Roses mother softly as they pulled into the main street of the bustling city.

‘Fan-fucking-tastic,’ Said Rose with bitterness as she looked towards her mother then away again sighing and feeling bad for being in such a crappy mood but if you were pulled away from everything you once had wouldn’t you be?


The city was large and smoggy. Rose hated it she was already missing her car. The trip ended soon after their last conversation as Rose’s mother pulled up to a large house away from the city and in the suburbs. Rose yawned and silently slipped from the car grabbing her bags and walking to the other side of the car wrapping her arms around her mother before she pulled out into the street and speed off. Rose sighed again and looked up the steep driveway towards the big house looking at each dark window. It seemed to suck the colour out of her. Glumly she dragged her bags up the driveway and the front stairs towards the big double wood doors. Looking back slightly she took a deep breath and balled her hand into a fist knocking on the door hearing it ring out though the large house.  Within a few seconds the door was opened showing by an elderly man in a black suit looking at Rose oddly.

‘Who the hell are you?’ He asked with a snarl as Rose blinked slowly not knowing who the hell that man was.

‘Ahum Rose?’ She asked dropping her bags on the ground looking over the man’s neatly pressed suit before noticing his snarl turn into a terrified look.

‘Oh my god!’ He cried grabbing her bags, ‘Please don’t tell your father about that I swear I didn’t know you were...’ He paused slightly ushering her into the main room as he shut the door behind her.

‘Relax,’ Rose laughed slightly as she stretched her arms up tiredly.

‘Master Maxwell is in a meeting he did tell me to show you to your room.’ The man carried her bags up the large wooden staircase heading up the centre of the house. This stair case always scared the hell out of Rose as she walked behind the man she laughed a little. He reminded her of a butler maybe that’s who he was? Rose laughed, the man looked back at her with a curious expression over his pale face.
‘Something funny Ms Rose?’ He asked, Rose shook her head grinning widely. The man opened up a door as dust hit Rose making her cough.
‘Sorry Ms Rose.’ He said with a soft laugh walking over to the window and opening it wide as it would go the light poured into the room. Her large double bed was in the middle of her room,  her dresser off to the side. She sighed slightly and looked out of the window towards the looming city the man walked out of the room closing the door gently behind him. Rose didn’t hear the click of a lock.

Rose began to unpack her belongings into the dresser neatly placing them all away.  Another sigh left her lips as she grabbed her makeup bag placing it on the dresser. She began unpacking her other bag placing the mask on the bed she stood up stretching her arm and walking towards the door. Rose grabbed the handle and tried to open the door but it was still locked.

‘What the fuck?’ She growled and pulled harder on the door she started banging on the door before she heard her father’s voice.

‘Rose I’m sorry just things are busy at the moment and I can’t let you get hurt,’ He said calmly

‘So you’re going to keep me locked up in this fucking room you son of a bitch crazy fucker!’ Yelled Rose banging on the door loudly as she pulled the handle.

‘I’m sorry darling,’ He said Rose heard his footsteps leave down the hall.

‘Crazy son of a fuckin...’ She paused and looked towards the open
window, leaning out of the window she looked down at the two story drop.

‘Oh fuck me!’ She cried before walking over to her empty bag, ripping though the bottom to where she had stashed all her money. Notes piled on top of each other. She growled and walked over to the dressed throwing a few things into her bag she  grabbed her mask pulling it tightly over her face as she pulled on a black jacket feeling the cold wind from her open window.
Rose waited until the sun had finally set over the cold city. She was pacing back and forth in her room looking out of the window the city lighting up as the cold wind hit her. Rose felt her heart race beating out of her chest as she leant out of the window looking at the tall drop. Her hands began to sweat as she grabbed her bags and closed her eyes leaning further out of the window looking down at some bushes. She paused in fear as she heard some foot steeps at the door she heard a knock.

‘Rose?’ Came a males voice and something pushed her off she closed her eyes and jumped out of the window hitting the ground with a loud thud.

‘OW!’ She cried before covering her mouth and hearing the door to her room open and the old mans face appear at the window.

‘Rose! Rose, she’s out!,’ he yelled He disappeared from the window. Rose picked up her bag and started to run down the driveway feeling each harsh breath tear though her body as her muscles sucked up all the oxygen she breathed in. Her heart was beating out of control as she tightened the mask around her face running down the street hearing the sound of cars rumbling towards her. She choked on her screams and ran though the front yard of a house and over the back fence dragging the bag behind her.

‘Rose!’ She heard yelling as the tyres of the car came to a screeching halt they gave chase on foot. Rose continued to run ducking though the backyards off houses before coming to a fence that was too tall to jump over.

‘shit shit shit!’ She cried hearing fast foot steps behind her. She ducked out the yard and started running though the street again as she hit the main road she ran faster  darting though the traffic. Her head was muddled she stopped leaning on the side of a building buckling over on her knees  she harshly breathed in feeling her lungs and legs burn with pain Rose felt the hot tears run down her face.

Picking herself up she began to walk holding her bag in her grip tightly  she gasped for air her heart beat starting to steady down. ‘My dads a crazy son of a bitch!’ She snarled under her breath dodging people in the street who stopped and stared at her wearing a cat mask Rose had forgotten she was still wearing it most likely for the good. She continued to walk down the street before hearing the distinct sound of a car starting up and stalling.

She paused and looked down a small alley way. Something about it made her walk down the dark alley around the corner was a brightly lit car garage. She looked towards a small smart car with a slight laugh before someone slid out from under the car and stood up looking at her with a blank expression.

‘Ahm...can I help you?’ He asked looking over the Rose’s cat mask and tussled hair which also had a scattering of leaves  in it from her daring jump from a two story window. Rose was stuck in fear as she felt more hot tears run down under the mask making it even hotter  she opened her mouth to talk but remained quiet unable to get the words out.

‘Are you ok?’ Asked the male walking towards Rose, she felt a stabbing pain in her arm as she fell to the ground.


‘Hey? Hey?’ Called a voice as Rose slowly opened her eyes looking up at a man who lent over her shining a bright light into her eyes.

‘Huh?’ She asked rubbing her head as she looked at her bandaged arm.

‘Well it looks like she is ok I have no idea what was in her arm but it was weird.’ Said the man looking up at another two man who all looked down at her curiously. Rose rubbed her wet cheeks.

‘Gee you just fell,’ Said the man who was working on the car earlier. Rose paused and looked at his dark hair and green eyes which in its self was odd to Rose. He was still wearing the messy blue overalls the other male had short blonde hair and the same sharp facial features and green eyes. Rose sat up rubbing her head looking towards her leg as a shot of pain spread up her spine.
‘OW!’ She cried looking towards the male who she now recognised as a doctor

‘Don’t move it’s like you ran a marathon after jumping of a bridge.’ He said softly

‘Two story building actually.’ She said rubbing her head as she felt more pain. she flopped back on the bed.

‘Why did you jump from a two story window?’ asked the dark haired male.

‘I was locked up by my father.’ She said softly

‘Why on earth would he do that,’ butted in the blonde man.

‘So I don’t get hurt.’ Replied rose

‘Ironic,’ Said the doctor as he left the room.’ Just make sure she doesn’t move ok.’ The two males looked down at her as if she was an alien.

‘I remember you.’ Said the blonde squinting his eyes at her, ‘You went to my old school before you moved away, you didn’t strike me as the type to jump out of a two story window.

‘Me either,’ She said softly, ‘I’m Rose by the way Rose Renwell.’

‘This is Matt,’ Said the dark haired male pointing at the blond, ‘And I’m Tuchi,’ He laughed. ‘Odd name I know but what can ya do?’

‘Change it?’ Said Rose with a blunt expression before laughing

‘Hey did you say Renwell?’ Said Matt who was off in his own little world for a few seconds.

‘Yea? Why?’ Asked Rose as both the men’s faces fell

‘That crazy son of a bitch Maxwell is your father?’ Asked both of the boys at the same time

‘Let’s just say your dad’s not our favourite person at the moment, I did hear about you and your...’ Tuchi paused and held her cat mask up, ‘Hobbies.’

Roses face fell as she looked at the two before closing her eyes tiredly,
‘Well you need sleep’ Said Matt dragging Tuchi out of the room roughly and Rose lent back closing her eyes.

This time Rose slept, finally waking up refreshed but also very sore. She looked down at her arm with a wince. She sat up and slowly started to un wrap her arm looking at the stitched up skin.

‘Ew.’ Rose blinked and wrapped her arm back up tightly.  She stood up and pulled her top over her jeans walking towards the door looking at all the posters and sticker on the wall. Rose yawned loudly and walked out into a hall way the sound of soft voices hit her ears.

‘You think she knows? given us and her dad? what if he finds out we have her it will be like....a war’

‘Shut up will you that’s not going to happen I doubt she even knows what her father does he’s a deranged psychopath... have you seen her?’
‘Yea but what if..’

‘Matt shut up we both know were bigger and better and richer than him.’
Rose slowly walked down the hall and into the room she heard the voices coming from which was the kitchen.  Matt and Tuchi were slumped over the kitchen bench both their eyes moved up and looked at Rose. Matt stood up and left the room giving Rose an odd look before she sat down in his place looking at Tuchi staying quiet before he spoke to her softly.

‘How are you at cars?’ He asked and Roses face lit up which was all he needed to know. After a while of resting Rose finally got up and followed Tuchi out of the house. Rose looked back at the simple house as she played with her hair pulling out a few stray twigs before following Tuchi down the road and towards a busy street. Roses heart was pumping though out her chest as they walked she was very scared that maybe her father would find her. She had no clue why Matt and Tuchi would be scared of him? Rose didn’t even know what her father did but she knew it was the reason her mother left him.

Rose never knew much about her family but she was used to having a lot of people that she didn’t know around, that was basically her whole child hood. Rose mindlessly followed Tuchi she was off in her own little world. She stopped and looked at the big garage as Tuchi crouched down and unlocked the large roller doors lifting one up into a large car garage.

Roses heart fluttered as she smelt that classic smell of petrol  and oil making her go on a high as she followed Tuchi into the garage Rose sat down on a bench behind a car which reminded her of her own. It was the same model too Nissan skyline GTR 34. She smiled to herself and lent back as she watched Tuchi open the hood revealing a guttered engine.
‘It looks sick’ Cooed Rose and she watched as Tuchi bend over the low car with a grunt.

‘Just needs a clean it’s for a show so I just have to get it looking pretty.’ He laughed as Rose hummed softly swinging her legs as Tuchi went to work with white rags that were soon turned black. Rose drifted off into her own little world before cooing and looking at Tuchi.

‘What did you mean about my father?...like what’s wrong with him? I know he is a big business man but what did you mean he’s all scary or something? He just does business...things’ Rose drifted off slightly and looked at Tuchi,

‘Ah so that’s all you know? you think he just does business things?’ Tuchi laughed a little before shaking his head at her.

‘Ahm, yes?’ She said as Tuchi continued, ‘Well yes he is a very good business man but, it’s the business he does underground.’ Tuchi paused and turned towards Rose cleaning his fingers off as he saw Matt slink into the garage at the other end obviously avoiding the two as if he was sulking about something.

Rose looked down at the bandage and continued to play with her arm as Tuchi talked she was mulling over what he said in her mind.

‘Well, I guess he’s like a mobster?’ Tuchi twitched when he used the word he obviously hated it,

‘Ey you come here on my daughters wedding and ask for a favour?’ said Rose as she puffed out her cheeks doing a very bad accent,

‘Just don’t go there.’ Laughed Tuchi as he turned back around and heard Matt talk from the corner of the room,

‘Now can you see why we would be scared right? I mean your father is one scary man and you’re his daughter he’d do anything to keep you safe even if he is a psychotic murdering weirdo.’ Snarled Matt as Tuchi glared at him and Matt looked at Rose who was now staring at him, ‘Sorry.’ He muttered under his breath before walking away.

Rose sighed softly, ‘I always knew he was a fucking psychopath.’ Rose paused slightly and leant back her hands on the table as she swung her legs. ‘Anyway what was in my arm?’ Asked Rose looking down at her forearm with a slight frown as Matt and Tuchi both looked over at each other nervously,

‘A microchip.’ Mumbled Matt as he looked away from Rose bending over another car on the upper level of the car garage,

‘What like..a tracking device or something?’ Rose asked her bright blue eyes darting from one to the other, ‘Great! I was tracked like a fucking dog,’ she hissed

Matt turned towards her laughing. ‘Ironic since we stuck it to a wild dog and he ran away so now your dads chasing that’ Matt grinned and going back to the car they were working on.

Rose sat back watching the two get to work on the same car cleaning and polishing it to death as Rose swung her legs again wincing in pain every now and then from her ankle, watching the two working away for the whole day before they both collapsed on the ground  after finally finishing the car.

‘I would have helped but....,’ Rose paused and pointed to her leg as Tuchi and Matt gave her an odd look then narrowed their eyes as Tuchi scoffed, ‘Yea blame that!’ He laughed and stood up brushing himself off and Matt groaned rolling over on the ground before limply standing up together they left the garage.


As they returned to the house Rose heard the low rumble of a car. Rose’s heart started to pound as she looked towards Tuchi and Matt, ‘Run!’ She yelled and winced again as she fell to the ground, ‘Fucking ankle!’ she cried before looking back at the slowly approaching black car. It’s windows rolled down at Tuchi and Matt froze. A gun slipped from the window and a loud shot rang out though the air. Tuchi fell the ground in a heap as Matt cried out seeing the gun pointed at him Rose cried out again. A large man left the car wrapping his arms around Roses stomach he dragged her like a rag doll into the car kicking and screaming throwing her in the back before grabbing Matt away from Tuchi’s bleeding body he was thrown in next to Rose. Matt was losing it he was yelling and crying out trying to escape the car.

Rose panicked her heart pounding faster as she looked at the steering wheel lunging forward as the second male held her back from touching the driver.

‘You want us to crash you crazy bitch!’ Growled the male throwing her back he held the silver gun towards her head.

‘You wouldn’t kill me my father would freak,’ She snarled leaning forward before the gun moved from her to Matt who was now passed out. Rose leant back against the seat she looked out at the cityscape passing her quickly. Rose closed her eyes tightly trying to get the image of Tuchi out of her mind biting her bottom lip tightly before leaning forward quietly and seeing Matt open his eyes slowly.  She looked at Mat and placed her finger over her lips, Matt closed his eyes again tightly trying to stay quiet and trying to stop the tears leaving his eyes. Suddenly Rose lunged as the car swerved she grabbed the man’s gun in her hand shaking as she sat back aiming at the head of the passenger male.

‘Stop the car!’ She screamed as Matt sat up unlocking the side door  the car screeched to a halt in front of some houses.  Rose climbed though the window cocking the gun in her hand using another hand to steady the shaking as her tears dripped down her cheeks she yelled. ‘Stay in the car or your brains won’t be in your skull anymore.’ Matt looked at Rose before she shot into the back window feeling her hands jerk with the force of the gun and shatter the back door the car speed off and they ran in the opposite direction.

They sprinted back to where they last saw Tuchi they saw ambulance lights lighting up the area with red and blue. Rose felt the stabbing pain though her ankle but she continued to run something jolted though her body numbing the pain she didn’t know if it was fear or the adrenalin. She stopped as they saw Tuchi being loaded into the ambulance they both ran over. Rose hid the gun behind her as she saw Tuchi’s bloodied arm.

‘It’s ok,’ He panted, ‘fuckers missed and got my arm.’ he said as he was loaded into the back of the ambulance Matt cried as it speed off and Rose held him.

‘I am so Sorry.’ She felt her breath harshly leave her body as Matt looked at her with anger. ‘If you had just stayed away this wouldn’t have happened! If you just stayed the fuck away from everyone this wouldn’t have happened you could have gotten my brother killed!’ Yelled Matt as tears dripped down his cheeks he wiped them away and started to walk away from Rose

‘I’m sorry about Tuchi but this isn’t my fault!’ She yelled out as she ran up behind him wincing in pain as she tried to keep up. ‘I’m so sorry about Tuchi I didn’t mean for this to happen don’t you think I’m just as upset as you are!’ She started crying as she fell to her knees watching him walk away she yelled at him, ‘This isn’t my fault you think I wanted this? I didn’t know they had a gun I didn’t even know anything till earlier today and you know that!’ Rose lowered her head as she heard Matts footsteps stop. She held the gun in her hand it shook, she felt the weight leave her hand as Matt  took the gun and tucked it in the side of his pants. His arms wrapped around Rose picking her up, she tried not to put any weight on her foot, ‘Ow’ She winced as Matt stayed quiet helping her back to the house.

Matt left her in her room again as she limped over to the bed pulling a pillow over her face she started to cry quietly rolling over as the door shut. She soon fell asleep. After a few hours she woke up opening her eyes and seeing that the room had been filled by the dull moon light. She looked out of the window sitting up in the bed and rubbing her eyes tiredly she just sat there staring out of the window her mind running though everything at had just happened. She had jumped out of a window ran for her life then held a gun at some ones head. Rose looked down at her shaking hands and began to sob her tears soaking her cheeks and dripping down her neck as she closed her eyes tightly Softly the door opened and matt stood there watching her for a second before walking over and sitting next to her with a sigh he looked at the wall.

‘I’m sorry about before.’ He said gently and closed his eyes, ‘I got a call from the Hospital Tuchi is doing fine the bullet barely got him, but he doesn’t think we are safe anywhere so we may as well stay and fight instead of running away.’ Something about Matts voice was scary, Rose slowly opened her blurry eyes as her tears continued to run down her cheeks. She looked over at him and nodded before taking a deep breath.

‘I want blood.’ She growled and looked towards Matt as he wrapped one arm around her shoulders before standing up and leaving her room but this time leaving the door open.

‘Well I’ll be in the kitchen I have the midnight munchies.’ Matt laughed coldly


Rose looked back towards the window, she rubbed her cheeks and she stood up walking towards her dresser and quickly getting dressed into a red dress. She shuffled out of the humid room closing the door and walking into the well lit kitchen. Matt placed papers down on the table. Rose walked in and slowly sat down at the table, she read over a few of the papers as the smell of toast hit her nose.

‘Renwell legal advisory, offering legal advice for over 87 years and over 948 court cases won by our legal professionals Renwell your best option for legal mumbo jumbo.’

‘Legal mumbo jumbo?’  Asked Rose as she looked at Matt watching her oddly and he nodded.

‘Yeah your father pays off the police and everything in this god forsaken country. We have to launch our attack but I guess we should wait for Tuchi to leave the hospital besides we can’t go in guns blazing we need to take them down from the inside.’ Matt lent on the counter as he looked at
Rose continuing to speak, ‘Tuchi and Maxwell, your father, used to be business partners before Tuchi found out about the dodgy dealings and now it’s gone beyond corrupt, this city is toxic I guess its fate that brought you here, if you can call it that,’ Matt began to laugh, ‘I remember when you went to school  here I swear you took every ones money with your races and no one ever knew it was you.’ Matt started laughing more, ‘that can be your side project, getting us more money you silly rev head.’ Rose was now laughing  but then she looked at Matt sadly,

‘But I don’t have my car it’s back with my mother in Kuduro. What am I meant to do?’ She asked looking back up at Matt as she yawned,

‘Well we do have a million and one cars I’m sure we can find you something to your liking.’ Matt yawned too as Rose got up and left the kitchen heading to the room she was sleeping in calling out behind her.

‘I’m tired I’m going to sleep.’ Rose closed the door gently behind her and fell face first on the bed looking over at the glowing clock, 3 am she groaned and her eyes closed like lead.
© Copyright 2012 Lizabell Ambleside (lizziebee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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