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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1845556
Wolfram and Elizabeth chill while Yuuri and group gets farther into the castle.
Disclaimer: I do not own KKM but oh do I so wish that I did.

Chochowilliams: Which one has the same name? I wouldn’t mind knowing and thank you for your input.

XZanayu: No that doesn’t mean the child will die. I will say that the child will not die in this story. Just enjoy reading this.

Note: Everyone that has been so patient for my next stories thank you. I love hearing the readers input so R&R please. Domo Arigato Gozaimasu Minna-sai.

Chapter Nine

Eve stared out of the window at the morning sun. I love the mornings. There is something beautiful about waking up to the sight of something so beautiful. A little blue bird caught her attention. She held up her hand and it landed on her finger.

“Why good morning, little one.” She said to him. He cocked his head and looked at her. She smiled. The little bird started looking like he was preening his feathers. “It is a beautiful morning is it not?” He took what looked like a little scroll out of his feathers and held it up to her. “Oh, is that for me?” She took it from the bird. Before she could really hold the paper in the palm of her hand the bird transformed into Aqua. She crossed her arms.

“You know, I don’t really appreciate being thought of as a guy.” She said perturbed while still standing in the palm of Eve’s hand. Eve grinned and sat her on the windowsill.

“Gomen, Aqua. I was just enjoying the beautiful sunrise.” They both turned back to look at the rising sun. When it was above the horizon. Eve turned to Aqua. “So why the unexpected arrival?”

“Well, I am the only one who can turn into a innocent bird.” She said in a soft sarcastic tone. “So I came to be a tracking device. That paper will tell you the rest.” She said as she sat on the window looking out. Evil opened the paper and started reading.

Dear Eve,

As you can probably tell we are very close to you at this moment. I have brought enough manpower to help you be freed. As you probably know this by now we are using Aqua’s link with my other children. They can tell where she is at anytime. Do not be afraid of her. She is a very sweet girl and loyal as well. When you think the time is right just tell Aqua and she will use her link with the others to let us know it is time. I hope the two girls will be patient to be rescued until we get there. Remember one thing though. Aqua is a water element so she can cut any type of matter. I will take my leave now. Good luck and stay safe.

Shibuya Yuuri the 27th Maou of Shin Makoku

“Hmm. I guess we just have to wait then.” She says as she lights the paper with a black fire. When it disappears Aqua flies up and lands on her shoulder. She puts her hand on the necklace.

“Now lets get rid of your curse.” Aqua grins as she summons some water to create what looked like whips. She swung it and they wrapped around the necklace. She then froze it. “Here we go.” She kicked it and the stone shattered. “Okay now to make one that imitates it.” She had water flowing from her hand to mold it to look like the necklace. “There we go.” She said when she finished freezing the water. Eve took it and put it around her neck.

“This will fool him, right?” She asked as she looked in the mirror.

“Hai. Plus it gives me a place to hid and stay in contact with you.” Aqua said as she melded with the necklace. “Just act normal. I will be here if you need me.”


Yuuri sat kneeling looking at the heavily guarded fortress. He felt Conrad’s hand on his shoulder. He turned to look into the gentle brown eyes.

“The other elementals are spread around hidden by their elements. All we need now is for Eve to let us know when the time is right.” Conrad said as Gwendal and Murata creeped over to their sides. “Where is hahaue?”

“She is further back. She said she didn’t want to be a burden and let us be caught before it is time.” Gwendal said as he turned and caught a little sight of their mother’s glorious blonde hair.

“Okay that’s good.” Yuuri said sounding impatient. “Make sure Gunter and Gisela stay close to her. I do not want anything happening to her. She is my future mother-in-law after all.” He said with a quirk to his lips.

“Hai, Heika.” Gwendal said with a quirk to his own lips. He looked at Conrad. “Where is Yozak by the way?”

“Doing his work.” Conrad said as he grinned.

“Okay, I guess the time will come about when we get a message.” Yuuri said as he tried to hunker down to wait.

“Try not to be so impatient, Chichue.” Grava said as she popped her head out from the soil. She grinned and winked then disappeared right under the soil again. Yuuri grinned.


Eve looked out of the window for the thousandth time in half an hour. When the king stepped into the room and watched Eve as she was doing part of the ceremony on the doppelgangers.

“How are the proceedings?” He asked as he walked around the room that was designed for this specific reason. The two beds sat in the middle of the room only two feet apart.

Along the wall you could see demon markings. The windows are always opened considering the ceremony calls for it. If you inhale a high amount of Maryoku to this extent it will poison your blood demon and human alike. You could hear footsteps from the corridor where the servants and soldiers rushed around doing what was bid of them. For fear of consequences that there king will bestow.

“They are going like planned, Heika. This part should finish by tomorrow at noon then I will start on the third proceedings.” She looked at him from the corner of her eyes. Keep him blabbing. This is the best time for me to send the message to the others. She felt the warmth coming from the necklace and a corner of her mouth tipped. That is what you want, huh? The necklace warmed. While the king stood behind her Eve closed her eyes and sent a telepathic message to one of the other elements. The necklace shook gently as Aqua lended a hand. The king quirked his eyebrow at the sight of that.

“What’s wrong, Eve?” He walked to her side to look her in the eye. “Is this getting too much for you? I have never seen you strain this much while doing the ceremony.”

“I just haven’t been able to sleep to restore my power, Heika.” She said as she showed some wariness on her face. He narrowed his eyes.

“Well, now you know to sleep when you finish for the night, you idiotic elemental.” Eve had a shocked look in her eyes and Aqua sent an invisible message with her power to calm her until the king stepped behind her to sit down. Eve’s face exploded with her emotions afterward.


Yuuri felt a fresh breeze against his face and felt Aero land on his shoulder. His eyes turned to the side slightly so that he could see his son.

“Chichue, Eve and Aqua are both sending signals saying that now is the time.” With that said Aero disappeared into the wind.

“Okay, everyone. I have a gift for you.” He ussured the others towards them and pulled out a plush pouch from his side. The bag is filled to the brim. “These are for the maryoku users. And this…” He held up a smaller red sack. “These are for the non maryoku users. Everyone get one. Oh and be careful with the demon stones. They are very powerful.” Everyone took their turns to take a stone from one of the sacks. Yuuri took two demon stones and one houseki. “Okay let’s go.” They all ran into the castle.


“Here is your drink, Heika.” Said the busty maid that was serving the king.

“You must be the new girl.” The king looked at her with pleasure in his eyes. “I’ll make sure to see how well you can do your job here in a few.” He said as he took a sip out of the wineglass in his hand. He looked up and down the maid’s body. “I love tall busty women. Unlike that scrawny bitch of an elemental you could really make a man happy.” He grins and grabs her around her waist. He pulls her onto his lap and grabs a handful of her breast. He squeezes and the maid cries out. “Oh yes. I like that a lot. You should go and get ready for me. I’m in need of fun tonight.” She got off of his lap and he smacks her on her rump. The maid rushes to the door as she turns back to watch Eve doing the ceremony. The maid catches Eve’s angry eye and winks. A corner of Eve’s lips raised into a smile.

“Heika, it is almost time for us to finish up for tonight.” Eve said as she stops the ceremony proceedings.

“Oh, alright. But this time you little bitch. Get some damn rest. I hope the new elemental is more efficient than you are. Now for me to go pluck a delectable flower.” He said as he walks from the room rubbing his wrinkled hands together. As the door closes you could see a dark blast slam into it scarring the wood on the door.

“What an arrogant bastard you are, father dear.” She said with an angry look on her face. It changed into a smile when she thought about what awaits him in the royal chambers.


Ja ne!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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