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Lok'yi character profile
Lok'yi drawing

NB image is based on a komono dragon. The Parvane amphibians are six legged.

Name: Lok’yi

Age: equivalent of 53 Earth years

Location: Karshi Swamp, Northern Parvane continent

Family History: Lok brood. Territorial to Karshi Swamp. 30-40 ‘phibians in brood. Many eggs in incubation. One of the larger broods in area.

Career Aspirations: Become chief hunter of the brood, unite Northern broods against humans (Core).

Race: Alien amphibian. Species is telepathic over short-range.

Features: Heavy set, slightly larger than most of Lok brood. Four powerful legs on lower torso, with two more delicate arm-like appendages further along body. Runs on legs, but can drop to all six limbs for increased speed. ‘Arms’ have opposable thumbs and demonstrate great dexterity. Has dark green scales, but can shows colour change of scales to communicate with brood (not a camouflage attribute).

Likes: Bosa tea. Da’dic leaves. Hunting and the chase. Learning new ideas and implementing them.

Dislikes: The Core hunters/troopers. Narrow-mindedness. Lok’da.

Physical condition: Extremely fit. Very strong and powerful. Fast. Agile upper body, but lacks flexibility in lower torso.

Ailments: None known.

Education: Community brood learning. Trained in hunting, botany, basic medicine (‘phibian). Knows some words of human (English). Skilled tracker & communicator.

Socioeconomic background: Hunter in Lok brood. Physical stamina & intelligence level cause Lok’yi to be respected member of the brood. Trusted by brood elders and esteemed by younger members.

Parents: Unknown. Parental responsibilities are shared by brood, and are particularly delegated to younger lizards.

Siblings: One of twelve hatched. Most siblings deceased through either disease, natural predators and, especially, Core troopers. Remaining siblings are – Lok’ri, Lok’pra and Lok’dre.

Ambitions: To unite the Northern broods and reclaim the Southern continent from the Core troopers. Is prepared to live in harmony with humans, but only if ‘phibians are accepted as equals. Something neither the Core nor the brood elders acknowledge.

Hobbies: Philosophical discussion, meditation, swimming.

Significant others: Lok’dre (hatch sibling) is a close friend and confidant. Lok’bri and Tak’ro are its protégés, Lok’yi has mentored Lok’bri for nearly three years as a hunter and botanist. Tak’ro is a Tak brood foundling Lok’yi is integrating into the Lok brood. Lok’da is a fierce rival.

Intelligence: ‘Phibian intelligence is on par with humanity’s. Lok’yi is a little above average.

Emotional Stability: Quietly confident. Has strong beliefs, but is rational and calm.

Flaws: Can be too trusting. Impulsive. Independently minded in a brood-orientated society.

Other traits: Appears slow thinking, typical of ‘phibian behaviour. Exhibits less brood-orientated attributes than most ‘phibians. Permitted this independent and wayward thinking because it makes it a good hunter.

Pivotal events: Several hatch siblings and brood members lost to Core hunters/troopers. Discovers Tarnic in throes of fever, takes him in. Learns that humans are capable of emotional and empathic behaviour – this challenges ‘phibian world-view.

Favourite food: Da’dic leaves. Bird meat.

Favourite music: Singing. The sound of the waterfalls.

Favourite reading: Cannot read.

Religion: Spiritualist. Ancestor worship.

Personality: Calm and reflective. Open-minded, loves new ideas. Giving.

Habits: Swishes tail when agitated. Flicks tip of tail when thinking.

Favourite activities: Swimming.

Comfort level with opposite sex: N/A

Takes pride in: Lok’bri and Tak’ro’s competencies in their training

Bothered by: Core encroachment onto Lok territory. Narrow outlook from some brood elders, esp. when fed by Lok’da’s speciesism.

Makes laugh: Tak’ro’s inter-brood outlook, clear water streams that feed into the swamplands.

Speech pattern: Takes a long time to answer (partially because of translational difficulties, but also acts this way with other brood members). Clicks & hisses for verbal ‘phibian communication, but can also communicate with primitive telepathy. Colour change of the scales act as extended body language.

Lok’yi is a valued member of the Lok brood from the Karshi swamp area. It is the equivalent of 53 Earth years old, with an expected life of 200yrs. It is a hunter-gatherer for his brood. It is very successful at both hunting and botany. In a brood-oriented (almost hive-minded) society, Lok’yi independent thinking a abnormal, an aberration that is only just tolerated. Lok’yi’s sex is undeclared - the lizards are hermaphroditic, gender is relative to social status.
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