Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1844892-An-unexpected-sex-change
Rated: · Other · Fantasy · #1844892
A man is suddenly in a different body!
A male mind in a woman's body!

Let me introduce one Frank Abrams. He is a rather large fellow, six feet four and weighing two hundred and twenty five pounds. To his wife, five foot six in heels, he is a gentle giant. He had planned to have the guys over for the Sunday football game. That plan was ruined when the woman who was to hold the card party told Jan that she was sick and could not hold the party. Jan volunteered and asked Frank if one of his buddies could host the football party.
One phone call and Jan had the house.

He had a little time to kill before heading over to Mikes place. He was reminiscing about last nights session with the guys. They were joking about the differences between the sex’s. It was a in a good natured way, nothing mean spirited. With one possible exception. He remembered Mikes comment “If I changed into a woman, I think I’d kill myself.” He couldn’t help thinking that was a bit drastic. I wonder what it would be like to become a woman he thought. I don’t think I’d kill myself. Oh well, I’ll never know. He then looked at his watched and saw it was about 12:30. Frank grabbed his jacket from the hook, took his wife by her shoulders and gave her a gentle peck on the cheek. See ya later Babe.

As he walked towards the front door Jan asked what about the food and beer you got for the game? Don't need it, Bill said he's got every thing needed. Have fun!

He proceeded towards the front door, halfway there he experienced a mental blank, everything went dark. The feeling disappeared as almost as quickly as it had come.

Damn, what was that. He then realized that he was having a problem walking, he was wobbly! He had to balance against the wall. He tilted his head down to see what the problem was, but, his view was partially obstructed. What the hell, he put his hands to his chest. This is impossible, I've got boobs! Breasts! He leaned forward, looked down and saw that he was wearing high heel pumps! Oh SHIT! Of course his immediate reaction was to check for his favorite organ, that too was not there. He wobbled into the bathroom to look at him self in the mirror! Another shock, he was definitely in a female body, but, the image in that mirror was that of his wife!

His immediate reaction was “Damned, she's attractive”. He wanted to ask her for a matinee. He then realized that was asking for the impossible. He knew immediately that he could not go to the football party like this. play cards. He remembered Jan had mentioned something about having made petite fours, Hell, something like that. He also remembered that there were three other women coming over for a card party. He then heard the doorbell and realized that he was stuck with the situation. How the Hell can I make this work?

Walking, perhaps like slightly inebriated , towards the front door he wondered if all the women were real, or, were they like him, men trapped in a woman’s body. He answered the door and saw Barbara Crown, He announced “Good to see ya guy”, and have her a hearty smack on her back which sent her stumbling forward, fortunately stopped by a chair. He then realized that they were the genuine article, real women. His only thought was this day is going to be Hell. He immediately apologized. I'm so sorry! He put out his hand.. That's all right Jan, Barbara said, approaching her/him and giving her a peck on the cheek. I must admit that is was strange!

The doorbell rang and he opened the door to see Jane and Doris. This time he didn’t try to shake hands, They all traded pecks on the cheeks. The ladies complemented Jan on her outfit. Frank was indifferent, “ I really don’t care about clothes, especiallyl to watch the game. He did comment on the ladies appearance. “You two look pretty damned hot also. Reals foxes” Drag your butts in and have a seat. Shit, he did it again. Ladies, please come in and have a seat and I will put some whores derves on the table.”

As he headed into the kitchen Barbra commented to the other two, “Do you think Jan is a ..ahh, a little tipsy. Jane commented that it was like she never walked in heels before. Doris had to chip in, “and about “whores derves” was that a comment about us. Barbra’s last comment was “Well it’s going to be an interesting afternoon.”

He went into the kitchen, opened the fridge and did not see any of those Whores things. He looked around and did not see the tea pot on the stove. What he did see was a couple of foot long hoagies, a hunk of salami, cheddar cheese and some salsa along with chips and onion dip. He split the bread, loaded it with the salami, cheese and salsa, sliced it into four pieces put the pieces on a paper plate, tossed it on the table and said “Dig in, I'll get the beer and chips.” As he went for the beer he realized that he could not stop acting like a guy. Not beer you dumb-ass, ask if they would like some tea. Pay attention dipshit, you’re a woman, at least for now.

Oh, Ladies, I apologize. I don't know what’s come over me! I don't feel like myself today. I know I'm acting weird. I just cant explain it. Christ, is that the truth.

Barbara told her to sit down, she would take care of things.

Barb went to the stove, put the kettle on to boil, then to the fridge to get the appetizers which were covered with a cloth.

Frank reached for a sandwich and wound up with what appeared to be a quarter of two slices of white bread, with no crust and looking inside determined the filling was some kind of a vegetable. One bite and he spit it out with a loud YUK! Damned that was terrible! All he could do was to stare at that beautiful hoagie. Of course the horror continued, he had to drink Tea. God, I hate tea! He then noticed the subtle sweet smell in the air, he felt like he was being suffocated. He then realized It was perfume! Not overly strong, but, he was not used to it. His only thought was I have to get some air! How do women stand that god awful sweet smell

Girls, excuse me but I've got to sit in the living room for a minute, I have too try to understand what's happening with me. I'm so confused. Nothing seems normal! I'll just be a while. Walking away, shoving the hair out of her eyes and yelling out “God Dammed long hair”. Good God, I’ll never adjust, too many differences, like two alien species, BUT, I’m not about to take a dirt nap!

Barbra said to the others, excuse me. I have to talk to Jan. As she got up to leave, Doris asked “should we call her Husband?” Maybe we should take her to the hospital was Jane’s comment.

Barb sat down next to Jan, she was sitting in a most unusual way, she had her legs spread, feet on the coffee table and her arms stretched out along the top of the sofa. My God, she sits like a man! In fact she’s been acting like one.

Jan, that’s not exactly a ladylike way to sit. His reaction surprised her, ‘I’m NOT A WOMAN, DAMN IT” Ohh Crap, I blew it again.

Jan, Why are you acting like a man?

What are you talking about?, I have to get a drink.

Stay there Jan, I’ll get it. Barb returned with a drink, about a fingers worth in a small glass.

This is a drink? He belted it down.

Jan, there something obviously bothering you, I think we should talk about it.

NO, NO TALK. It accomplishers nothing. Just a waste of time. I’ll handle any problem by myself.

Barb gave up, Jan I’ll be back later. Maybe you’ll feel like talking then.

As the girls were preparing to leave they saw Jan get up and proceed to the kitchen, he put two hoagies on a plate, piled a bunch of chips on, grabbed a beer and returned to the living room, He turned the TV on to the ball game. He thought he’d try to sit like a lady, legs crossed on couch. Damn, this isn’t going to work!

He heard the murmuring from the ladies, then realizing why the buzz! He had never seen his wife sit like this. He tried to sit with legs tucked underneath him, that was uncomfortable. He tried sitting knees together, both feet on the floor. This was no better, the hell with it, I’m going to be comfortable! He put one foot on the floor, then put his ankle on his knee.

Her guests were attempting to figure out what to do, stay or leave, call 911! The decision was made by Frank. They heard him scream “You dumb ass, why a pass on third and inches?” Who called that freeking stupid play?

Hey Guys, sleeping beauty woke up! Jesus Guy, what the fuck was wrong with you. You were screaming “I’m not a woman, and I’m not going to kill myself. We thought you went nuts, but , you were right on calling that play stupid.

Word count 1,610 at Verdana 10 pt.

© Copyright 2012 havagomate (havagomate at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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