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Rated: 13+ · Essay · Spiritual · #1844542
Counting the cost of a closer relationship to god, in spirit and truth.
Perplexed and perturbed, disturbed and distraught by feeling and thought. Another monotonous day with no apparent purpose pains my soul. When will the waters part and clear a path of prevalence? Seeing the simplicity around me and the willingness of others to simply ignore the truth and so easily accept things as they are is beyond baffling. The band of illusion marches on but by who’s bidding? It’s as if an unspoken agreement has been made by the masses to overlook the obvious and simply deny the truth.
The majority claims faith in a power greater than themselves and at the same time through their actions they blatantly deny the existence of God. To myself I wonder if slothfulness is the culprit behind humanities acceptance of a happenstance existence. Or could it be a lack of insight spurring from insufficient faith? It is expected by our society to have faith in god in some form or fashion but it has been compartmentalized and downsized to the point that it is basically without effect. Yet as a whole the conscience is appeased by this mere acknowledgement of God.
The soul thrives on the knowledge of God; unbeknownst to our own consciousness we have entered into a contract with an illusion to starve our souls to death. This is indeed suicide because we agree to this when we ignore the guilt we feel for not giving more time to God.
Keeping a conscious contact with God regardless of where we are physically is the only way to move forward. Our spirits are heightened by worship and the assembling of ourselves to study the word, but the real progress is made in the midst of a daily grind. Think on these things for what is more important? I may be surrounded by temporal things that in the end will not hold even a smidgeon of significance but I don’t have to be emotionally tied to any of them. My heart strings should not be tied to the things that are here one moment and gone the next.
After I part with the ties that have bound me then I am truly free. This is the offering of Jesus Christ. The promise of freedom, the promise that there is nothing in this world nor anything below that can bind us or separate us from being close to his love. After he has broken the chains in our life will we just stand idle and accept the flow that man has created in his ignorance? Now that we have been saved will we continue to move with the masses? Or will we diligently discipline our minds to maintain a conscious connection with god, constantly seeking a closer relationship and a deeper purpose?
Regardless of our current situation or what we appear to be in the eyes of society we must remember that God does not see us the way that people see us. He looks at us through the pureness of his divine love. We were all created to be like him and it is up to us how much of his likeness we express. Through faith we were buried with Christ (Our old nature died with him on the cross) and by that same faith we are resurrected with him a new creature. The glory and likeness of God are attained through focus, determination, pain and perseverance. Not through distraction and acceptance of the ways of the world.

Hebrews 12
1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

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