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Rated: 18+ · Other · Dark · #1843851
a hot meeting of two friends
the club
The club was full to the brim as always and the stench of sex, lust and alcohol filled the air setting my senses afire.
There was only one reason I was here, one reason that I had dressed to kill. Literally. And that reason was somewhere in amongst the crowd.
I'm just glad my glamour was getting strong enough to conceal my growing weaponry that I seemed to need to carry everywhere I went. Not that it mattered. Ari would be able to see straight though my disguise, he always could. But tonight I had the element of surprise on my side.
I smiled at the thought of his face when he saw me... taking a deep breath I filled my lungs, tasting the different flavours of peoples scents. Just as I had expected, a slightly spicy musk filled my mouth making it water and my heart beat a little bit faster. He was here and he was not alone.
Using my new senses I scanned the crowd. Focusing out the rhythmic pounding of the music and the many chatting of voice's. I looked past the hundreds of scantily clad girls gyrating against drunk and horny men and focused solely on the deep, husky voice.
There he was. The reason to my visit. Even from across the room i could still feel his commanding presence. His aura pulsed wildly with deep purples and dark reds,
He was horny and the reason why was obvious. Two blondes were currently draped over him, both plying him with more attention than should be allowed in a public place.
I would have been hurt by this scene in front of my eyes if it wasn’t for the fact that although horny Ari looked positively bored. Oh how frustrated he must be...
My smile crept wider on my face... deciding now was the time to make my entrance I sent out a small pulse of energy, and stepping towards the crowd I whispered for it to part,
As my will imprinted on the minds of the humans a pathway slowly opened up in front of me and I walked to wards Ari and his little hoes.

No one paid any attention to me as I finally parted the crowd like the Red Sea. The blondes were now trying to seduce Ari with a little girl on girl action.
I would have to give the girls there due... however poorly mistaken they were for trying it on with my warrior they were making a bloody good show of it. Tilting my head to the side I watched in fascination as the blonde in a sky blue tight dress began to slowly run her hands across the other’s body. Their tongues where fused together seeking out the other’s while keeping eye contact with Ari at all times...mmm yum. Shame I would have to interrupt their little show.
Stepping out I dropped my glamour completely. I felt my body shimmer with the power that I had been trying to hide. As soon as I did Ari’s eyes snapped up to meet mine.
His face paled instantly, and I saw the many thoughts that ran though his head. His eyes took in the weapons that draped my frame. The tight leather pants I had donned and tight backless top. I could see the flicker of lust, fear and confusion light his eyes. He wasn’t sure if this was an ambush or an assassination.
The blonde in the blue dress decided at this moment to reach round and grab Ari's crotch. I laughed loudly as Ari jumped from the chair like he had been electrocuted.
The two blondes and table went flying, the drinks exploded onto the ground, covering the floor in broken glass and cheap hoes..
"What the fuck?" the girls screamed as they lay sprawled on the floor. Ari didn’t even look at them, instead his eyes stared directly into mine.
"What’s your fucking problem?" one of the blondes shouted.
"And who the fuck are you?" whined the other, her voice full of surprise.
leaning away from Ari I turn to the girl who had spoken.
"Do you kiss your mumma with that mouth?" I asked as she pulled herself from the ground. The other blonde was already up and made her way to stand by my warrior’s side. “What’s it to you bitch?" squeaked Blue Dress, dusting herself down.
Once satisfied she tried to lace her arm round Ari's. "Babe tell this skank to go away," she said glaring at me.
I ignored her and turn my attention back to those deep chocolate eyes.
"Kateland," Ari said, his deep voice sending a shiver down my spine. "What a pleasant surprise."
Tilting my head to the side I took in his appearance, Tonight he was wearing a suit. grey armani trousers and a tight black t-shirt. His caramel skin, lush black hair and full red lips. his 6ft frame was heavy built with his toned chest pulling the top even tighter. But it was his eyes that captivated me the most. Those dark deadly eyes that showed no fear of dying but now held me with a look of passion burning deeply with in them. I shivered involuntarily and i saw a flick of a smile on his lips.
He could smell my growing desire for him, and his body relaxed a bit. It was clear he had decided I was not here for a fight. Oh how wrong he was...
Ari," I smiled back tilting my head in acknowledgement
Blue dress tugged hard on his arm. "Do you know this bitch?" she said glaring between the both of us.
Ari's head snapped towards her at the insult, pulling his arm free.
"Call her that again and I will kill you," he told her, his voice calm and steady.
Blue Dress’ eyes widened at the threat and she backed away. "Come on Sara, let’s get out of here," she squeaked, grabbing for her purse.
I watched as the blonde twins disappeared in to the crowd, then turn back to Ari who was staring at me intently.
"So what is your intention?" he asked watching me closely
"Intention?" I ask innocently. “Does a girl need a reason to visit an old friend?"
Ari growled deeply in his throat. "We have never been friends. Lovers yes, friends no…"
"Can we not be both?"
He stepped towards me slowly. Even if he was twice my height and size he was not a fool. My powers were not yet under control and if I felt threatened then they would go in to alto-pilot, He needn't have worried though. I was in fact craving his nearness.
"NO" he breathed. "Now what do you want?"
I sighed deeply. Ari was always straight to the point. "Is there somewhere a little quieter we can go?"
His body stiffened and I laughed loudly. "Oh come on, I just want to talk. I swear I come in peace. Hm?"
After a second or two he nodded his head. "This way," he said walking towards a staircase on the other side of the bar.

He had lead me to an office that had a glass wall. Below I could see the hundreds of partygoers dancing together, all of them swaying in unison to a song that I shouldn’t be able to hear. The office was sound proofed and the stele smell of blood was reason to why it was so. It looked as though my warrior had been a busy boy.
"Tell me what it is you want," Ari said as he closed the door, locking it in place. "I am in no mood for games."
It was my turn to growl. "Remember who you’re talking to," I said, sweeping my arms towards the window. "I am not one of your little hoes."
Ari flinched slightly, but recovered quickly. "No you’re right, you’re not one off my hoes at all." He spat angrily at me.
I glared at him. I couldn’t believe he was still blaming for what happened between me and Craven.
"You have no idea what you’re talking about," I told him, trying to seek control. I was not going to let Ari get to me. Tonight was my turn to get to him.
"I know actually what I am talking about. Now state your business and get out of my club."
He turned away from me and moved towards his large antique oak desk. I felt my anger pique and before I could stop myself I picked up a pillow from one of his leather sofas and chucked it at the back of his head. It hit him with a thump and he stumbled forwards before spinning round to see what had hit him.
"Did you just throw a pillow at my head?" he asked, slightly dazed.
" Yes, and I will throw another" I told him reaching for the other pillow. My super speed had allowed me to pick it up and hurl it at his head before he could react.
It hit its target square in the face. I heard a click then smelled a sweet tang fill the air
"Have you lost your mind?" he said wiping a trickle of blood from his nose.
"I must have" I shouted at him "I thought you understood, but I was wrong. You never cared, did you?" I accused.
Ari’s face screwed up in confusion.
"What the hell are you talking about woman?"
"I am talking about you, so quick to judge me without the facts. Is that why you left me that night?"
Ari stepped towards me, this time not caring. "And what facts are they? You fucked Craven behind my back!" he shouted, his body shaking in anger!
I stepped forwards too. "I never fucked anyone behind your back! Especially not Craven. See this is what I am talking about, always jumping to the wrong conclusions!"
"Wrong conclusions?" he laughed bitterly. "I saw him sucking on your neck! You were both all over each other"
This time I burst out laughing. "Of course he was sucking."
"So you don’t deny it?" Ari breathed through clenched teeth.
"No I don’t deny it. Yes Craven was as you say SUCKING on my neck, but not because we were having sex!"
"Really? Then what was he doing then?!"
I sighed deeply. "He was feeding." I said quietly.
The anger in Ari’s eyes dimed slightly. "Feeding?" he asked, now confused.
"Yes feeding. Ari, Craven is a vampire"
My words were met with silence… Ari seemed frozen to the spot. "I told you I never fucked anyone behind you back. Craven was hurt and I was trying to help him heal," I told him. There was still no response. "I tried to explain that night you disappeared and then will you know what happened after..." I finished, letting the words hang in the air. It was too painful still to talk about and I felt involuntary tears seep in to my eyes. Before I had a chance to hide them i felt a hand sweep up and wipe them away.
"You’re telling the truth?" Ari whispered in near amazement. I didn't trust my voice so I just nodded.
"Well shit,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. I took a deep breath. I had to stay focused on the job at hand, but it was hard to think with the warmth of his hand still on my face. I was just about to step out of his reach when he pulled me towards him, my body slammed in to his and I felt his strong arms wrap themselves around me.
"I thought..." he didn’t finish his sentence. Instead he picked me up swiftly and sat me on his desk .
I gasped at the sudden movement. "What are you doing?" I asked as he started to sweep his belongings on to the floor.
"Something I have wanted to do for a long time." he growled deeply. I felt his hands run down my arms, goose bumps erupting in his path.
"I want you Kateland," he whispered in my ear as his tongue slowly licked out at my ear lobe. "I want you so fucking bad it hurts."
I arched my back in pleasure as his tongue ran down the length on my neck . I couldn't help but moan.
"You want me too don’t you" he whispered seductively. "Are you as wet as I am hard?" he asked pushing the thick bulge of his trousers into my crotch.
Instantly my pussy started to pulse with wanting. A cold rush of heat swept through me. God I had wanted this for so long. I needed to feel him and taste him. It has been all I had dreamed about since the moment he left me...
"I am sorry I doubted you," he continued as he rubbed himself against me. "Let me show you how sorry I am?"
Moving his mouth from my neck he held my eyes, waiting for my permission. A million thoughts run though my head but only one I made stuck long enough for me to think it. And that was just how much I longed for him to be inside me. I answered him with a kiss. A kiss that was deep and wanting .Our tongue's met with force the sweetness of his breathe filled my mouth and sent heat pouring though me. I moaned loudly, pressing myself harder against him.
"Yes baby that’s it," he said his hands sneaking around me. "Let me make it up to you?"
Ari ran his hands up along my back, hooking the strap off my top with his finger. Pulling it down and freeing my breasts.
I felt my nipples harden as the air hit them.
My tongue sought out his again as I kissed him with a need I never thought possible. How sweet he tasted. I want... no I needed more of him. "Take me." I whispered pulling slightly back . It was more permission than he needed and with an increased bout of pleasure he growled in his throat, grabbing my breasts hard in his hand.

"So beautiful," he whispered, staring in awe as he held me in his hand. Pushing me back gently he dipped his head down taking my nipple in to his mouth, sucking hard while caressing me with his tongue.
My hand sought him out, grabbing at the large bulge in his pants. I rubbed my hand against him and sought to free him. One slip of the button and his hard thick erection sprang from its restraints, I touched his soft smooth skin and palmed him perfectly in my hand. Ari growled loudly in pleasure.
"Hold me Kateland," he breathed in my ear. "Touch me"
Squeezing hard I pulled back his skin in one swift move movement. Ari shuddered and I smiled as his body jerked forwards.
"You like that baby?" I asked teasingly as I continued to stroke his length in my hand. He didn't answer instead he pulled back away from me. I nearly whimpered at his sudden movement until I saw his pants fall to the ground showing him in all his glory... mmm just the sight of him sent a hot pulsing need though me.
"I want you undressed," he said standing over me and watching me with a deep and sensual lust. I smiled slightly laying myself flat on his desk.
"Then you best get to it " I told him offering my body to him. "And make it snappy," I added with a smile.
Ari's deep laughed vibrated though the room… "Your wish is my command," he said with a wicked smile on his face. Before i had chance to stop him, he moved forwards grabbing the hem of my leather pant and ripping them clean in half. I shot up in horror as my 500 fave pair of trousers fell to the floor in pieces.
"Have you lost your mind!?" I gasped in shock. Ari ignored me, pushing me back down roughly then spreading my legs wide.
"Yes," was all he said before pulling my legs on to his shoulders and driving his mouth into me.
I moaned loudly as his tongue sought out my core, suckling me deeply and bringing me in to a height of pleasure I never thought possible.
Already I could feel myself building to a climax, my body ached itself as he griped harder at my hips pulling me closer to his mouth.
"Ari you going to make me come," I moaned as he started to nibble at my clit with his teeth, tongue and lips. "Slow down."
I heard his laugh vibrate against my hot soaking core. He pulled back slightly and looked me dead in the eye. "No chance babe," he said, his voice thick with lust.
With a quick push he pulled my legs farther apart, then plunged his fingers deep inside me. My body rippled with pleasure and I screamed loudly as he began to suck at me again with such force that i felt my whole body exploded in bliss. "Ari…" I moaned as my climax hit me hard, making my whole body shuddered in pleasure and my head swim. I felt Ari move away from my core slowly kissing the length of my body as he passed up wards until his lips found my own, making me taste myself on his tongue.
I grabbed at him pulling him closer to me and wrapping my legs tightly around his waist.
"You taste like heaven," he breathed as he kissed my neck softly with his lips. His hands were once again on my breasts, slowly teasing my nipples between his fingers.
God how I wanted to taste him, feel him inside me. My whole body pulsed in wanting need. As if he heard my thoughts Ari growl pushing his hardness of his cock against my clit. "Now I want to feel you," he whispered. With one swift motion he pulled back then plunged deep inside me, filling me deeply.
We both screamed in unison. "Fuck yea, this is heaven, pure heaven,” he groaned, pushing himself even further in to me.
"Ari take me." I told him, arching my back in his arms. Griping tightly at my hips Ari began to pound at me. Our bodies slapping together as the rhythm picked up an ever increasing pace. "Yes that's it" I managed to moan out loud. I felt his mouth find mine as he kissed me hard with a hungry passion. He moved his arm from my hip and held me at the small of my back lifting me towards him. Within seconds he had me up against the glass wall off his office.
"I want to come in side you" he growled as his hip pumped harder into mine "Would you like that?" he asked holding my eyes with his own.
"Yes fuck yes," I breathed out as i griped at his back with my nails. "Fuck me"
With a speed and power only an eternal could hold, Ari pounded in to me harder and harder, I met every thrust of his with my own as our bodies blended in together.
I felt another climax start to build, pleasure ran though my body heat pouring though my core.
"I am going to come," he moaned. Gasping loudly I felt my pleasure peak as if it was waiting to hear those words. Suddenly my whole body felt aflame. Ari’s speed picked up and soon both of us moaned in bliss as our climaxes took hold of us and leaving us gasping for breath...
Covered in sweat and my breathing laboured, I stared in to his dark eyes…

to be continued
© Copyright 2012 kateland (kateland at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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