Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1843568-The-Godless---Mystery-of-the-World
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1843568
Fantasy story about son of the rich man.

I stood on the only rock in the middle of the ocean and saw nothing around except the endless water. I couldn’t understand what the light was, engrossing the Sun. It came out of the ocean and gradually became larger and larger. The breeze with the water drops in it blew into my face, making my long hair fly back from my eyes. I felt every wave of the ocean, which collided with the rock, as a stroke on my chest, but tenderly, trying not to harm me. I felt the smell, the smell of pure water, speeding to me. The waves kept rising, leaving the rocks behind, and stretched to me, as if I were a king. I kept looking at them as if they were children, striving for their father, so that he could protect them with his body and strength. As if I saw their eyes full of fear. They feared somebody and sought protection in my arms. But I was motionless and looked and looked, and listened to them calling me.

  When the water reached my feet, everything became quiet and there was a feeling that time had stopped. I didn’t hear their sounds any more, there were no more waves, the wind didn’t blow into my face and my long hair slowly lay back on my shoulders. I saw with surprise that it was snow-white and smooth and it was shining with its bright light. Though it was beautiful, I saw that it was dead. I raised my hand to touch my hair, but my hand didn’t reach it. All that time I didn’t notice that my hands were pale and were covered with shiny but soft ice. Like soft crystal the ice covered all my body. I unbuttoned my shirt and saw my crystal breast.

  The water touched my feet. It wanted me to look at it. Looking down, I saw that it rose around me and invited me to touch it, to take it by the hand and follow it. For a fraction of a second I looked at it and thought, if I should consider its appeal, but finally, it could persuade me. When I touched it, everything plunged into darkness; everything vanished before my eyes, leaving me alone with uncertainty.

  Darkness is uncertainty, but there is a purpose in light, a purpose to which every living being stretches its hands. I didn't realize it then, but now I see it. I saw my aim, a feeble hardly visible light in the midst of darkness. I looked at my aim, gained courage and ran to it. But there was something that didn't let me reach it and touch the light. Something prevented me from passing the distance to my aim. I continued running, but whatever I did, however I tried, everything was useless. Then suddenly, as if the light itself got angry with the one who was holding me, and flared. In a second it reached me and from its brightness I opened my eyes.

  It was a dream. At that moment it seemed to be a simple dream of a simple man. I didn't know then that I freed myself from a spell, under which I had lived for many years without even realizing it. I had been a simple boy before, who didn’t know his aim, but now I know everything and I know for sure what I must do.

Chapter one: Light again

Life is an endless circle, the end of which is a beginning. It is the same in nature. The question is: do we consider ourselves part of nature? Certainly, not, we don't think so, and looking the nature in the face, we damage everything, on which our existence depends...

- Are you sleeping, dear? – Manushak asked.

The young man opened his eyes and his thoughts or his dream vanished in the bottomless night. He was lying in bed with his beloved and her head rested on his breast.

The young man moved Manush's head aside and sat on the edge of the bed, covering his face with his hands. The girl didn't even try to break the silence hovering in the darkness. She simply encircled the boy from behind in her arms and legs and put her head on his shoulder.

-Sometimes it seems to me that there is a beast inside me and it strives to escape from the cage… Have you ever had such a feeling? –at last the silence was broken by the young man’s quiet voice.

-What beast, Aren? – inquired Manush.

Aren was tall, his body and face were thin, his hair and eyes were black. The girl had curly hair; she was of medium height with an oval face and black eyes. They were both young, and their life was still ahead,

The light from the street lamps lit Manush's feminine beauty. Her bare breast leaned against Aren’s back, passing her warmth on to him.

-You know, sometimes I have a feeling that I'm a cage, and a wild creature wants to escape outside from me...- Aren said, removing his hands from his face and looking at the curtains gently fluttering from the quiet breeze – at such moments I become too cruel and feel animosity to the whole mankind…

-Do you consider me your enemy too?

-No-o…- mumbled Aren, - I don’t know, - he answered frankly, - I even don’t think about you at such moments.

-Ah…you don’t even think about me…- the girl got offended.

-Right now you want to awaken a beast in me, - said Aren with a bit of anger in his voice. – I think much about you, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t have other thoughts in my head.

-It’s different with me, - smiled Manush, - I think about you even when I’m asleep.

-You're lying, - smiled Aren and turned to Manush.

-No, I'm not, - said the girl rolling her eyes, - I think when I wash, eat, work…

They stopped talking and started to embrace, kiss and caress each other. Aren tenderly put her on the bed, looked into her wonderful eyes for some seconds, then gently kissed her on her neck. But it didn't last long as the girl's telephone rang.

-It's mother, - said Manush.

Aren moved aside and the girl rushed to the telephone.

-Yes, Mum...

Manush was talking to her mother and Aren was admiring his treasure. He admired the perfect feminine body, her beauty. He was ready to turn the world upside down and run across deserts for her.

“I'll give you everything, darling, you won't need anything. Be always as happy as you are now.” - Aren thought, without listening to what Manush was talking on the phone.

-...OK, Mum...I'll be home soon,- she turned off the phone, came up to Aren, put her arms around him, kissed him and said: it’s high time.

-Yes, I guess so, - Aren replied.

In the lift Aren didn’t even look at the girl, while Manush looked at him fixedly. She couldn't help casting a glance at the precious stone of the ring which Aren gave her on the day of their engagement. When she was far from Aren or was sad she found consolation in that stone. But this time it was different: Aren was at her side but the consolation was again in the stone. Something had changed in her beloved, or he had problems today? Maybe he was out of mood.

Aren's luxurious car was at the entrance. This time courtesy was forgotten and the girl had to open the door of the car herself. For a moment the car engine broke the silence of the night and one could hear only the rustle of the autumn leaves.

It was autumn.


-Have you ever smoked?

Two boys were standing in the empty school yard. Judging from their height and features, they were both elementary school pupils. It was quiet everywhere; it meant that it was study time at school. The two boys were playing truant and walking near the school. They didn’t even think that the teachers could see them. What’s more, they were speaking on a subject for which they were too small. Under their feet one could hear the rustle of the leaves, dancing in the autumn wind.

-No, Aren, - the boy answered hastily and in surprise, - and you?

-Certainly, I have! – Aren cried out boastfully, - is it bad?

-Well…- the boy tried to resist, but refrained.

-Nothing bad, - Aren said, - no matter that adults forbid us to smoke. How many times did you play truant?

-Ha-ha, many times, I don't even remember.

-But didn't they tell you, it's bad to do that?

-They said, but it isn't the same...

-There is no difference, Tigran, - Aren answered, - shall we go to buy a cigarette and smoke? – Aren suggested, thinking that he had proved his point. You will see that there is nothing bad in it.

-No, no, -replied Tigran hastily, I don't want,- he added, seeing in Aren's look “how else could it be? Tigran is a coward, I didn't expect anything else”

-All right, - Aren said calmly and turned away from him.

Behind him, at about twenty meters distance was the school gate. Everybody left them and went home, but not the two boys. You could expect anything of them. To be more exact, of Aren, and Tigran followed his example. And here was another deed. Just at that moment a boy, who was a little older than those ones, entered the gates. He looked at them with confidence and headed to the entrance of the school. Aren kept looking at him and thought of some plan. While the boy was approaching them, Aren turned to Tigran and said:

-He is not from our school!

-So what? – Tigran got surprised.

-I know for sure, he has come to see a girl from our school, - Tigran felt cruelty in Aren’s voice.

Aren didn’t let Tigran answer anything. He turned to the boy and asked:

-What are you looking for in our school?

For a moment the stranger looked at Aren, but didn’t stop.

-I’m talking to you, - continued Aren loudly and self-confidently, making the stranger stop. The latter came up to Aren and looked into his eyes.

-Who are you looking for in my school?

-Is it your own school? – the boy asked floutingly.

-Yes, it's mine. – Aren answered coldly.

In this way Aren wanted to prove something to Tigran, or to the whole world... On the first school day he beat his schoolmate, because that boy treaded on his new boots accidentally. Since the first day at school he had been summoned to the headmaster’s office five times, and his parents were called to school at least fifteen times. But his parents came to school only once when he broke the school window with anger. Certainly, Aren’s father bought new glass for the window and he wasn’t expelled. But who would dare expel the son of a wealthy man?

And now Aren was looking for new problems with a grown-up boy, who was mocking him.

-Why are you laughing? – Tigran said, troubled by Aren’s behavior.

Tigran was Aren’s only close friend. They had been friends before they went to school.

Suddenly it became dark; the only ray of light was seen at the very end of the darkness. Aren couldn’t understand how he had got there. Several seconds ago he was standing beside Tigran. He saw nothing around, only a small light in the distance.

He couldn't even understand where he was standing. He raised his hands slowly and spread them, as he didn't know what he could touch. After standing so for a few seconds, Aren gained courage and walked towards the light. He could fully realize that it was useless to stand still, though you couldn't know how long the light would persist, that's why he needed to hurry.

He walked slowly, trying to feel the surrounding space with his hands and feel the floor with his feet, but he had an impression that there was nothing beneath.

“I cannot...” - Aren didn't even understand, if he heard, said or thought those words. At last he decided to run, though he saw nothing in front of him. He was running, but he wasn't even sure, as he felt neither the floor nor the wind in his face. His face? Aren tried to touch his face but changed his mind. To be exact, he was afraid that he might not find his face.

And again there was the light.

Aren opened his eyes and realized that he was in his bed. He lay for some time, looking at the ceiling indignantly. He quickly came to his senses and understood that his childhood had already passed and there was no light at the end of the tunnel, which he was longing to so much. Those unpleasant dreams about tunnels and childish games again woke him up. But the dream seemed so real that it took him some time to return to the reality. 

At last he returned to the present time. The sun hadn’t risen yet, but Aren couldn’t sleep after that dream and he had to get up and go to the bathroom. He went along the corridor. He washed and felt much better and at last returned to the reality. But looking at himself in the mirror, he saw the imprint of the recent dream which kept pursuing him. Aren returned to his room. The room wasn’t big but it was richly decorated. The walls were of light color, the ceiling was snow-white. His bed was just in front of the door, beside the window and the computer table. The television was opposite. The dawn was breaking and one could see the outlines of the bare trees.

Aren came up to the window and opened it. He lit a cigarette, looking out of the window. Though the wind was cold Aren stood in front of the open window almost naked. He smoked his cigarette to the end, thinking about his strange dream. What's to be done? It's simply a dream, and this is reality and it's time to go to work. He dressed, took his things, left the room and went down the stairs. There was quite a big living-room downstairs full of rich things in classical style: luxurious carpets, a huge luster, different statuettes and a big clock. Well, the owner of the house is apparently a rich man; there is no doubt about it. But the owner was not Aren, but his father.

Aren had lived in luxury since childhood, he was used to such life, a life without troubles, but today nobody had made breakfast for him. Of course, everybody was asleep and he had nobody to blame. That's why he decided not to stay at home and went to the entrance at once. The house was all surrounded with a flower-bed. There was a pavilion not far from it where Aren played cards with his friends on hot summer days. The pavilion was empty now. It was not just because it was early morning now, but because usually in autumn it became abandoned. A narrow path led in two directions to the gates and to the garage. Aren went into the garage, got into his car and left through the gates. He hadn’t decided yet where to go, and drove in circles along the empty streets of Yerevan. There was no road police and he drove, breaking traffic rules, exceeding the speed limit and going through the red light. He had always liked speed and now he could enjoy it.

He drove into the avenue of Freedom, lined by huge trees on either side, and went down to the city center. He drove down Teryan Street. There were several educational establishments of Yerevan in this street. Usually there are lots of students here from early morning till late at night, but now it was deserted. Students were likely to be waking up and preparing for the new day.

Aren left the Universities behind and turned left to the student park, in the center of which there was a small pond with fountains, and a café “Poplavok” at its bank. On the left there was “Yeritasardakan” underground station. In front of it there was a monument to a great Armenian writer Avetic Isahakyan, who stood with a cane in his hand and looked towards the street named after a famous writer Khachatur Abovyan. How many times he made an appointment at this monument…But now Aren wasn’t going to meet anybody.

He continued his way along Teryan Street, which crossed Sayat-Nova Street, then Tumanyan Street. Between the two most beautiful streets of the city there is the Opera and Ballet Theatre and the Swan Lake. At this time of year the lake was covered with ice and was ready for skating, but in summer it is rather crowded.

Turning from Teryan Street into Tumanyan Street, Aren noticed a 24-hour café. Parking his car at the entrance, Aren decided to have breakfast with a cup of coffee there.

While Aren had breakfast, the city was waking up little by little. It was quite impossible to drive in the way Aren had been driving an hour before. It was even easier to get to the place on foot than by car. But Aren worked nearby and it was a five-minute drive.

Aren entered the building and went to the lift. The guards greeted him and then he took the lift. One of the offices of his father was on the fifth floor. They dealt with international shipments. His father also owned several cafes in town, a restaurant and a night-club. Aren came to his office only on business. His father was also in car import.

When Aren entered the office the atmosphere changed abruptly. He heard welcomes and saw smiles on the people’s faces, but sometimes it looks so insincere, maybe it is really so...who knows...At once the office workers started to look busy, they opened the current folders…

“Did I ever tell them not to do anything else during work-time? As far as I remember, I didn’t…Those people decided themselves that they should beware of me and they behave so strangely and doubtfully not to lose their job.” – Aren thought to himself, passing by the workers. But he was pleased with it. He had always liked to arise awe in people. Sometimes it seemed to him, that he was a king and the people around him were his servants.

Aren’s office was at the very end of the corridor, and he had to pass by all his workers. Arsen, his only friend, stood at the door of his office. Arsen was also a tall and thin young man with black eyes and curly hair. He smiled at Aren. Aren himself got him the job; they had studied together and had known each other for seven years. When Aren saw him his mood changed a little.

-Hello, man! Again out of mood? – Arsen greeted his friend.

-It’s OK, - said Aren, stretching his hand to Arsen.

They entered the office.

-I don't think so, but it's your business, - said Arsen, closing the door behind him, and Aren sat in the armchair, - shall I tell them to bring coffee for you?

-No, I've already had my coffee. I got up early in the morning and decided to call at the cafe...

-I envy you, I’m a sleepyhead.

-The life will pass by, and you will be sleeping, - said Aren mockingly and looked at the papers on the table, - the cargo is late, have you inquired why?

-Have you forgotten? I told you yesterday, it will be delayed for two days more.

-Yesterday? I don’t remember.

-Yes, yesterday. Your wedding has driven you mad. – laughed Arsen.

-It’s different.

-I think it isn't. Five days are left before your wedding. If I were you I would forget everything too.

-I’m telling you, it's different.- Aren was embarrassed that he had forgotten yesterday’s conversation with Arsen, but he didn’t want to admit that his friend was right. For a moment Aren was trying to remember, then, giving up, asked his friend, - have I forgotten anything else?

-Well, you shouldn’t have forgotten this, - said Arsen offended.

-Say, Arsen. You kept saying that I'm all absorbed in thoughts about my wedding. And now you are blaming me?

-No, Aren,- he stood up and went to the door, - try to remember! – he opened the door and was about to go out but Aren stopped him.

-Don’t be offended, - Aren smiled, - I remember, certainly I remember, I couldn’t have forgotten.

Arsen closed the door, came up to Aren and hugged him.

-Happy birthday, my friend, - Aren congratulated his friend.

-You forgot…- Arsen still sounded hurt.

-Well, I admit, when I entered the building, I didn’t remember, but when you said that recently I had started forgetting important things, I remembered…

-Are you kidding? – Arsen smiled, - you will never change, and you’re going to get married?

-Whether it’s good or bad, I don’t know, but I know something for sure! I am what I am. – Aren grumbled. – Let’s go to our night-club tonight. I’ve already arranged everything. We’ll celebrate your birthday properly. I hope you have no plans for tonight?

-You should have said before! Certainly, let’s go...only the two of us?

-Surely not. Call your close friends, we’ll have fun together.

-It’s not like you…

-What exactly? – Aren lit a cigarette.

-We have never celebrated anything at your place and now…

-I know, but this time we’ll do it, - Aren smiled.

-OK, you said it, - said Arsen enthusiastically, - and if to be serious, what are your thoughts about your wedding?

-It's a good question, - said Aren, not knowing the answer himself, - I don't know myself, what I feel.

-Of course, you won't feel anything...You're in a hurry.

-No, no, Arsen, - no need to speak about it any more, - I'm not in a hurry. My father got married at my age.

-But much has changed since then.

-Nothing has changed!

-It's useless to argue with you, - Arsen said, dropping the subject, he himself had suggested.

-In this matter it's useless.

-OK, let's get down to work...- Arsen said, - Oh, by the way, thank you for the surprise, - he smiled.

Aren was left alone in the room. Getting tired of paper work he again remembered his dream. He got lost in thought and covered his face with his hands. Some time later he had and idea. He looked at the monitor with the photo of Manush and him at their engagement, but it didn't interest him at that moment. He opened the browser, logged on to Google and started to browse for his dream, the light in the dark. From numerous sites he found the necessary information.

1.          The darkness

Hardships, uncertainty;

If you go on, you'll get back what you've lost;

If you come up to the light, you'll have great success;

The interpretation of the dream: Dream book by Tsvetkova.

2.          The darkness

You dream that you're wandering in complete darkness and cannot find the light. It's a bad dream, It means that there will be a change for the worse in your business. You will behave too self-confidently and carelessly and will make lots of mistakes. Once, even without noticing it, you will behave dishonestly. But if in your dream you succeed in finding the light and the sun will shine, it means you'll avoid disgrace and will return the respect of your surrounding.

The interpretation of the dream: English dream book.

3. Light

Light without obvious source is enlightenment and revelation. If it is a gleam, coming through the darkness and clouds like a ray, it means hope. If you strive for that light, your dreams may come true. If you go on or the light goes off, your hopes are useless. If you turn the light on in your house, your life will become better, everything will be successful. If you turn the light off in your house, you will cause trouble and quarrels in your family. If the light won’t turn on or goes off itself, you may expect troubles in your family and everyday life.

The interpretation of the dream: Esoteric dream book.


4. Light

Light without obvious source is enlightenment and revelation. If it is a gleam, coming through the darkness and clouds like a ray, it means hope. If you strive for that light, your dreams may come true. If you go on or the light goes off, your hopes are useless. If you turn the light on in your house, your life will become better, everything will be successful. If you turn the light off in your house, you will cause trouble and quarrels in your family. If the light won’t turn on or goes off itself, you may expect troubles in your family and everyday life.

“Such a dream five days before the wedding day?...” - Aren thought to himself in surprise, - “what problems may arise? What about the light? It wasn't easy, but I reached the light, as I woke up from a flash of bright light, or…the light reached me?” Aren got lost in thought.

Chapter two: Darkness

Aren’s luxurious car stopped in front of the night-club. Four young men came out of it. Arsen looked happy, he had come to celebrate and have fun. But Aren looked somewhat sad, but he smiled by force. Other two young men were Arsen's friends, who were also in good mood. They entered the night-club and the manager welcomed them:

-Good evening, Aren, your table is ready.

-Is it crowded? – Aren asked.

-Rather. I didn't even let a group of girls in, as there was only one table left for you.

-It’s a pity…we would like to have some girls, - Arsen joked.

-But there are many girls in, - the manager explained away.

-It’s OK that you left a table for us, - Aren said, - Arsen is joking. Where is our table?

-Follow me, please.

The club was badly lit with colored lamps. Arsen wanted to tell Aren something, pointing at the dancing girls. The loud music prevented him from hearing his friend’s words, but he understood what the latter meant. The manager showed them the table prepared for them and they sat down at it. As it was promised, the table was laid. The glasses were full and the appetizers were there.

In a word, it was clear that nobody would be bored there.

The girls who had come there to enjoy themselves, noticed the young men, and they were not going to spend the whole evening in female company, when such men were sitting nearby. But they were waiting for the men to take the initiative. Judging from Arsen’s glances, they didn’t have to wait long.

-Here, - Aren handed him a glass of alcoholic drink. Because of the loud music Arsen didn’t hear his friend's words, but he saw the glass and accepted the drink. Without any words they emptied the glasses, and Arsen looked at the girls again. Aren knew his friend very well and was sure that he wouldn’t miss a single skirt. It was his day, let him enjoy it as he liked. After the sixth glass Arsen stood up and went for a hunt. Aren watched his friend carefully, but it was impossible to hear what he was speaking about with the girls. By force he drank one more glass with Arsen’s friends, who were talking loudly to each other. Suddenly one of them, understanding that Arsen managed to pick up a girl, stood up and went up to him. As for Aren, because of the bad dream, he wanted to get drunk and forget the morning, which had started so badly.

-Will you try it? – Aren could hardly hear and turned his head to Aren's friend.

-Yes! – Aren replied, understanding what he was hinting at. The guy motioned for Aren to follow him and they went to the entrance. The music was not so loud there and they could talk.

-Shall we go into the car? - Arsen’s friend asked.

-No, let’s better go into my father’s office, Aren answered and headed there, - don’t let anybody in, - he snapped to the manager on the way and locked the door from inside. They seated themselves at the table and Arsen’s friend took a small packet of the staff out of his pocket.

-Ah, did you mean this? – Aren asked with disappointment.

-Yes, - said the guy in surprise, - and what did you want?

-I thought you suggested smoking.

-No, this kef is cooler. Did you change your mind? Don't you want it any more?

Aren thought a little and said:

-OK, let's fly, - he smiled.

The guy smiled back and emptied the content of the packet on the table, made a small path in the powder and suggested that Aren try the first.

-No, no, you first, - Aren said.

-OK, - the guy inhaled the powder and let Aren try. He inhaled too and felt discomfort. He had a feeling that he took water through his nostrils. But it was not water, it was something else. Your respiratory tracts become cold and numb, and then the whole body becomes numb. The reality changes its meaning and you feel almighty, the most powerful man on Earth. You forget all your problems and feel only delight.

While Aren was trying to grasp all those feelings, Arsen and his other friend had already joined the enjoyment. They were talking and laughing, but Aren heard their voices from afar, though they were close. He was finally drifted from the reality.

Again Aren was sitting in the hall. When did he manage to come back and how long had he been there? Arsen was dancing with two girls, and two of his friends were enjoying a company of girls in another corner of the club. Aren turned his head to the right and saw nice, long legs of a girl. He felt her head on his shoulder and saw that she was smoking.

“How did she turn up?” – Aren tried to remember, but in vain.

“This guy has absolutely dropped out…He is not even fit for having sex, he'll go to sleep at once.” Aren heard these words but couldn't understand who said them. Probably, the girl who was leaning against him, but because of the loud music he couldn't hear at all what she was talking about.

-Did you say anything? – Aren asked loudly.

-What? – The girl didn’t hear.

-I say, did you say anything?


Aren screwed up his eyes, he had a terrible headache. But it wasn’t a usual headache, he heard strange voices. They were so numerous, that Aren couldn’t understand anything, they were driving him mad. He pushed the girl aside and covered his face with his hands, but there was no escape from the terrible noise. He looked at the girl who looked back in surprise and left his side.

“He’s gone crazy…Did I have to meet just him today?” – Aren heard a voice in his head, when he looked into the girl’s eyes. No, it was impossible to keep sitting and struggling. Aren stood up and rushed to the door. He hardly kept from falling on his way. A stranger sitting at one of the table managed to catch him by the arm to prevent his fall.

“One should know how to drink” – Aren again heard a voice in his head and looked at the stranger. The stranger saw something like anger or surprise in his glance and pushed him aside. He looked at him with wide open eyes. For a fraction of a second the man stood still, but Aren didn't pay attention to him. He left the hall and went to the entrance. On his way he bumped into a waitress with a tray in her hand. When Aren noticed her, he could hear in the noise:

“Darling, if we were together, I wouldn't have any problem”

He didn't stop, but left the club and rushed to his car. The noise was less there, and the voices (if one can call it so) from the depth of his brain came to his ears and then again disappeared.

He felt dizzy and the noise turned into the light he had seen in his dream. Aren felt better and drove away, leaving his friends in the club. He drove in intoxication, with the same noise in his head and with blurred sight. It was the first time he was under the influence of drugs. Why on earth did he agree to use that stuff…But Aren understood one thing: the faster he drove, the less the noise in his head, and unwillingly he started driving even faster. But that wasn't an easy job in town. When he drove into Azatutyun Avenue, he got an idea: if he drove up that avenue, he could get to the highway, and if driving fast was the only way out for him, the highway was the only place for that. His speed exceeded 120km/h and he rushed from Azatutyun Avenue to Tbilisi Avenue. He didn't even notice the red light. Aren was in such a condition that 2/3 of his brain seemed to have been switched off, simply not working. The only thing he could realize was that the escape from the noise was speedy drive.

Everything seemed melting on both sides; Aren could see only the road in front of him. He couldn't understand, if it was because of the speed, or something was the matter with him...

At last he got to Tbilisi Avenue. Here he could afford higher speed, and it went up to 150km/h. There was almost no noise in his head, but now another problem came up. Something strange was going on around him, he thought he was driving through fire and could see nothing. There was no visibility at all and it seemed to him that he was not on the Earth any more. He couldn't understand if the car was going on or not. Aren looked around and in a moment he found the answer: the car was going and suddenly it abruptly ran into something and the airbags opened. Aren was forcefully thrown forward but the airbags kept him. He became dizzy from that blow and he could only realize that the car was not on earth any more, it was flying somewhere.

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