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Rated: · Other · Action/Adventure · #1843284
A collective story about what happened when the Capital fell...
Turmoil in the Capital
It is the year 3788, The City of Shanksville, the Capital of the Galactic Republic. The Skyscraper City by its name, has its share of turmoil, but nothing compared it when the Capital became besieged by Former General Moralis. Leading his somewhat Confederacy, He lead a massive seige to Shanksville, and held the city of Shanksville for 2 years before the Galactic Republic. It was after this event that Republic kept a closer eye on their generals. This depicts the moments inside the city at the time of the attack.

This story arc is a collective story of other artists from DeviantArt.com, the characters belong to their rightful owners, to find the actual article of this Act please visit my DeviantArt page listed below.


Act Four: Striking Back
Scene One: Transformation
--Capital City, Chancellory Towers--
(Enters Moralis, several medical teams and the body of Adrian)
Moralis: How the mighty have fallen young Tretstonian, I remember when you and I were fighting on the same side and now look, you are the enemy to my New Republic. But after this operation, you'll be an unstoppable machine.
Doctor 1: Your Royal Highness, the table has been set, shall we discuss on what we are going to do with him?
Moralis: Yes... I want him to be transformed into a killing machine, I want his DNA altered into a killing machine, not even a Slimerian can't defeat him!
Doctor 1: DNA Alteration is a risky procedure are you sure?
Moralis: Yes... He'll be my second in command... Make it be!
Doctor 1: Yes my Lord, we will have to list the changes to his DNA though if it must be done.
Moralis: I understand...(Scene fades to black as Moralis talks to the doctors)
Doctor 2: Altering his DNA will have a huge affect onto his body, we don't even know if it will actually work!
Doctor 3: We must have it be, the Royal Lord must have it done!
Doctor 2: Get the Med Droid, we need to find his DNA helix.
Doctor 3: Commencing DNA alterations now!
(Sounds of machines and gears turning, followed by the sound of lightning going off)
--Several Hours later--
(Scene fades to normal)
Doctor 3: Get the Royal Highness! The procedure is complete
Doctor 2: At once! (leaves)
Moralis: I've heard its complete! Let me see the new and improved Adrian Solanos...
(The Operation Table slowly rises with the unconscious body of Adrian)
Doctor 1: The subject's DNA has been successfully altered. We added his new abilities and increased his natural abilites.
Moralis: Is he alive though?
Doctor 1: Yes, he's very much alive, after jumpstarting his heart, it was easier for us to make the alterations. He is currently knocked out, his body is adjusting to his alterations.
Moralis: Hmmm. (comes close to Adrian) Awake....nephew....
(Adrian wakes and grabs Moralis's throat)
(gasping) Ack! He's strong!
Doctor 1: Adrian! Let go of your master!
Moralis: (gasping) Why is he like this! Isn't he under my full control?
Doctor 1: He is, but he still retains some of his memory about you being a traitor to his Republic, but the memories will fade soon.
(Adrian releases his grip)
Moralis: (grabs breath) Very good doctor, you have served your Republic well, now leave us, I want to program him now.
Doctor 1: As you wish my lord.
-Exits Doctors-
Moralis: Adrian... Nephew dear... You are under my command... I remember when back in the System Wars, when you lost your parents, and I had to raise you, you still retain those memories... watching your parents getting killed, blown to peices by the Oltanian Bombardment. (Adrian grasps his wrist) Ahhh... See you share the Anger I have felt when they destroyed Meridum, your "parents" the Supreme Chancellor and Queen may have erased your history of me and your original parents but... I have awaken your true anger, you will be my best General, not even the Old Republic will compare to your strength. Now... Arise...Nephew.
(Adrian falls onto the floor, and rises)
Adrian: What are you orders Uncle?
Moralis: Uncle... I miss that saying, Haven't heard that since you were young running around on Meridum. I want you to destroy your Oltanian Friend, when you were knocked out, your friend escaped and has disappeared from radar, I want you to find him and destroy him, kill him like the Oltanian scum he is!
Adrian: I...I... I will do as you command Uncle....
Moralis: Goood Nephew... Now Go, kill anyone that attempts to stop you, unless they are loyal to me...
Adrian: As you wish Uncle...
--Exits Adrian--
Moralis: The Galaxy has a new enemy, When I'm overthrown in the near future, Adrian's Reputation will be plummeted due his actions, and being related to that fool leaders the Supreme Chancellor Solanos and his wife the Queen, they will suffer the same fate having him as his son, Either way I will win this war...
(Evil laughter)
--Scene fades to black--
Scene Two: Shelter from the storm
--Planet Earth, Republic Outpost outside Tinyville--
(Enters Captain Drax, some soliders and crew members)
Solider 1: I can't believe the Republic lost, its unbelievable, the news is being broadcasted on the Holonet and Holoradioes. How can they lose, they're invincible!
Solider 2: Well from what I heard that this was an inside job, someone told that scumbag Moralis that the Senate was meeting all at once, and gave Moralis the opportunity to attack, with the Senate in one place he could easily turn them.
Solider 1: Thats not what I heard, I overheard that Captain there was actually abducted by Moralis himself, and threatened to kill him face to face.
Solider 2: I'm amazed he made it out alive.
Drax: Enough! I don't want hear anything else about the Republic! Not now not ever!
(Soliders look at him shocked and agree to leave)
(Echoed Flashback)
Moralis: You see young dragon is it? You will fall like all your brothers and sisters...
Adrian: He is not an Oltanian! Don't you see! He is not an Oltanian Moralis!
Moralis: I've heard enough! <Draws a laser pistol and points it at Drax> And now you will fall along with the rest of your species...
Adrian: No!
<A shot is fired>
<Adrian falls to the ground>
Drax: Adrian!
(Echoes stop)
Damnit... why... That bastard Moralis...
Crew Member: Captain Drax, we have the report on the current situation.
Drax: What? Oh sorry, Let me see.
(Crew Member hands him the folder)
(Looks through it)
Hmm, interesting, Okay, Have my shuttle ready, I need to pay a visit to Sirus.
Crew Member: As you wish Captain Blazenko.
Drax: Its time, I learned more about whats happening than just my brief experience with him.
(Without warning, the base's alarms go off followed by sounds of explosions)
What the?! Soliders! Stop what ever is causing that!
Soliders: On it Captain!
(Soliders make it to the source of the explosions, they approach the door but are knocked back by a large explosion, which causes the door to fly out)
Soliders: Ahhhhh!
(Enters Adrian)
Drax: (Looks carefully) Adrian?
(Adrian turns his head and fires out of his arm a blade)
(Drax dodges the blade in time)
Whoa! What in the world is wrong you! I'm your friend!
Adrian: I have no friends, If I had friends I wouldn't be friends with an Oltanian like you!
Drax: Ah come on! I am not an Oltanian!
Adrian: Silence! You are stopping my uncle's path to a perfect galaxy! And for that you must pay!
Drax: What are you talking about! The Republic's leader are you parents! Not this Uncle! *Draws swords*
Adrian: Your lying! Prepare to die you Oltanian scum! *draws arm blades and charges*
(The two fight off)
Drax: What is wrong with you Adrian!
Adrian: There is nothing wrong with me! I am doing what I was told by my uncle the Supreme Chancellor of the New Republic and thats to destroy you and every single Oltanian in the Galaxy!
Drax: Your Uncle!?! Adrian wake up! Your uncle is not the Supreme Chancellor! Your parents are!
Adrian: I have no parents! They were killed during the System Wars! Only my Uncle Moralis raised me from since than!
Drax: Moralis! He's your uncle! Then your the enemy to the Republic!
Adrian: I am not an enemy! You are Oltanian! And all Oltanians must perish!
(The tide of the battle turns to Adrian who points his bone blade at Drax's head)
I will serve my uncle until my dying breath!
(Drax quick thinking trips Adrian and kicks him into a pile of heavy lift boxes, He burns the cables of another set above causing to fall onto the previous set trapping Adrian)
Drax: Pilot! Get us out of here!
Pilot: Roger that Captain!
(Shuttle takes off of the Hangar Bay and launches into the upper atmosphere)
(Adrian gets out from the boxes and watches as the shuttle departs the Hangar)
Drax: Ugh.... why... Now Adrian..... Uncle Moralis.... impossible...
Pilot: Excuse me Captain, but where exactly are we heading?
Drax: Set course for Sirus, I need some answers...
Pilot: As you wish Captain.
(Shuttle reaches Space and jumps to Lightspeed)
(Scene Fades)

Scene Three: The History revealed
--Trigloom Nebula, nearby Planet Sirus--
(Drax's Shuttle comes out from Hyperspace in the Nebula)
Pilot: We've entered above the planet Captain.
Drax: Head for Sekra City, If I'm correct, the Supreme Chancellor and the Queen is there.
Pilot: As you wish Captain.
(The Shuttle departs and heads straight to the planet)
--Sekra City--
(Shuttle makes a brief landing outside a nearby park)
--Enters Mistress Azul, Corro, Chancellor Solanos, and the Queen--
Drax: Put the ship on cooldown, we might be staying here awhile.
Pilot: As you wish Captain!
Chancellor: Captain Blazenko what brings you here?
Drax: Its Adrian... He's back!
(Everyone becomes amazed at the moment)
Queen: Really? He's alive? Our little boy's alive?
Drax: He is, but... but...
Chancellor: But what! Spit it out Dragon! Is he okay!
Drax: He's betrayed the Republic... He's with Moralis...
(Queen becomes heartbroken and starts to cry on the Chancellor's shoulder)
Chancellor: That can't be! Adrian wouldn't betray the Republic!
Drax: He has betrayed the Republic, He attacked me and declared that I was an enemy to his uncle!
You wouldn't know anything about whats he's talking about?!
Chancellor: (Sighs) I think its time we actually told you all the truth about his past... Come with me...
(They follow)
Adrian wasn't really our son, like I told Azul, he was actually next in line to the Throne of the Republic, you see his parents and his parent's parents were the founding members of the Galactic Republic. Well you can see that, well during the Systems Wars when Shanksville was being bombarded, Adrian losts his parents... they were killed when the Oltanians destroyed what was going to be Chancellory Towers.
Many said they were killed when the blast hit them, others say they were buried alive. Adrian at the time was only 5 when it happened, it was hard for him to accept his parent's lost. Well after the war, he was raised by his uncle... Uncle Moralis... (They gasp) Thats right... Moralis... is Adrian's uncle. After the war, Moralis took Adrian to Meridum so he can raise him. It was hard for Adrian to adapt. Moralis raised him until his early teen years where Adrian left for to find his true parents, Moralis raised him enough for Adrian to forget his parents' death. After enlisting with the Republic, Adrian raised through the ranks in the Military, he kept searching and searching about his past, hoping that one day he may actually see his parents, and thats when he found Haylin our daughter. Haylin was the love of his life. They both loved each other very much, but Haylin was a higher rank being our daughter. But it didn't stop their affection towards each other, Adrian already forgotten about his Uncle, which we were thankful, when we first met Adrian, Me and Michelle sensed something inside him, but being a Novalian its natural for us to sense people's feelings. Well we felt, Adrian was abandoned, lost, forgotten. We took to our consideration that Adrian must've grown up without parents, it wasn't until we dug up his history about how he was next in line to the thrown. It was hard to understand on how the next in line was hidden from the records of the Galactic Republic. We later found out that Moralis erased the memories from the databases to prevent Adrian from actually finding out about his true past. We kept reminding us what would happen if he found out, if he was to be the next in line, we feared he will be a tyrannical leader. But after experiencing how Adrian reacted with power most notable his position as General of SAFB he was a kind, but at the same time strict leader. He respected his soliders, he showed that serving under him was going to be best time in the Military, we would see many soliders asking to be assigned to SAFB just to be serving under Adrian, they weren't lazy at all, they had fun, they were allowed to play with fighters, test new prototype weapons and occasionally Adrian would actually let them have fun in the Capital while on duty. We didn't expect any other Generals to gain the respect of Adrian, but he was the best, when Adrian and Haylin got married our term in office was about to end, but the Intergalactic War started and I had to take action, the Senate agreed for a pernament spot for me and the Queen to be leaders of Republic, they liked how we were leading the Republic to victory. Adrian after joining our family stopped his quest to find his parents, because to him, we were his family. But after Haylin died, he lost again... he felt he lost his family all over again... not even with our support he still lost, to this day he considered us his step-parents, it was like he didn't want to be part of anything, but he still keeps everything in a positive attitude, every once in awhile he calls us his parents but after her death it still haunts him.
Azul: Still shocked on how grew up, shocking though that this Moralis character is his uncle!
Drax: I have to agree, but its wrong about how this long secret was kept! Adrian never told us anything about his past!
Chancellor: Thats because before the Intergalactic War, we had Adrian's memory wiped one day, we wanted to make sure that the only thing he remembered was that he was our son. But when Haylin died, it must've woken up memories deep inside his mind.
Azul: That could be it.
Drax: Still doesn't fit about why would he leave the Republic and join Moralis.
Chancellor: DNA Alteration....
Azul& Drax: What?
Chancellor: DNA Alteration is a dangerous procedure to undergo, Moralis must've unlocked the files for it, he must've transformed Adrian into an unstoppable force.
Azul: Thats horrible! Doing that to his own nephew! Thats inhumane!
Drax: Could explain why Adrian was after me back on Earth.
Chancellor: Wait... On Earth?
Drax: Yea. He attacked me at my outpost.
Chancellor: Oh god, he found one of the Oltanian colonies.
Queen: Terrawood City...
Chancellor: I hope he hasn't found it yet.
Drax: Excuse me? What are you all talking about?
Chancellor: Did Adrian mention about colonies?
Drax: Yes, he said they're still in effect, why?
Chancellor: Well, when he discovered Earth, we hid a small colony on Earth, Terrawood City. We hoped that after Moralis was trialed and convicted we would let the Colonies return back to Oltanis and help rebuild their shattered society.
Drax: I don't think if he has found Terrawood City, he just came after me that was it.
Chancellor: I hope your right young dragon, I just hope that he hasn't found Terrawood City.
(Scene Ends)
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