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Rated: E · Script/Play · Comedy · #1843052
A ten minute play /Comedy This is my first attempt at writing a play
Before Gavin Joffry left Nova Scotia he phoned and reserved a room for one night at the BYOB Hotel. He walks into the office and registers. Gets the key. To his surprise when he walks in to the room there is no bed.
He quickly phones the office. The owner, Mr. Butter, says he will be right there.
MR. Butter:  “What seems to be the problem, Mr. Jeffry.”
Gavin :  “It’s not Jeffry, it’s Joffery. There’s no bed, that’s the problem”.
Mr. Butter: “But, Mr. Jeffry you never asked for a bed.”
Gavin: “What do you mean I never asked for a bed. I phoned on March 15th and reserved a room for tonight.”
MR. Butter:  “That’s right, you reserved a room. But you never said you’d be needin’ a bed”.
Gavin:  “You have to be joking! What kind of motel has no bed!”
MR. Butter: “This motel, Mr. Jeffry. That’s why its called the BYOB. Bring your own bed.”
Gavin: “You got to be kidding. This has to be some kind of joke, right. I’ve been driving all day, I’m tired and now the jokes over. Please give me a room with a bed.”
Mr. butter: “Well, Mr. Jeffry…”
Gavin:  “Joffery, Joffery, my name is Joffery.”
Mr. Butter:  “Oh, so sorry My. Jeffry. You stay right here and I’ll bring you a bed.”
A few minutes later Mr. Butter knocks on the door.
Gavin: “Oh my God I can’t believe it. That’s an air mattress. You expect me to sleep on an air matterss.”
Mr. Butter:  “Well, seein’ you never brought your own bed this is the best I can do on such short notice. It won’t take no time for me to get it all pumped up nice and tight.”
Footsteps can be heard also sounds of a foot pump as he looks around the room and checks out the bathroom.
Gavin:  “ I don’t believe it. There are towels, and face cloths and soap, even a bathrobe.”
Mr. Butter: “Oh yes. We take pride in makin’ sure all our customers have all the comforts of home.”
Gavin: “Except a bed!”
Mr. Butter: “Other people knows to bring their own bed, Mr. Jeffry. Not meanin’ no disrespect to you for sure.”
Gavin:  “Blankets, pillow! No don’t tell me. Other people know to bring blankets and pillows.”
Mr. Butter: “That’s right Mr. Jeffry, but it’s a warm night and Nan Brewer would be sleepin’ by now. So she won’t need that old comforter. I’ll get it for ya’”
Gavin:  “For get it, just for get it. Is there any place to get something to eat around here?”
Mr. Butter:  “Oh yes indeed. We pride ourselves in having room service.”
Gavin:  “Well, how about a hot meal. I’m not fussy. Steak ,hamburger anything.”
Mr. Butter:  “I’ll be along in a little bit with your food. I always say satisfy the stomach and they’ll come back.”
Footsteps are heard leaving and the sound of a door opening and shut. A couple minutes later a knock on the door. Door opens.                                                  Mr. Butter:  “Her you go, Mr. Jeffry. Your meal. Careful now. It’s hot.”
Gavin: “That’s airplane food. It says Air Canada., where did you get this?”
Mr. Butter:  “Last November a cargo plane had engine trouble and had to land in my brother-in-laws field.”
Gavin:  “Your brother-in-law stole food from Air Canada!”
Mr. Butter: chuckle  “Oh, goodness no. He’s a very honest man. Never do anything like that.”
Gavin: “So air canada gave your brother in law the food.”
Mr. Butter:  ‘In exchange for scaring his prize bull.”
Gavin: “Right and my name is Jeffry.”
Mr. Butter:  “Oh, I am so glad sir you remembered your name. That’s the name you said you was when you called. I wrote it down myself, Mr. Jeffry. I’ll let you fill your belly and get a good night sleep sir. I’ll add the extra cost of your bed and room service to your bill. Good night.”
Gavin: sigh

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