Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1842662-Taking-the-lead
by Talera
Rated: GC · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1842662
Erotica contest entry. Prompt is about convincing partner to do something new
Word Count 1614

Checking out of the hotel, Eve could not believe what had just happened. Looking at Thomas she thought back over the past few months. They were best friends, having both met when they were with others. There was no initial attraction; they were faithful to their other halves. Yet time passed and they realised they were both single and their friendship had developed to be something more. Unable to deny their love for each other, they had commenced their relationship and it had brought feelings within Eve she never knew were possible. In her mind, the past six months had been like a blazing comet of emotions within her. Somehow, this man made her feel everything at once, like an adult despite bringing out her inner child, feminine despite not being girly and all other contradictions.

Thomas was hers and always would be. Eve knew this within the depths of her heart and soul. Getting into the car to return home, she reflected on the weekend of love making that had taken place. This weekend was about new experiences for them and she had experienced many. They had not just had sex, but made love in a way Eve thought was only in the movies. Joining together with him, she felt complete.

While he had satisfied her every time they had been together, she had always taken the lead. Thomas knew that she had trust issues and maybe he did not want to push her outside of her comfort zone by going too fast. Yet Eve felt it was more than that. She realised this weekend that she was more experienced than Thomas. It was not that she had slept with more people; it was simply that she was more open to experimenting with her partners for different sensations.

Despite this willingness to experiment, there was one thing she had always wanted to do but never been game to because of her inability to trust her partner and be completely vulnerable in his arms. This desire had not been shared with Thomas, both for fear she could not follow through but also unsure of how he would view her given he loved her strength and ability to take control.

Trees flew past as they drove, holding hands but silent. There was no need to fill quietness with him, they both knew what the other was thinking most of the time and also were happy just to be. Stopping for lunch at a small complex of stores, Eve spotted an adult store and thought to herself it must be a sign.

“I have a proposal” she said nervously.

“Already, it’s only been six months and you want to talk marriage?” Thomas replied, his eyes sparkling in jest.

“Ha ha, very funny. No, I want to go shopping.”

He looked around “you do realise there is only three or four stores here and none sell clothing. Besides, you don’t do that kind of shopping often, so what were you thinking?”

Motioning towards the adult store with her head, Eve decided she would ease into it “I thought we could buy something to use when we get back to your place. No reason why the weekend should end just because we get home.”

Grinning, Thomas followed her into the store. They browsed the aisles until Eve found what she was looking for.

She leaned in close and quietly said “I have an ulterior motive for bringing you in here”

Returning her solemn actions “Let me guess, you want to bed me and have your wicked way with me?”

Punching him in the arm softly “Stop with the jokes. I meant I had something specific in mind.”

“I’m intrigued now, do tell my sweet.”

Picking up a pair of fluffy handcuffs, Eve twirled them around her fingers “how about we try this on for size”

The item bought, they returned to the car. Eve kissed Thomas deeply “Now you have to think about what I’m going to do to you all the way home.”

The rest of the car ride was still silent but tension was in the air. The anticipation exuding from him could almost be smelt and cut with a knife. Thomas was more than willing to use the cuffs, but Eve still had to figure out a way to have him take the lead. Currently he thought he was the one that would be restrained. An idea formed and she knew what she had to do.

Pulling into the drive way the engine stopped and he suddenly began kissing her passionately.

Eve pushed him away “not yet mister. I’ll grab the bags while you take our new toy and get into something more comfortable.”

When the bags were inside, she went into the bedroom and found him naked and cuffed to the bed. Standing near to him, she began slowly undressing herself. Each item of clothing was removed and run over his bare body lightly. Seeing him begin to harden she knew she was on the right track. Sliding off the last of the material, she climbed onto the bed slowly, exploring him with her tongue and lips. She had done this may times and yet each time it was like she was experiencing him anew.

Reaching his stiffened member, she ran her tongue over the shaft but did not take him into her mouth instead continuing her exploration further up his body until she reached his face. Kissing over his cheeks, Eve made her way to his lips and licked them lightly. Thomas went to kiss her, but she pulled backwards. “oh no, you don’t get satisfaction that easily” she purred.

Working her way back down, she took the tip of him into her mouth. He pushed up with his hips but Eve was ready for this and had already raised her head so his action was thwarted. Straddling him, she lowered herself slightly but would not allow him entry. Instead, she moved against him so he knew how wet she was. Thomas groaned in pleasure but also torment that he was being denied what he wanted most.

She leant back then, touching herself while he watched. Again he tried to thrust inside her by arching his hips, but again he was prevented as she used her knees to lift herself just out of reach. Eve returned to teasing his body, using fingers, tongue, nails, whatever was nearby to hand in order to continue bombarding him with sensations and yet refusing to provide the pleasure he so desperately wanted until his moans turned into soft whimpers.

Leaning in as if to kiss him she turned her head to the side at the last second.

“Dammit woman, you’re killing me” she heard through his heavy breathing.

“Oh you won’t die until I let you.”

“Just end it; I can’t take the teasing any longer.”

Realising the moment she had been waiting for had finally arrived, two words escaped her lips as she looked into his eyes “make me.”

Thomas moved faster than she had expected and certainly more rapidly than she had seen so far. In what seemed like one swift movement he had undone the safety on the handcuffs and used his now free body to roll her underneath him. His hands moved up her body then, gliding over the light sweat of her skin and she heard the click of the cuffs around her wrist. “Let’s see how you like it.”

Her actions on him were returned in kind as he began kissing her neck and trailing slowly downwards. Her arousal was already high before this had happened, but the fact she was finally living out this fantasy made her feel like her dam would burst any second. Thomas’ tongue flicked over her hard nipples as he took each into his mouth and sucked on them, pulling them slightly. Eve moaned and moved her knees beside his body encasing him with her pale thighs. His head continued lower again and he licked over her clit, but just once, causing her to cry out in both delight and torture. Tracing around her with his fingers, he looked into her eyes before plunging two of them inside, holding them still while she writhed upon them. Removing them before she could finish he again worked his way over her, but this time upwards until he reached her mouth. Lowering himself, he kissed her softly and she lost herself to him as he thrust himself inside her. With every movement he made as he withdrew and thrust again, Eve pulled down on the cuffs harder with the noises they made on the bed being drowned out by her cries of pleasure.

His hands hand her hips, moving her onto his member as it entered, reaching further inside her each time. Eve found her cries becoming louder and more insistent, pulling on the cuffs for dear life as she curved her body up to this man who now had complete control of her. Realising she could take it no more, she screamed out as he exploded inside her, causing her own waves of pleasure to begin to wrack her and make her muscles quiver.

They lay there too exhausted to move. Slowly Thomas reached up and unclasped the cuffs. Kissing her wrists softly, Eve noticed that despite the material covering she had been pulling so hard that a light bruise was forming on each of them.

“I guess you enjoyed yourself” he smiled at her then lay his head on her breast.

“Yehuh, I certainly did” Eve murmured.

“So we should do this again sometime. Maybe delve further into restraining you?”

She nodded “my safe word is apples.”
© Copyright 2012 Talera (talera at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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