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by Jess
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Dark · #1842014
Solaris has had some information revealed to her that will turn her life around.

'This is gonna be great.' I said expressionless to Zoey as we stood at the door, ready to enter a detention caused by Zoey and I soaking the whole cheer squad. I hesitated a little before entering the room and grabbing at the far corner of the room. As I sat down and attempted (and failed to get comfortable on the hard, wooden chairs which the school had no money to replace, I looked around the room. I recognised at least 5 students in the detention room out of the 9 that were in there.
'Great, were here with all the losers.' Zoey said through gritted teeth looking around the room at each individual student engaged in their own little world as they did their time. I'm making this sound like a prison or something.
'They're not losers, they're...' I trailed off rethinking what was going to come out of my mouth. They were all absolute losers. I mean, there were one or two cute guys Chace and Eddy who I recognised from the football team but the rest were a bunch of nobody's. Acne covered, forgotten by the whole world and socially awkward. Well, I can't really say socially awkward because I'm rather socially awkward myself but I'm not a complete loser. People do know me and will probably even know me more now after the whole water balloon incident but I'm not the most popular girl around, I mean there are worse...
'They're what?' She asked interrupting my thoughts.
'Wow, you're right. They are losers.'
Zoey sighed beside me and whispered to me.
'You know, since we're both a little...not popular? We could at least get to know the detention crew?'
The detention crew? Okay, first off this isn't even a crew half the people don't know each other and they're all from different social groups.
'Yes, knowing 'the detention crew' will do wonders for our reputation.'
'And our social life.' Added Zoey lifting a finger and smiling like a toothless 5 year old with a lollipop.
I inwardly rolled my eyes, rolling my eyes in front of her would only harm her huge heart. She'd take it very badly and do anything to change which I wouldn't want because I love my best friend just the way she is.
Half our time went by and the dark caramel skinned teacher was almost and completely entirely engrossed in the books she was marking at the front desk. Zoey and I engaged in a light chatter about what most of the kids in this rooms dress sense It was almost all absolutely terrible. Seriously?
Abbie Terrace was in sweats, converse and a polo shirt. Her hair was up in a messy ponytail and she had a bandage on her left arm, a result of her on the rugby team. She was definitely better than most boys. I had nothing against her just her dress sense was just...no. As if reading my mind, Abbie turned around for a fraction of a second, just for a glance and then quickly turned back to whatever she was taking up her time with. Zoey looked at me and shrugged before reaching into her bag to retrieve something of hers.
I sighed and tried to ignore the gradually increasing burning sensation in my wrist. Burning? Strange. The weird feeling in my wrist had started to get uncomfortable. I could just about bare it, it was pulsating and was hot. I lay my other hand over the burning wrist. It was as if something blunt was trying to cut its way through my wrist.
I bit hard down on my lip and swallowed as the pain went away.
I breathed slowly looking around discretely.
Everything and everyone seemed to be normal.
I looked up to the sound of the door.
Slow, heavy footsteps echoed the detention room, the suspense of who was coming in killed everyone. He walked into the class room, a smirk on his face.
He was the type of guy that when you looked at him, he annoyed the crap out of you.
His grin was so cocky and mocking. But it definitely was a good look for him.
His eyes, I noticed were rimmed with the darkest of eyeliner and only added to how mysterious he was. He was dressed in dark jeans, a tight white v-neck and a leather jacket rolled to his sleeves. On his feet were a pair of black shoes, STEEL TOED.
He looked like a total bad ass with his sexy black messy hair and choice of outfit.
I would seriously do that guy.
BUT there was something about him...something not good at all.
He didn't seem normal, he wasn't at all like an everyday guy you'd see in the street.
Ms. Carmen seemed to not have noticed or had decided not to look up.

'Solaris Kane and Abbie Terrace?' I diverted my attention to Ms. Carmen.
'Yes, Ms. Carmen?' We both said at the same time.
'You may leave.'
Mr. Mysterious guy chuckled and started heading out as Abbie got out of her seat and followed, they seemed to be together. Not as a couple, just as friends maybe.
Zoey threw me a look of confusion and curiosity. I shrugged, uncertain.
She then shrugged as if she wasn't bothered and signalled for me to go and to text her later. I waved at her as I left the classroom wordlessly.
As I left the school building, the school was cold. It was also unusually quiet. Around this time, there'd still be teachers around but there was absolutely no one.
As I made my way through the deserted hallway, a chilled spine ran down my back. I swallowed hard choosing to ignore it and picked up the pace, exiting the school building and being instantly hit by the chilly autumn air. It was slightly colder than usual, rather icy.
Maybe it was just one of those days where everything seemed a little creepy.
I walked around the corner to my parked car, or at least tried.
I gasped and tried to scream reached round unexpectedly to clasp around my mouth and another hand around my waist, the coldness of it biting the skin exposed between my shirt and jeans. I panicked and kicked my legs but the persons hold was too strong.
Was there not anyone around? Anyone to help me? There had to be!
I struggled against the strangers hold as he started moving the opposite way to my car.
Tears streamed down my face rapidly, one after the other.
Was this a kidnapping? What did they want? What could they possibly want from me?
Was this payback from earlier? I attempted to bite this persons hand but failed as his hand was too large and was pressing down too hard against my mouth.
For a split second he let go and I managed to let out a sort of gargle rather than a scream.
But the hand was instantly replaced by a piece of cloth over my mouth and tied to the the back of my head in a deadly grip.
My hands and feet were also tied, by what felt like extremely rough, old rope.
I struggled and squirmed as if I had hope of escaping but it only tired me out.
'Quit squirming.' He whispered into my ear. I froze.
His voice echoed through my head, it's unfamiliarity bugging me and creating questions in my mind.
Then as he put me in his boot, I heard a girls laugh as he closed it.
I also caught a glimpse of leather, steel toed boots before I was closed and sealed into the ice cold boot of HIS car.
© Copyright 2012 Jess (irunwithwolves at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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