Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1841571-Dear-Me
by Leann
Rated: E · Other · Inspirational · #1841571
A letter to myself to remind me of what I want and where I want to end up.
Dear Me, 1/18/2012
Well it’s a new year and things are going to look better this year. I know you haven’t been writing like you use too, but that will change in the coming year. You are at your happiest when you are writing. This writer’s block will go away. Sometimes you have to just write what is coming off the top of your head to break the block. It doesn’t have to make since. You just have to write. Writing this letter to you is a good start. The words you are thinking about are coming out of your head and on to the page. It’s getting that part of your brain working. This is good. Next will be a poem then a short story. Then, hopefully, a full book. Just take it one step at a time, one day at a time and you will get there.
Your goal for this year is to write. You always talk about being a writer; well that’s your goal for this year, to become a writer. Do not worry about writing a book or getting one in print. That will be something that will come later. For now just get unblocked, that is the most important thing. Every day just sit down on the computer or with a paper and pen and write. You can do this. You have the talent. Just remember all your junior high and high school English teachers who always put your work in contest and winning them. You got the talent; you just need to find it again. Time to unbury it and get it back to work. The time is now and you know you can do it!
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