Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1841497-Dont-Blink
Rated: E · Short Story · Inspirational · #1841497
This is dedicated to the Uncle I never knew...
Life can change in the blink of an eye...

It is a gorgeous summer day, you and a few buddies are down at the local park tossing around the football, trying to get a lazy, late afternoon pick up game going. The weather is absolutely amazing, the perfect Minnesota summer day. Bright and sunny, not a cloud in the sky to interfere with the suns warming rays, and there is a gentle breeze blowing across your skin, just enough so you aren't burning up.  You wipe the sweat from your brow and breathe in the fresh are. These are the best days of your life... Smack! a football hits you square in the head, your best friend is dying with laughter... "Shoulda been paying attention!" he shouts to you in between his heaves of laughter. "Sorry, just got caught up in this day, it's too beautiful!", you shout back as you chuck the football at him as he is now on the ground doubled over.  You catch him right in the ribs, stops his laughing and you chuckle to yourself. "Hey now, that was uncalled for". You shrug it off as he gets back to his feet and tosses the ball effortlessly to another guy in the group.
  You are there with 3 of your other friends, in a square, just lobbing the ball back and forth.  Sometimes you go out on a run, maybe a nice button hook pattern, mostly though, it's just a nice relaxed throw.  Not enough people to start a game, but that's ok, you are perfectly content with just living in the moment. Nothing too strenious, no need to be, this is your day off, enjoy it.  After a few hours and some minor injuries (note: make sure you know where the dips in the ground are before running a long slant route). The sun is just starting it's descent down towards the horizon and you start hearing your stomach growl. You smile because you know that nothing caps off a summer day better than going home, cracking a beer and grilling outside.  You ask the others if they are getting hungry and they practically jump at the idea of grilling out tonight. So you all decide to take a stroll down to the grocery store to pick up some meat and grilling essentials (including the beer, because yes, it is a grilling essential).  It's not too far of a trek from the park to the grocery store, perhaps a few blocks, right down the middle of a busy University avenue.
  There you see more people who seem to have the same idea that you do.  The smell of charcoal and sizzling meat fills the air as you walk down the gauntlet of campus houses.  People are playing beer darts and bean bags in the front yards (hmm not a bad idea for when you get back to the house). You arrive in the parking lot of the grocery store and divi out who is buying what. This particular grocery store also has the liquor store attached and a gas station out front, pretty big place. Usually great deals on beer at the liquor store, and great selection.  Not to mention they have pretty good gourmet Brats that you can buy.  Each of you split up and grab your designated items, you grab the beer from the liquor store.  They had a deal that week, a great summer buy for that week only, and it just so happens to be one of the best summer beers of all time.  So you walk out of the liquor store with 2 cases of Bud Light Lime and procceed to meet up with your friends.  You all brag about how you got the best food and the best deal. You're best friend is runner up with the burger meat and the cheddar brats. You obviously win with the beer.
    You start the journey back home to feast on the spoils of the grocery store and look forward to cracking that first Bud Light Lime. The sky is a brilliant dark purple as the sun is descending into the skyline. You and your friends are laughing and joking about who had the better catch that day and about who was faster. You are about 2 blocks from your house now, heading up the slight hill (which is much harder to do when you are carrying 2 cases of beer) and you can just start to see the outline of your roof. And as the fading skyline glow shines off the window to your 2nd floor room you see happiness. Your life is good. That's when the car driven by a drunk jumps the curb and hits you square in your side. It snaps your spine and kills you instantly...
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