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God`s key player must decide where his true loyalties lay
Holy War
The whole universe has been categorized into Light and Dark, Good and Evil. But when the end comes will Gods key player fight for him or against him?
Chapter one:
Alex Harper was used to being alone. He had little use for family, (he had been in foster care practically since birth and had been promptly kicked out at eighteen.) and even less use for a God that turned a blind eye to everything bad that seemed to happen in the world.
His mental illness was also a point. At the age of sixteen, Alex had several hallucinations in which masked men came into his already disturbed mind. They offered “training” in a secret martial art that must remain just that. Secret. After his foster-fathers Air-reserve base closed down, they had to move. Bad choice as far as Alex` mind was concerned. The voices got worse. They told and convinced him that his foster-father had raped him. When Alex talked to his foster-mother she put him in two hospitals three consecutive times. Each time Alex thought that the voices had gone away, but each time they came back. Except for the third time, but the damage was done. Alex’s relationship with his foster-father deteriorated to the point where his foster-father could not stand his presence in the household.
At the local library Alex had entered his real name, Alex Rahn Harp, into to the search engines and had seen a website that had a woman looking for her sisters three children. Alex`s exile from his foster-family was written loud and clear across the screen that described the three children. Shortly thereafter, Alex moved back to his state of origin with his biological aunt.
That was the past.
This is the future.
Alex Harper loved the night. His sole pleasure was to walk around the school and park playground alone and reveling in the peace and quiet that he so searched for. One night he was walking, thinking, when he noticed the shadowy figure beneath the traffic light. Stopping in his steps, Alex stared. There was no way to tell for sure, but the figure seemed to be gazing in his direction. Odd. No person ever seemed to study him as intently as this…… Was it a person or a demon from his past? Either one did not particularly appeal to Alex. If someone knew his favorite places then they had been watching him for some time. Now his interest was piqued. Turning back to the street that was ahead of him, Alex walked to the street light that was on his side of the road. Leaning against the pole, he crossed his arms across his chest. To any psychiatrist, it would have been a defensive maneuver, but to Alex it was a direct challenge to anyone who would dare desecrate his favorite places that he would visit on any given night.
When he looked up, trying to meet the shadowy guy or girls eyes, he discovered that the figure had disappeared without leaving a shred of physical evidence behind that would have been proof that he/she had even been there. Confused, Alex finished his midnight meandering, and circled back to his aunt’s house. There he fell into a Godly sleep. Literally.
The angel arrived in a bright burst of white light that remained in Alex`s eyes, effectively blinding him and casting the figure in shadow. Then the angel spoke and his voice resonated in a deep timbre and carried with it a power beyond time or age.
“Alex Rahn Harp. The Lord greets you with open arms. Yet there is sadness in his heart. You are not whole, you carry a great burden.”
Alex could barely get his words past his lips,
“Wha… What are you?! You clearly are not an angel!”
The bright light flared up and brought a deep ageless anger with it. That anger bespoke of times long past when God had chosen to make his will heard. Alex cowered beneath its strength. When the angel was again clouded in light, (Alex still could not see him clearly,) he continued,
“The Lord commands you to take up his mantle and destroy those who would take the light and tear it to shreds. In short, demons, betrayers in disguise. When you awake in the morning, you will sense a great power inside you. The Lord asks only this: Use that power wisely. There have been untold men that have used it to wrought unimaginable pain and suffering on both those they love and mankind as a whole.”
The next morning Alex remembered the dream and the promise the angel had made. He felt that... great power; the angel had said… indeed, there was no other word for it. As usual, Alex did not deign to leave his bed until the sun had reached the top of his bedroom window. When he did it was to drink his daily powdered drink. Cranberry/ Apple had just the right tang to it that milk or soda did not. The only soda that came close was Vault. When the drink was gone, Alex went to the basement to, of all things, draw. He preferred to paint his dreams, the people he encountered, and different variations on the places he called his “homes away from home. But despite his drawings, there was nothing remarkable about Alex. At least not yet.
That night Alex walked around the town keeping to the neighbourhoods, and did not venture into the parks; the details of which he knew by heart. It wasn`t the fear or anxiety that someone was watching him. The great untapped power inside him kept tugging him away from the parks as if warning him that to enter them was one of the most unwise things to do. But because Karma can come and bite you in the arse, it decided to be extra ornery tonight. As he was walking away from the local smoothie shop sporting a cotton candy drink, Alex found himself utterly and, apparently hopelessly, out-numbered. The power that seemed so small before came coursing through Alex` veins and all seemed at peace inside him. As the demons- there was no doubt to the angels` words- attacked; Alex found he could anticipate their attacks. And in effect, could kill them. The
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