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Rated: · Other · Other · #1841111
Holy crusader must make a choice... What will he choose?
Li Armstadt woke to the sound of his alarm clock singing Kristy Lee Cook`s 15 Minutes of Shame. Opening his eyes he read the time, reached out and flung the clock to the floor where it ceased its incessant noise. Whoever had the insane idea to start school at six AM needed to be bludgeoned. Rolling out of bed, he groaned as last night’s fight showed in every muscle and reminded him that in his lifestyle, you either fought or you died. Stretching, he went to the shower where the hot water reminded him of the paradise he and his older brother had left years ago. Still stiff, he waltzed down the stairs as if nothing had happened. He glanced at his older brother Micah, and fixed his usual breakfast, of eggs in a glass. Turning to the door, he heard Micah clear his throat and turned to see him cross his arms as he said, “I have seen demonic activity in the air… Be careful and remember your training. I do not need to tell you of the consequences of temptation.” Li narrowed his eyes as memories chased themselves around his head. Their mother had fought demonic forces just like they had and unfortunately they lost her to the temptations of Satan. Just like he had every single time across the years, Li rolled his eyes heavenward. But he understood the warning was deadly serious. Stepping out of the house he walked down and turned left towards the school. Walking, he was ten feet away from his house when felt a tingle run down his back. Whipping around, he swore he saw a cloud of dirt rise into the air. It was common knowledge that demons were deadly fast and could outrun a speeding train. Peering left and right, he glanced skyward, then turned and very nearly ran into Alex, a teenage girl he had become friends with. Swearing under his breath, he shook his head, “Could you at least make some noise next time?” He laughed to cover his uneasiness. Laughing, Alex moved to his side and said, “I`ll think about it,” she thought for a moment, “I almost wish we could skip today, I have a fourth level Russian language test. Blah!” Mind still on the demon, Li took her arm and walked briskly until, they were in sight of the school. He froze and his stomach turned ice cold. For some reason he could not quite understand, he knew that demonic aura from somewhere. Taking a breath, he told Alex quietly, “Go to the school. I`ll meet you there later.” His tone of voice brooked no argument and she ran to the school and entered. Turning around, Li finally saw the demon step out into view and studied Li. Smiling, it flexed its hands. Looking down, Li readied his chakra. When the demon charged, Li met him halfway, and struck him in the chest with a flat-palmed strike that sent the demon flying into a car twenty feet away. While the car shook, there were no signs of damage but, Li reflected, that was the perfect illusion. While there was no physical damage, the psychic damage would be extensive. The car would seem to run down until it no longer was even able to start. When next Li readied his chakra, he used the memories of his mother to become angry and hateful. Any entity worth that title, knew that strong emotions made them stronger psychically. The demon, seeming to recover from Li`s attack, dusted make-believe dirt off his jacket. Then it spoke, “So, you use your anger and hatred. Your father was a fool to think you had no potential. Your mother understood that all too well. Why do you think that she gave up her ticket back to heaven for you?” LI opened himself to the full powers he possessed. Moving his hand in an arc, he telekinetically threw the demon to the ground, and with his hand clenched into a fist, he rained fire from the sky to incinerate the demon. With the tell-tell signs of the demon being sent back to Hell, Li glared at the sight then leveled an icy stare at the school. He did not wish to undergo the inevitable consequences of him being late at the moment, so he began the walk home. Stomping up the front porch steps, he made no attempt to hide his frustration by hitting the porch rail. Then he sat down on the swing and put his head into his hands. Not even three moments went by before Micah was there sitting beside him. Micah was smart enough to know that any sign of compassion from him would only make matters worse, so he just sat there; waiting until Li was ready to talk. When Li opened his eyes, he spoke in a hushed tone… “The demon that seduced mom confronted me. He basically said that mom gave up her path to heaven because she knew the power I possessed. Tell me that isn`t true… Tell me!” Micah took a breath, then said slowly, with a flat tone that gave the illusion that argument was not recommended, “Demons are known for many things, one being that they lie. Nothing demons say is to be considered serious, and thus the best answer when confronting a demon is to kill it.” He turned toward Li and after studying him for a moment, took something out of his pocket. “I meant to give you this when Father died, but I thought I would wait. Now seems as good a time as any.” He handed Li what appeared to be a cross, but seemed too cool to the touch. Li frowned at his older brother who said, “That cross has been in our family for over a thousand years,” he went on to explain at Li`s shocked expression, “Yes. It was given to us by the Lord Our God while we were still in heaven. It’s supposed to heal, strengthen, and increase our powers tenfold. I believe both mother and father would have wanted you to have it.” At this, he stood and pausing in the doorway to the house said, “I`ll tell the school that you came down with something or other.” Li almost smiled… It was also common knowledge that entities did not get sick, and they never died. The only way to compromise an entity`s life was to convert them to Satan`s cause. Li nodded his thanks and sat on the porch running the cross through his hands. He lost track of how long he sat there, but he jolted out of his reverie when Shawn, the only other human he had made friends with, cleared his throat. With brown curly hair, and black glasses, he was a strong presence in an otherwise turbulent life. Eyeing him, Li took the cross and slipped the chain around his neck. Sighing, he formed his mouth into a smile that did not reach his eyes. “How is my favorite friend?” he asked Li. “Lying would not be wise. I know something is bothering you. What is it?” While Li could not explain, he knew Shawn was only there because he was the only one besides Micah who really cared for him. In reply he waved his hand for Shawn to sit beside him. When he had done so, he tried to explain, “What if your mother left, but it wasn`t by choice. What if she was seduced and you could do nothing about it?” Shawn thought about it, then looked at Li with a kind smile, “I don`t know what I would do, I`ve never been in your predicament. And to be honest, I don`t ever plan to be. But I would fight whoever seduced her and kill them. But that’s just me.” He looked away and LI thought he saw a hint of sadness there. Li tried to catch his eye, “Shawn, what is it? You know that you can tell me anything… Don`t you?” Shawn laughed a humorless laugh, “What would you say to me if I told you that I know about the warriors of God that you and your brother claim to be? What if I told you that I know you kill demons in the hopes that you will earn your place back in Heaven?” Li sat there thunderstruck, “I… I don`t know what you`re talking about.” For the first time since they had met Shawn looked angry, “Don`t,” he warned, “Don`t lie to me. I have told you that I know, because I know how lonely it can get to fight a battle and tell no one what you have seen or done. I can offer you something more.” Li was unsure how to reply and fortunately Shawn did not need him to, “I know a martial art that will give you more power than you can imagine. It’s called Ninjitsu. It can focus all of your frustration and sadness to make you unbeatable. You can also do things you would not be able to do if you had remained human…” he let his voice trail off to see if Li was comprehending what he was saying. He was, but what Shawn was implying was sanctimonious, and possibly sacrilegious. To take part in this activity was stretching the bonds of Li`s God-given abilities. Li reflected it could cost him his return to Heaven. Abruptly Li stood and started to the hill to the middle school. Shawn, after hesitating, followed suit. At over six feet, six inches, Shawn was also a commanding presence, and Li thought, a dangerous adversary. Thoughts riddled Li all the way up the hill, why risk my ride to Heaven? It would be cool to have training in a martial art that has basically been forgotten. My mother would not have wanted me to risk it all. Why do I hesitate? I should just say yes. NO! To defy the Ten Commandments would be to live in agony in Hell. He shook his head, and tried to buy time, “Shawn, let me decide in a few weeks.” Shawn cut his hand through the air but his tone was not angry, “No. This is a onetime offer. I cannot secure you a place in the clan if you do not agree.”Li shook his head again, but he was becoming convinced that he should just say yes. He took a breath and said, “Yes, I will accept your training. But I am a Christian at heart. I will not take part in activities that deny, defy, or denounce His word. Are we clear on that?” Shawn looked immensely relieved, “Of course, you may practice your religion freely. We will start in a few days.” He veered off on a side street, and Li walked back to his house. Opening the door, he stepped in the house and walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Fetching the Pepsi, he closed the door and almost dropped the soda when he saw that Micah had snuck up to the other side of the door. One look was all it took to see that his older brother was angry, angrier than Li had ever seen him. “Just what do you think you were doing? Associating with Satan converts is punishable by being damned to Hell!” His voice rose, “I thought you were better than this! Know this, if he converts you, I will kill him, do you understand? Furthermore, if you keep associating with him, I will call you to trial with the other entities… You will be cast down, debased and your powers will be bound. Do you think you haven’t pissed off Satan`s followers enough to know that if your powers are bound you will most likely not survive? Think!” His voice lowered, “I don`t want to see you banished to Hell when you pass from this world. Fix this abhorrent relationship, or I will fix it permanently.” He stalked up the stairs.
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