Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1840943-Bloodless
by Izzy
Rated: · Other · Other · #1840943
Unfinished draft
         I walked silently down the dark street, alone. The faint sound of the Bloodless came from shadows and alleys. Every turn knowingly could be deadly. No one was about but me at this hour. Far past the warning time. I however, stay out, not fearing of the dead. The tainted. I would not, could not, hide in fear of something that my sister had given away to. She had became Bloodless at will. A mindless creature in search of blood. The stories of werewolves, vampires, zombies. All could not be truer. The Bloodless lived among us, and you could tell them easily. They had no form of speech besides the animal like growling and sneering. Their eyes faded out, faces lacking any life. Their cold expression worn by a boney structure. They had barely any meat of them, and if you were very skinny, it is possible you would be killed on sight of a Daydreamer. Daydreamers were the anti Bloodless. So full of life and hope. Their goal of course was to rid of the Bloodless. Not that that was likely. The Bloodless are dead. Their kind spread their likes like wild fire. They could live forever if not killed, and had inhuman speed. They have a ever lasting desire to eat human flesh. Their teeth, while flat, are like razors. I would know, I'm half Daydreamer half Bloodless. It happened when I was bit by one, and my father gave me a weird drink that he claimed could cure any disease. I took it, and was fine. So the town let us be. But I knew better. And soon, so did he. I only was half cured. I could live on normal food, live normally mostly. I looked like a Daydreamer, and could think like them. But I always had that growing hunger. I had the speed, I had the teeth. I had the animal inside me, I had a part of the dead, I had been tainted. And what made it worse, I thought about eating friends. I could never share what I felt. I would be killed on spot. But looking at the faces of friends, so full of life. It was torture to be forced to go to school anymore. I had two more years. To more suffering years, before I was 18 and my dad didn't control me. For the most part, I planned on just letting go of my humanity, and giving myself to the Bloodless. It was either that or further suffering. And one more Bloodless wouldn't make a difference. Maybe I'd even see my sister, once again, without fear. Did I forget, that she was the one who bit me? Oh no, I could not forget. I had stayed up long nights after my "cure". Thinking, ever thinking, of why she found me. In that group of people. Had she recognized me? Had some memory come through from that tainted, lost mind? Had she, was she, trying to tell me something? Give me a message? Who could know. Maybe the answer would be clear after I joined the Bloodless. Maybe I would realize truth, in my last spark of humanity before I turned Bloodless, before I turned dead.
I glanced around the empty streets thinking. Everyone was in hiding but me, for I was immune. The sent of a Daydreamer wasn't on me, so the Bloodless were not after me. Only growled at me from shadows in wonder. My footsteps made a 'click click click' against the cement ground, my shoes tapping every step of the way. I took a deep breath, stopping in the middle of the road. I could smell it. The fear of a dreamer. Of a living. My eyes opened wide, the color fading a bit from my blue eyes. All I could feel was the burning hunger. I ran toward it. Growing closer, I saw a figure and ran to it. A boy was huddled in a corner. He must have been about 6 or 7, crying all alone, hearing the growling around him as the dead started to realize where food was. I knelt down by the boy, and put a hand on his shoulder, making him look up at me. A look of pure horror flashed across his face, and I could see the tears start up again. There I realized I must look like one of them right now, my eyes gone dark and my thin figure. I gave a small, 'Shhhh' in his ear, and picked him up. The boy was trembling, shaking in my arms. Moving my arms around him, I held him much like I would a baby, and carried him down the street. The growling got louder around me, and I heard a howl of rage. They thought I took him for a kill. That they had lost their meal to another one of them. But they were wrong. My hunger was horrible, but I was still human. I would not harm a little boy.
I may go by my fathers wishes, but I still lived on my own. I brought the now sobbing boy to my house. Once inside, I wandered over to the bed in the guest room and sat the boy down on the bed. He kept crying. Cold tears dripping down his cheeks. I wiped them away and knelt down so I was looking up at him.
His eyes widened and he shrieked, moving away from me. "Mama!" he yelled over and over. I got up on the bed and pulled him toward me. He didn't fight.
"Shh, I'm not going to hurt you. I just saved you from those bad creatures, now why would I hurt you after that trouble?" I was reasoning with a 6 year old. Who know how that would turn out. 
"Mama..." he whispered, tears starting up again. But this time he moved closer to me,searching comfort. I wrapped an arm around him, my free hand stroking his dark curly hair taking his actions as a way of trusting me.
"Where is you mother?" I asked softly. He nodded at the window.
"She said she was going to visit aunty, and not to worry. Aunty was dead, daddy said, but mama didn't listen. She never came back for me..." the young boy burst into more tears. I sighed and held I'm close. Another mother lost to the Bloodless. It wasn't a good time to bring up I was leaving soon too. The boy slowly calmed down. I took the chance and tucked him into bed.
"Your dad?"
"Went after mama." The boy was an orphan.
In the morning I watched the boy walk around my house. He was seeking something, but I wasn't sure what yet. While I waited I decided to go make him breakfast. I started to make scrambled eggs when he walked in.
"Where's the bodies?"
"Yeah, bodies. And why can you talk?" I stared at him blankly. He got the hint. "Well..your the dead ones right? The ones on the news?"
I sighed. "I'm not one of them. Yet."
"It would be correct to assume I'm not going to be in this current state of living for long."
He stared at me like I was speaking alien. Then I remembered. 'Crap he's six...'
"I mean...no I'm not. But I might be soon." He understood that.
"Oh, why?"
"Tired of living." That puzzled him. To the young mind, life was a gift, why waste it? It didn't make sense to give up like that. Finally he nodded an okay and sat at the table.

It was about 12 pm now. I was walking the boy to the only orphanage I knew of, in hopes to help the young boy. Coming to the big brick walled building, I didn't bother with knocking and walked in. The door was heavy, and took quite an effort to push. Probably to make it hard for dead to enter. Walking to a counter, there was a young looking lady shuffling through paper work.
"Uh, hello." I said loud for her to hear. She looked up started. "Hey Ma'am. Can I help you?" I nodded at the boy. "He yours?" I shook me head.
"Found him last night around midnight. He was huddled in a corner crying. His parents are dead." Apparently that was enough. Se nodded and took the boys hand leading him into another room. I turned and left.
© Copyright 2012 Izzy (izzyvamp at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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