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Explains my philosophy on life, on how each choice changes lives and makes worlds. |
LINK TEXT HERE Friday. January 13th. Happy(?)Birthday ‘My name is.. Is.. Who am I? Wait… Where am I? My memory is hazy. It’s dark. I’m terrified. I wonder… How would things have happened… If things… Didn’t happen? Or if they… Did? Ugh… My head hurts.’ I try to raise my hand to my head. ‘Chains? What exactly happened to me?’ “Hello? Is anyone there?” I called out. I heard footsteps. Loud and clear. “Hello?” They stop in front of what looked like a long hallway. Where am I? “Kora.” A teenage boys voice.. But he looks so…grown up. From what I can see. ‘Is that my name…?’ “Do you remember me, Kora?” ‘I guess it is me.’ I answered back, “Who are you? I don’t remember anything, not even my own name.” His only reply was to stand there and stare. He turned around to walk away. “H-hey! Wait a second!” He was already gone. Friday. January 13th. My life, from beyond this point, was forever changing, and I wondered all day… How do we know what else would happen? Do we know? Will that boy come back? Do I know who he is? When will I get out of here? My stomach started to rumble. Great timing, stomach. As if things couldn’t get bad enough. . . Sunday. January 1st. 12 days left. My name is Kora. Kora Jannings. My parents decided that they didn’t really want a kid. I guess the birth control didn’t work or whatever. I wonder how their lives would change if I wasn’t born. Or how my life would be if they actually wanted a child. They named me so my initials backwards would be ‘JK’. True story. They remind me all the time that I was nothing but a mistake… A bad memory to a result of why extra protection should be used. Birth control doesn’t always work, chicks. Remember that. Anyway, I’m 16 years old. Well…Turning 16. I have to get used to the new transition to such an important age. I get more freedom right when that number hits. Once I turn 16, so many doors will open. I can’t wait for the 13th this month. 16 is just such a great age for me. A car, a job, and so much more freedom! I can’t wait. I can never wait. “Kora!” I jump. My mother’s sudden voice scared the jeepers outta me. It was so silent and peaceful until she yelled my name. ‘Yes mom?” “Get down here! Your breakfast is ready!’ “Alright!” Holidays weren’t such a festivity here. Normal families probably would’ve stayed together on New Year’s, having a party, or at least planning one. Us? We do the ‘normal’ thing for my family. We just wake up, say hello, eat, and go along with our business. My mother would always say how if I weren’t born, she’d’ve been planning parties with her friends, drinking all night, and having a great time. But for some reason, she can’t just send me somewhere, like a friend’s house, and do that, instead of making me feel so dang burdensome. Downstairs, I’m in shock at what I see. A man is here? Who is he? “Kora, this is Liam. He’s a co-worker of mine and he—” “Coworker?” I interrupted. “Mom, don’t lie. You don’t work, except at Hooters or whatever. Jeez…” “Kora!’ I mumble, “Sorry…” “Liam, I apologize for Kora’s rude behavior!” Of course she had to put an emphasis on ‘rude.’ I think that’s a guilt trip of some sort? Whatever. Liam spoke for once. I haven’t heard his voice from my room, so I figured it was just mom and I. Like usual. “No, Pamela, it’s fine.” He looked at me. “You’re a teenager right?” I answered, “Yea, I’m about to turn 16. What of it?” He smiled…Chuckled a little… Then he said “It's always alright to be a little rebellious.” I’m not sure, but I think I blushed. He was a very attractive man. Young, too. With a very smooth and deep voice. So I turned around and saw a cake on the table. “Wh-what’s this?” “Liam brought us a cake, for the new year.” “O-oh.. That’s great, actually. Thanks, Liam.” I smiled at him. I rarely smile. “No need to thank me. I hope you like chocolate! It was the only one left, actually, and I had to bring something.” He grinned at me. Who was this guy? He was great! But…Is mom cheating on dad? “Anyway, I really should be going right now. Pam, thanks for having me.” He gave her a hug. “Kora..” He stretched out his arm for a handshake.. a HANDSHAKE? Ugh. “Nice to meet you.” “Nice to meet you, too.” I took his hand, and he pulled me in for a hug, laughing. Of course, since that was really unexpected and I had only woken up around an hour ago or so, I screamed a little. That only made him laugh harder. How embarrassing. He finally let go. “I’ll see you soon, for your birthday! Enjoy the cake, ladies.” He left the house, turned around and winked at us, then started towards his car again. What a great guy. And the day goes on. Monday. January 2nd. 11 Days left. Closer and closer to my birthday. Every second of anticipation is killing me. Maybe by the time my birthday comes around, I’d be long gone already. Who really knows? All I know is that mom and dad are arguing downstairs once again. And yes, it's about me. Time to sneak out… Ryder. He wouldn’t mind another adventure with me. I should call him first, in case he’s in trouble. Again. Anyway, time to call. Ring Ring. Ring Ring. “Hello?” “Ryder! Hey—” “Hahaa, I got you! Leave a message.” Beep. God I hate him sometimes. . . “Ryder, call me back! Or text me. I’m sneaking out, and I wanna know if you wanna hang again? And while you’re at it, learn to pick up your—” “Kora!” Ugh… “Gotta go now…Call me, soon!” I jump out of my window and grab on to the ledges going down. I have to jump off the last few feet, but a duck and roll is good for fast recovery getting up. It's hard this time ‘cause I’m bringing my bag. I have to go. . . “Kora Yvonne Jannings, get down here!!!” Now. I jump out my window, grabbing the ledges, but I do the duck and roll early, since dad sounded really mad that time. I stumbled a bit, but I made it. I ran and jumped over our low gate, and continued running on and on and on. I wonder if I’d ever do this if my life was a bit happier. I finally came to a stop at a clothing store. ‘Ryder must be at work…’ Hot Topic is our number one store to be at. We have the ‘emo’ look, apparently. So Ryder thought it’d just make people shut up if we admitted it and hung around places that fit our ‘style’. I told him it’d never work out. Of course, it didn’t. People are stubborn. I walked in, and Ryder wasn’t there. “Hey, Jaimes!” “Kora! Whats up, chica?” I laughed at him. “Yo, where’s Ryder?” “Ry? He didn’t come in today, why do you think I’m here?” “Ughh, this kid! Thanks, J!” I turn around about to leave, then I see the best thing ever. Gir best friends necklaces. I’d of course get the best part. I grab em and turn back to Jaimes. “Hey, J, any discounts for a friend? “Got a HT+ card?” “You know I do, so just lemme buy these, come on!” “Alright, alright.” He types in everything he needs to, scans the necklaces, and gives me my discount of like ten cents. “You people are crazy, hahaha. See ya, Jaimes!” “Bye, babe!” I laugh a little as I left the store. A skateboard was conveniently placed right outside the door. Of course, I step on it, and completely break my face. “Ow!!! What the H?!” A voice from afar cussed and I heard heavy footsteps running towards me. “H-hey, are you alright?” A teenage boy. Of course. “Do I look alright? Jeez…” I look up and… He’s really cute. “I-I’m sorry but, I’m not having a great morning. What inspired you to put your skateboard right in front of a HotTopic? You coulda killed me!” “Sorry, lady. It was supposed to be a prank on the guy that works in there. We didn’t know anyone still shopped there.” He held out his hand to help me up. Of course I accept. My head hurts like holy goodness... “Of course people still shop here, it's very popular! Especially for—” “Scene people? Haha, I know.” He frustrates me. “Anyway. I have to go. Gotta get to my friends place.” “What friend?” “Are you implying I don’t have friends?” He laughed. His laugh is adorable. “No, I’m not implying anything. I’m just asking, what friend?” “My best friend. He lives right around here, actually, so I should get going. “Maybe he’s already hanging with me right now? Not many teens live around this area if you haven’t noticed.” “I highly doubt he’d hang around you.” “Why not..?” “‘Cause,” I reply, “‘scenes’ don’t chill with skaters.” I start to walk towards Ryder’s place. He follows me, like a lost puppy or whatever. “Hey, what’s your name, by the way?’ “Why should I tell you?” “I have to know the name of the person who’s face I just killed, right?” I couldn’t handle him. “My name is Kora. K-o-r-a. Yours?” He grinned a little. Crooked. How cute. “My names Levi. Like the jeans.” I smiled a little. “Cute intro.” “So, who exactly is this friend of yours?” “His names Ryder. Ryder Glenn.” “Hey, I do know him!!” “Nuh-uh!!!” He laughed. “You’re right, I’ve never even heard of him.” “I knew it.” “How do you know him then?” “Long story. Let’s just say I don’t have a clean record..” “Cuties got a record?” I blush. Hard. “Wh-who’re you calling ‘cute’?!” “You, babe” He kisses my cheek real fast and I wanna die. ‘I gotta go. Catch ya later!” He gets on his skateboard and skates away. What just happened..? “Kora!” Ryder? I turn around and see him standing by the door. “Ryder! Hey!” I walk up to him smiling, and I can’t help but notice a look of disgust in his eyes, even when he smiled to me. “What’s up?” “Who was he?” “That guy? Levi. We just met by HotTopic.” “Why’d he give you a kiss if you just met?” “How would I know?” I laugh a little. “He said something ‘bout me being cute, gave me a peck on the cheek then ran off. That’s all, really. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you sounded jealous. Hahaha. By the way!” I look through my bag to find the necklaces. Ha! Here they are! “I bought these today, one for you, one for me!” I pass him the one that says ‘Best’ and I hold up the on that says ‘Friends.’ “Like it?” He smiled, genuinely. “Thanks, Kor. I really like it. But…” His smile faded away slowly. “But?” He grinned and pulled something out of his pocket. “I got you the same thing,” he gave me ‘Best’ and took ‘Friends’ for himself. “Surprise..!” I was shocked. He’s never been a gift giver. I was really overwhelmed with happiness. In fact, I even gave him a hug. Ugh!! “Thanks, Ryder! I never woulda expected that from you!” He laughed at me, and hugged me back. Today just turned upside down. From waking up to screams, to exchanging gifts with my best friend. Jeez. Hopefully, turning 16 will be like this, but better! Just 11 more days. Tuesday. January 3rd. 10 days left. ‘Grounded. I tried to explain that my birthday was coming up in a matter of days, so they couldn’t ground me! But still. Grounded. With a capital ‘No Party’! I hate dad sometimes. Mom tried to at least get the party going. Do anyone’s windows get barred anymore? No? I thought so… Dad has gone out of line.’ I reach to my bed drawer and pull it open. I had Ryder sneak in one day and build in a secret place within the drawer. How convenient. I pull it out and take out a lighter. I’ll wait until they leave before trying anything. “Kora?” My mom’s voice is… gentle?, as she knocks on the door. I throw the lighter back into the compartment and shut it, and my drawer. “Yea, mom?” “Can I come in?” “S-sure..?” I get off my bed to unlock my door. “What is it?” “You know we’re leaving soon. I just wanted to tell you to be good. Don’t get into any more trouble. We’ll be back before your birthday, okay?” “Windows are barred and I have guards by the front door,” True Story. “I think I’m gonna be okay.’ “Good…” Without further ado, she turned around and left. Wouldn’t a normal mother tell her daughter she loved her before leaving on an almost two week trip to who knows where? They never tell me anything… And that includes where they go on their yearly honeymoons. I wonder what would change if they did love me… I hear the car start, and I watch them drive away from my barred windows. 10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1……… They’re really gone. By now, someone would’ve noticed they forgot something. I should count down from 5 at least now…5…4…3…2…1……… I guess they’re really gone. I jump on my bed and pull out my phone from underneath my mattress. Mom doesn’t know where to hide things. I expose the contents of my closet to myself. I grab my biggest bag and start stuffing it with clothes, undies, shoes, bras, games, chargers, my laptop, my diary, everything I thought I’d need. I went downstairs took an apple for show, and a knife for protection. The guards were watching me. So I had to take the apple. I go back upstairs, pretending to take interest in eating the overly respected fruit. Back in my room, I throw the apple in my can and pack up the knife in my bag. I also had to get the lighter. Right! I have to get some razors from my bathroom, and my toothbrush. Who am I going to stay with anyway…? After I was done packing up all of my things, I had texted a few friends if I could stay over. Of course, everyone but Ryder had plans. I should’ve known. I take out the lighter from my bag. I squeezed the bars a little. Just hard plastic. I knew it. I light the bars just enough so they’d melt instead of actually catching fire. It took around five minutes for me to get a space big enough for me without using all the lighter fluid. I need a new lighter. I need money… I go in mom’s room before leaving. She always keeps money behind in her underwear drawer without dad knowing. $50.00. Jeez mom. Thanks! I take the money and put it in my pocket. Before long, I was running away from home again. They never know to put guards out back. Stupid parents. I hated their ignorance. Wednesday. January 4th. 9 days left. I woke up in Ryder’s bed. When did that happen? I sat up, I guess, too fast. My head started hurting. ‘Ow,’ I picked up my hand to my head. ‘What happened yesterday?’ I look to my right. Ryder’s not there? “Ryder?” I got out of bed to look around. Ryder’s room is amazing. It’s like the typical emo guys room. It's so punk. He’s even got a BVB poster. Asking Alexandria, Deadmau5, A Day To Remember. I loved his room. My mother hated when I said I wanted a room like this. I feel kinda creepy. Standing in his room with just a tee and boyshorts on. I should be used to it. It happens all the time. But that’s aside the point. I left his room. He’s in the kitchen. I sneak behind him, and jump on his back, “Ryder!” He screams, then laughs. “Kora! Finally awake, and you start by scaring me? No wonder your parents don’t love you.” He laughs again. When he says things like that it's cool. Anyone else, absolutely not. “Hey, I don’t even ever see your parents around, and you’re talking about love?” I bite him shoulder. “That’s basically abandonment, isn’t it?” We both start to laugh, and I get off his back. His parents really did abandon him. The two of us are basically even. ‘Haha, shut up, Kor.” He gesture towards the table. “Sit down for a while. I’m cooking.” I grab him around his waist. “I don’t wanna..” I rest my head on his bare back. Before anyone asks, no, we’re not dating. It may seem like it, but no. We’re just really, REALLY close friends. “I wanna stay here.” “Fine, fine. But if you get burned, you can’t blame me.” “Of course I can. It's called the Blame Game. Ya know, it's from kindergarten.” I grin, knowing that being a smart aleck is one of the things that piss him off the most. He stuffs a sausage in my mouth to shut me up. “Kor, you’re bothersome, you know?” He turns around the gives me a hug. Picks me up, and brings me to the living room, then he drops me on the couch. “Stay.” I feel like a dog. I give him a look that neither of us can describe. But we start laughing again. I finish eating the sausage, then go back to the kitchen with him. “Nice sausage, Ry.” He grins. He loves hearing his food complimented. “Thanks, Kor.” He chuckles a bit, “Enjoy the rest.” He passes me a plate of food. Eggs, bacon, sausage. ‘Thanks, babe.” I took the plate and sat at the table. This was gonna be a great day, I could tell. “Hey,” talking in between bites, “We should go out later…… Like after we shower and whatever.” “You think so? Where to?” He sat across from me and started eating his own food. “Where else?” I laugh a little. “Kor, if I go back there, Jaimes is gonna make me work.” “Is that a bad thing? Hot Topic is a fun place, I wish I could work there.” ‘Trust me. No you don’t.” “You’re just lazy…” “Eat your food. Let’s go to watch a movie or something. You have money, right?” “Well, yea, but… Oh, by the way… What happened last night? I can’t remember anything.” “I told you you wouldn’t.” He said that so calmly. What happened, really? “Can you tell me?’ “I’m afraid if you do you’ll leave.” “You’re crazy! Come on, tell me, I really wanna know what happened. Why can’t I remember things?” He laughed a little, “Okay, okay. You’re acting like it's a life or death situation.” For all I know it could’ve been. I hate his attitude sometimes. “You smoked a little DMT. Ya know, the brain drug? I tried to tell you you had a little too much for a first timer, and that you won’t remember anything, but, you did it anyway. And now, look who’s right,” he pointed at himself with both his thumbs with a silly look on his face, “this guyyy!” “Oh shut up! Maybe you should be more convincing when trying to stop me. So, what movie do you wanna watch? There’s not much out in theatres.” “Who said anything about a theatre? It's called home movies, Kor. Rent something, buy something, steal something and buy the food.” “Haha, Ryder!! Fine, fine! You gonna come?” I picked up the bag with my money in it. I put my knife and phone in there, too. “Of course I’m gonna come. Who else is gonna protect you? Hahaha.” “Shut up, Ry, you know I can protect myself!” I shove him playfully. “Get ready. I call your shower!” “Well, there’s a little problem with that, babe, cause I’m gonna be showering in there.” I laughed a little. “You can wait.” I pushed him down back into his seat and ran towards his room. Of course, he caught up to me, attacking me onto his bed, then he started towards his bathroom. I grabbed his leg and he fell on his face. I made it to the bathroom. “You know you can’t beat m, Ry, I don’t even know why you try.” I winked at him before shutting and locking the door. “Kor, you call me crazy?’” “Yea, I do!” I started undressing. “You almost killed me out there!” Turned on the hot water. “I remember it differently!” “You’re memory sucks!”’ I heard him laughing. “Whatever, babe! I’ll be waiting!” “Have fun!” I opened up the shower door and screamed bloody murder. “Kor?!” He started banging on the door. “Kor, open up!!” There was something on the wall in the shower. A message. It was written in blood for sure, since there was a large dead rat in the corner. It wasn’t written by Ryder. Definitely not me. Who else was here? Ever? The message? It read: Kora, There’s no use running from me. I’ll get you. -The One You Forgot. I was traumatized. Who was he? Or her? Who did I forget? Ryder and I decided to stay home today. He broke down the door to get me. Dislocated his shoulder, almost. It’s been hours. I’m still just wrapped around in a towel; Ryder’s trying his hardest to comfort me. He won’t keep his eyes off of me for a while. Just 9 days left until I turn 16. Then I’ll be able to get away. Thursday. January 5th. 8 days left. I woke up in Ryder’s bed again. Except this time, Ryder was right next to me. “Hey..” He still looked scared from yesterday. Worried for me. “Hey, Ry…Ya know, waking up and seeing you staring at me is kinda creepy.” I laugh a little, despite the seriousness of the situation. “You don’t have to watch me all the time..” “I actually kinda have to, Kor. You’re my best friend, and that message… I have no clue who could’ve written it. I have to make sure you’re okay.” “You’re sweet. But I think I’m okay, as long as we don’t do anything crazy. I don’t wanna risk anything so… we should probably stay home for a while?” “I agree with you a hundred percent for the first time. Wanna watch tv or something?” “S-sure… Maybe we can get something on the news? This could be something for real.” “Good thinking, Kor.” He got out of bed, shirtless again. “You coming?” “Yea, hang on a sec…” I just noticed, I’m still naked from last night…Fell asleep this way I guess. Thank goodness he had the respect to cover me. I tried to wrap the towel around myself without getting exposed. Something hit my back. I turned around, and it was a baggy tee. “Here,” he said. “I won’t look, I promise.” And so he turned around. “Thanks..” I stood up and put on the shirt. It fit like a dress, jeez. I snuck up real quiet behind him, and jumped on his back. “Done!” I laughed for a little while. I stopped when he wasn’t laughing. “Ry..?” He turned on the tv and switched to the news. “Wait till we hear something on the news, then the mood can change, ok?’ “Fine…” “Breaking News. It has come to our attention that there is a serial murderer roaming the streets. Good news is we have many forms of identification and evidence of who this murderer is. Bad news is, we have no clue where to find him. He has great skill in hiding, and we believe he doesn’t even live in the area. Probably not even the same state. We strongly recommend that if anyone’s house has been invaded lately, call the cops. The more we get on this person, the better chances we have of finding him. We learn that he likes to scare his victims before actually murdering them. ‘There’s no use running.’ That is his line. This has been Jane Sington with Fox News. Here’s Lance with the weather…’ He turned off the tv and looked at me. I couldn’t look away, my mouth gaping open. ‘There’s no use running.’ Is his line? That was exactly what was written in the shower…Well…Part of it, but still. Am I in danger of death? “Kor?” He reached out to touch my shoulder and I jumped when he did. I started breathing a little heavier. It was like I was in some sort of trance. “Ry…” I hugged him tight, and I wanted to cry, but I couldn’t let myself cry in front of him. “We have to call the cops… Where’s my phone?” He tried to get up, but I wouldn’t let him. “W-wait..I don’t wanna get up yet… stay with me?” He sighs and holds me. “Fine. Kor, what happened to your tough girl act? You’re like a puppy now. Helpless and junk.” “Shut up!” I hid my face to further hide the sadness and fear. “You’d lose your cool, too, if a murderer was after you.” “Wanna bet? Don’t you remember 8th grade? Haha. Those cops pointed their guns at me, and I was only, what? 14? What did I do again? I think I stabbed some kid with a fork or whatever.’ “What’s the moral of this story?” “I’ll protect you, ok? Nothing scares me, especially when it comes to helping out someone I care about. Alright? I’m just gonna get my phone. If you wanna come, we can stay in my room, or whatever. Okay?” . . . “Fine.” I let go of him. “But I’d rather not stay in the house…” “You just said that’s what you wanna do not too long ago…” “Well, I changed my mind! I wanna buy something somewhere.” “Don’t say HotTopic…” “I saw something really cute online! Please?” I haven’t been online in weeks, but he doesn’t know that. I just wanted to change the topic. Staying on it any longer would make me burst into tears. I don’t wanna die. “Fine, okay. The cops’ll take forever to get here anyway. They always do.” “Thanks, babe.” “‘Course, hun.” And so, he called the cops. They said they’d be here in a few hours, since all other cops are investigating other crime scenes of the same case. We need more cops. We went to HotTopic. “Ryder! There you are! Ready for work???” Jaimes never really liked Ryder. Well, they’re friends, but Ryder is lazy. And that kid Ryder said he stabbed? Jaimes. After Ryder walked up to a cop and put the gun to his head himself, he had a lot more respect for him. Bleeding leg or not. That happened a week after Ry and I argued. We were arguing about his fearlessness. He claimed he had no fears, except of losing someone he loves. I claimed everyone had a fear along with that one. He proved me wrong that day. “Why would I start working? I’m only here until Kor wants to go.’ “Why don’t you work until you leave? She’s a big girl.” “Jaimes?” I had to say something. “Yea, cutie?” I rolled my eyes jokingly and laughed a little. Then I said “Ryder has to be with me, okay? I didn’t bring him here to work this time.” I locked arms with Ry. “Sorry, sugar.” I winked at him then turned away, bringing Ry along with me. “Nice one, Kor.” He laughed a little. “I guess this situation is good for the both of us. I don’t have to work as long as you’re terrified, and you always have a body guard.” Bodyguard. Cops. Ugh!! “Can you hide me?” “What? Kora, what are you thinking, chick?” “My bodyguards… my LEGIT bodyguards probably noticed I haven’t been downstairs in a while…Then they would’ve looked upstairs and all around the house for me…Noticed I was gone and called the cops… If the cops see me then…I’d be sent home. Dad would pay for real bars on my window…And…if I can’t leave the house then…that guy…the killer…‘There’s no use running’…So…Can you hide me?” “Kor…” He sighs a little… “If you really want me too, I will.” “Thanks, babe…Be sure it's somewhere safe?” “Hahaha, listen to yourself. I built a secret compartment in your bed. I have places around the house that you don’t even know exist. And I’m pretty sure the cops don’t know, and especially not the murderer. How do you think I’ve been staying out of jail?” “Oh, the cleverness of you… But thanks. I really appreciate it.” I finally found the shirt I was looking for. ‘Emily the Strange; Fight Like a Girl.” I hope I can pay for it. “Ry, I found it!” I picked it up, looking for a size small or extra small. How convenient. The last extra small was all the way at the bottom. I took it and opened it up so Ryder could see it. “Isn’t it great?” “I bet it’d look great on you, can we go now?” “Chyea, after we pay.” “Screw paying, I gotta go soon.” “Why so sudden? If you wanna go without paying, explain that to me.” “I just gotta go. Come on, Kor.” “Ry, come on, let’s stay to pay at least. It can’t be that urgent that you have to steal a 30$ shirt. Please? I really want it, without the trouble.” He looked at me. A few moments of silence went by. “Please?” He finally gave in. So I gave him a hug and paid for my shirt. Even let Jaimes keep the change. “Gee, a 30 cent tip. Thanks, guys.” His only sarcastic remark before we left. This reminds me of…A dream? A past event? I’ve never been able to remember everything but…This happened, kinda, in the past. Anyway… Ryder and I left the store, and again…the dang skateboard by the door. This time, though, Ry was there to catch me. I heard someone cuss again. “Are you okay?? Jeez, this is the second time this happened, sweetcakes.” “Well, babe, I think you should leave your board with you instead of at the door.” I kick it towards him lightly. “Thanks, Ry.” “Well, babe, maybe you should be more careful and watch where you’re going. Wouldn’t want that pretty face of yours getting ruined, do we?” He pinched my cheeks, and Ryder slapped his hand out of my face. “Don’t touch her.” Simple sentence…Strong voice. He was…serious. “Or what?” Levi grabbed my hand pulling me towards him. “Ow!” Levi, that hurts, let go…!” “Ya hear her? Let go of her before I make you let go of her.” “I don’t have to listen to you.” Levi pulls me in closer and closer, never losing his cool. “I can do whatever I want with her, it's a free country.” He grabbed my face and put his lips close to mine. I tried to move away from him at that point. My first kiss. Ruined? I’d rather not. “Ry, help me!” I was able to call out. Levi then shut my mouth by clamping his hands around it. “Shut up, Kora!” I bit his hand, to the point where it bled. His blood filled my mouth before he pulled it away. “[insert bad word here]!!!” He slapped me. No, he back hand slapped me. So hard I fell out of his hands and knocked out on the ground. Everything went black. Friday. January 6th. 7 days left. Woke up in another daze. Ryder was still sleeping. I decided I’d scoot closer to him. He was so warm. I loved it. I rest my head on the back of his shoulder, and closed my eyes. Falling back asleep..? Was he that comforting? He started moving, so I backed away a little so he’d have room, and I was still using his body heat. He turned and faced me. Still sleeping. He was so cute when he slept…Wait…What’s this…? He has bruises all over his chest…And a black eye. Was this from yesterday? What happened?! He even had a small cut on his side! I had to wake him up but…He’s so cute when he sleeps! Ugh! Maybe if I can find my phone, I can take a picture… I scooted away from him slowly, trying not to make the bed move. Win. I get my bag and look for my phone. I have a couple texts… What’s this number? I ignore it so I can get to my camera and take a picture. Done. Haha, contact image! I couldn’t help but smile. I lay back down next to him. I open up my phone to read the texts. I wanted to die. I threw my phone across the room and covered my mouth before I could scream. I didn’t want to wake Ryder. He had my number. How did he get my number?! I guess the phone beating up the wall woke Ryder. He kinda spazzed out demanding to know what that noise was, and if I was ok. I held on to him, and I felt the tears coming, so I held on tighter so he couldn’t see my face. He rubbed my back and stroked my hair. “It’ll all be okay,” he said. I couldn’t believe him. I just kept on crying and crying, hoping that the day would be over soon. I hated this. Things are only going to get worse. After a while of just sitting there, I stopped crying. I backed away, and he wiped the tears off of my face. “What happened to you? I’ve never seen you cry before…” He had true concern in his eyes for me. I could tell it was for me, ‘cause he never cared about anyone before. “I-I’m fine… I just…” I kept glancing at my phone. I wanted to break it. It started ringing and I jumped. He looked confused, like, why was I scared of my phone ringing. Then slowly, he started to realize. He jumped off the bed and grabbed my phone from the floor. He threw it on the bed. “Show me what happened! Did he call you?!” I couldn’t help but cry some more. This was too much. I can’t stand being yelled at. Can’t stand being in danger. I can’t stand any of this. It’s overwhelming me! He sat down next to me. Waiting for me to stop crying again. Took at least 10 whole minutes. Finally, when I calmed down again, he talked. “Sorry about yelling, Kor… I’m just real worried about you. I mean, less than a week until your—“ I cut him off. “Shh! I-in case he’s listening. I don’t want him to know. He could use anything against me right now. Even a day.” “You’re right… Ya know something, Kor?” “What is it?” “I feel guilty…” “W-why would you…?” Don’t tell me he was behind all this. “I don’t know why, but…I do. I just can’t help but think, something happened that night. The night with the drugs… And I can’t help but think it was…me who did something.” “We were both high, that could’ve just been a hallucination from the DMT. It is a dream drug after all. Anything that happened that night is automatically invalid.” I headed towards his minifridge. “Have any alcohol in here? I need to calm down…” “Kor, no.” He took my arm. “I used to have a problem remember? I can’t go through that again.” “I won’t let you, after all, I’m the one that helped you get out of your problem. |