Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1839496-If-Life-Were-So-Easy
Rated: E · Poetry · Emotional · #1839496
About faith in love even in a hopless situation.
If life were so easy there would be nothing here to learn.
He talks about dying romance and bridges burned.
Fault may be easy to find in a moment’s confusion
But true love endures and is deeper than any allusion

Each one of us is good, bad and ugly as we endure our fears
But she will not let fear run her and says what he needs to hear
He is so tortured good heart in a hardened but cracking shell
Feels that this life is nothing but an ongoing and uncontrollable hell

Fault to find yes and blame to be placed yes that would be too easy to do
But the problem is her feelings don’t die and she more and more loves him
He may not live to see tomorrow, feels trapped and his choices are few
But loving each other is a choice, an action way of being and what we do

She can only choose for herself but Spirit does guide and protect
They know her heart her spirit and her intellect.
They give her thoughts, pictures and words to say
He wants so badly to run and yet he also wants to stay

So divided he knows not what else to do or where to turn
So he says goodbye to romance and the bridge he tries to burn
But she cool water, salvages the bridge, and moves the crashing waves
From spirit she learned that self-truth and emotional flow are all that saves

To grow romance, to build the bridge one day at a time is her desire
If moment-to-moment is the only option so be it, she will do what is required
Sure in her heart what she wants and where she wishes to be
She opens her heart, risks her soul, so her true self he may see

Having done all she can she sends healing love and says good night
Trusting with all her being that the situation will work out all right
She rests her head on her pillow to the universe her prayers she sends
She knows this love is real and any struggle it will transcend.

Cattherine MacDonald (c) June 19 2006
© Copyright 2012 Catherine MacDonald-Robertson (spiritualcat at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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