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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1839170
Koza has had to live without her brother for seven years. But danger is near her family.
(Still working on it. Please comment and rate. I would like to know what you think.)


         My world is different from your own. It will never be a normal life. I am what demons call a demi-demon. Not fully human and not full a demon either. The demons hate us demi-demons. They want nothing to do with us.

         Long ago there was a war. A war between humans and demons, the war was almost lost to the humans. If not for a brave 15-year-old woman. The young women ran out to the leader of the demons. She begged the demon to spare her people and the lives of other people.

         The leader of the demons name was Jarenos. Her word made the demon’s eyes soften. His heart was hers forever. The two had fallen in love. He agreed not to fight the people anymore. He led his wolf-dragon clan back to their land. Nine years has past since that day. A set of twins was born.

I was born on a full moon. My father named me Koza and he named my brother Temu. My father protects us on full moon nights. It’s ironic that we lose our demon blood on the full moons. Since we were born on the full moon. When my brother and I had turned four years of age, a terrible wolf-dragon had appeared taking my dear beloved brother from me.

Who was this dreadful demon? He is known as Kar, also known as my grandfather. My grandfather had stolen my brother! I cried my lungs out calling and running after Temu and the terrible demon. My violet hair swirled around me as I ran. My dear brother’s hand was inches from mine. The full moon rose into the sky. My hair turned brown and my purple streak appeared.

Someone grabbed me from behind. Kicking and screaming as my beloved twin brother disappeared from my sight. Using my elbow I rammed it into the face of my holder. Letting me fall I grabbed my small dagger from my waistband. I faced the awful man who held me back from my brother. But it wasn’t just any man. It was my demon father. Tears fell from my eyes, as I ran into his arms. There I cried for my only brother, as I was his only sister that he would know.

Hugging my mother I looked at my other siblings. My two little twin brothers, and little sister. My mother was going to have another baby. It angered me that she would have so many of us after my brother had been stolen. Was she trying to for get about Temu? Or fill the pain of losing her first son? Yet I still hugged them all goodbye.

“I will find our brother. I will find my twin.” I looked at my little sister. “Keep them out of trouble okay?” It made me sad to leave them, because I had always protected them. My twin brother’s were nine and my little sister was four. Walking away from my home I saw someone leaning against the tree five feet away from our house.

“You are not coming with me Monte.” I said as I past him.

Monte grabbed my arm, pulled me close as I glared at him. “I will go where ever you go. So don’t think for a moment that I’m letting you face Kar by your-self.”

“If you get in my way or slow me down your going to be left behind got it?” I said with a smile, as I began to walk again.

I was glad that he was coming. It would be good to have a friend along the way. Monte was like me a demi-demon, but he was a huge flirt. He flirted with every girl demon or human. It didn’t matter to him. Since everyone loved him. He was a strange demi. His father is a monk, and his mother is a demon. It was odd for a monk to ever love a demon, but what came out of it was horrible. His mother was destroyed, and he was raised by his father. His father taught him the way of the monks.

I watched Monte walk beside me. His wide muscle shoulder, dark gray hair and blue eyes, made me lose my breath. He looked at me and smiled.

“Are you finally realizing you feelings for me?” He asked teasingly, raising his eyebrows.

I glowered at him. My face felt warm. “No I was just wondering why girls go after a nuisance of a guy like you.” I responded teasingly back.

Monte put his arm around me, punching him in the ribs as a response. He winced and retrieved his arm back. He looked afraid that I might break his arm. After all I was stronger than most demi-demons.

As we entered the forest I was immediately sucked into one of my many visions I’ve had over the years.

“ You’re never going to beat him if you don’t keep up with your practices!” Roared a booming voice.

Kar was standing in his human form arms crossed. His dark purple hair, and sliver eyes, pointed face, with a glare on scared me. I never liked my grandfather no matter how much my father looked like him. Temu was fighting against another wolf-dragon. His sword was made of dragon scales. One of the many powerful swords that had ever made, before my father was born.

Temu had grown a lot. His hair was violet like mine, dark brown eyes, he was muscular, and tall, his face was a bit pointed like fathers’ and Kar's face. He was having a hard time. His clothes were torn, he was dirty and muddy, and his breaths were deep as if he had been fighting for hours.

“Come on boy you’ve only been fighting him for 2 hours, and yet you still hadn’t made a scratch on him!” Kar voice boomed.

Taken aback I stared at my brother. Was he that weak? Was he that much weaker than me? How was that? He was a lot stronger than me when I was little. He was always the strong one. I was the sickly child.

The wolf-dragon hit Temu toward me. I was kicked out of my own vision; I was on my back, breathing hard. Monte was looking at me worried.

“Don’t even ask me what happened. I don’t want to talk about it.” I spat hotly.

I wasn’t mad at him. I was mad at my brother. How could he get so weak over the years? How come he hadn’t left Kar by now? Quickening my pace as my mind raced. I was going to have to become stronger than what I was as a human. It was the full moon tonight. My father wasn’t going to be here to protect me. He needed to be with mother and the rest of my siblings. Bad luck that we all were born on a full moon.


Sighing I headed toward the stream. I hadn’t realized how far I walked. The sun had started to go down, when Monte wrapped his arms around me.

“What the heck do you think your doing? Plus do you know what tonight it is?”

“It’s a beautiful night? Plus how can I resist a beautiful women too?” He said softly.

Losing my breath as he started to kissed my lips. My heart raced, and soon I began to kiss him back. The next thing I knew I was on my back. He was kissing me more wanting. Truth was I wanted to stay like this.

Then I didn’t feel him or his lips. I saw my father threw him to a tree. I winced; my father was stronger than any demon. Running I grabbed my fathers arm before he could hit Monte again.

“Father please stop it, leave him alone!” I cried.

Grunting my father released Monte. I let out a breath of relief. Then it occurred to me why was he here?

“Father why are you here? You are supposed to be home, protecting the others!”

“I would be protecting them, if I hadn’t come and make sure you were alright!” Father barked. ”Then I see you with him” Father had pointed at Monte. “Your only 15! You shouldn’t even be with him or looking for your brother until you’re an adult!”

“So what! I want to find Temu! I can’t stand see him in my visions, be treated cruelly by Kar! But you don’t care do you! You have never gone and looked for Temu! Not once!” I yelled back.

A gust of wind blew in my face. Blinking my father had disappeared, he was angry with me, I shouldn’t have yelled at him. I knew that for a fact.

“I’m going for a swim I will be back later.” I whispered.Walking into a secluded spot I dove underwater.  Holding my breath, I watched fish swim by, underwater seemed more peaceful. As I watch another fish swim by I was sucked into a vision. A demon was attacking me. I dodged as quickly as I could. I was holding something in my arms. All I knew is that I had to protect it.

Gasping for air, I struggled to swim up. But I couldn’t my body wouldn’t move. It seemed that I was sinking. Bubbles flew out of my mouth. Everything was going dark. Feeling arms around me I blacked out.

Coughing up water, my arms went around my body. Someone laid a robe around me. Opening my eyes everything was fuzzy. I wrapped the robe closer to me. Tears fell from my cheeks.

“Koza don’t cry please. Please stop crying.” Monte’s voice was soothing.

Monte put his arms around me. I put my face into his chest. And snuck a look at him. He was blushing. I knew my white garments were, see through when wet. But he had put a black robe on me. I was glad for that much.

“How is my father going to reacted to this?” I said mumbling.

“I will tell you how.” Said a booming voice.

Glancing up I saw my father in full form. His tail lashed, he stomped his claws into the ground. He howled in rage. Monte pulled me closer to him.

“Father please stop this." He saved me from drowning. Please clam down.” My mind raced. I had to stop him. “I love him papa!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Monte looked at me in shock. My father had returned into human form. I felt my-self tremble. I had said it. I reviled my deepest secret. Getting out of Monte’s grasps, all I could do was stare at the ground. Holding the robe tightly around me.

(Chapter 6)

“Koza help us!” a voice rang.

Grabbing my head as she voice screamed I look off toward my house. My family was in danger! My baby sister had contacted me with her mind. My father had taught us how.

I ran with all my strength. By nightfall I had reached my house. There was a baby cry in the house. Storming into it my new baby sister laid on my mothers bed. It looked like she was barely born. So my mother had another little girl. Cradling her in my arms, I turned and walked out the door.

My mother was by small well beside our house. But something was off. She didn’t look like her normal self.

“So you found the child.”

A demon emerged from my mother. Horror was in my eyes as I saw my mother’s body fall to the ground. Only then did I see my brothers and my little sister’s lifeless body’s. I held my only baby sister close. The demon came at me as soon as my father tackled it.

“Run now Koza!” He roared.

“But what about Mother!” I screamed.

“She is long gone! Raise the child as your own daughter!”

Crying I ran toward my mother but someone held me back. Turning around Monte had grabbed me. Shaking his head we ran away from my old home. Away from my long gone mother and siblings.

I ran with Monte until we got to his home. We entered his house and his father smiled at us. Then hi face fell as he saw the little whimpering bundle in my arms.

“What is that Koza? Is it your child?” He said in a hushed and hurt voice.

Tears began to fall from my face once more. Monte pulled his father aside, I knew was telling him the whole story. I stared at the sweet innocent baby in my arms. She snuggled her face into the breasts as she slept.

“My sweet little Tsuki. You are a moon that shines and gives everyone hope.” I said smiling as I snuggled her. Father was right. She would only know me as a mother. Never as her big sister, but that’s ok. I will be her mother.

“Looks like you’ve taken to her, I am sure you will be a good mother.” Monte said softly. “She will grow big and strong just like you.”

“Well she will be as strong headed as her father.” I said with a giggle. I loved Monte; nothing was going to change that.

Monte blushed slightly. He gave me a kiss and Tsuki started crying. Laughing Monte’s father handed me some herbs. I looked at him with a blank expression.

“She will need to eat somehow. That will make you be able feed the child.”

Nodding Monte and I walked out of the house. We had to find a place away from here. A place that is safe. I watched as the new moon rise. It would be many moons before I can find my only brother left alive. I needed to find Temu. My father, Temu, Tsuki, and I were the last of our beloved family.

(Chapter 7)

I watched Tsuki sleep as we walked in the night. “Monte, it is going to be a lot harder for me to fight with Tsuki. We need to find another way to protect her from all harm. Plus I won’t let you fight alone.” I said sternly.

“I know. We will find a way. I promise to help protect her with my life. I will protect you the same.” He spoke determined.

Sighing we rested for the night. Lying in the soft grass, I put Tsuki close to me. For a baby she was very quiet and calm. Monte built a fire and put food to cook. I ate two of the herbs. They tasted bitter, but I didn’t mind it.

I wrapped Tsuki in warmer blankets. I was so afraid that she would get sick. I didn’t want her to get sick or die. I had to do everything I could for her.

Eating while I laid next to Tsuki, I felt tense my swords and daggers laid above me. So I didn’t know why I felt so stressed and at a discomfort. Shifting slightly, I closed my eyes. I just need sleep. I let my sleep consume my thoughts.

(Chapter 8)

Waking up startled I looked at Tsuki. She was nuzzling my chest. She had woken me. She gave a small cry. Picking her up close to me I turned my back toward Monte’s sleeping form.

“Your Hungry Tsuki, aren’t you.” I said smiling. I ate another herb, and feed her. “This is so weird” I whispered.

“Ocean blue, how are you so far. Yet you could be so close Ocean blue how are you? I want to be free. Ocean blue you are always free. You can do what ever you want to do. No one is there to be your boss. No one is there to hurt you. Ocean blue do you get lonely? How can that be ocean blue,” I sang as Tsuki fell asleep.

Laying her back down I rebuilt the fire. Finding soft wood, grass, and cloths, I began weaving it into two baskets. I worked until the sun began to come up. I watched Tsuki closely, as I weaved the baskets. Whipping my forehead with the back of my hand.

I tried on the first basket. I smiled at Tsuki as she watched me. “What do you think? You can be carried by this.” I moved the basket to the front. It worked either way. I filled the other basket with warm water.

“How about a nice bath? It will be good for you.” I said with a laugh as she gave a coo gurgling laughing sound. I carefully unwrapped her and put her in the warm water. She splashed the water happily. Monte stood behind me laughing.

“She is a ball of fun isn’t she? She is going to be really happy when she is older. Right Koza?” Monte said with a huge grin on his face.

I couldn’t help but nodding. Pulling her out I covered her in new clothes. “Dump the water for me. We got to get going.” I put her in the new carrier I made for her. It had a movable cover on it. So the sun wouldn’t burn her head. Packing everything up, we headed off.

We stopped at noon high. We ate and I feed, and changed Tsuki. Then we headed off. We stopped again at a small spaced cliff. There was a small walk way. Moving Tsuki to my back I faced the wall, walking carefully. Halfway over the cliff, an awful demon roar boomed through the sky. Horror struck my eyes. Kar was on the far side of the cliff.

“Stay away!” I screamed as I walked as fast as I could to the other side. Kar stepped onto the small ledge it began to break under pressure. “Stop it!” I yelled as I reached the other end. I moved Tsuki to my front. If Kar blew fire I was ready to protect her. Another roar was above me. I flinched but looked up. “Father!!” Joy filled me as he attack Kar.

“Lets go Koza! Hurry. Jarenos will keep him busy.” Monte said in a hurried voice. Nodding we both ran away from the fight. We were deep in the forest; by the time we realized we could no longer hear the fight.

“What do we do now? Kar is onto us. This isn’t good.” I said softly as I took my twin swords from Monte. “I am also worried for Father. He had already been in a fight back home. But now he fought against his own father.” She spat out the second father. It was like venom on my tongue. “I despise that worthless, cruel demon. I can’t believe he is my blood relative.” Again voice was harsh and full of hatred.

Drawing my sword I chopped down the tree that was closest to me. It hit the ground thundering crash. Flinching as Tsuki stirred from her sleep I handed her to Monte. I punched the fallen tree and it began to split into many peaces. I looked Monte and he looked scared. I looked at him sheepishly with a tiny smile.

“You might want to hold her for a while. I’m still shaken up by everything that has….” My voice drifted as I saw my father in his human for, his arm looked broken, his body was a bit crooked his shirt was full of blood. His eye was bruised. “Papa! What happened? Please tell me that’s Kar’s blood?” My voice raised an octave.

“Sorry my child…Sadly its not. My father has grown stronger than me. I’m sorry I can’t be with you anymore.” His voice was raspy, and he fell to the ground.

I ran and caught him, I set him on my lap. “Papa no, please papa, you can’t leave me alone. I need you. I don’t want to left alone without a parent. I can’t even be one. Please papa don’t leave me. I’ve lost everyone but you, Temu, and Tsuki. Please don’t leave me to.” Tears burtsted from my eyes. Why was everyone I loved having to die?

“My sweet Koza. You have two more brothers. They are full demons though. They know of you and Temu. Once I am gone one of them will come looking for you. The other hates me for having demi-demons. That so of mine will try to kill you. So please my child, do your best to find them. I love you Koza, and I loved your mother very much. Protect little Tsuki…” His voice faded.

“Father? Father? Papa!!!” I screamed through my tears. My tears fell on to his still face. Laying him gently on the ground I stood up, emotion swelled with in me. I clenched my fits together. “Nooooooo!!!!” Dirt, leaves, and anything loose swirled around me. I arched my body toward the ground. My back began to stretch outward. Dragon wings bursted from my back, my mouth turned into a wolves muzzle, my hands and feet became claws and paws. My body formed into a wolf, I sprouted a wolf tail.

(Chapter 9)

“Koza calm down. Its ok I am still here. You’re not alone. You have me and Tsuki.” Monte’s voice rang out.

I bared my teeth at him. I clawed the ground. I growled and prepared to attack Monte. “Stop it!” I yelled at my-self. Just then Tsuki cried. My heart skipped a beat. A Plus rang through my body as I returned too normal. “Tsuki…” I held my arms out for her. I could see Monte hesitate before giving her to me. I buried my face into her soft clothes.

“We should get going Koza. We have already lost so much time. It will be night soon and it’s a full moon night. We need to get you some were safe. A place where Kar won’t be able to find you.”

Shaking my head no I looked at him in the eyes. “No matter where I go Temu can scence the place I am at. We are connected in many ways.” Taken a step forward something smashed into my back making me fly forward, I flipped so Tsuki didn’t get hurt. Making a grunting sound I stood and faced my attacker.

“Nice to see my twin sister again.” Said a gruff voice.

Pure shock went through me. “Temu? Why?” I winced at my pain. “Why? Why would you do this to me? To your own sister?”

“Simple Kar told me to. He has taught me how to see the mortals as our enemies. They have killed demons; in return we have killed them. It’s a shame father and our mother is dead. But that’s the fate they choose when they didn’t listen to Kar.” He laughed an evil laugh.

“Temu please stop. What Kar is doing is wrong. Our family is dead because of him!” Another blow hit me in the back. I turned again in order to protect Tsuki. Glancing up I saw another demon, I knew who he was. He had the same nose as father.  “You must be the brother that wants to kill me. Seems like very one wants to these days.” I stood up wobbling. A pair of arms caught me. I looked up to another demon. One that looked exactly like father. “Hey my protective brother.” He smiled at me pulled out a sword. He sent out a huge wave of electricity and fire. Closing my eyes I blacked out.

(Chapter 10)

Opening my eyes, I looked up to a rising sun. “You look so cute when you are sleeping sister.” His voice rang like velvet.

“Thanks brother.” I laughed as he tickled me. Up ahead Monte was caring Tsuki she was fast asleep.

“I am Hogosha and you are my little sister. I will protect you no matter what. After all you are my kin.”

Smiling I hugged him tighter. “You are my true brother. You, Monte, and Tsuki are my family.” With that we traveled the rest of the way. Into an unknown and untouched place

Broken Twins

(Book 2: Chapter 1)

I watched as Tsuki played with the rocks. Tossing them into the river. We have lived here for two years. Tsuki was two so it only made sense. She was smarter than any child I have ever seen. Monte hand rubbed my belly. It was still a few days away before my own child would be born. My brother chased after Tsuki. She squealed happily. My demon brother was happy being with her and us.

“Hogosha, Tsuki be careful I don’t want you to fall in the water. Its almost time for lunch so wash up.” I called. Hogosha waved his hand signaling that he had heard me.  Smiling I began to set the table while Monte finished cooking. Gasping I was sucking into a vision.

“You know Koza is able to see us. Or is that the whole plan? Make her want to see us. To make her worry, even if we don’t know were she is at we are going to make it so we scare her?” Temu’s voice was deeper. He had a beautiful woman by him; she was playing with a little boy. I was an aunt. From what I could tell she was a full demon. Grabbing my dagger I sliced through the vision making my-self visible to Temu and the others.

“There isn’t anyway I would let you come near my new home. After all I am a lot stronger now. I can hide from you all I want. It’s a shame that Hogosha killed his twin the last time we meet.” Raising my hand I lifted Temu’s son and made him come back with me from my vision.

“No my son stays here!” Temu roared.

But it was too late I made the vision disappear. I held a baby boy in my arms. He was sleeping. I smiled. He looked just like Temu.

“Koza what the heck? Were did that baby come from?” Monte’s voice was full of shock.

“This is Temu’s son. I managed to get him away from my brother’s evil grasp…you’re such a sweet child Jin.” My voice cooed as I said his new name. I cuddled with him. He opened his eyes and smiled. He gave a happy laugh.

“Mommy who is that baby? He isn’t my brother cause your belly is still big. Is he my cousin?” Tsuki asked me.

“Yes he is your cousin. I saved him from Temu. But I will let Hogosha raise him.” She handed the baby off to her big brother. He gently cradled the child and smiled. He loved babies. So I knew it didn’t bug him to become Jin’s father.

(Chapter 2 Book 2)

I laid in bed with my new baby. He was so tiny compared to what Tsukis’ size when she was born.

“Momma he looks so squishy. I can’t wait till he gets bigger so I can play with him.” She said giggling.

Laughing I pulled her to my other side. “You will get the chance to play with him sweetie when he is a year old.” I gave her a kiss on the cheek; she gave another giggle, and soon fell asleep. “What am I going to do? Temu will not stop until he gets his son back.” I muttered to myself. Her own twin brother hated her; they were no longer close to one another. We are now enemy’s.

Carefully getting up so I didn’t wake Tsuki and my baby boy Ruu, I went outside. Hogosha was playing with Jin; I smiled as the baby boy laughed. Jin looked at me and cooed, Hogosha turned and smiled.

“How you feeling? Are you sure you should be up already? Hogosha said in a worried voice.

“Yes, I am fine. Tsuki really loved her brother. She can hardly wait till he is bigger. But at least she will have two playmates now. She won’t be as bored as she used to be. Things have been very peaceful. Thank you for bringing us here Hogo.” She gave her brother a hug.

“You don’t need to thank me. Father is the one who made this place. He only showed me how to get to it and how to enter and open it.” He said hugging me back.

A tear trickled down my cheek. I watched as my father died on my lap. I was uncontouse for two days. They a buried my father where he died. The other world would show him in his true gigantic form. Wiping the tear from my face I hugged Hogosha tighter. He was the only one that new what it was like to lose everything. A cry came from the house sighing I went back to comfort and feed Ruu. Before I entered I turned to Hogosha. “I love you my brother. You know that right?” Hogo nodded and I smiled and went to Ruu.
© Copyright 2012 Crecent Moon (lunarstream at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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