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It's an extended daily routine, but I try to take all my pills. |
It's Just Another Day I don't rise early, as a personal privilege I start my day when I do. I generally wash my face, And begin the pace with 2 Talwin, The pills to attack my back pain, In addition to my Fentanyl pain patch. I may get the urge to get up and do something. The medication is followed by breakfast, Usually a cup of coffee. As my morning intake is digested, I'm ready again, I scan my medications and symptoms, To be solved therewith. Another soda with pill time. Should I take my happy med antidepressants at 225 mg, With a tad of clonidine as a mood stabilizer, As well as 20 mg of propranolol? My meds have become a mouthful by now--swallow!. It would be nicely followed by tea and crackers, But usually, it's just a swig of soda. Then once again, I let my body take those medicines in, Giving time to television, reading, and perhaps some dusting. So the meds in my belly do the dance of unconfusion with time And affect the way my head might spin. However, I'm not finished with meds, as Lipitor comes every day; As well as an apple or orange or handful of grapes in season. Then if I take my vitamins, add Fish Oil, Centrum Silver, Calcium + D, And perhaps some vitamin E, along with, when needed, some Benadryl For a runny nose and inducer of sleep, and if that doesn't relax me to sleep I can take another Klonipin (I forgot to say about the one mid-afternoon) Or I can resort to my sleeping medication: Lunesta, Rozerum, Ambien, And that wonderful sleep spray med that sends me to dreamland in 15 minutes, Xyrem, the date rape drug. If I can keep up with all this medication, and function productively, I'm elated. If not, I'm comfortable. It's just another day. |