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by Apol
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1838163
Trevor pays the price for his actions, Isaac can't stop running into this faery.
"Greetings brother."

         "You may call me Dean Volletari, thank you."

         Trevor's father tried a smile, he managed a grimace.  Minzar Vinwere, High Seat of house Vinmar, had blonde hair that shimmered silver and wore the finest mage's robes.  His father had the familial sharpness to his face and hard sapphire eyes.  As a member of the Council, he was as close to royalty as anyone could get in Saertha.  He was not conjuring anything regal now, he and his brother-in-law, Trevor's uncle, had never been friends.

         Trevor sat sullenly in one of two ramrod-backed chairs in his uncle's richly appointed office.  The bookshelves and desk were as ancient as the post of Dean, ornately runed by master runecarvers.  Everything here was old and *irreplacable.*  Trevor felt like he didn't belong.  And his back *hurt*.

         He felt a weight in the room.  It came from all over and crushed Trevor like he was caught at the bottom of a lake.  How many Deans had served from this office?  How many thousand runes were in this very room?  The fae swirled in a maelstrom, tossed about by the myriad drawings.  The Dean's anger was hot and he was making no attempt to hide it.  His father was anxious and was having trouble disguising it.  His own guilt.  Trevor's foolish action could have cost the family dearly.  He had to be more controlled.  He felt intense shame at his father having to come here to help him again.  So heavy.

         Minzar began pacing.  "So where are we then?"

         "Where are we?"  Garen asked incredulously?  "Your son pushed another student off of a building.  He tried to kill someone."  The Dean was usually reserved, but he roared the last part.  Minzar grabbed the edges of his voluminous robe and sat down next to his son across the ancient desk from Garen.

         "Surely one of his stature would never commit such a heinous act."  He said meaningfully.  Minzar was diplomatic now, regaining his composure.  Trevor was not worried about his future at the school, he never had been.  He knew he would never be expelled.  His family was too powerful and the Dean was married to his aunt.  Blood was thick between elves.  Especially the old ones.

         "Stature means nothing, you of all people should know that."  Garen said.  "Corruption and malice can be found anywhere.  And HE" the dean jabbed toward Trevor, "can not come away unscathed from this.  Not again.  The professors have little trust in my impartiality as it is."  The dean was not giving ground.

         Trevor's father tried a differect tactic, "How are funds these days?"

         Garen eyed Minzar suspiciously, "It's fine.  Education is invaluable to progress.  The council realizes this.  The future of our nation is in these children, we owe them our best."

         Minzar grinned, "Do they?  I've heard rumors."  Trevor's father was about to repeat confidential information from the coucil floor.  "Rumors that new armies are in the process of being assembled.  Saertha may be at war again soon, academia will surely be forgotten, unless the coucil can be convinced of course."  Trevor had seen his father wring his will out of people before in this manner.  It made him vaguely uncomfortable.

         Dean Volletari lowered his eyes.  Just like that, the Dean's argument was finished.  It made Trevor respect him a little less.  It was a petty tactic, Minzar probably wouldn't actually lower funding for the school, but Garen couldn't stand up to the threat.  Perhaps funds really were tight.  "What do you want?  I can only do so much.  I mean that.  He *must* be punished."  He had a little fight left in him it seemed.

         "We are in agreement there."  Minzar said while giving Trevor a stony look.  "I will leave that up to you, but he must finish his education here to one day be a council member himself.  I thank you for your reasonableness Garen.  You are an asset to the family."

         Garen did not look convinced.  Trevor waited for his sentencing.  Probably library duty again or some such nonsense, it did not bother him.


         The two blonde elves walked from the dean's office at a brisque pace.  Minzar had other places to be soon.  He stopped abruptly and looked around.  His father turned to Trevor, his face a mix of concern and anger.  "What happened up there Trevor?"

         Trevor thought a minute, he could not lie to his father, not for lack of trying.  Might as well get it over with, rushing, Trevor said "I was trying to find Kim, I was sure she was in Taylor's bag.  What a place to be, for MY faery!  I wanted her to come with me.  And that wench told me to 'leave them alone' and slapped me!  In front of people!  I... I got angry and pushed her.  Hard.  It felt good when she went over the edge, but I knew I shouldn't have done it.  I'm sorry father.  I lost control."

         "Yes you did.  And not for the first time.  This is a recurring problem for you.  Son, patience and self-control will be essential in your political future.  You may have your revenge, never think I will deprive you of it.  But there is a time and a place."

         Trevor nodded.  Agreeing and knew it for truth.  He had heard similar things before.  This didn't help him apply it.

         "Do you remember that pompous human from their mages committee?  He insulted the family at a public meeting?"

         He could remember it well, and his overreaction at the time.  The arrogant, fat man had called his family panderers and oppressors.  Trevor, still a boy to elves, had risen to demand his head, and his father's strong hand on his shoulder kept him seated.  Minzar had just smiled and called the meeting back to civil tones.  "I remember father.  I still don't know how you smiled then."

         Minzar chuckled and an unspeakable glint entered his eyes, "It is easy son.  Picture how you will kill them later, when you have all the time in the world.  When it will not implicate the family.  If you can restrain yourself in those circumstances, present yourself with dignity and calm, people will not even think you capable of such thoughts and actions."  His father reached into his robe and pulled out a small silver runed box.  Minzar opened it and inside Trevor saw a finger and toe.  The runes kept them fresh apparently.  "I can still hear his screams son.  Now he is another pawn for our family.  He loses his color every time he sees a Vinmar."  His father laughed heartily.

         Trevor cringed a little.  But.  He began thinking of the fun revenge could be if he had Taylor alone.  No insult could remove the smile from his face as he thought of it.


Isaac walked back to his rooms in the human quarter with a skip in his step.  He felt like each step he might soar into the starry sky.  He had been invited to a party by one of the advanced students tonight.  After he had answered all the Dean's questions, an elf named Raughan had complimented him on the runes and concentration and then asked if Isaac was busy firday evening. 

         It was tame as far as parties went, mostly socializing and lounging.  But it had been almost entirely immortals.  There were other humans there of course, but only the older mages who had attained a similar dignity and bearing.  They had asked what he had been thinking when he heard Taylor scream and fall, they told him he was a hero for acting so quickly.  He felt embarrassed accepting praise from them.  They were so wise, they spoke and acted with such grace, for them to think highly of him was incredible.  Isaac was determined to not let himself become proud.  Unforseen,  his humility only made them more impressed.

         It was even better that they felt real now.  He heard them talking about their problems, about worries and fears.  Of course Isaac knew they were not perfect, but seeing them with their walls down and having fun was a little surreal.

         The happy young mage was reliving his evening as he walked through the courtyard that had begun the whole series of events.  He heard crying from a large tree near the center and felt a recognition of this moment.  It was the same crying from that morning when Kim had yelled at him.  Feeling great, Isaac did not hesitate to walk toward the pitiful sounds.

         Isaac stopped under the tree and spoke toward the weeping, "It seems I have real skill in stumbling upon sad faeries.  Well, one sad faery at least."  He drew in a breath, about to ask why she wasn't at the party tonight, but thought it would be bad form, maybe she wasn't invited.

         The ragged sobbing was coming from far up the tree.  Isaac easily swung up two lower branches and scraped the rest of the way up until saw her sitting on a narrow branch against the trunk.  Her knees were pulled up against her chest, wings glittering in the dappled moonlight.  From her tirade before, he knew she didn't want overt comforting, but he wanted to make her feel better, at least like she was not alone.  Because she wasn't.

         Isaac scooted out on a branch nearby and looked at her.  She was staring into nothing directly in front of her.  Lost.  Her crying had subsided a little since his arrival.  The silence was not uncomfortable, she would talk when she was ready.  He leaned back carefully on his much wider branch and gazed into the night sky.  "I thought if I got creepy and started stalking you that you would fly away?  ... I'm not sure how I could describe my presence here using a different word."

         She didn't say anything.  Just stared at her branch.

         "Well I'm glad you didn't.  You look even more incredible under the moon."  Isaac said matter-of-factly.

         She sniffled.  "You can barely even see me."

         "I runed my eyes, I can see you.  Like you were right in front of me."  Isaac said holding his hand up in front of his face.  Did that make him more creepy?

         "You are amazing with your runes."  She said softly, sounding genuinely impressed.  "I have trouble with them, I would rather just shape the fae with my mind.  I can see their use though."

         "Thank you.  I feel a little emabarrassed honestly.  Some people are calling me a hero, some people hate me because they believe that idiot's story."  Isaac paused as he put his feelings into words, " I didn't want any of this"  he said.  "but I would do it again of course.  I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have made it.  On the bright side of things, not everyone sees me as just another upstart human mage, too eager to flex his mental strength without skill.  That has been the worst part here so far, everyone assumes because I am human that I rely only on my strength, or that I am a barbarian."

         She was quiet a while.  Had he said too much?  "I suppose I assumed that didn't I?"  She spoke quietly.

         Relived, Isaac laughed quietly, "You did, but I wasn't thinking of you.  People act differently when they are stressed or sad."

         "Lately I feel that way more and more though.  At some point things get reversed and that is the real me."  Kim said, sounding more depressed.  "I don't want to be that person.  But I feel it inside me, turning my best moods sour.  How can I fight what is inside me?"  She finished in a whisper.

         Isaac thought a moment.  He went for honesty instead of sage advice, "I think every day is a fight.  For everyone."

         "Not everyone."  She said firmly.  "Some people aren't good, and they don't bother to fight."

         Isaac conceded, "Yeah, that's true.  But you said you don't want to be one of those."

         "Some day, I won't be able to fight it anymore.  You don't know what its like."

         Isaac was a little puzzled, he said "I suppose I don't, but I can try and help if you'll let me."

         "People who try to help me get thrown off buildings."

         Isaac's mind reeled.  He thought of Taylor's satchel next to her.  He remembered it moving as he ran toward her.  "Gods.  It was you.  You were in her bag.  She was yelling at someone named Trevor, I heard her say to 'leave us alone' I wasn't paying close attention."  Isaac's mood had changed.  He was full of energy now, violent energy.  This Trevor is a good-for-nothing old sack of wine.

         New tears ran down down Kim's delicate cheecks.  In a raspy voice she said "Its my fault she almost died."  She was staring into nothing again.

         "NO. it. isn't.  It's that bastard's fault who *pushed* her."  Isaac growled.

         "If I hadn't tried to get away he wouldn't have been so angry."

         Isaac was beginning to get a feel for her situation.  She seemed trapped by this Trevor person.  He had some kind of attatchment to her.  He certainly didn't deserve to.  "Kim, you have a right to live a free, happy life.  Faeries more than anyone else, you were made with wings for fae's sake!  Who is this person that thinks he can control you and hurt your friends?"

         The faery sobbed into her hands.  "I can't tell you.  I don't want anyone else trying... anything. stupid.  His family is powerful, lots of money.  You've seen what he is capable of."

         Isaac felt overwhelmed.  And just as trapped as she was.  This was huge.  "Why you?  What does he have to do with you?"

         Her crying stopped a moment as she pulled up her past, she said  "I was an orphan from when I was about 240.  I wanted to learn, about everything, fae, the world, animals, but I had no way to get into school.  No one would take me as an apprentice.  So I lived as a wood faery for years, eventually an elf army officer found me in the southern Forest and felt my power, so he brought me into the city and found me a family.  The Vinmere family.  They bonded me to Trevor, at the time it didn't seem so bad.  Ever since then he is inside my mind.  And every year he has gotten worse.  I can't ever get away."

         "I'm... so sorry Kim."  Isaac didn't like the finality of sorry.  It felt like giving up.  Kim was close to that.  "But I won't let you become something you hate.  I will always be there to help you.  With anything.  I don't care about Trevor, or his family."

         She smiled through her tears.  "You are an idiot."

         Isaac drew himself up and said in a deep voice  "Actually, I'm a hero."

         Faeries do not like being touched without permission.  Ever.  The only thing worse is picking one up.  It is considered very intimate to be allowed to touch a faery, close friends, family, bondmates. 

         Laughing, Kim stood up and brushed herself off.  She stretched her wings and whimpered a little, residual crying.  The forearm height faery stared into Isaac's eyes as she flew towards him.  Isaac was captivated.  His breath was trapped in his throat, his blood in his veins.

         Kim kept coming closer.  *What was she doing?*  She was above his chest now, she landed featherlight on his chest and smoothly wrapped her arms around Isaacs neck as best as she could.  She was warm and soft and so delicate it was hard not to hug her to pieces.  Isaac sat motionless.

         She sniffled, and backed up on his chest, kneeling down so she was very close to his face.  She said "Thank you."  Her voice was thick with emotion.  "For saving my best friend, for trying so hard to help me, for being a decent human."  With a serious expression she reached forward with both hands, placing them on either side of his face and placed a soft kiss on his mouth.

         Isaac felt warmth all over.  "So are we friends now?"

         Kim laughed and looked down, "No, I don't think that would be good for either of us.  You know why, you really are great though."

         "Oh."  His disappointment was plain.

         He had things he still wanted to talk about though, and she was in a slightly better mood now.  Maybe it would be better to leave 'friends' alone for now then.  "I think Taylor was looking for you at the party tonight.  She seemed disappointed."

         The faery sighed, "I don't know what to do.  That's why I came here tonight."  Kim resumed her cross-legged knees up pose on his chest.  "I am worried what Trevor will do.  He can't do much, I guess, he is in trouble.  Even with his uncle being dean, he almost killed someone and there were witnesses.  But he is furious.  At you and Taylor.  And everyone I guess."  She looked off into the distance briefly and a darkness entered her.  When she looked back it was gone..

         "His uncle is Dean Volletari?"  Isaac said, shocked.

         "Yes, else he would have been expelled a long time ago."

         "The Dean seems so reasonable, so kind, nothing like Trevor."

         "Dean Volletari is those things.  He has no love for his wife's family.  But blood is thick, especially among elves."

         "You should at least let Taylor know what is going on.  Somehow."  Isaac thought back to the party and laughed.  "She was drinking a little tonight."

         Kim smiled knowingly, "A little?  That means she was mostly drunk inside half an hour."

         "She holds it together pretty well."

         "She is over 400, so she should."  Kim looked a little sheepish, "Sorry."

         "It's ok.  I'm not bothered by age differences.  I am satisfied with the time I have."  He winked at her.  "You should at least let her know what is going on.  She looked really worried, even while she was drunk."  It scared Isaac that she was so worried about Kim, Trevor must have been beyond cruel to be feared so.

         "I will.  I am going to visit her on the way to bed.  I should go before Trevor starts a hunt for me."  She knelt forward and hugged his face, "Thank you again Isaac.  I'm glad you found me.  Both times.  But don't make it a habit or you will find this morning's situation turned around on you."  She offered him a wan smile to soften the blow and lifted off his chest into the night sky, her wings a halo of white around her.

         Isaac watched until the night swallowed her.
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