Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1837882-The-Eyes-of-the-Past-Chapters-1-18
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Family · #1837882
Now that you've read the prologue, it's time to begin the story! Hope you like it!
Chapter: 1
The Flashback

The past mustn’t become the present; the future lies ahead and cannot be stopped. Lyle Hunt sat on his living room couch as he read these words from a news article. Lyle knew that the article’s author spoke the truth, for the future is unpredictable and different. Little did Lyle know, however, of the future that lie ahead of him. He closed his eyes and was suddenly in another place.

The boy’s eyes suddenly closed, as if he had been struck by something and could not strike back. A flash could be seen and the scene suddenly changed, and Lyle could now see feet running fast through the darkness, as if being chased. He opened his eyes and shook his head. “Lyle? Are you okay?” A familiar, gentle female voice helped him recover from the flashback.

“Yeah. Thanks, honey.” He murmured as his eyes once again closed.

His spouse, Maryann Hunt, sighed and unfolded a piece of paper in her hands. It read:

Sailing Through the Air

I sail
Through the open air
My hair
In a white wedding veil
I wish
The clouds looked like fish

That would seem so neat
It would help me forget about the sun’s intense heat
My beloved stands beside me
His height, to someone he may seem as tall as a tree
Though he is not
But I can tell he is hot

His body perspires
The sun soon tires
And begins to set
I look over at him and our eyes meet
He extends his hand toward mine, which I place in his
It falls romantically silent, as I fix my hair

That is blowing in my face while I feel the comforting air
The thing that may bring me closer to him
I am in love
I watch, and I see a bird fly across the sky
The bird of my heart, the dove
The feeling of being in love


Alexander Hunt walked in the World of Gold, his friend, Sander, at his side. Suddenly, a man holding a carrier in his hand walked by, and the World of Gold seemed to fade. And then Alexander was no longer in the World of Gold, but a dark alley. And suddenly he saw feet running fast through it. “Alex? Alex!” A familiar voice cut through Alexander’s thoughts as a hand gently slapped his arm.

“What! What?” Alexander asked, looking at Sander. He did not know how wide his pupils were.

Sander looked at his friend worriedly. “Gosh, Alex. You and Lyle these days!”

Alexander’s eyes narrowed. “What about Father?”

“You both look like you have seen ghosts lately. What is going on?”

“It is - complicated.”

Sander sighed. “Fine, then I will just go ask Lyle.” He began to walk away.

“He will never tell you!” Alexander called after him.

“Alex, I have got to try. I am doing it because I care about you and Lyle.”

Alexander had been right. “Sander, this is personal.” Lyle told him as he stood in the doorway of his dwelling.

“Will you not tell your own son about what he is seeing?” Sander asked, unbelieving.

Lyle sighed. “I shall explain it to him.”

“But not to me?”

“Sander, this is family business.”

Sander sighed now, and smiled. “Then I shall ask no more questions.”

Lyle smiled back at him. “I am sorry. And thanks.” His eyes grew wide suddenly, his smile vanished to a frightened frown, he closed his eyes, and shuddered violently.

“Sorry, Lyle. Those flashbacks must be terrible!”

“They are.” Lyle violently shuddered again, his eyes still closed tight.

Alexander suddenly strode up. “Sorry I did that, Alex.” Sander said as he tousled the boy’s hair.

“It is okay.” Alexander smiled.

“Alex, may I talk to you inside?” Lyle asked, after he had recovered himself.

“Of course, Father.” Alexander waved at Sander, who waved back then walked away.

Alexander drew a breath and followed Lyle inside.

Chapter: 2

Lyle led his son into the kitchen of their dwelling. “Sit down, Alex.” He said, pulling a chair for his son from the table. He took another for himself and turned it so it faced Alexander.

Alexander smiled and sat down. “Thank you, Father.”

“Do not mention it.” Lyle said weakly, his eyes wide and pervaded with fright.

Alexander took his father’s hand. “Whatever is the matter?”

Lyle sighed. “Alex, I know you are seeing those weird flashbacks.”

“Sander told you.”

“I know what is happening in them,” Lyle admitted. His voice was shaky.

Alexander’s face creased with worry. “What is it exactly?”

Lyle blinked and, for a moment, Alexander thought Lyle must be sniveling, but his eyes were not glassy. “It is me,” he said, “striving to find my wife. But I failed, and my memory of our family was erased.”

Alexander gasped and took his hand away. “Father? Why did you not tell me as soon as you gained your memory of our family back?”

“Alexander, you do not know how hard it is. How heartbroken I had been. How intense…” his voice trailed off.

“How intense what? What was intense?”

Lyle closed his eyes and Alexander now saw the tears he had thought about only a moment ago, in Lyle’s eyes. “How intense the pain was. I was lonely, you had been stolen by some jerk in the city and I could not stop it, while I was still suffering from the pain the loss of your mother caused. It had been too much!” He now sobbed and choked as he strived to get the last words out.

Maryann suddenly walked into the kitchen. “Lyle, whatever is the matter? You are weeping, hon.”

“He is just irritable; he did not sleep much last night.” Alexander lied, striving to not worry her.

“Cannot say I blame him; it is very hard to sleep upstairs these days,” Maryann said. She took a chair and sat down beside her son. “Lyle, it is okay. We will get through this. I already called the store.”

“Mary, our son is lying to you; the stupid mattress is not the problem!” Lyle told her through his tears.

Maryann looked over at Alexander, who said in guilt, “Sorry, Mother.”

Maryann sighed and took her spouse’s hand. “Sweetie, just tell me what is wrong and I will try to help you.”

“The history of our family! It is all so sad and tragic, I cannot take it. And now Alexander and I are forced to see little bits of it every day!”

Lyle looked up, his eyes wide. And Alexander saw an expression cross his father’s face he rarely ever saw: fear.

Chapter: 3
The Girl

Alexander paced in his bedroom. Sander sat at the desk with the computer, deep in thought, a pencil to his lips. “So… Lyle and Maryann deserve a wedding anniversary they never will forget. Well how would we ever do that? And before the twenty-fifth? I am getting butterflies just thinking about it, it is so close!”

“Father has always loved Mother so much. This is their first wedding anniversary since the separation of my family. It must be memorable. And we have enough time - a month is enough time to organize this.”

“How about making a scrapbook of all their memories?”

“Hmmm,” Alexander thought it over. “That is good. I like it. Let me go get my old one; I never used it anyway! Oh, by the way, I have another friend coming over to help; she is a girl so you may try to impress her, so I just need to inform you that she is my age!” He called as he left the room.

“Ooh… hello, Romeo,” Sander said in a teasing tone.

“Cut that out!”

Sander’s face flushed. “Sorry!”

Alexander walked back into the room, the book tucked under his arm, the photographs in his free hand. “Okay, let’s get to work!”

Suddenly, the doorbell rang and Lyle called, “Alex, come down here!”

Alexander put the photographs down and raced downstairs. A pretty, young girl stood in the doorway. Her eyes were as friendly as her glowing smile. “Is Alexander here, sir? He invited me over.”

Lyle turned to his spouse, who sat in the living room, sewing a coat. “Mary, did you know that Alex invited her over?”

“Oops,” Maryann giggled. “I forgot to tell you, sweetheart. Come now. Let Alexander spend some time with her.”

Lyle sat down next to Maryann, on the couch. “Mary, do you know who she is?”

“I met her parents and they seem very nice. Her name is Charlotte,” Maryann told him. “Alex has known her for a while, ever since the school year started. She moved here a couple of years back; before she moved she lived in that old city where you and Alex lived.” Lyle shot her a worried look. “Do not worry; she hated it there just as much as you guys did.”

“Yeah,” Alexander said gingerly. “Her parents are very nice. Well, we have to go,” he said quickly, and hurried his friend upstairs.

Lyle looked over at Maryann, who asked, “Should I be worried?”

“About what?” Lyle asked. “I was a lot like that when I met you!”

Chapter: 4
The Romantic Idea

Alexander, Charlotte, and Sander now sat together in Alexander’s room, as Charlotte laid out her items on a tablecloth. “For an anniversary like this, a romantic dinner is probably best for your parents, Alexander.”

“Charlotte, I have told you a million times: call me Alex. You know you can.”

Charlotte smiled at him. “And I would, if I only knew how to pronounce your middle name; I like to be able to pronounce the full name before using a nickname. I know it is weird, so call me crazy.”

Alexander laid his hand on the floor. “Never.” He replied, smiling as he strived to suppress a peal of laughter from escaping his lips.

Charlotte giggled. “You do not always have to be so brave, you know.”

“He gets it from Lyle,” Sander blurted out.

Charlotte shot him a quizzical look. “Who?”

Alexander turned to him and glared at Sander. “She has not yet learned the name of the man standing in the doorway.” He said through clenched teeth. He had not wanted Sander to do this, as it would embarrass him to speak of his parents, having to explain his bewildering family history.

But he did not have to. “Who is Lyle? How is he related to you, Alexander?”

“He is my father… and my best friend.” Alexander admitted, blushing in sheepishness as the last four words came out of his mouth.


“Yes,” Alexander knew that, by now, Charlotte was thinking about whether to run or laugh, but she did nothing of the sort, only continued working on the dinner.

Sander stood up and went back to the desk. “You better get working on this book. Or your eyes, Alex, will overflow with flashbacks!”

Charlotte burst out laughing as Alexander turned to Sander sharply, once again glaring at him. “I guess you have been thinking of the past, huh? Your eyes show it!” Charlotte said through her giggles.

But, as transparent as the past was, Alexander did not care about what his eyes revealed to others.

Chapter: 5

As the scrapbook came together, came to life, Alexander guided it. Page by page, picture by picture. It seemed to come to life in front of him, a story of his parents’ adventures together. The picture of them on a boat came into view as Alexander studied what they wore. Lyle wore a black suit and tie and held a flower bouquet in his hands. Maryann was as white as an angel from above, as her white wedding veil was swept back in the wind. Perhaps it was the Winds of Gold that swept her hair back so it looked so beautiful.

He continued to tape photos into the scrapbook and search through the photo pile for a good one. Suddenly, a picture of himself as a baby came into view, and Alexander was suddenly in, not the bedroom, but a dark alley.


The feet seemed to come out of nowhere, as they ran through the eerie alley. Suddenly, a face came into view, the eyes wide, as if being struck back and the person’s body fell to the ground. Lyle glared up at the dark body of the person who had struck him back. “Where is Alex?” Alexander heard his father ask.

“Lyle if I were you I would think about your mistake and correct it.” The voice replied. “Then you may have the boy.”

“What mistake have I made?”

As Alexander watched, the stranger brought something into his hands from his pocket and let it fall to Lyle, who caught it in his hands. “You have fallen in love,” the stranger said darkly.

As Lyle studied the photo of his wonderful wife, Alexander saw that he fought to blink back the tears. “You lay a hand on her…” He began to say, a threat in his tone, but his voice trailed off as his heart shattered to a million little pieces.

“What?” The dark voice asked softly. Lyle bowed his head in shame. “Nothing. I knew it. You’re weak, Lyle, weak! You don’t stand a chance without your family. It’s over.

“By morning you probably won’t remember any of this.” The dark laughter resounded all around, as Lyle strived to blink back the tears.

Alexander blinked and shook his head and noticed his friends staring at him in bewilderment but he did not care about that. Because he now understood why his father had grown teary-eyed and looked frightened when he had tried to explain the flashbacks. And Alexander now comprehended how much it had hurt him.

Because, even as he strived to, he could not stop the tears from escaping his eyes and falling down his face like little drops of rain.

Chapter: 6

“Alexander, are you okay?” The voice was different; it was still female, like Charlotte’s, however, more mature.

Alexander shook his head and gazed up into the eyes of Maryann, who held him in her gentle grasp. “Mother I am fine; I am afraid I was dealing with what Father explained to me.”

“Which was what?” Maryann did not know, as her spouse had not clearly explained it to her, why he had wept.

“The past,” Alexander breathed, his eyes wide in fright.

Maryann took her son into her arms. “Oh, Alex, you must try to move on - please? For me, for Lyle, for your friends will you?”

Alexander gazed on. For Maryann was so lovely. “Yes. I will.” He answered finally, embracing his mother tighter than before. Maryann smiled and embraced him back, her eyes closed contentedly.

Lyle suddenly rushed into the room. “I heard a loud bang, what is going on?” He asked frantically, breathless because of his rush up the stairs.

Alexander shot Lyle a look. “Father - it was a flashback,” he said. “Everything is okay.”

Charlotte walked over to her friend. “Alexander, your father is just showing a reaction that is normal; a reaction anyone would show when they get scared like that.”

“Yes,” Sander walked over and placed his arm around Charlotte. “Alex she is right; this is normal.”

“Oh yeah?” Alexander asked. “Are these flashbacks what you call ‘normal’?”

Charlotte shrugged. “Well there is always a problem that is…”

“Abnormal? Stupid?” Alexander offered.

“Actually, I was going to say unique,” Charlotte replied. “Alexander, everything about it is unique - everything about you is unique.”

Chapter: 7

“Mary, I am not sure Alexander and I can cope with these flashbacks,” Lyle told his spouse, as they hung out in the basement together. He lay back in the cushioned chair he sat in.

Maryann sighed. “Lyle, you should just try; I know they are annoying.”

“And tragic. And scary. And threatening… and…. and….” Lyle’s voice trailed off as his eyes began to wander. “Oh, my stomach.” He rubbed it in agony. He had ulcers, Maryann knew.

“Lyle, honey, calm down,” Maryann told him. “This is not good for you, nor is it for Alex.”

“I know… I know,” Lyle sighed. “We cannot manipulate it.”

“Oh yes you can,” Maryann said firmly. “You are in control of your own mind. So is our son. Lyle you just have to believe you can.”

“I guess.”

“I know.” Maryann said softly. “Sweetheart, you once overcame death to be with your family, you can overcome these flashbacks to be with your family.”

Lyle shuddered, as the flashback of his pale, dead face came into mind. There was a flash, he shook his head, stood up, and walked over to his spouse.

The last thing Maryann felt touch her before walking back upstairs, were Lyle’s soft lips on her cheek.

Chapter: 8
The Story

The baby cried out. He ran with the remaining strength buried deep within his heart. For he was the only one left who was determined to keep the baby safe and wished only to protect it, guide it, lead it, teach it right from wrong. He was the only parent left to protect the unlucky little baby boy and would not give up. However, as the night grew cold and cruel, the baby’s protector grew weak in exhaustion from running, for it had been a long, hard day for him. For that was the day he had lost his partner, his best friend, his beloved.

As he continued to dash through the night, looking for his loved one, he noticed shadows arise from one side of the grim, dark alley. The baby began to cry again, this time, his cry a mournful wail. He did not listen to the baby’s cries, only continued searching for his spouse. Well, people say that that was the stupidest mistake he had ever made in his life. He had been a fool to go out into the city that night, for he was nearly killed in a gory fight in the dark alleys of the horrible city he had attempted to escape from, to seek out a better life and forget about his wife.

But he never forgot her. However, he did forget the poor little baby, whose life he had fought hard to save, and lost.


Lyle opened his eyes. Sparkles could be seen through his pupils as he choked uncontrollably on lumps in his throat as he struggled not to weep. “Father!” The voice was that of Alexander. Lyle blinked and took his son into his arms. “I know that that was another flashback; calm down! And, where is Mother?”

“Upstairs,” Lyle replied breathlessly. “Maryann is upstairs, Alex.”

Alexander stroked his father’s hand. “Do you want to go horseback riding? Maybe it will take your mind off of the flashbacks.”

Lyle smiled. “Sure. I would love to.”

Alexander smiled back. “Let’s go!”

Down at the field Lyle’s mare stood in its stall, next to Alexander’s stallion. Alexander walked over to his stall and unhitched his horse from its chain. Lyle did the same with his. They put the harnesses on and rode out to the vacant, grassy field that looked over the beautiful sight of the World of Gold. Lyle placed an arm around his son and said nothing, only thought of his wedding anniversary, which was just weeks away! Alexander smiled down on the World of Gold, the world he had come to know so well.

“Hey, did you know that there are legends told of this wondrous place?” Lyle asked.

“There are?”

Lyle smiled at Alexander. “The first story tells of a little girl, who wished for the world to be a nice place around her. Legend says she begged the sky to turn the world into a nice place to live.”

“Did she get what she wanted?”

“Yes, but it took the Winds of Gold to heal this city of its terrible foretaste of the future. It took their power, their strength, their power of healing…” Lyle’s soft voice trailed off as he thought back on the legend. “It took their power of love.”

Chapter: 9
The Orphan

The boy who had cried for help, for the Winds of Gold. As the scrapbook came to an end and as Alexander taped the final photograph in the scrapbook, a picture of Maryann and Lyle on a boat together in their wedding attire, he could nearly see the boy in his mind’s eye. It seemed almost as if he could touch the little angel that was the boy.

As Alexander studied the photograph, he realized that the boy was lost and all alone, not knowing who to turn to. Alexander knew what that felt like. He knew what it was to be an orphan. You must find him! You MUST! The voice of an unknown mortal roared silently inside Alexander’s head.

“I will,” Alexander solemnly told the boy in the photograph. “I will find you, boy. I will find you if it is the last thing I do!”

Chapter: 10
Back in
High School

The grassy, green hill above the World of Gold, where Lyle stood, seemed to be a safe zone. For he did not endure the horrible flashbacks while on it. But he did see something in his mind’s eye and though it was still a flashback it was not a bad one. When Alexander’s father looked back on his past and what his mind showed while he was on the hill, he saw himself as a teenager again. An eighteen year old Lyle, he saw, walked along the halls of his old high school, his old friend, Tyler, by his side. The two friends strode confidently along the halls, never being torn apart by anything.


The lovely girl walked slowly through the corridor, not aware that Lyle and Tyler were headed her way. She only wished to get to lunch, only wished to do what she knew was right. Lyle and Tyler had been walking down to the cafeteria in the opposite way there when they had bumped into her by mistake. Not watching his own actions, Lyle stood before the beautiful girl, unaware that his books had fallen from his hands. The girl shifted uneasily. “You are staring,” she told him warily.

Lyle’s mouth dropped open but no words came out, for her beauty had left him speechless. “Oh! Uh…” His voice trailed off as he finally had recovered from his mistake.

Tyler nudged his friend gently. “You should apologize.” He whispered.

“Oh I am sorry,” the girl said suddenly. “I have not even been kind enough to say hello. Hi. I am Maryann. And you two are…?”

Tyler answered, “I’m Tyler. And this is Lyle.” He gently nudged his friend. “Say hi to her, man.” He whispered to Lyle.

Lyle suddenly began to stutter, “H-hi. How are you?” He asked, gulping down his anxiety. Maryann giggled suddenly. What does she find boys who are nervous attractive? Lyle thought but did not interrupt her, as she told him that she was fine. “So,” Lyle began, “Maryann are you interested in books and legends?”

“I love books,” Maryann replied. “Especially legends. Whenever I am home I always ask my parents to tell me stories about their old home, the World of Gold. It has always been my dream to go there.”

“Isn’t it just a shaggy-dog story?” Tyler asked.

Maryann’s smile vanished. “I believe it is real. They say people who believe in it feel a certain force that comes from it. Whenever they are in need, this force will strive to help them,” She said in a dreamy voice. She gave Tyler a grim smile. “What do you think of that?”

Tyler shook his head. “Impossible,” he told her.

“Well, that is your opinion.” Maryann replied.

Lyle could not watch this any longer. “Tyler, go to your locker,” he told his friend.

“But I don’t have to…”

“Just go please.” Lyle cut him off, his hand to Tyler’s face.

Tyler nodded understandingly. “Okay.” He walked away.

Lyle turned to Maryann. “I am sorry. You see, he has trouble completely comprehending the way that I am. We are so different.”

“Well I like the way you are.” Maryann replied. “So kind. Did you live in the World of Gold?”

“I did not. But that is where my parents met.”

“Ah. That is really cool.” She sighed. “So, Lyle would you like to… hang out… sometime?”

Lyle’s heart, by then, had almost burst out of his chest. In a second, he thought, I will be dead. And I will not one day marry. And I think I have just found my future wife. “Sure,” he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Maryann’s warm smile returned to her face. “Great,” she said, and gazed up into his eyes.

Lyle heard his heart sing, as Maryann’s smile grew bigger. At his locker but still nearby, Tyler watched his lovesick friend try to gather up his books as he tried to impress the girl called Maryann. “I will see you around.” Lyle told her when he had gathered up his books.

“Yes you will.” Maryann replied.

Then Tyler saw something that left him speechless and slamming his locker shut: Maryann hand something to Lyle and then say, “So you can always have me with you, wherever you go. I hope to see you again, Lyle. Real soon.”


Lyle, back on the hill and dazed, reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. He unfolded it. It read:

The Feeling of Being in Love
I turn
She giggles
I feel myself blush as I wiggle
Wiggle to get away
Though I wish she would stay
Stay with me

Her bright eyes glow as they make a final plea
I turn away
Should I tell her
Should I not
I really like her
I like her a lot

Her warm smile tugs at me
I have suddenly turned from man to metal
Her wonderful personality is a magnet
It is addicting
I hear her gentle voice say,
“Lyle come be with me.

Please do not leave.
I wish you would stay!”

He pulled from his pocket Maryann’s gift from that day: a brown, sparkling stone with the word Hope on it, printed in a light, simple font. He gazed at it, put it to his chest, closed his eyes, and whispered, “I love you, Maryann. I love you so much.”

Chapter: 11
The River
of Rubies

Maryann walked beside the river in the World of Gold, her wedding ring on her third finger on her left hand. Her face was a reflection as she gazed at her ring and thought of Lyle, thought of their upcoming anniversary. This would be their Leather Anniversary, for they had been together for three happy years, not counting the years they had been apart. The excitement boiled in Maryann’s stomach, along with butterflies, for she did not know what to give her husband as a gift. She felt Lyle would get her something amazing and she wanted to do the same for him. For she loved him so, and wanted to show it. The river’s water gently flowed as Maryann walked beside it as she tried to think of what to get Lyle as a gift.

It has to be great, she thought to herself. He has done so much for me. All of a sudden, the river’s water turned a ruby-red as Maryann gazed down on it. An idea struck Maryann’s mind suddenly, and she knew what to name the inspirational river.

And that is when the river became known as the River of Rubies.

Chapter: 12
The Shaking Box

Alexander searched through the bins in the basement of his dwelling, looking for something that would remind his parents of the day they married. Alexander once ventured into a cave with Lyle and found a box that contained a beautiful wedding picture of Lyle and his spouse. Alexander wished his father had told him where it had been put, for he was sure it would make the anniversary even better but he could not find it. For Charlotte had said, “An anniversary like this is great. Making it a wonderful memory will be even better.”

Alexander knew his friend was right, for he trusted her. When they had been working on the dinner one day she told him that. As he searched through a cardboard box he found a photograph of Maryann in her hospital bed, cradling her newborn son in her arms. Lyle stood beside the bed, smiling happily into the camera. Suddenly, the boxes in the basement shook a little. Noisily, as if they were alive. “Huh?” Alexander whispered, looking up from the family photograph.

Apprehensively he grabbed Lyle’s flashlight and turned it on. For the basement was dark and the only light in the room had been burnt out. He shined the light on the boxes in the left corner of the room. The one cardboard box atop a pile of bins shook again. “What the heck?” Alexander whispered again.

The box was pushed suddenly and it fell to the ground, revealing a wall behind it. Nothing. Nothing was there and nothing moved. Alexander tiptoed over to the box, his hands shaking uncontrollably. He began to perspire in the midst of his anxiety. Bravely, he moved all of the boxes out of the way. A shadow moved out of the soft darkness and knelt at Alexander’s feet, gently brushing his legs.

Startled and shocked, Alexander screamed into the darkness. The shadow looked up into the light of the flashlight to reveal the face of a little, frail boy. He gently brushed Alexander’s legs as he wept ceaselessly. Alexander bent down before the boy and patted his head, no longer afraid. “There, there. Do not cry. I do not bite.”

The little boy looked up at Alexander, his glistening eyes red in fright. “Please! Do not hurt me! I did not mean to frighten you! Oh, please let me live!”

“You think I would hurt a little boy such as yourself?”

The boy sobbed and cringed.

“I am going to get my parents,” Alexander said quickly, trying to get past the boy. But the little stranger fought to keep Alexander where he was by grabbing his leg and refusing to let go. “Mother! Father!” Alexander yelled out, striving to free his leg of the tight grasp of the little boy.

Lyle and Maryann raced into the storage room. “What?” They asked together.

The little boy still wept as he stared at Alexander’s parents, fright pervading his glistening eyes. “Please! Do not throw me out onto the street! I promise I will never sneak into your home again! I made a mistake thinking I could live here in secrecy!”

Lyle’s eyes fell onto the little boy. “Alex, who is this?”

“I do not know,” Alexander replied as he strived to shake the little boy off of his leg.

Lyle knelt before the stranger. “Hi, kid what is your name?”

The little boy coughed, no longer sniveling. It seemed almost as if Lyle had consoled him. “Ryan.”

Chapter: 13
A Shared Room

Maryann led the little boy called Ryan up the stairs into the living room. Alexander walked up the stairs at Ryan’s heel for his safety, to make sure he did not fall. “Where will he sleep?” Alexander asked his mother.

Maryann turned to her son and smiled. “If it is all right with you, he will sleep with you.”

“In my bed?”

Maryann laughed. “No, no. Lyle is already setting up a little bed for him. You will not have to sleep in the same bed with him.”

“But I will have to share my room,” Alexander muttered. Atop the stairs now, Ryan ran into the couches, crashing into the cushiony leather.

Maryann kissed him on his forehead. “You will. And I know you do not feel too comfortable sharing your room with a stranger, but your father did it and you can, too.” She turned to the couch and giggled. “Looks like Ryan already feels at home.”

Alexander tapped his mother on the shoulder and she turned to again face him. “I was never a stranger,” Alexander pointed out.

Maryann sighed. “Well it seemed as if you were, even though you were not. Please try, Alex. For me?” She asked with a pleading smile.

Alexander liked the way she said that. He gently placed his hand on her palm. “Okay,” he said finally, “I will try. He may be a nice kid.”

Maryann embraced her son. “That is the spirit. I am counting on you, Alex. Good luck!”

Chapter: 14
The Twin

Ryan followed Alexander up to his bedroom. Alexander opened the door and ushered Ryan inside. The mattress was set up beside Alexander’s bed. “Father must have finished it.” Alexander told Ryan, his back to him.

“No, not quite. Excuse me, boys.” Lyle said as he walked into the room gently pushing the boys to one side of the doorway, and ambling over to the mattress. He knelt down beside it and began to rearrange the bedding. “Ryan are you okay with just one pillow?”

“Yes, sir.” Ryan replied. “And thank you so much for letting me sleep here. It is so much better than that vacant backyard I used to sleep in.”

Lyle looked up from his work on the mattress. “Yeah I bet it is. And it is our pleasure. Anything you need, just ask me or Maryann.”

Ryan nodded. “Um… I am not trespassing am I, sir?”

Lyle shot Ryan a shocked look. “Of course not! This is fine. You mustn’t worry about such a thing, okay?”

“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.”

Alexander looked over at the orphaned boy. Not so long ago Alexander himself had been one. And now it seemed as if he had found his twin, for Ryan seemed to be a lot like himself. And he even looked like the way Alexander had at four years old! “Um, Ryan? How old are you?” He asked, remembering the age he had been when he had met Lyle.

“Four,” Ryan replied.

Lyle raised an eyebrow. “Whoa. Deja vu,” he muttered.

Chapter: 15
A Great Friend

The flashbacks had been very much affecting Alexander. He found that he could no longer eat at school, sleep well, or even pay attention in language arts, his favorite subject in school. For he had turned into a slave of an unknown master. His routine had become a melancholy pattern: planning the anniversary dinner by day, sleep by night and even dusk if he felt weary enough. Ryan had adapted to Alexander’s home and family rather quickly, for it was only his third night with the family and, unlike the way he had the first night, he no longer wept while he slept, restlessly dreaming of his would-be parents. For now adays he slept peacefully, dreaming of Alexander and the kind couple that had taken him in and made him feel at home so.

Alexander often watched Ryan sleep; the little boy’s breathing calm and quiet, those of Ryan. He felt there was something different about Alexander as pictures of what he thought to be Alexander’s past crept around in his mind.

In these pictures, he saw a frail boy walking around town, a tin can in his hand. Holding the can up to the people he walked past, he asked them for small amounts of money that he could use to pay for his next repast. Ryan had never known that such a thing was possible and it hurt him horribly. He could not help but snivel at those thoughts when they entered his mind.


“Hey, Ryan,” Alexander asked him one day, “when was the last time you had a bath?”

“I do not know,” Ryan admitted, bowing his head in shame.

“Come now,” Alexander replied, taking Ryan’s hand. “We are going to give you one.”

“Who is ‘we?’” Ryan asked in bewilderment.

Alexander smiled. “Me and a very good friend.”

“Alexander are you sure you need my help?” Charlotte asked over the phone a few moments later.

“Please, Charlotte?” Alexander asked. “He is the cutest thing. You will love him - I just need to warn you of the fact that he looks a lot like me.” He said, whispering the last sentence into the phone.

Charlotte sighed. “Okay I will come.” She said. “When do you want me over there?”

Alexander nervously played with the phone wires. “Now?”


“Yeah, sorry.”

Charlotte sighed again. “You know, if you were not so nice I would be yelling at myself inside my head, telling myself to not be your friend anymore. But you are too good a friend.”

Alexander smiled. “You are a great friend, too.”

Charlotte smiled now. “Thanks. I will be right over!”

Chapter: 16
The Desire Unknown

The feet running. The baby cringing as he cried out into the darkness of the terrifying, tragic night. The face being struck back. The body falling to the ground. And now Alexander saw a couple dancing romantically in the darkness. He even saw what looked to be a high school and two students connecting. And did they look slightly familiar? He saw a boy who looked like a younger version of Lyle and a girl who looked a lot like Maryann.

And that is when Alexander had come to know of the day when his parents had met. They had been young. Maryann, sixteen, Lyle, eighteen. Lyle’s voice echoed into Alexander’s ears that night, “The dove flies, looks for a mate. But she does not know of what her future withholds and finds someone with whom she has the time of her life no matter what is thrown at her. Elegantly she flies, the mate at her side, as she searches for a place to stay. When the perfect nest is in sight she knows that her stressful life will soon take a turn for the better. And in a matter of many happy days, it does.”

Alexander’s life seemed to take a turn for the better when yet another flashback had been seen. For in it he had seen a boy giving the girl of his dreams a ruby-red rose. Had he not been wary to closely study the boy, he had gone to his mother and asked about the flashback. “Well,” she told him, “that is your father and me.”

“Really?” Alexander asked.

Maryann smiled. “Yeah,” she sighed. “He asked me to the prom that night.”

“Well that explains the rose.”

Maryann nodded. “Um, Alex, what has Lyle always wanted? Do you know?”

A mischievous smile grew on Alexander’s face. “That is for me to know and for you to find out.”

Maryann’s smile vanished and, for a moment, Alexander thought she must be angry, but her smile returned only a moment later and she replied, “Ah I see what you are doing. Fine. I will find out.”

Chapter: 17
“Ring Thief!”

In the bathroom of Alexander’s bedroom, Ryan was bathed by Alexander and Charlotte. “Is this really what a bath is?” He wailed as Alexander poured water over his head while washing his light brown hair.

Charlotte laughed gently. “Yes. You will get used to it eventually.”

“Yeah,” Alexander said. “In two years!”

Ryan’s face was pale in fright. “Two years?” He asked in a small voice.

Charlotte shot Alexander a look. “He is joking,” she told Ryan.

“Oh good,” Ryan’s sigh was thick with relief.

Charlotte giggled as she lifted the child from the tub. “Okay. Alexander hand me that towel.” She pointed to the white towel on the cabinet’s wooden shelf.

Alexander took the towel and tossed it to her. Charlotte wrapped it around the orphan in a little robe. “Okay now that you are clean, we have to find you some apparel.” Ryan shot Alexander a bewildered look. “Clothing.” Alexander explained, after remembering that Ryan was only four years old and did not know what the word apparel meant.


The next day at school Charlotte walked into the main office and went straight to the Guidance Office, a note for the counselor in her hands. She knocked on the door. “In session. Come back in a little while please.” The gentle voice of the guidance counselor, Mrs. Rosa, replied. Charlotte sighed. “So, Alexander, when did this begin to happen?”

Charlotte’s eyes grew wide. “Alexander?” She whispered to herself. Curiosity took over her and she leaned against the door and listened to the conversation.

“I guess… about a week ago,” the voice of Alexander Hunt replied.

“Does anyone know?”

“Just my parents… and my friend, Sander.”

“You have not told anyone else?”

“No, Ma’am.”

“I see. Well, Alexander I recommend you see another counselor outside of school to address this problem. I am afraid it is way beyond my experience.”

“Okay. Thank you, Mrs. Rosa.”

“Anytime, Alex.”

Charlotte gasped and ran from the door, which opened only a few moments later, and Alexander walked out. Charlotte hid behind the wall and watched him leave. Mrs. Rosa walked over to her. “Okay. How much did you hear?” Charlotte swallowed hard. Mrs. Rosa raised an eyebrow. “Charlotte….”

“Fine. Those last few things you were talking about… the problem, who knew about it, and when it began to happen.” Charlotte replied. “But, Mrs. Rosa, he is my best friend. And he never told me about this problem!”

“I know. But do not pester him; when he is ready he will tell you about it.”

Charlotte sighed. “I wish I could know now, exactly what is going on.”

Mrs. Rosa sighed now. “Come. I want to show you something.” Charlotte followed Mrs. Rosa into her office.


Back in the World of Gold’s marketplace, the Hunt family walked together. Suddenly, a group of police officers ran over to Lyle. “Show your hands please.” One said.

Lyle sighed irritably and showed them. The police officers eyed his wedding ring. “Ring thief! Arrest him!” One cried out.

“What?” The family asked together. Lyle groaned as the police handcuffed him.

“How is this not infuriating you?” Alexander asked Lyle.

“They will find out the truth eventually.” Lyle told him. Then added in a whisper, “And if I fight now, it will give them a real reason to arrest me.”

Alexander blinked and his eyes were glassy. “Okay. Goodbye.” He fell into Lyle’s arms.

“This is not forver.” Lyle promised.

Chapter: 18
Little Brother

It was now six o’ clock at night. Charlotte still sat in the guidance office, taking in the information she had found out so far. “So, this is what Alexander is seeing: weird visions? And, what he has told you about is what he is seeing in them?” Mrs. Rosa nodded. “But they cannot be true! They cannot!”

Mrs. Rosa sighed. “I am sorry, Charlotte. But this really did happen. It is all in Alexander’s file.”

“May I see it?”

Mrs. Rosa handed Charlotte a black folder thick with papers. “Look for a picture of him. His personal information is with it.”

Charlotte found the school photograph of Alexander and noticed the papers beneath. She pulled them from the folder and began to read silently. After a few moments she looked up at Mrs. Rosa, her eyes glistening. “He was an orphan,” she murmured. “And I never knew!”

Mrs. Rosa sighed and took the student’s hand. “Charlotte it is late. I will call you down tomorrow and we can continue to sort this out. Good night.” She opened the door and once Charlotte was out she closed it. Charlotte lay her back against the door, slid to the floor, put her face in her hands, and very quietly began to weep.

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