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I was MAD when I wrote this.. I was so mad I was on the verge of hurting someone.. O.o |
Everything is crashing down My heart is like an abandoned town Why does everyone target me? Why can't they just stick to their ecstasy? My mind is wandering as if I just jumped off a cliff and am seeing my life flash before my eyes But it's lasting days, weeks, months, years Why can't anyone open their ears and listen to me? Every word I have to say.. It means a lot But you won't realize that until your very last day When you're falling off that cliff face down diving towards the ground Wishing it could magically turn into water Thinking back to those days when all you wanted to do is play on the teeter totter Why can't life these days be as simple as when you were back in elementary school? Back in those days when everyone followed every rule But now everyone is their own person Not caring about anything but themselves People without a soul Their hearts a big black hole Now everything is crashing down And you try to land on a soft cloud But you fall It vanishes Like an abandoned town So why don't we do anything about our disappearing lives? Because everyone is too selfish to realize that all that matters is love and friendship That is all we need to stay alive But everyone is hypnotized by hatred Going to war Closing every door of opportunity Wasting the importance of life bit by bit every second of every day 24/7 of pure fight Give it a rest Just let this world go one day without a word Just put everything on pause Make the cats put in their claws Heal the wounds and tears of the injured Help the homeless find temporary home Find the orphans a family Think of everyone else's life as if it was your very own As if it were a diamond being polished Straight out of the mine As if it were thin glass that could break at the slightest touch Prevent our lives from crashing down Block your heart from breaking down like an abandoned town Live life as the wild one Helping everyone who crosses your path COME ON! Just do the math Don't let karma bite you in the ass Fuck all those people who just don't give a shit They can all go burn in hell while your wishes come true from that one penny you threw in the well Have a great life being known as the freak with all the friends While everyone else lives in a false label Love the people who love you back and forgive the ones who don't |