Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1837264-A-Magic-Crush-That-Grows
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1837264
(Credit is given to directors of Harry Potter movies & J.K. Rowling for idea of my story)

One: Arriving at the Weaslys'

Today is the day I’m going to Diagon Alley. My brother and sister, Brian and Vanessa work as Aurors and are gone like all day, so my cousins and I go to the Weaslys house which we call ‘The Burrow’. My cousins’ names are Charissa(Chari) and Carolina(Caro) Calderon. They both stayed over my house for the summer and Chari is 13 while Caro is 12. We had our trunks packed and Brian/Vanessa drove the three of us to the Weaslys since we were going to Diagon Alley with them. The ride only took 20 minutes so I just stared out the window thinking about what house I might be in, hopefully Gryffindor. Did I mention we’ve known the Weasly family for years?

~20 minutes later~

Brian and Vanessa left already. When we arrived we were greeted by a bone- crushing hug. “Hi Mrs. Weasly.” We (Chari, Caro and me) said. “Hello dears, how was your summer?” she asked after she let us go. “Good. Although I couldn’t wait to come here and see everyone again.” I replied. “Me neither.” My cousins said in unison. “We talked about it all summer. Couldn't stop” Caro said. “Where are Fred and George?” Chari asked.

“Oh! Of course, they’re in the house. Whole lot is.” She answered. We thanked her and went inside. When we entered the Burrow I yelled, “Hey you lot! Whatcha been up to without us!?” They all turned their heads to look at us and smiled. “Kirsy!” Ron said. “Carolina-” Fred started. “and Charissa” George finished. “How have our apprentices been?” They finished in unison. “Fine” they laughed. Then the four just laughed and talked away. Oh sure don’t say hi to your apprentices’ cousin. Rude twins. I thought.

“Hi Gin.” I said as I hugged her. She smiled and hugged back, “Hi Kirsy.” I felt bad for her, being the only girl out of all her siblings. She’s like my sister though, I can’t wait to see her being sorted next year.

“So Ron you ready for our first year at Hogwarts tomorrow.” “Can’t wait, hope I get into Gryffindor.” He replied hopefully. “You will, it’s in your blood. I just hope I get Gryffindor too.” I replied, smiling at him encouragingly. He smiled and I knew he thought we would be in the same house.

You see, Ron is my best friend so we can tell what the other is about to say or think by their reaction or facial expression. We've been best friends since I met him six years ago when we were both five.


I was walking down the street with my cousins in ahead of me taking pictures and drawing. My brother and sister got me a pair of fake but life-size brooms to play Quidditch with. I was about to play with one when I saw a boy on the other side of the street.

I walked up to him after telling my cousins and he looked about my age with red hair, freckles, and 1-2 inches taller than me. “Hi,” I said. The boy looked up and said hi back. “I’m Kirsy, Kirsy Lupin.” I introduced. “Ron. Ronald Weasly.” We shook hands.

“Do you wanna play with me? You look bored." I told him. "Sure, what do you wanna play?" he asked. "Um, I was thinking Quidditch, if you like it." I answered. I guess he does cause his face lit when I said that. "Great, we can go play in my yard. My mum won't mind." he said. "Sure, but I have to ask my cousins first." I replied. He nodded and I went to tell Chari and Caro about Ron. They let me stay, "We'll come get you later." they said. I nodded and ran back to Ron. I knew we'd be friends fast.

*Flashback end*

I'll never forget the day I met my first best friend. We were actually talking about Quidditch when we got called downstairs. "Come on you two it's time to go to Diagon Alley." Mrs.Weasly yelled. "Alright, we're coming." I yelled back down.

"Mrs.Weasly are we going to use the Floo Network?" I asked her when Ron and I got down. "Yes we are, why don't you go first and make sure Ginny get there safely. Don't worry Arthur is already there." I nodded and stepped into the fireplace. "Diagon Alley!" I said.

© Copyright 2012 KC.Beadles (kayceestar at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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