Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1837199-Her-Mind-Is-Made-Up
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1837199
Entry for the Writer's Cramp daily challenge: "Why 2012 Will Be Better Than 2011."
Her Mind Is Made Up

"I have to think about things before I can really put it into action. This is not a choice, and it is my intention to move beyond this. As most things go, this is a process. I began to actively train myself to think differently in the late summer of 2010 but it took a bit to really get good at catching my thoughts so that I was conscious about them most of the time. After a few months, it becomes second nature. I made a lot of progress in 2011. The whole year, my personal life and my body, just sort of broke down almost completely. It was interesting to experience and observe because all the while, I grew more aware of, and rooted in, the power of my own inner-strength and transformation. The galactics say that the breakdown is necessary because our bodies have to be restored to their original 12-DNA strand formation. We need to be restored to completeness to expand into the vastness of cosmic awareness, as we move out of the net of 3rd-dimensional (un)awareness."

My sister Tangie, and our cousin Rita stared at me non-committally for a few beats longer than people usually do when engaged in conversation. I am used to this. Maybe it's just me. I don't know, but my sister was the one trying the hardest to get me to go partying with them.

"Whatever, Gina. Come on. You never go out with us anymore. You can think about that stuff at the club as easily as you can here - you know how you are - just come out with us. It's 2012."

"Yeah," Rita chimed in. "You know what that means."

I looked at Rita. "What what means?" I asked her.

She gawked at me like I was stupid. "Seriously? You know, the world might come to an end. We got to have as much fun as we can."

Tangie pretended to pick non-existent lint off of the sleeve of her blouse.

"Sorry y'all. But thanks. I'm staying in tonight. I want to set my intentions for the new aeon."

"The what?"

My sister spun around, picking up her discarded jacket off of a chair. "Forget it Rita," she said. "Her mind is made up."

"Our minds are always made up." I said. "But since our minds make our realities, I want to be particularly clear and deliberate about what it's making."

"Right." Rita answered. Picking up her own cape, she told Tangie, "Let's go. Gina, you do your thang, gurl, we going to party."

"Have fun. Be careful."

"Happy New Year." They both said as they walked out my front door.

"Happy New Aeon." I replied.

I laughed inside when I shut the door behind them, and went to make myself a cup of tea before I got back to my laptop.

Five minutes later, a cup of steaming hot chamomile beside me, I returned to my desk to continue what I'd started just before my family came knocking. In bold writing across the top was the only thing I'd gotten the chance to put down yet:

Why 2012 Will Be Better Than 2011

I laced my fingers together and extended them out in front of me until they, and one of my elbows cracked satisfyingly. This excercise always put me back into a writing mode whenever I was interrupted. I continued.

This year will not only be better than last year, it will be the best year of my life, so far. I know this because:

* I intend it to be
* I (finally) know who I am
* I (finally) know what I want
* I've already proven to myself that the principles of manifestation work

With and For the Collective Humanity:
* I remain conscientious at all times of the energy my thoughts produce. No thought gremlins can tolerate the patterns my awareness eminate; not even the proliferation of fearful doom that overloads the channels of programming - tv, radio, print ads, other media, society-at-large -can perturb. I am always consistent to visualize how I am this way. I always remember to deliberately desire my life as I desire it to be. I always remember to visualize those desires deliberately. When I desire love, peace, and happiness for every living being, when I swell with love for even my enemies -I see it, feel it, hear it, taste it, smell it. I see the surpassing of the tiny percentage of awake beings necessary to trigger the consciousness of the masses and to transmute prophecies of doom into realities of peace on earth for ALL; more than the required number of souls will awaken in time and begin to resonate to the blooming of who we remarkable beings truly are. I harmonize magnificently with every consciousness striving to ascend. . .

I care for myself and those around me enough to bathe my chakras daily as I do my body because the clearer my chakras, the better to resonate with the countless ethereal beings reaching out to us. I always remember this because the more I do, the stronger my resonance and the stronger my resonance, the more powerfully it will set those around me to vibrate and this pulse from within their higher essence will disturb their slumber and excite their being.

I remember to visualize what my desire to be an ex-cigarette smoker (again), looks like.

I sat back in my chair, thinking, 'that's a good start.' Then I hit the 'save' key and ground my cigarette out in the ashtray before tossing the empty pack into the trashcan. My tea was finally cooled down enough to drink.
© Copyright 2012 TribalHippie (tribalhippie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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