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Rated: E · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1837129
Yusuf Tazim rescues a woman and decides to recruit her to Assassasin Order.
Chapter 1: Yusuf Tazim
Ann was walking along the Grand Bazaar. She was amazed by a variety of subject you could buy here. There were fruits, carpets, fish, pottery and much more. She was looking back from time to time as she had a feeling that someone's following her. She has even noticed a strange hooded man , wearing strange white robes but he has disappeared so quickly that she was almost certain it was her imagination. People looked surprised at her clothing. A few asked her about it but she didn't reply. You may think what do you want , but I'm not going to explain myself. Especially in front of so superstitious people like you. Ann continued her sightseeing until she met Janissaries patrol. The guards usually were so surprised that didn't react at all. But those seemed to be respected by citizens. Ann suspected they were respected only because of their cruelty." Women aren't allowed to wear clothes like those of yours.Only man are allowed to wear them. You've broken the law. You'll come with us." Said one of patrol guard. Ann looked at him. She didn't feared she might be killed. Since she has knew that return back in 2012 is impossible she stopped caring about anything. " I'm free to choose what kind of clothes I'll wear, whether you like it or not". "Such bravery is punished by capital punishment" Growled Janissary in warning. The hooded man Ann saw before was watching the incident from the nearby building's rooftop. He was waiting for their leader Yusuf Tazim. He appeared after a while. " Have you found her yet, Ahmed?" asked Yusuf. Ahmed didn't replied but just pointed the Janissaries below." Tell me, master, is she so stupid or so brave to challenge them?". Yusuf raised his eyebrow when he looked down. " I'm surprised she didn't run away. She would be a good assassin.". "No offence , master, but she doesn't look like a warrior to me besides her bag was full of some strangely looking clothes." . "Ah, yes... The bag... Well i think she'll explain it to... We'll end this conversation later. It looks like our little brave girl is barley hanging on. Let's go".
Ann barley avoided Janissaries swords and worst of it there was no way out. She was against the wall now. Suddenly some man has landed in front of her enemies. The first guard tried to cut man's left hand but stranger was faster. He made a quick move of his hand and the man fall down , dead with throat cut. Then the next stranger appeared , killing two others. Ann recognized a man who was tailing her. I have to get out of here NOW. Both sides were so absorbed fight that they didn't even noticed that woman was fleeing. When the last of Janissaries was dead Yusuf turned , certain that the woman was still there. " I'm sorry for...". He paused surprised. Ahmed walked up and started laughing , seeing his leader expression." I'll go and find her" said Ahmed, still laughing. Yusuf Tazim shook his head in disbelief."No, You'll go protect one of the tailors since Templars has been trying to murder him. We need to protect our allies and put those Templars in their place... I'll find the girl". Ahmed bowed to him and ran away. Yusuf allowed himself for a quite loud sigh. " It will take years before I'll find her." He climbed the nearby building and started to run in direction of south-west part of Imperial District.
Ann stopped after a long run. She was trying to catch breath. She looked around , she was in some small garden. There was a bench so she sat down. Suddenly she heard a noise and then she saw the man who has saved her before. She was too tired to escape or to scream.So she was just observing him. The man walked up closer and thanks to nearby torch she saw a man who had black hair , black bread and deep blue eyes. He was wearing an orange and yellow kind of band with a smaller blue band crossing it exactly in the middle . Blue band's ending was hanging on his right side. She also noticed he was wearing the similar robe as the man who was tailing her. " Your trick was good , I've spent all day on looking for you" Said stranger. "Who are you?!" asked Ann. She was a bit scared because she saw him in action before. "I'm sorry,where are my manners? I am Yusuf Tazim."Said man. "What's your name , stranger?" asked. "A...Ann....Ann Milian". Ann mumbled. "Ann Milian... I bet you are European , aren't you?". " I am. What do you want?" replied Ann. " Shouldn't you be a little bit more thankful? I've just saved your life" Said Yusuf. "Um.... Well...I.." Mumbled confused Ann. Then she saw a strange glitter in his eyes. Just a moment....Is he... He seems to be amused!. Because the girl didn't replied Yusuf said. " I also wanted to talk with you about that strange bag which you've burned last night". Ann blinked surprised. " H...How did you know about my bag?!... Wait ... Those two old men I've met before... Where they... spies?" The woman asked." I would ask you the same question". The woman raised her eyebrow and replied "What?! I am not a spy! I am stuck in XVI century and I want to back in MY times!". Yusuf looked at her like at completely madwoman. Ann sighed "Anyway thanks for help... Yusuf ... ". She stood up and walked away. She couldn't resist , she looked back at Yusuf one more time before she disappeared in one of smaller streets.The leader of Ottoman Assassins climbed the nearby building as soon as the girl disappeared in one of the streets. He's decided to tail her , he had to make sure she wasn't Templars spy. He watched her from the rooftops , the girl met a Templars patrol but she has ignored them. Does she know I'm tailing her? No , she didn't even stop to look around and make sure she isn't followed. Finally after a long march the girl stopped. Yusuf stopped and watched her from the rooftop. It looked like she had to hid something there. He noticed a huge blacked band covering something. He carefully changed his position so that he could see what was that thing. He saw some small black object in girls hand. Then she pulled out some part of it and put some little things in that part , then the part returned at it's previous place. The Assassin frowned. Ann finally stood up with gun in her hand and turned to the light. It looks similar to our hidden gun... But it looks strange. The woman picked up the black badge of some material and walked away. He was about to live but then he noticed Templars Ann has met before. They blocked the street. " Hello stranger , we would...". The loud rumble has drown his voice out. Templar looked at his brown tunic with huge red cross in it's middle. The tunic was slowly absorbing solider's blood. He fall down dead. And again , she saw an Assassin landing softly in front of Templars. It was dark but in a moonlight she noticed an orange and yellow band. Yusuf? But how?... She rolled her eyes realizing how naive this thought was. Of course, he was following me. I bet he wanted to make sure if i'm not a spy. She shook her head , when she looked at her opponents most of them was dead but Yusuf had to fight with the last three guards. Then she noticed the fourth guard , attempting to escape. I should do something , I'm sure he's going for reinforcements. But what?. She looked at pistol she was holding. By the time Yusuf noticed the fleeing guard. He couldn't use his hidden gun because it made a lot of noise , he was sure that all nearby guard patrols are heading this location right now. Suddenly the fleeing Templar fall down dead. Yusuf blinked surprised, he looked at the woman. She was standing there with gun still pointed at the direction of now dead guard. Her face was emotionless and very pale , her hands were shaking. He placed his hand on her arm. Ann looked at him and then said: " Thank you.".Yusuf nodded his head and started to walk away. He stopped and looked over his shoulder, then he waved at her to follow him. At first she hesitated but then she joined Yusuf. After a long walk they reached the harbor."We're almost there...Ann.We'll reach our headquarter soon, where u can have a rest" Said Yusuf without looking at her. " And... I guess you want something in return for your help?" Asked Ann when they reached The Galata Tower. " Perhaps but we will discuss it tomorrow , you're too tired. For now go and have some rest. Giovanni will show you where the bedrooms are". She did as Yusuf requested. She had a bath first and then she went to bed. She was wandering what Yusuf would like in return of it's help before she fall asleep.
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