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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Mystery · #1836796
When Lenya is out one night, he comes across a man changing his life forever.
                  Late one cool summer Friday night, Lenya was walking down 10th St. the young seventeen year old was on his way home. He began to approach an alley opening. Standing there was a man, hunched over just at its entrance. He looked hurt. Unsure of what to do, Lenya cautiously approached the man.
                  “Are you alright?” Lenya asked, placing his hand on the man’s shoulder. The man looked up at him with a smirk plastered across his face. Before Lenya had time to react, the strange man lunged at him, Lenya hit the ground, and everything went black.
The next day, Lenya awoke within his room. His vision was blurred from the brightness, caused by the sun. He sat up wincing from the pain of the headache that was beginning to develop.
         “What the hell happened?” Lenya questioned himself, as he stumbled out of his room into the bathroom, across the hall. His headache, steadily, becoming worse. Lenya reached for the switch within, the darkened bathroom. The, brightness of the light, stung his eyes. He looked up seeing himself in the mirror in horror.
He was covered in blood. His tee-shirt was torn in various areas. Lenya ripped off the remnants of his shirt, grabbing a small washcloth, wiping the blood off his body, with warm water. He wiped his face clean and began wiping his neck, and chest, finding no wounds of any kind.
         “Whose blood is-ouch” Lenya said cutting himself off, from biting his tongue. Lenya stared into the mirror, opening his mouth, flinching away, at the sight off his teeth. He cautiously approached the mirror, barring his teeth once more. Both of his top canine teeth were elongated. As he starred into his mouth, both of the two canines began to slowly recede back into his gums, appearing normal again.
         “What is this? What am I?” Lenya thought to himself “This can't be happening. This has to be some sort of dream. I’ll wake up, and this will be all gone” Lenya said, slowly backing away from the mirror, sitting against the door, sliding down onto the floor. Lenya sat there distraught, trying to recall the events of the night before, but the deep concentration just made his head ache even more. Lenya was brought out of his thoughts by a soft knock at the door. Making him realize, that, this was indeed reality and, no dream.
         “Lenya, are you in there?” Range the sound of Angels’ voice. His younger twin.
         “No he can't see me like this!” Lenya mentally thought, to himself, beginning to panic.
         “I'll be out in a minute Angel!” Lenya yelled.
         “Okay I'll be downstairs then!” Angel said in a cheery reply. Lenya listened on the door, making sure his brother had gone. With a sigh of relief, Lenya, let his head fall back against the door, with a small thud. As he sat there beginning to wonder, what his next course of action should be. A small pain began to form in his mid-abdominal area, causing him to cough, a little at first but, rather violently within the next 2 minutes. Lenya removed his hand from his mouth, feeling something wet and warm in his palm. It was blood, his blood. Pain instantly shot through his body, burning him like fire on the inside. Lenya doubled over in pain. Biting, his bottom lip, nearly to the point of drawing blood, in an attempt, to hold back his screams. Trying desperately, not to, alarm his younger twin.
Lenya began coughing up more blood. His insides, continued to burn like fire. He fell over wanting the pain to go away, as he laid there in a tight ball. His body began to convulse, the worse the pain increased.
                Lenya lay there, choking on his own blood, gasping for air, clutching his stomach tighter, trying to stop the pain. And for what had seemed like an eternity, miraculously, the pain began to die down, becoming nothing more, but a dull throb.
Lenya tried picking himself up, only collapsing back down onto the floor, his legs too weak to hold his own weight up. Panting heavily, Lenya crawled over to sink. Smearing his blood across the floor as he dragged his weak body to the sink, in an attempt to support himself against it. Now steadied against the sinks’ edge, Lenya stared at himself, in the mirror. His face was covered in sweat, and blood. His skin tone was slightly pale. His long raven black tresses, were now sticking to his face, and chest. To make matters worse, he had fangs now.
                Deeming his legs strong enough, Lenya slowly walked over to the cabinet, grabbing out two small black towels. Lenya dipped one of the towels, in the blood stained water, he had previously used, drying the floor with the other. Lenya then took the, bloody towels, burying them in the bottom of the trash, along with his dirty clothes. Lenya then, turned on the water and quickly stepped inside of its warm touch. Washing away all of the blood, from his body.
                When, he was done. Lenya stepped out of the shower, wrapping up in a towel. He quietly left out of the bathroom, to his room. He found a red long sleeve shirt and a pair of black basketball shorts, and boxers in his drawer. Now fully dressed, he ran back to the bathroom, and began brushing his teeth. When he was done, He looked at himself on last time, making sure everything was in order. Satisfied with his findings, Lenya walked out of the bathroom, downstairs to the kitchen.
                Angel was the younger one of the twins by 5 minutes. His hair was raven black like Lenya’s but it was cut shorter, and his bangs swept to the right side of his face Lenya’s hair went nearly down his back, and he had bangs that were straight that went down to his eyelashes.  He had started growing it out when they both got into middle school. Now they were high school grads waiting to start college. Both of them had very muscular bodies from working out every week. Lenya was slightly pale compared to Angel, but Lenya was taller than Angel being 6’’1, and Angel 6’’0 feet tall. But the one unique physical difference in them, were there eyes
Lenya’s eyes were crimson red like blood. And Angel’s eyes were aqua blue like a tropical ocean. He found Angel sitting there in the kitchen. He was wearing a blue and black stripped cardigan, black cargos and a grey tank top. He sat there eating a sandwich bigger then he could fit in his mouth. It amazed Lenya sometimes how much his brother could put food away. It was like his stomach was a black hole. Angel sat there in a daze, seeming to be lost in thought.
         “Morning,” Lenya said to him. Bringing his from his trance
         “Afternoon you mean, you've been asleep all day. Are you okay?” He asked me with a worried look in his eyes.
         “Yeah I' m fine, just a little tired is all.” Lenya lied. Angel got up from the table, walking over to Lenya, embracing him. It was something that he did every morning. Angels’ body felt unusually warm, and his scent was intoxicating. The sound of Angels pulse echoed in his ears. The more it echoed, the more the sounds around him began to become muffed, as if he was underwater. Lenya could no longer understand his brothers’ words, as he was talking to him. He could feel himself slipping away as this strange urge, for his brothers blood, took over his body.
         “I have to get away from him!” Lenya thought to himself. He quickly untangled himself from Angels’ embrace. Walking out, from the kitchen. The burning feeling from earlier, slowly, starting to return, in his body.
Angel ran, catching his brother, just before he could vanish out the door.
         “Lenya? What's wrong with you?” Angel said questionably, folding his arms over his chest.
         “I need to get some air” Lenya said quickly. He could feel his fangs growing in his mouth. He quickly left out the door, leaving Angel to his thoughts.
         “Okay, that was weird. What's gotten into him?” Angel said aloud, walking into the T.V. room, to relax. Angel turned on the T.V., and flipped through the channels. Nothing interesting was on, so Angel decided to watch a movie instead. The movie was to the end, when Angel started to drift off to sleep. No more than five minutes later. Awoken, to the sound of a, click, and shut, of the door. Angel lied there still, pretending to be asleep, nearly falling asleep at the same time.
Angel could feel Lenya’s presence beside him. The sound of a small sigh could be heard escaping his brothers’ lips. Angel could feel him lean down over him, placing a small kiss on his forehead. Later, walking away, and returning with a small blanket. Draping, it over him. Then, turning to leave the room. Angel could hear his brother saying something, although he couldn’t quite catch it, as he walked away.
         Earlier (Lenya’s walk outside)
         “What’s happening to me? I have to get a grip on myself, I could have,” Lenya said as he walked down to the park. Outside his vision became even more distorted then when it was, when he was at home, Even so, he had enough vision that he could distinguish people and objects from one another once they were in a close enough range. Lenya continued walking. He didn't want to think of what could’ve happened, if he had stayed with his brother any longer. The clouds blew away revealing the sun.
         Lenya and winced from the pain of the light, in his newly over sensitive eyes. He turned away, shielding his eyes with his bangs. Deciding to, head back home. When he arrived, he could hear the sound of the T.V., finding Angel, lying on the, couch, sleeping. The, movie credits, were beginning to roll, on the screen. Lenya stared at his sleeping twin.  A sigh, escaped Lenya’s lips. Angel looked so vulnerable, and fragile in his sleep, Lenya bent down, placing a small kiss on his forehead, walking away to go in search of a small blanket from the hall closet, tucking him in.
         “I will beat this.” Lenya said aloud, as he walked away from his twin. Lenya walked into the kitchen to get something to eat. Having not eaten anything, since, he had woken up. There was still some pizza from the night before. Deciding on, that to be the best choice. Lenya warmed it up in the microwave. When his, pizza was done, heating up. He took it out of the microwave, taking a bite. The moment, he swallowed it. Lenya nearly threw up, what little contents were in his stomach. He threw out the rest, heading upstairs, to, his room.
As Lenya lay there, in his bed, wondering what he should do about his dilemma. The same feeling from earlier that day surged through his body. Lenya turned over so he was on his knees, trying to stifle his groans, and cries of agony. His chest burned like fire. Lenya could feel the urge inside of him, wanting to taste blood. He tried his hardest to fight it. The sheer thought of taking a person’s life, was unimaginable to him.
         Lenya’s body was covered in sweat. Chills began to ravage his body, as he laid there panting heavily, and trembling. The pain became so intense, when another jolt would surge through his body, his back would arch inward. He reached up, rooting his hands tightly into his hair, nearly to the point, of ripping it out.  One last jolt so intense, he nearly screamed. Lenya fell over collapsing on his back, slowly losing consciousness.
         As Angel sat there on the couch, still trying to figure out, what was the cause for twin, Lenya’s strange actions earlier that day. His keen ears picked up Lenya’s voice, calling his name. He got up from the couch, heading upstairs to his brothers room that was just down the hall to the left.  He peaked, his head in, walking over to his brother. Angel noticed his brow covered in a cold sweat his skin slightly pale. He appeared to be having a nightmare. Lenya started mumbling incoherent things Angel couldn't quite understand, as he sat there on the bed, starring at his slumbering twin.
         “I'm sorry.” Lenya spoke softly, in his sleep.
         “What could he be sorry about?” Angel said aloud, reaching down, to move some of the strands of Lenya’s bangs, from his face. Lenya began to stir, opening his eyes.
         “What are you doing in here?” Lenya said in a sleepy tone, sitting up, so he was at eye level with Angel.
         “I heard you calling my name, so I came up here, and you were asleep,” “it looks like you’ve had a nightmare,” Angel said to him. His aqua blues starring into Lenya’s crimson red orbs. It’s funny how Angel and Lenya’s eyes were two different colors, especially Lenya’s eyes being red. Their mother use to always tell them, that Lenya’s eyes held no pigment in them. Even so, that’s what made his eyes so special.
         “Are you sure you’re feeling okay? You’ve been acting a little weird all day,” Angel said to his older twin, giving him a puzzling look. His twin in turn, looking at him, as if, nothing was the matter. With a sigh, Lenya rubbed his temples from the sight headache that was beginning to develop. Looking back over, at, his younger twin, with sleepy eyes.
         “Nothing is wrong Angel. You’re just being your normal paranoid self. I got in late, so I slept in a little longer,” Lenya said rubbing his temples some more. Angel looked at him contemplating is next words. It was true that Lenya did get in late, but that didn’t explain why he was acting so strange all day. Angel looked down, starring at the orange and black checkered design of one of the buttons on his shorts, looking back up at his twin, who was still rubbing his temples.
         “Even so, that doesn’t justify why you were acting the way you were earlier, and look at you, you’re covered in sweat, since when have you had a nightmare that bad?” Angel said
         “Wait, you thought it was morning when it was way pass noon?” Angel said looking at his twin, who sat their starring back at him. Lenya closed his eyes. He knew that once his brother was bothered by something he wouldn’t stop till he solved it, especially if it involved him.
         “When I got up I didn’t look at the clock today, therefore I didn’t know what time it was.” “And it was about Mom, and Dad,” Lenya said closing his eyes, wincing from the ache in his head.
         “I need some pain killers.” Lenya said getting up from the bed. Walking away from his twin, partly in an attempt to avoid being interrogated any further by him, but knowing Angel, this won’t be the end of Lenya’s troubles.
         Angel sat there in silence. He knew the moment that his brother had stepped out of the room that it was an attempt to get away for him. He would let it slid for now, but if Lenya thought that this was the last that he was going to hear of this his was dead wrong. Angel stood up leaving the room meeting Lenya in the doorway. Angel explained to Lenya that he would be stepping out of a bit, to see a friend, maybe get a coffee on his way home, and that he would be back later. Angel grabbed his coat leaving out of the front door, deciding to walk, instead of taking their car.
         Lenya sat their waiting for his brothers’ return. Soon minutes turned to hours, and Lenya began to fall asleep, awaking later on that night. The clock read 8:30pm; Lenya arose from his bed, a small twinge of pain in his stomach from his new found hunger. He pressed his hand their applying pressure to it to relieve some of his discomfort. Lenya made his way down the flight of stairs, meeting his brother who had just walked in the door. He noticed Angel had a white bandage wrapped around his neck, and he could smell the faintest hint of blood on his brother making his pain grow.
         “What happened to your neck?” Lenya said to Angel pointing at the bandage.
         “Oh, this?” Angel said, pointing to the bandage on his neck.  “Earlier I went to Sarah’s. Her kitten scratched me when I picked him up,” Angel said removing his coat, placing it upon the rack next to the door. Lenya stood their trying to keep his composure, with the tantalizing scent in the air. Lenya’s mouth began to water, and his fangs began to grow. The pain became slightly more intense, and now it slowly creped its way on to his face. Before Angel had time to comment on his brother’s pained facial expression Lenya turned walking away back to his room upstairs.
         A period of 2 weeks had gone by, since Lenya’s transformation, and since that time it had become worse, and worse with each passing day. Lenya stood there in the bathroom in a towel, after he had taken a shower that morning preparing for work. Now covered in sweat, and panting from another attack. A surge of pain jolted through his body, causing him to collapse on the sink, a small cry escaping his lips. The metallic taste of blood, lying in the back of his throat. He coughed it up, and out of his mouth, into the sink. Lenya spit out the remaining blood in his throat, wiping his mouth.
         Lenya had always had a lean strong build. He, and his brother both had a build anyone would envy, but now his strong build has been diminished, and his skin had grown pale from not eating. If it hadn’t been for what he had now become, he wouldn’t be living, but for how much longer could he go on like this?
         Angel awoke, feeling the urge to use the bathroom. Angel looked over at his small alarm clock, the current time being 7:30am.Since it was summer time, it became brighter faster than it would in the Fall season. Angel’s room was brightly lit from his curtains being open. A little too bright for his eyes, he got up shutting his curtains, turning to stretched the sleep from his body, rubbing his eye and yawning as he left the room.
Angel strolled down the hall to the bathroom, noticing the light was on, under the crack. He softly knocked on the door, hearing no response, knocking on the door once more a little louder this time.
         “Lenya, hurry up in there! I have to use the bathroom!” Angel yelled, not wanting to go all the way downstairs to the other bathroom. He hated it sometimes when Lenya would take forever in the bathroom in the morning when he had to work. Angel could hear the sound of the sink turning on, and off 30 seconds later, along with the sound of his brother shuffling around in the bathroom. Lenya opened the door, revealing what he had truly looked like under his clothes to his brother.
         “Lenya you, you,” Was all Angel could say before his twin fell into his arms.
         “Lenya, Lenya! Say something, wake up!” Angel yelled shaking his brother, Lenya opened his eyes, but they quickly rolled back, as he lost consciousness once more.
         Lenya’s nose began to bleed. Angel put him down against the wall, rushing into the bathroom to use it and, grab some tissues. He quickly scooped his brother up taking him back to his room, instead of Lenya’s own room. Angel laid him down gently, sitting next to him wiping the blood from his nose. Angel sat, and examined his brother’s body. Since the first day he had started acting weird. Over the past 2 weeks he started to become smaller from malnutrition, his skin sheet white, he looked as though he could give out at any moment.
And, no matter how, or what Angel would do to try to get him to eat, Lenya would say he already did, or wasn't hungry at the moment. When Angel would confront him about it, Lenya simply smiles and hugs him to reassure him he's okay, but he can't fool him, they’re twins for Christ sake!
                Angel fought back the tears he wanted to shed for his beloved twin. It pained him to see him in this state. He wished his brother would let him in, and share what is going on, so that he could find some kind of way that he could help him. He would do anything he could to help him, no matter the cost. Angel reached over for his cell, locating Lenya’s job in his contacts, it was under the name; LEGENDARY SOUND. It was a musical instrument store that mainly sold guitars. Lenya was played guitar himself.
                “Yeah Phil? Lenya won’t be in today. He’s not feeling to well, okay thank you, bye.” Angel said, hanging up the phone, placing it back on the nightstand. Angel got up from the bed going to his dresser drawers taking out a black tee, and grey flannel pajama pants. He climbed back into his bed with his twin, removing the towel from his naked body, then dressing him in his clothes. When he was done, he laid there next to his twin, listening to steady breath as he slept. And soon Angel to had become drowsy, he pulled the cerulean blue comforter up over them, pulling his brother closer to his body.
Several hours had passed. Lenya awoke feeling warm, focusing his vision to find he was mere inches away from his brothers’ neck. The sound of Angel’s pulse rang loudly in his ears and the smell of his blood under his skin wafting into his nose. Lenya began to lose control, turning his brother on his back crawling over him, ever so slowly giving in to his need. Lenya mentally screamed at himself trying to get his limbs to obey him. With every bit of strength he had left in him Lenya pushed himself off of his brother falling on the floor on the other side of the bed.
                Angel sat up suddenly from the loud noise, rushing over the side of the bed to find his twin on the floor. Lenya looked up at him panting heavily. Angel reached down taking hold of Lenya’s arm pulling him up to the bed Lenya laid back on the bed still panting, his throat felt terribly dry. He looked over at his twin. Angel’s eyes full of concern and sadness for him, he could practically see Angel’s thoughts. Thoughts that saddened even him, to think about. He wanted to let Angel in and tell him the truth, but what would he think of him afterward would he fear him, leave him, or even try to kill him?
Lenya arose from the bed quickly, to leave the room, when Angel spoke halting him.
                “Lenya, I know that in time you will let me in. all I have to say is that I called your job today, to let them know you weren’t coming in,” Angel said getting up walking over to his twin. “I love you, Lenya. I always will no matter what,” Angel said embracing his brother. Lenya embraced his twin. All of his feeling of hunger and pain had disappeared in that instant everything was how it was before.
                “I love you too, Angel,” Lenya said pulling away from his brother, leaving the room. Lenya went back to his own room, changing out of Angel’s clothes into some of his own. He laid out his red hoodie, a white tee shirt and black cargo shorts. After he had dressed he grabbed his sunglasses and slipped on his black sandals. Leaving out the door back to where he was attacked 2 weeks earlier, in the hope that maybe he could find some clues, or even the one who did this to him.
The sun was bright and blinding. Lenya put on his sunglasses, making it quite much more easily for him to see, than it was without them.  As he walked down the street he could hear the sound of every living things pulse around him, within a 2 mile radius. The sound just echoing in his ears tempting him, his fangs in his mouth began to grow, he tried desperately to cover his ears, trying to drown out the sound, but to no avail. Lenya fell to his knees shutting his eyes. Thinking the words; “make it stop; make it stop,” over and over again till he couldn’t take it.
                ‘MAKE IT STOP!” He yelled aloud. Not realizing he wasn’t alone. He looked up seeing a young boy standing next to him. His hair was golden blond like the sun, and his eyes were a pale shade of blue. His skin was the milkiest shade of white that contrasted with his peach colored lips. He looked no more than 8 or so, but his eyes told a different story. He wore a white and black stripped long sleeve shirt, black knee high shorts, and white socks. And lastly, what appeared to be black slip-on shoes.
When the boy’s and Lenya’s eyes met, a strange golden glow had appeared to flicker in his eyes in an instant. The boy stood there smiling, offering out his small hand to Lenya, Lenya in turn took it. The boy pulled him up. He was quite strong for someone so little. Lenya looked down at the small boy panting slightly. The sound of the boys pulse was slower than that of others he’s heard. And that flash in his eyes what did it mean? The boy smiled giggling at Lenya.
                “My, my, you young ones are so hard to deal with when you don’t drink, come,” the young boy said, taking Lenya’s hand before he time to realize what was going on. Lenya looked around fining himself and the boy inside of a building, or more like a night club. The sound of music could be heard blaring in the background. There were a few people sitting around in the lounge area and at the bar. Lenya could smell blood in the air, noticing that some of the people sitting around had strange dark red drinks, concluding that this wasn’t any ordinary club, but a vampire club. The boy began walking ahead leaving Lenya as he took in the sight of his new surroundings.
Lenya began walking when a, women to his left came up to him. She looked middle-eastern her hair was long and dark, and her eyes were an amber color. She wore a red mini dress that just barely covered her lower half. She looked up at Lenya, a blue flash shining in her eyes. She smiled licking her lips.
                “Liam, he smells delicious, and he’s not bad looking either, can I have him?” The women asked, /placing her hand on Lenya’s face, tracing it down his chest. Liam walked back over to Lenya and the girl Taking Lenya’s hand guiding him back to the back room. It was a large office. Everything in the room was completely white. The boy went and sat at the large desk, gesturing for Lenya to sit down in the other chair across for him.
                “I’m sorry, I haven’t properly introduced myself. My name is Liam, and you must be Lenya, are you not?” the boy said staring Lenya who in turn nodded in agreement to Liam’s question. “I’m quite sure you have many questions right now about your current situation, and from the looks of you I’m guessing that you haven’t fed for the first time” Liam said. Lenya looked down looking back up at the small boy realizing just what exactly was sitting before him. Someone else the same as him, a vampire.
                “No I haven’t fed. I’m not a monster, I’m human. I don’t understand any of this” Lenya said staring the boy. Lenya looked down noticing a chess game that he hadn’t noticed earlier before now sitting there on the desk. Lenya had never been much of a chess player. The only time he used to play it was when his father was still alive, but since then he hadn’t played much.
                “Child you’re not human anymore, but I’m curious, you still smell human, and I can’t tell what classification of vampire you are, but at the same time I can feel you’re not human, unless,” Liam said climbing on top of his desk, never once knocking anything over. Liam placed both of his hands on either side of Lenya’s face, pressing their foreheads together then closing his eyes. Staying like that for a moment. Lenya noticed that he smelled of cinnamon and honey. He could also smell his blood, but it didn’t spark his urges, like human blood did.
                The boy pulled away from Lenya, sitting back into his seat. Smiling from what he had found in Lenya’s mind.
                “You are more special then you know child, but that is up to you to figure out on your own.” Liam said leaning on the desk. “For now you must drink,” Liam said, clapping his hands, moments later the door opened Lenya looked at the man who had walked in carrying a tray with a glass of blood on it. He appeared to be in his early twenties, or so. His hair was auburn brown, his skin was a healthy shade of olive, and his eyes were grass green. A golden flicker shined in his eyes like in Liam’s. He wore a green button down shirt, black dress pants and shoes.
                When he smiled Lenya recognized that smile. It was the same man who had did this to him. Without thinking, Lenya lunged from his seat, knocking the chair over, running at the man. The man, in turn, swiftly stepped to the side, dodging Lenya’s punch. Stepping behind him, and pushing Lenya to the floor.
                “My, oh my, a feisty one I see?” The man said, looking down at Lenya who was staring back at him, his eyes full of hatred and anger. The man bent down holding the tray up to Lenya. Lenya began to lose himself at the smell of blood so close to his nose His throat became dry, and his body began to ache. He could feel his fangs extending. He fought off his urge slapping the tray out of the man’s hands spilling the blood, and breaking the glass on to the white tiled floor; the man looked at the spilled blood looking back at Lenya.
                “That wasn’t nice, I came all this way, and,” the man said, suddenly being cut off by Lenya.
                “YOU’RE THE MONSTER WHO DID THIS TO ME!” Lenya yelled, his blood beginning to boil from rage, “WHY, WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME? WHY, TELL ME WHY!” Lenya yelled, grabbing the man by his collar, pushing him into the wall. Lenya cocked his fist back preparing to drive it into the man’s face. The man in question smiling the same grin he had that night. Lenya hated that grin. It reminded him of what he was now. He wanted nothing more than to see that grin wiped from his face as he took his last breath.
                “Settle down you two. Lenya come, we have much to discuss,” Liam said from his desk. Lenya gripped the hem of the man’s collar tighter, yanking his hand away. Regretfully, he walked away from the man back to Liam picking up the chair that he has knocked over earlier.
                “Michael clean up that mess, will you?” Liam said pointing to the broken glass, and blood spilled on the floor. Michael nodded, leaving the room returning with a mop, bucket and bag cleaning up the blood and broken glass on the floor. When he was done he quietly left the room, turning to wink at Lenya before he closed the door. Lenya balled his fist up, his knuckles turning white and crescent shapes forming in his palms from the pressure. Liam reached over his desk placing his hand on his shoulder, calming him down.
                “That was Michael; he has a rather large appetite. If I had been aware that you were the one he had turned that night. I would have taken you and turned you myself,” Liam said fiddling with one of the chess pieces never breaking eye contact with Lenya.
                “But what is done is done. There isn’t much that I can do about it now,” Liam said knocking over the chess piece. Lenya sat there in shock at what he had just heard. Lenya stared at the chess piece slowly rolling his way, falling into his lap. It was the king piece. Lenya kept his attention down on the chess piece in his lap, trying to form the thoughts in his head into words. Liam just sat there with his head resting in his hands, patiently waiting for his guess to speak.
              “Why would you want to turn me?” Lenya said looking up at Liam. Tears forming in his eyes,
              “I didn’t ask for this, to become this, what I am” Lenya said. The tears in his eyes began to fall down his cheeks. He didn’t understand what any of this meant. Just what did these creatures want with him why was he so special. Lenya’s eyes widened with a thought; if they wanted him so badly would they want his twin just as much? No he couldn’t let them get to him he would protect him no matter what. Even, if he had to give up his life. He wouldn’t allow them to subject his brother to the same fate he has fallen to.
              “Don’t worry we won’t harm your twin, Angel?” Liam said, cocking his head to the side. He had the ability to read minds. He understood how Lenya felt about protecting his brother. He was that same way about his sister. When he was turned, he did everything that he could to protect his sister so that she could remain human, and live a normal life, since he had lost his. That was over 2 centuries ago. Since then the generations of offspring his sister left behind when she got older and their offspring and so forth. He has watched over for many generations, protecting them from the creatures in the dark.
         Liam arose from his seat, walking over the large bookcase. Liam traced his finger over the row of white books in search of the one he was looking for, till he landed on the only blue book on the shelf. Lenya sat there quietly; his eyes were red from his tears. Liam made his way back to his white chair, handing Lenya the book once he sat down. Lenya looked down at the small book in his hands. It had no title, but only a seal that appeared as though it could not be opened with a key of any kind.
         “What is this for?” Lenya said looking up at Liam, then back at the seal holding the book shut. It was an eight pointed crest made of black steel, its shape similar to a compass rose. In the center of it lye an amethyst carved into an oval shape. It was the most brilliant vibrant shade of violet Lenya had ever seen. Liam looked at Lenya smiling, watching as Lenya tried to pull up the seal to open the book in his hands. Liam reached forward placing his hand upon the book moving it down slightly, bringing Lenya’s attention on him.
         “Child when the time is right, it will open,” Liam said taking the book from Lenya setting it upon the desk. Lenya opened his mouth to speak, but Liam silenced him by waving his finger, already knowing his next question.
         “Child I must warn you,” Liam said his tone turning serious, “If you don’t feed, you will harm someone close to you, and I don’t think you would want that,” Liam said reaching down into his drawer taking out a small clear bag of red candies, “If you refuse to drink, then at least eat these. They’re blood candies” Liam said sliding them across the desk to Lenya “They will calm your urges for now, but even those can’t keep your hunger at bay for long,” Liam said, “Whether you like it or not child, you are no longer human, and to survive you must have blood,” Liam said pulling away. Lenya looked down at the small bag of red candies, smelling blood and honey.
         Lenya didn’t want to harm his twin. Angel was the only one he had in this world. Without him here, he wouldn’t have any reason to be on this earth anymore. Angel was his other half, and if he died because of him he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. He took the small candies stuffing them into his shorts pocket. Liam smiled nodding in approval. Lenya looked back up at Liam, who smiled warmly at him. Liam stared at Lenya’s eyes intensely. Never in all of his years had he ever seen someone, who wasn’t an albino who had red eyes. It was a very peculiar sight for him indeed.
         Lenya started to become uncomfortable under the ancient vampires gaze. The more he stared back into those pale blue depths, the more he began to feel like he was losing himself, almost as if he were being hypnotized. He began hearing small whispers inside of his head, saying things he couldn’t comprehend. Liam stared at Lenya in his dazed state, and for and instant Lenya’s eyes illuminated a white light. The moment the light died, Lenya returned back to normal looking at Liam, opening his mouth to speak.
         “Whatever you just did to me, don’t ever do it again,” Lenya said rubbing his temples. Liam looked at him laughing.
         “Child I was simply admiring yours eyes, I did nothing to you,” Liam said laughing falling back in his seat “I’ve never seen anyone who wasn’t an albino who has red eyes, that is until I met you,” Liam said wiping his eyes, his laughter dying down into a small giggle. Liam leaned forward on the desk on his elbows, starring at Lenya in a curious childlike manner. Kicking his legs back and forth, at a slow idle pace. Another smile crept its way onto his face, as he stared at his guess.
         “Now, child when we first met. What did you see?” Liam said smiling still. Lenya thought back to when he and Liam first locked eyes, seeing that strange golden flicker in his eyes for an instant.
         “A golden flash in your eyes,” Lenya said, sitting back in his chair a little. Liam nodded closing his eyes, sitting back in his chair with a small thud. The size of his chair made him look even more, smaller than what he truly was.
         Liam went on to explain about the different categories of vampires, explaining how they are all divided up in to groups being: Common vampires, Half-bloods, and Purebloods.
                  Common vampires are created when a human is bitten by a vampire, turned, and has not drunken the blood of their master. Common vampires are also incapable of turning other humans into vampires. Only Half-bloods and Purebloods can. Common vampires are identified by the blue flash that flickers in their eyes, but the flash casted by a vampires’ eyes, can only be seen by another vampire. Common vampires also display a limited amount of supernatural type powers such as: strength, speed, flying, and regenerative abilities. Common vampires are the weakest amongst the vampire species.
                  Secondly, there are Half-bloods, or Vampirs’. They are the result when a pureblood and a human come together in union, creating hybrid offspring. They are identified by the golden flash in their eyes. If a human is bitten and turned by a Half-blood, or even a Pureblood, then if they are to drink the blood of their master, then they too become a Half-blood.  Despite their human blood, Half-bloods display a wider range of special abilities than Common vampires. Abilities being: teleportation, control, and use the elements, ability to use familiars, mind reading, and mind diving, shape-shifting, telekinesis, and many more.
                  And lastly, there are Pureblood vampires. Purebloods are the rarest of their kind, only being so many royal families left in the world. Purebloods are vampires whose blood has never been tainted by any other species, making them the most powerful of their kind. They have abilities that seem impossible. They are also able to control Common, and Half-bloods. Purebloods’ are identified by the red flash in their eyes, and the sheer power of their presence to vampires and humans alike. Purebloods are also said to be the most beautiful of their kind.
         Lenya sat there contently listening to Liam go on about the vampire society, learning that, long, long ago the Purebloods were once human. They all lived in a small village together. With famine, and death washing over there village, on the night of the red moon, the villagers came together summoning a powerful god for help, to become rich, and prosper. The god granted their request, but at a price, turning all of the remaining villagers into vampires. After that each of the families scattered across the world, becoming rich and powerful kings and queens.
Most of the history of the ancient royal families has since been wiped out with time becoming nothing more than myths and legends with present time.
                Lenya looked at his phone his clock reading 6:30pm. It was getting late and he hadn’t spoken to his Angel since he had left that day. Liam looked at Lenya confused opening his mouth to speak.
                “Is something troubling you child?” Liam said, looking puzzled.
                “I have to get back home, Angel might get worried,” Lenya said looking over at Liam. Liam smiled nodding his head, standing from his desk walking over to Lenya’s side, reaching down taking his hand. Lenya sat there confused at Liam’s actions. Liam pulled Lenya forward so that he was standing up, towering over the small boy.
                “I will take you home then,” Liam said smiling closing his eyes, “Hang on” Liam said. Instantly they vanished reappearing outside of his house. Lenya looked up at the sky night was just now beginning to fall, Looking back at his home noticing the living room lamp light was on, while the rest of the house was dark, indicating that Angel must be in the shower. Lenya turned to leave when Liam stopped him. “You forgot something,” Liam said holding the book in his hands. Lenya took the book thanking him, turning to walk away.
Liam smiled waving explaining to Lenya that if there was anything that he ever needed. Not to hesitate to come down to his club: TEPES.
                Lenya waved goodbye, turning to walk away once more. Liam stood there staring at him as he walked to his door, disappearing with the sound of the wind. Lenya looked back one last time, finding that Liam had vanished. Lenya stood there fumbling for his keys in pocket, when his chest began to burn. Holding his stomach and the book with his left hand, and the keys with his right, Lenya pushed open the door closing it behind him walking quickly upstairs to his room. Lenya could hear the sound of the shower running as he passed, closing his door behind him.
© Copyright 2011 Ronessa.F (ronessa.f at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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