Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1835576-A-Mazeing-Occurance
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #1835576
In the future a band of miscellaneous survivors battle creatures spewed out from Hell.
A Mazeing Occurance

    I opened my eyes, but they shut again due to the blinding light.

    “I have been here before,” I thought to myself. Not in a physical sense, for I had not yet had a glance of my surroundings. I rubbed my eyes furiously in hopes of breaking the sensitivity towards the immense illumination. A hand grabbed my left shoulder.       

    “Davis, you’re up,” whispered the voice. I could tell right away it was one of my comrades. A corporal named Leslie, but if you called him that he’d kill you. I don’t mean kill you in a figurative sense by any means either, he would pull out his sidearm and put a round or two in your forehead. These days there wasn’t too much to joke about, so he preferred the title, Smith.

    “Where the hell are we? The last thing I remember is battering the front door in and as soon as we began…” I was cut off by Smith’s hand brutally striking my face in an attempt to cover my mouth.

    “Shut the fuck up, if they hear us we’re fuckin dead,” Smith said calmly. I knew we were dealing with a huge problem, but I wasn’t certain of the magnitude.

    “What are we going to do then?” I whispered in reply. “I don’t have a clue where we are, what beasts we’re dealing with, and why we’re stuck here. If you are gonna tell me to shut the fuck up at least get me the fuck outta here.”

    “You gotta get my leg out of this scum, it’s stuck,” Smith shot back. As I glanced down at his leg I noticed that it was lodged in a peculiar dirt clump of some kind. It was as if the ground was naturally booby trapped and his leg had gotten caught like a rodent lurking in the wrong place at the wrong time. I leapt down to his level due to the uneven surface. I didn’t understand why the terrain was an Earthly substance because we were inside of an old abandoned office building. The cubicle walls were still intact, but there were only three walls standing for each office. An opening left us both revealed from the hallway. I began to examine his leg.

    “I’ve never seen anything like this before,” I stammered nervously. I tried to pull his leg out from the floor but it was stuck. Smith and I began to pull simultaneously, but it wasn’t budging. I grabbed my rifle and used the barrel to try and pry him out from his predicament. The efforts were futile.

      “I don’t care what you gotta do, but get me the fuck outta this situation now before I put a bullet in my head,” Smith murmured in a frightened tone. I had never heard Smith’s voice shake, but then again I had never seen this type of situation either. I jumped to my feet in a catcher’s position and began to try and lift smith’s leg out as if I was a bodybuilder performing dead lifts. My neck was tilted up towards the ceiling in order to keep my back straight because even though we were in dire straits, selfishly, I still didn’t want to pull a muscle. I gave it all of my might, and out of nowhere a loud CRACK erupted. I hesitated mentally, but then slowly looked down.

    “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!?” Smith screamed. His leg had torn off from the shin down, and it was now completely separated.

      “MY FUCKIN LEG,” Smith yelled again, but this time it was my hand hitting his mouth.

      “Shut the fuck up or we’ll die for sure,” I whispered in a very serious tone. Although I didn’t know who our enemy was or what we were facing, I wasn’t willing to investigate. All of a sudden loud sloppy noised penetrated my ears.

    “CLANK CLANK,” the noises bounced off of the walls. Smith was squirming underneath my cupped hand, but I shoved his head down hard as soon as the unfamiliar sounds pierced through the air. As if the situation wasn’t already fucked up enough, the sounds were coming our way. I looked down to try and concoct a possible solution, but to my utter disgust I saw hundreds, no it must have been thousands of tiny red spiders crawling up from the ground where Smith’s leg had been stuck, and were now swarming his body completely. I tried to hold his mouth shut but it was useless, he bit my hand and I flinched.

    “GET THESE FUCKIN THINGS OFF OF ME,” Screamed Smith. I had a small window to make a decision, but Smith’s lower body had already been devoured by these deviant arachnids. I could hear the stomps of the unknowns drawing in, and I had no choice but to dash to the dark corner of the room and hide underneath a broken desk. I could see through a small crack in the desk, and at this point Smith was squirming as if he were a handicapped man being exercised by a priest. Out of my peripherals I noticed a large shadow, and my eyes immediately shot towards the now very loud approaching creatures. It was like nothing I had ever seen in my line of work, and believe me; I have seen some unbelievable things. The first to come into eyeshot were two large monsters resembling very large eel like creatures, except they were arched up and projected themselves forward with their wide tails. They were hideous, and had large black eyes that constantly surveyed the area. Following closely behind was something I had only heard about back in the beginning of training. It resembled a large brain covered in muscle. It had sharp talons protruding from its’ body from every which way, and a small head that could barely be seen on top. It did not walk, but floated through the air slowly behind the two monsters as if it was a VIP and they were security detail. This behemoth must have been the intelligence behind the office siege, and this is definitely who our team was looking for. The eel creatures couldn’t help but notice Smith’s screams of panic, and began to turn their attention towards our cubicle.

    “DAVIS YOU GOTTA HELP ME, THEY ARE EATING MY FUCKIN BODY,” Smith cried. The eels began to close in on him, and as they hung over top of his body Smith turned his head towards mine as if the broken desk was transparent, and right through the crack of the hinge we locked eyed. One of the eels shot down and engulfed his upper body into its mouth in one swift motion. Out of nowhere large dagger like appendages began to disperse from out of the back of the devilish creature, and they began to stab at Smith’s tattered corpse, violently pushing it down into the stomach of the monster.

    “You son of a bitch,” I spit under my breath. I had my sidearm pressed hard against my chest, the cold steel making my skin slightly cringe. Out of passion and hatred I slowly began to cock the hammer back.

      “KA-CHICK,” Screamed the weapon as the hammer locked into place. Both of the creature’s heads spun towards my direction. They began sniffing in the air as if I was a fresh meal curing in an oven. I held my breath and began to pray that I would somehow turn invisible, or that something would happen and draw the attention away from myself. Someone must have been listening to me because out of nowhere gun fire erupted down the hallway. I could recognize those shots fired anywhere, the muzzle bursts of a D62 assault rifle blaring loud and proud like a heavy metal rock concert. The eels immediately grabbed their protected member and led him away down the opposite direction of the gunfire. This confirmed my thought that he was indeed an important creature of some type, most likely a schemer. These were the creatures that formulated the initial takeover plans when the rapture had occurred. Hell had opened its’ mouth and vomited these creatures into our existence, but I don’t think they expected a gaggle of special ops to fight back. We had managed to contain some of the problem in our area, but all we could do was stand firm and hold our ground until something rescued us or we were eliminated completely. I could hear “The General” shouting out orders in the distance.

    “Box em in and bottleneck em, that’s a FUCKIN ORDER,” I heard him boom over the gunfire. He wasn’t actually ranked a general, but we figured his stature was so that’s what we called him. Everyone had their nicknames. I saw a couple of my men storm past the room I was held up in, and with this I knew the area had to be clear. I was always hesitant about running because of the traps the creatures constantly had set. A lot of them set off a chemical substance when tripped that was an “airborne like” amnesia substance that destroyed your short term memory and left you stranded, which is what must have happened to me earlier.

    “Smith must’ve carried me up here. Bastards killed a hero.” I thought to myself. There would be time for thinking later, so I jumped to my feet, grabbed my D62, and ran out into the hall. The hall was musty, and now that most of the lighting structures had been shot out muzzle flash was illuminating the shadow covered hallway. I followed the shots fired (not something a normal human would do, but times had changed). I turned left and dashed down the outstretched hallway. I could see towards the end a couple of soldiers jet right where the hallway bent into a curve. I was the only guy left, or so I though.

    “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAMPPPPPPPP,” Shrieked the walls. I knew exactly what was coming next. Some of the demons that had escaped were able to cloak themselves to seem like their surroundings, similar to a chameleon or a walking stick. Once I saw the walls move and I confirmed I wasn’t on an acid trip I immediately opened fire.

    “CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK,” The rifle shouted as if it had a personal quarrel with the beasts. Luckily for me the drum barrel on a D62 held a healthy amount of ammunition, and I was able to go nuts. I painted the walls like I was redecorating, the creature’s insides spewing out into the air revealing the inside contents of the demons, these parts being uncloaked. I could hear the monsters howling over the gun clap, and my lip curled into a mischievous smile. The slide on my rifle jammed, so I reached for my combat knife. There was only one vermin left, and I had every intention of exterminating it. It had already been wounded from shrapnel bouncing off of the walls, so there wasn’t much fight left in him. I planned on having fun with this one. I sprinted towards it full speed, kicked off the side of the wall, and launched my body through the air. I was a gladiator in a coliseum. Although it was difficult to see, I could tell where its’ head was by the shrapnel damaging part of its’ cloak. I landed on my target, my blade crushing through the top of the skull and down into its’ throat. It hissed and its’ venomous acid sprayed from the newly designed orifice I so graciously constructed for it. The venom caught the side of my elbow and it burned like hell. I was too pissed off to care. I ripped my jagged blade out of bastard’s head and it hit the floor with a pathetic thud.

    “That one was for Smith, bitch,” and then I spit on the beast, although most of it was blood. I noticed the yelling and gunfire had stopped so I proceeded down the hallway in order to catch up with my comrades. As I turned around the corner I saw a gaggle of soldiers huddled around the outside of a cubicle. I sprinted towards them and had to force myself to stop before I crashed into the lot of them. As I approached I could hear them talking over one another.

    “What do you think we’ll get outta this one,” one of the soldiers asked.

    “Who knows, it better be good or the general will fuck em up,” laughed another. After listening in for a little bit I pieced the situation together and came to the conclusion that we had cornered the schemer into the room. I ran into the adjacent cubicle and grabbed an office chair. I quickly shoved it against the cubicle wall of the creature’s very temporary prison and jumped onto the seat. As the soldiers cautiously examined my actions, they then followed, all of them fighting over chairs and arguing over who would get the best view. I scanned the cubicle and saw the two large eels dead on either side of the room, both covered in holes.

    “The general must’ve put a hurtin on em,” I laughed to myself. I was correct because there the general stood, one foot on the monster’s head and his double barreled pistol wedged directly in between its little eyeballs.

    “HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU SCUMBAGS STILL WALKIN MY EARTH??” He boomed at the top of his lungs. The creature might have been horribly intimidating, but I would not have wanted to be in its position right then.

      “ARE YOU GONNA TELL ME OR AM I GONNA HAVE TO EXTRACT THE INFORMATION OUT OF YA WITH MY WIFE HERE. YOU’VE MET HER, SHE’S A COLD HEARTED BITCH BUT SHE’S GOT ONE HELL OF A KICK TO HER,” He yelled and laughed simultaneously, soon after the other soldiers mimicked the satire. The general lifted his pistol and fired 5 shots into the air, then quickly jamming it back in between the eyes of the helpless brain. The heat from the barrel burned a brand into its sensitive outer skin, and it let out a moan.

      “I know ya don’t speak English do ya, but it was worth a try,” Laughed the general. I could see his finger slowly closing in on the trigger, when I forced myself to interrupt.

      “Hold on a second general,” I exclaimed as I began to hoist myself over the wall. “There’s something I really think you and the boys should see.” I walked over to the eel with the larger stomach and once again reached for my combat knife.

    “KCHLLLLLLLLLL,” the knife sang as it cut through the tissue. As I pulled the skin apart I could see Smith’s empty eyes staring right through me. At first I was startled, but I knew what I had to do. I pulled the head out of the stomach (The rest must’ve been digested), and I held it up for the crowd to see.

    “THAT’S SMITH’S HEAD,” a voice in the back exclaimed.


    “I watched these creatures devour Smith with no remorse. They ripped him to shreds and there was nothing I could do about it. We will fight and push forward until all of these fuck heads are destroyed. I don’t care what it takes, we will finish it,” I preached. Everyone was in agreement and I could see the determination and rage overflowing out of their skin. What I couldn’t see was the swarm of red spiders crawling out of an exposed gash in the back of Smith’s head. I stopped midsentence as I felt something crawling up the back of my arm. I turned down and to my horror my entire side was covered in fiery demonic spiders. I began to swat at them furiously and rolled around the room. Everyone ran into the room and tried to assist.

    “Hold still!” The general shouted. “I’ll get you out of this mess son.” He promised. I knew it couldn’t be done after what I had seen happen to Smith, so I grabbed the general’s hand with the pistol and I pressed it against my forehead.

    “You gotta do it,” I gasped. The general put the gun up to my forehead and I closed my eyes. I waited and waited, but nothing happened. I was afraid of opening them, that was until I heard gunfire. I opened my eyes, and to my shocking dismay, I viewed the general hanging in mid air. The creature’s talon like pincer had pierced through the general’s stomach, and he could now only be perceived as a helpless, dangling puppet. He attempted to speak (they would have been words of motivation I’m sure), but only blood seeped out from his throat. The soldiers unloaded gunfire into the creature but it was useless; the creature ripped the general in half and began to tear the men apart. The only way to describe the unfathomable scene was to compare it to a horrific assembly line, each soldier being stabbed, sliced into pieces, and then tossed out of the cubicle. I lied on the unforgiving floor, slowly being gnawed at by the spiders. All I could do was watch as the monster hovered forth towards my direction, its pincers waving around like proud flags. I took a deep breath and thought to myself, “I have been here before,” and with that… everything went black.

© Copyright 2011 JonnyKia (jonnykia at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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