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Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1835071
My contest entry :)
Rosemary’s POV
Cold. There was no proper way to describe it, but the bitter winds and the blizzard that waited outside rosemary’s door were horrific. The snow blanketed the town towering above the heads of even the tallest residents, concealing the evidence. The wreckage, the debris and the feeling of pure hatred. The feeling that so strongly seized this town, freezing it in time, now allowing it to move forward nor back. There had been a hatred for as long as Rosemary had known life. A bitter 33 years, holding her hostage, tangled up in her family tree. It had not stopped. It would never stop. Rosemary sucked in a dry breath of air, the only air she had ever know. Tinged with the smell of evil and the taste of society. She was the last living DuPri, an she knew the legacy had to live on. It would be a struggle, society was after the DuPri name. Their empire, the most successful business venture in their century, had caused a vendetta against their name. While the town of Blue Haze struggled with poverty, eating away at their lives, there was the DuPri house. The only people that thrived, the only people with anything left to lose. Everyone else had lost all, long, long ago.
Miox’s POV
The village of Noir Dett has never been truly founded. Noir Dett is nothing but a little French and something misspelled. But that is not true; it is also my home. It is a village, with a total population of three. But a strong 3, never to be demolished, a strong 3, who deserve recognition. No one know we exist. No one will believe in our existence. We are the Iceglox. The Iceglox were once a thriving society, full of prosperous figures. We were the height of royalty, until we were forced into Noir Dett, where most of us died. Died the same way we expected the Ice Age would’ve happened. The society, being smart as they were, sent us to Noir Dett during the time of the annual ice-over, where the town was covered in ice. Anything living, breathing or functioning was iced over the moment they entered the unwritten threshold of Noir Dett. The wisest survived, entering Noir Dett after the ice-over. There were 3, only 3 who survived. But being Iceglox, we are given the gift of eternal life, with the exception of not being immune to nature's phenomenons. This feature was what made us outlaws. This feature placed us in Noir Dett, most of us to freeze to death. This feature made us so unacceptable, so unbelievable that we were no longer people. We were mutants, banned to live only in Noir Dett.
Rosemary’s POV
I had to leave, as fast as I could. After my grandfather (the only living DuPri besides myself) was shot in the middle of the street, I got the message. Loud and clear, baby. Loud and clear. So after studying a map, I left. I left as soon as I could. There was a stereotype, a belief that as rich as we were, we couldn’t leave for long without taking our houses with us. This often made me feel horrible, when I wasn’t worrying about if my sister was getting shot, or my dad getting poisoned. Today, I was to use that to my advantage. I would take only bare minimum, food, water and some clothing. It would be hard to leave my things, but not impossible. I had to. To get out alive, I had to. Before I left, I grabbed a family picture. My only scrap of hope to hold onto.
I had found a place of no interest. Of no name, actually. It was small, big enough to hold a house (maybe), but nothing more. I knew this for certain after checking the scale of the map. School was expensive, but beneficial. I had forgotten to say goodbye to my school. Not the people in it, they were the ones with parents out to kill me. Not the teachers, my grades weren’t impressive. But the building had housed me when my home didn’t feel safe, and had kept me alive. (There were rules, after all.) All this thought had kept me entranced as I trudged through the blizzard. But it was the only way. Frostbite and pneumonia were bad, but lethal? Hardly ever, according to 2040’s recent stats. As I entered the small city, I was hit with shock and realization.
Miox’s POV
A girl. So tanned, so rich in appearance. She had stepped into the snow of Noir Dett, and shock crossed her face. I wondered how she could possibly be out here, how she survived. She must’ve been rich, but here, no one was rich. There was a large city, Blue Haze. But everyone there was poor. Poor beyond repair. Half of them had probably died of pneumonia by now. But here she was. But who was she?
Rosemary’s POV
I had walked into a sea of people (probably people…) who hated me more than the ones I had left. I was positive I had walked into Noir Dett; the home of the Iceglox. The beings of eternal life. Another race we, the DuPris had discriminated. The Iceglox. Like me, but never dead. Never to die. Never to suffer the fate the rest of us would, because there would be no fate at all. In Exocistan (the language and culture of everyone in Blue Haze), Noir Dett meant “hell”. Quite simply, we had sent the Iceglox to hell intentionally.
Miox’s POV
She neared. She was a DuPri. I smelt the stench. I saw the eyes. The green almond eyes with grey flecks, the women snaking their way into the hearts of men. Only to be shattered. The one night of glory that the men got, only to be shattered. It was a DuPri, finally facing the horror they’d created for themselves inside this reality named hell.
Rosemary’s POV
There was a haunting feeling about Noir Dett. I had finally unraveled why, after slowly numbing my hands and feet by becoming a statue of myself. My mind had wandered, my soul had departed momentarily to my past life. The life of 2030. When I was 22. And I met Myrox Dett. An amazing partner. Only to find he was one. One of them. He was an Iceglox. I had truly loved him. But in spite of my life, my father had banished him from the town of Blue Haze, into hell. Into Noir Dett. But it was too late. I had turned up a positive on the pregnancy test. And so she was born. Nameless. Born straight into the name she was hated for. I felt sympathy. I knew how it felt. I walked into the town, hoping for a soul to make itself present. Nothing. One more step, nothing. I raised my foot to take another step, but I didn’t live a moment longer. Not long enough to see it hit the ground. I was a lifeless mass as I’m sure I was destined to be.
Miox’s POV
I couldn’t forgive. Not this late in the game. I was only 10, it would be my first kill. It would be my only if I stayed here. But it was worth every bit of pain, every fiber of her body that it killed. She had killed everyone I’d known. I pulled the trigger as she lifted her foot. One more footprint she made would be another trace of DuPri. We didn’t need that. She fell the ground, her face distorted with pain. I walked up to her, and as I was about to place another bullet between her eyes (for thrill and assurance she was dead), I stopped short. Her eyes weren’t green. They were a crystalline blue. The same crystalline blue eyes I shared. She was her. From my father’s description. I knew her perfectly. She was a good soul, that I’d shot dead. I placed my hand on her pretty face, her red hair splayed around her head peacefully. I looked at the green scrap in her hand, turned it over, and saw the faces of her family. The family I hated, that had made this beautiful soul that I had ended. And between the pages of her family photos lay a face I knew all too well; my father’s. One tear dripped off my check and landed on her eyelid. My mother’s eyelid. I walked away. I couldn’t say anything to justify my actions, not that anyone would’ve heard. I hung my head; I thought I was out to kill the enemy.

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