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A short tale of terror by chance. |
Stepping off the loud bus, I moved to the side of the road. The doors closed and I could no longer hear the loud sounds of the budding teenagers on their way to their homes. As the bus took off, splatters of mud water splashed on to the pant legs of my jeans. Turning down the road the cool sprinkles of rain turned into splatters. I trotted down the road placing my hood on my head and encircling my books into my jacket. The rain began to pour and I knew I would not make it to my house without being drenched in rain. I remembered a falling down old shack off the road up ahead that I had discovered a couple of weeks ago. It was drafty and rotted but it should do for the hopefully small wait I would have to endure before I could try and make it home. I slowly made my way through the high wet grass until I came upon a small muddy clearing. My There stood my brief haven, dark and gloomy. I shook off the the thoughts of warning and ran through the fast filling puddles of mud water to the steps, most missing. I took the steps quickly and stood peering back into the rain from the small porch. Splashes of rain continued to hit me in the face so I backed as close as I could to the door. The wind threw rain at my shivering body as if it was forcing me to go inside the house. No longer able to ignore it I turned to the rotted door and pushed it in. Pieces of the old door fell at my touch and I attempted to wipe my hands free of its filth onto my jeans. The inside of the shack was dark and smelled of old forgotten wood and waste. I turned slowly in place looking all around me. Gradually I crept towards the center of the room. Dry I was but the look of this place had me wishing I would have just gotten totally drenched running home. A movement in the corner had me turning my head quickly, but I couldn't see anything. Maybe it was a frog or something like that, I hoped. Another movement in the opposite side of the room had me jumping in my skin. Maybe it was two frogs? I stepped back towards the door and felt a push on my back knocking me off balance. My books flew from my hands and scattered into nothingness. My heart pounded as I tripped over something and fell hard to the floor. My left hand connected to the wood of the floor but my right hand continued through broken parts. The curve of my elbow stopped the plunge of my hand from further passage. Twisting my arm I slowly attempted to retrieve my forearm from the floor. My eyes shifted around me for the cause of my fall as the wood ripped through the sleeve of my jacket. My sleeve snagged on a piece of wood and the rough uneven edges held my arm in a wait or slice position. While I studied how to get my arm free, I heard a whisper by my ear, loud enough to recognize it as a voice but not enough to distinguish words. My head whipped back and forth trying to get a fix on who was speaking. but I could see no one. Then briefly I felt teeth biting the tips of my unmovable hand. A cry escaped my lips and terror filled my heart. The whisper returned at my ear and grew into a grunting chuckle. The teeth continued to grasp my fingertips and I no longer cared about the cuts to my skin. I yanked my arm free of the rotting hole so hard and fast that I fell backwards to the floor. The back of my head hit hard on something I didn't know was there and I closed my eyes to the pain. When I opened my eyes I saw three sets of blood red eyes floating in mid air looking down at me. My eyes grew, my fear tripled and my heart beat so hard it tried to burst through my chest. Slowly an evil grin grew from below the middle set of eyes and the space around it darkened into solid. Sounds of whispering surrounded me and filled the dark shack as terror enveloped me. On all fours I turned and scrambled across the muck filled floor. I twisted my head and saw to my astonishment that the disembodied eyes and teeth followed me floating in the midst of darkness while the other two sets of eyes remained in place. The whisperings turned into shrieks. I felt and heard the trembles of footsteps behind me. Tears filled my eyes and I sprinted from all fours to feet. The whispering rolled into one loud thunderous "Noooooo", as I ran through the pre broken door. As the rest of the rotted door fell from its hinges I pounded off the porch and leaped over the broken steps to the muddy grass. Never stopping I looked behind me into the darkness of the shack and saw the last of the three sets of red eyes watching me escape. A single thought entered my mind as I ran from the grass to the road that led to my house. "Guess I'll never see those books again." |