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Accessary Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Accessory Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Ad Part of Speech: Noun Definition: Advertisements Sentence: I saw an ad for a babysitter and I decide to call the number because I need one tomorrow. Add Part of Speech: Verb Definition: to increase the number, quantity, size, or importance Sentence: Ail Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To cause pain, uneasiness, or trouble to. Sentence: Ale Part of Speech: Noun Definition: a malt beverage, darker, heavier, and bitterer than beer, containing about 6 percent alcohol by volume. Sentence: Air Part of Speech: Noun Definition: a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and minute amounts of other gases that surrounds the earth and forms its atmosphere. Sentence: Heir Part of Speech: Noun Definition: a person who inherits or has a right of inheritance in the property of another following the latter's death. Sentence: Aisle Part of Speech: Noun Definition: a walkway between or along sections of seats in a theater, classroom, or the like. Sentence: I’ll Part of Speech: Verb Definition: Contraction of I will. Sentence: Isle Part of Speech: Noun Definition: a small island. Sentence: All Part of speech: Adjective Definition: the whole of (used in referring to quantity, extent, or duration) Sentence: Awl Part of Speech: Noun Definition: a pointed instrument for piercing small holes in leather, wood, etc. Sentence: Allowed Part of Speech: adjective Definition: involving a change in quantum numbers, permitted by the selection rules Sentence: Aloud Part of Speech: adverb Definition: with the normal tone and volume of the speaking voice, as distinguished from whisperingly Sentence: Alms Part of Speech: Noun Definition: money, food, or other donations given to the poor or needy; anything given as charity Sentence: Arms Part of Speech: Noun Definition: the upper limb of the human body, especially the part extending from the shoulder to the wrist. Sentence: Altar Part of Speech: Noun Definition: an elevated place or structure, as a mound or platform, at which religious rites are performed or on which sacrifices are offered to gods, ancestors, etc. Sentence: Alter Part of Speech: Verb Definition: to make different in some particular, as size, style, course, or the like; modify Sentence: Arc Part of Speech: Noun Definition: any unbroken part of the circumference of a circle or other curved line. Sentence: Ark Part of Speech: Noun Definition: the large boat built by Noah in which he saved himself, his family, and a pair of every kind of creature during the Flood. Sentence: Aren’t Part of Speech: Verb Definition: contraction of are not. Sentence: Aunt Part of Speech: Noun Definition: the sister of one's father or mother. Sentence: Ate Part of Speech: Verb Definition: simple past tense of eat. Sentence: Eight Part of Speech: Noun Definition: a cardinal number, seven plus one. Sentence: Auger Part of Speech: Noun Definition: a bit, as for a brace. Sentence: Augur Part of Speech: Noun Definition: one of a group of ancient Roman officials charged with observing and interpreting omens for guidance in public affairs. Sentence: Auk Part of Speech: Noun Definition: any of several usually black-and-white diving birds of the family Alcidae, of northern seas, having webbed feet and small wings. Sentence: Orc Part of Speech: Noun Definition: any of several cetaceans, as a grampus. Sentence: Aural Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: of or pertaining to the ear or to the sense of hearing. Sentence: Oral Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: uttered by the mouth; spoken Sentence: Away Part of Speech: Adverb Definition: from this or that place; off Sentence: Aweigh Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: (of an anchor) just free of the bottom; trip Sentence: Oar Part of Speech: Noun Definition: a long shaft with a broad blade at one end, used as a lever for rowing or otherwise propelling or steering a boat. Sentence: Or Part of Speech: Conjunctions Definition: (used to connect words, phrases, or clauses representing alternatives): Sentence: Ore Part of Speech: Noun Definition: a metal-bearing mineral or rock, or a native metal, that can be mined at a profit. Sentence: Axel Part of Speech: Noun Definition: a jump performed by a skater leaping from the front outer edge of one skate into the air to make 1 1 / 2 rotations of the body and landing on the back outer edge of the other skate. Sentence: Axle Part of Speech: Noun Definition: the pin, bar, shaft, or the like, on which or by means of which a wheel or pair of wheels rotates. Sentence: Aye Part of Speech: Adverb Definition: yes. Sentence: Eye Part of Speech: Noun Definition: the organ of sight, in vertebrates typically one of a pair of spherical bodies contained in an orbit of the skull and in humans appearing externally as a dense, white, curved membrane, or sclera, surrounding a circular, colored portion, or iris, that is covered by a clear, curved membrane, or cornea, and in the center of which is an opening, or pupil, through which light passes to the retina. Sentence: I Part of Speech: Noun Definition: the ninth letter of the English alphabet, a vowel. Sentence: Bail Part of Speech: Noun Definition: property or money given as surety that a person released from custody will return at an appointed time. Sentence: Bale Part of Speech: Noun Definition: a large bundle or package prepared for shipping, storage, or sale, especially one tightly compressed and secured by wires, hoops, cords, or the like, and sometimes having a wrapping or covering Sentence: Bait Part of Speech: Noun Definition: food, or some substitute, used as a lure in fishing, trapping, etc. Sentence: Bate Part of Speech: Verb Definition: to moderate or restrain Sentence: Baize Part of Speech: Noun Definition: a soft, usually green, woolen or cotton fabric resembling felt, used chiefly for the tops of billiard tables. Sentence: Bays Part of Speech: Noun Definition: a body of water forming an indentation of the shoreline, larger than a cove but smaller than a gulf. Sentence: Bald Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: having little or no hair on the scalp Sentence: Bawled Part of Speech: Verb Definition: to cry or wail lustily. Sentence: Ball Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Boll Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Band Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Banned Part of Speech: Definition: Bard Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Barred Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Bare Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Bear Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Bark Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Barque Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Baron Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Barren Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Base Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Bass Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Bay Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Bazaar Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Bizarre Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Bear Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Bee Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Beach Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Beech Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Bean Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Been Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Beat Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Beet Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Beau Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Bow |