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love,realisation of true love and growth of mutual enrichment |
For a person ,love is an activity of continuously striving to enrich each other`s soul.There should be only one vision for continuing devlopment of both soulmates.For a person,a true friend is one who gives his/her full support to realise that vision.,mere sympathising with one`s vision won`t suffice.There is a entermixing of the urge and vision in love where nobody wants to runaway from one another. instead there is continuous urge to enrich the other person and get enriched.To create stability and longevity in love one must not only be large hearted but openminded also. For a person ,friendship means mutual sincrety,emotional longings and symetrical mental vision.Where any of the three qualitie are missing,the rest of the two can`t survive any more .The biggest fallacy of life is that everyone is correct in his own way and the real conflict is not between right and wrong but the real conflict and struggle is between right and right.It is natural and sensible that the men and women learn the importance of timing their actions to harmonize with the flow of cosmic currents,rather than timing them to oppose these powerful natural forces.To a man and woman who love each other and who are happily and harmoniously mated,the child they create together in their own likeness is the very special miracle.There is no magic so pleasing and heartening as that which allows us to become creaters ourselves.But such power is burdened with the obligation to exercise it with compassion and wisdom.Each man and woman holds an iividual opinion regarding the matters of the life and death of their loved ones.The children are a blessing,representing the continuation of human race.Yet there are those many heart-broken,yearning couples who desparately want a child,but who have been unable to create one for various reasons.The obvious choice is the adoption of one of millions of children all over the world who so much need love and care.According to basic laws of Karmic and Reincarnation,the person's inability to create a child is due to Karmic reasons in former incarnations and these Karmic obligations are often erased by the act of adopting a homeless child for protection and love.Such an act of love and compassion has the energy and power to cancel the Karmic debts of childlessness. There are a lot of homeless babies and children of all ages out there,all over the world....who would like to lighten your lives while you are waiting...if you will just open your heart allow them to be cared and to be loved through the magic of loving and being loved in return. The kind of instant magnetic attraction,often called"love at first sight",It is no accident of fate.It is not a coincidence that out of the whole world,two souls should be attracted towards each other at a point of timeTheir coming together is controlled by the workings of Karma,which is the sum total of the causes of the past and these determine the conditions of the present life.Certain spiritual energies are always at work to bring about the meetings of Soul Mates.When the proper time comes for Soul Mates to appear in human form,they are sent to Earth clothed in flesh through particular Time-Energy .Forces which are electromagnetic in nature,at a moment when planetary conditions provide proper receptacle.Though we can not control the results of the causes of the past life,but we can control the reactions to such results in our present lifetime.The supercpnscious using the power of soul can change these Karmic events.The superconscious level can only be attained in future- since in the present we are setting into motion through actions we initiate and through our reactions to the past causes. Those who love faithfully,and who know how to use the cord of energy that binds them together,do not need post offices,mobiles,networking sites or Western Union,they are always in touch through their eastern-union.There are many instances of two persons in all kinds of love relationships-parents and children,close friends,husbands and wives and lovers.Love is far more than attraction,infatuations even an emotion or a feeling.Love is a positive electrical energy or inherent impulse of eternal happiness..Sometimes the problems of two persons who love each other, seem hopeless and the walls that separate them seem too high to surmount and too long to reach across.But their problems would all disappear,if they only touch each other through hands,noses or hearts or mind.Because love is magic.True lovers without actually realising possess this magical power.No matter how deep is the hurt or how bitter the spoken words,love will erase it all,as if nothing has happened.But there should be the desire and effort to do so on the part of the person who caused the pain and the heart to forgive on the part of one who has suffered such hurt.Desire,effort and forgiveness are requisites to realise the power of love.who has suffered such hurt.Desire,effort and forgiveness are requisites to realise the power of love. Those who love truely and are truely mated with the Soul of other half,never wish to initiate disputes or to try to dominate others...Sex is not a sin;but misusing energy of sex is a sin against one's own self.While in love,first one falls in love with eyes,then with mind and then the heart(emotions). By now the soul joins this beautiful experience,the exalted state of pure love.Only the eyes know how to lead you into the mind of the person they see through and only the mind will know how to lead you into the heart of the person with whom you find mental affinity.Its' only the heart which knows how to guide you into soul mating with the loved one.But if you begin with the physical body,it does not know where to lead you,except more and more into the sensations of flesh,The sensations cause the body to become immune to sensation,needing even more and of it-untill finally,like a drug,the tolerance level is reached and no awareness of feelings is left any more.If you could love truely enough and sustain it long enough,you could reach to a stage where you become the source of your magic.You can turn your dreams into reality and you can reverse any situation.Loving enough means loving not only those who love you,who are kind ,considerate and generous to you but also those who hate you and lack all compassion and sensibility.The deepest need for a person is love.The fear that no one cares-no one really understands,is very dangerous and it may destroy the human spirit. We all crave for love,no matter how healthy,wealthy or wise one may be,because there is no alternative except loneliness.So love is most sought after in all places and in all ages.The inner need that drives all persons in pursuit of happiness,is to love and to be loved in return i.e.sharing of mutual love.One must try to make others believe that love is innocence,patience,awareness,devotion,humility,fulfillment,harmony,passion,loyality, unselfishness,tolerance,compassion and ecstasy.There is a significant reason why the meditation upon the mysteries of love is important.There are 12 basic minerals salts used in homeopathy,which have power to cure human health.There are 12 minerals of the earth.Diamonds possess 12 sides or axes,alongwhich they must be cut to achieve glow and shine.There are 12 divisions of Solomon's Temple,12 labors of Hercules,12 Alters of St.James,12 Greek Gods and so forth.According to Numererology,Venus vibrates to the number Six(6) and Mars vibrates to the number Nine(9).Mars Nine(9) vibration is the Masculine vibration of the Universe,symbol of the ultimate Masculine power in life and love.The VENUS Six(6) vibration is the faminine vibration of the Universe,the Symbol of the Ultimate Feminine power in life and love.It is notable that when Six(6) is turned upside down,it becomes a Nine(9).Likewise when Nine(9) is turned upside down(reversing its polarity),it becomes a Six(6).Man and woman are thus inseparable.Each is an equal part of the other.The Masculine-Faminine forces are interchangeable.Yet,one is always aiming in a direction opposite to the other.Notice that when 'tail' is removed,both the numbers Six(6) and Nine(9) become a circle,which is the secret of Soulmate blending.The circle (0) represents Eternity,for it symbolises the Serpent,eating its own tail.From the Masculine(Positive) head of the Serpent flows the male-positive energy-into the Female (Negative) tail of the Serpent.Simultaneously,from the Faminine(Negative) tail of the Serpent flows female-negative energy force into the the Serpent's Masculine (Positive) head.When all polarities -male and female,light and dark,day and night,age and youth-thus feed energy simultaneously into one another,and blend their energies-can true human power may be achieved. |