Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1833328-Make-A-Wish
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #1833328
John's Christmas wish comes true.
John looked down at the package on the front doorstep. It was fairly small, wrapped in brown paper and non-descript. His name and address was typed on a small sticker on the front. He bent down to pick it up. It was light, and as he examined the parcel, noticed no return address.

Digging his keys out of his pocket, he opened the front door of his apartment and walked in. The place was devoid of personality. A single couch was in the main living area, facing towards a large television. A coffee table, covered in random books and paraphernalia, was the only other furniture in the room.

John walked over to the couch and slumped down. It had been a hell of a day. First his boss had been on his case for not getting work done, then his laptop had died. He ran a hand through his hair and let out a big sigh. All of this on Christmas Eve too. Not that that meant much. He lived by himself, and had no family to spend the festive season with. Even his few friends were busy.

And then there was her, but that wasn’t worth thinking about. It hurt too much, and she was too far away. John could picture in his mind her blue eyes, her smile. Maybe he’d give her a call, but even the thought made his heart ache. It was just easier to try and forget.

Putting the package on the table in front of him, John went a got a beer from the food deprived fridge. Drinking seemed like the appropriate thing to do on a night like this, and wallowing in his misery.

Returning to the lounge, he took a sip from the bottle. He looked down at the package, sitting on the table.

“Heh, why not, it’s not like I’ve got a tree to put it under or anything”. He muttered to himself.

Placing the beer on the coffee table, he picked up the package. Quickly tearing at the paper, a plain box was revealed. The lid was taped shut. Working at the tape, John finally opened it. Inside the confines was a simple, silver necklace nestled on a velvet cushion. Attached to it was a small slip of paper. Examining it, John found the words “Make A Wish” written in cursive, unfamiliar handwriting.

“Someone’s going all Alice in Wonderland on me”, he said, taking the necklace all the way out of the box. It was finely made, and certainly too delicate for a man to wear, and John wondered why he had been sent such a gift. His mind then wandered to someone who he knew the necklace would suit perfectly. He could imagine fixing the clasp around her slender, porcelain neck, and couldn’t help but wish she was here with him now.

The lights in the room flickered, and a strange breeze went through the house. The room was then plunged into darkness.

“Dammit” cursed John, fumbling across the room, searching for the light switch.

Only there was no light switch, and there was no room. John blinked and looked up into the night sky, the stars and constellations twinkling overhead.

“What the hell …” he said, turning around, and almost crashing into the person behind him.

“Hey, watch it ………” the woman’s voice trailed off as she stared at John.

He stared back. There were those beautiful blue eyes, that same mouth curving up into that smile that he had ached to see for so long. She was wearing a simple blouse and long black skirt, the type that he had always loved seeing her wear. Her bare feet poked out from underneath, standing on the grass that was now under both of them.

“John? But … how??” she stammered. “One moment I was looking at this”, she held up her hand, showing him a small, stylised dragon made from silver, “and reading this note which said make a wish, and the next thing I’m here!”

John laughed. He held up the silver chain in his hand. “I have no idea what’s going on, but it looks like someone wanted to get us together”.

They both stood there, looking at each other. Now that the initial surprise was gone, John felt a growing sense of anxiety. He hadn’t seen Wendy for over a year, and yet here she stood. All he’d wanted for that whole year was to see her, but so much had happened.

“I must look a mess” Wendy said, looked down at herself and self-consciously tucked a strand of long, dark hair behind her ear. She wiggled her toes in the grass, and then looked back up a John with a smile.

“Far from it. You look beautiful”. He replied instinctively. Then realising what he had said, blushed deeply.

“Look, I’m sorry, I should have called, or something ..” he started.

“No, I should have, but it’s been so long, and with everything that has happened….” She left the rest of the sentence hanging.

They both started to move forward, and then were in each others arms.

“I’ve missed you so much.” He whispered in her ear. Her dark hair, longer than he remembered, cascaded down her back, and the scent of jasmine reached him.

Over her shoulder, John could see a single tree in the large field they stood in. Breaking the hug, her took her by the hand and led her over to the tree, where they sat.

For what felt like hours, they sat and talked. Each expressed their deepest regrets over what had happened in the past, opening their souls to one another again. At times they would sit side by side, Wendy leaning into John. Other times he would lay with his head in her lap while she stroked his hair. Then Wendy, with a wicked grin, leapt up and proceeded to dance around the field, her long skirt swirling about her. Her laugh, as she spun, was the most pure so          und John had ever heard.

John couldn’t resist and laughing along, went to her, took her in his arms, and kissed her.

Wendy wrapped her arms around him and they melted into each other. Their tongues, gently searching, entwined as they held each other close. She softly licked his bottom lip then pulled back, her eyes gleaming mischievously. Before John even had a chance to react, her fingers were working at the buttons of his shirt, quickly undoing each one. She stared into his eyes as she went, watching his reactions.

John could feel himself stirring as she reached under his shirt to run a hand across his chest. He quickly finished removing his shirt and she then started working at the buckle of his pants. Within moments they were undone, and along with his underwear, slid down to the grass.

Wendy took a step back, admiring him, her eyes lingering on his now very erect member. John took a step towards her, but she raised one finger, wagging it, and giving a cheeky shake of the head. She then carefully slipped out of her long skirt, letting it fall in a heap around her feet. Her long, supple legs almost gleamed in the moonlight. It was then that John saw that she was wearing no underwear, and could see her pink mound.

In one motion, Wendy pulled her blouse off over her head. John could see her ample breasts, still confined by the black lace of her bra, and could resist no more. In one step he had her in his arms, a small gasp of surprise and joy escaping her. He kissed her again, savouring the feeling of her soft lips against his. He traced his hand up her back, the familiarity of the curves coming back in a rush. Small tremors ran through her body at his light touch. Deftly undoing the clasp of her bra, he helped her shrug it off.

“Please John, I want you, now. Please!” She whispered into his ear.

John lowered her to the ground as gently as a newborn. Gazing into her eyes, he then started to kiss down the side of her neck, her shoulder, working further downwards. She writhed against him, her nails digging into his back, and as his mouth closed around one nipple, another moan escaped her. He sucked gently while teasing the nipple on her other breast with is fingers. He could sense her mounting excitement, and as his hands and mouth remembered her body, he drew even further pleasure from her. His fingers traced down her body while he continued to suck, until they found her moist cleft. Wendy raised her hips to meet him and urge him on, and finding her very moist already, began to slowly work her clitoris with two fingers.
Small gasps of pleasure escaped her and she reached for his member. Taking it in hand, she started to stroke him, matching him as he continued to massage her.

“I want you in me, I need you in me”. She moaned.

Feeling his own climax approaching as her hand caressed him, he quickly mounted her, and in one, long, slow movement, buried himself completely inside her.

They both cried out in pleasure. Their souls combined as John started to slowly thrust, Wendy matching him at every pace. He could feel her, throbbing around him, knowing that he would not be able to last such exquisite sensations much longer, but not wanting this to end. They were two beings, joined as one, as they were always meant to be.

As their love making reached an almost frantic pace, John could feel Wendy, her body tensing, ready to explode. Taking both of her hands in his, their bodies perfectly connected, they climaxed together.

They lay there in each other’s arms, as the throes of passion slowly ebbed from their bodies. Wendy, her head resting on his chest, trailed one long nail up and down the length of John’s chest while he gently stroked her hair.

“I still don’t understand how this happened, but I’m glad that it did. I’m happier than I’ve ever been”. she said.

“Me too.” replied John, “Actually ….” He quickly stood, Wendy sliding off him with an indignant “Oof!”

Running over to the tree he bent down, picking up the two small items there. Returning, he gestured for her to stand and turn around.

The small dragon now hung from the silver chain. Placing it around her neck, he placed a small kiss on her still naked shoulder.

“I don’t know who sent this, or why, but I know I got my wish. And now we will be entangled forever.”

Wendy turned around, her eyes glistening. John felt the tears welling up in his eyes, and they once again fell into each other’s arms.

An entry in December, Round 2, of "Sensual Moments, Vol. II"  [18+]
Prompt: Magic of the Holidays

The holidays are often a time of Magic of all kinds. Whether it is oil that lasts longer than it should have (menorah), bringing in evergreen boughs with the belief that it will aid in the return of spring, to one man going around the world leaving presents in one night. It's a time to believe.
Word Count: 1807
© Copyright 2011 Ham on Rye (ham_on_rye at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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