Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1832614-Moonlight-on-the-Dock
by Alice
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1832614
In a warm peaceful place, peace of mind is harder to find then it seems.
I fidgeted nervously and checked the time on my watch. It was nearly here. The cool night breeze brisked across my neck and ruffled my shirt as I stood at the base of the dock that led partially into the astounding lake in front of me. Life was quiet and simple here, my own little slice of paradise. The lake glistened reflecting the light from the full moon. 'Just one more minute.' I said to myself checking my watch again. It always happened on nights like this. It was something about this place; the way the wind always tickled everything around; the way the lake sparkled and gleamed. The air was always sweet and heavenly, devoid of anything but innocence. A perfect place for the free spirit.

My watch beeped and I was quickly shaken from my thoughts. The moon shone brightly as the rays of light sparkled off the water, creating a shimmering path. I held my breath looking towards the end of a dock as a man appeared. He radiated with moonlight and walked slowly towards me. I took cautious steps in his direction and stopped as we stood in front of one another. I stared at him, nearly eye to eye and wrapped my arms around him. "Dad." He embraced me back and I felt his chest move between me, his body cold, but with each breath began to warm. After a minute I took a step back and looked at his face. His blue eyes pierced out through his sullen skull, thick scraggly hairs accentuated his jaw line. His hair was a mess and his face was a bit dirty. He smiled ever so slightly as his calloused hands hung by his side. He was dressed in a pair of old warn out loose fitting jeans and a ragged flannel shirt. He looked the same as always. "Shall we?" he said as he gestured towards the log cabin up on the hill; my home and what used to be our home. I turned and he put a hand on my shoulder as we walked towards the house.

The screen door creaked as we walked in and it snapped shut behind us. He sat at the table as I opened the cabinet that held his tea. I brewed a cup and set it down before him as he cupped it in his hands, bringing it to his nose as the aroma filled him. I slid into the seat across the table and looked on as he paused and brought it to his lips taking a small, treasured sip. He set it back down and looked up at me. "How are things?" he rested an arm across the table and slid a leg out sideways, reclining slightly in the wooden chair. "It's been....tough." I turned away from him, trying to hold myself together. My eyes fell upon the picture above the quaint little fireplace. It was a picture of the two of us, holding up a fair sized fish and smiling. 'That damn hobby of his' I thought as I looked away in remorse. He scratched his beard and left his hand there to stroke away at the stubble. He sighed and resigned to another sip of tea. We sat in silence as I looked out the window, a perfect view back to the dock. "I don't think I can keep doing this." I turned to him when he spoke, my heart skipped a beat. "...But..." The word trailed off. He shook his head as he sat forward, elbows on the table, hands folded in front of him. "It's unnatural." I sat looking at him, my heart pounding harder and heavier. "But you can't" I said, "I need-" he cut me off. "It hurts. Every time I come through, it hurts." His words stopped me. I had no idea. He noticed my pause and the look in my eyes. "I know its been hard. And I'll come back as long as I can. I just don't know how long that is." The sun peaked through the window and my heart sank. It was time to head back. He noticed as well and frowned. He swigged the rest of his tea and stood up. We walked silently back to the dock as dawn began to break. I stopped half way as he continued on his own. He reached the end and turned around. "I'll be back, I promise." He smiled as the sun crept up over the horizon. The rays of light engulfed him and he vanished. I held my hand over my eyes to try and hold in the tears. There was a small glowing and I looked up to see something pulsating to the left of the dock on the shore. I tried to look closer but with a sudden burst it was gone. The spot it where it was emanated little streams of electricity and then dissipated. I stood contemplating it for a moment and ended up shaking it off. I trudged home sullenly to retire.

The month went on like usual. I took the boat over to the little market across the lake like I did every month to stock up. I picked up enough of the necessities and loaded them into the boat as I started my way back. The water was calm and the wind was slight and warm, as usual. It was a relatively short distance only taking about ten minutes. The cabin came closer and closer and it wasn't long before I saw the dock stretching out into the lake. On the shore was the same aurora as weeks before, perhaps a bit larger this time. I squinted like before to try to get a better look but once again it fizzled out of existence. I sat back and my stomach felt queasy. The place was always calm and regular. Different was not good. As the dock got closer I remembered the last time things felt different.

It was on a trip just like this. I was on my way back from the monthly pick up. Dad always stayed back, always content to do a little routine fishing. That was our way. I'd go to town and he'd sit on the edge of the dock, his feet dangling in the water as he relaxed and enjoyed the everlasting warm breeze. As I approached the dock things were different this time. Dad was nowhere to be seen from a far. I hoped he had gotten up to relieve himself but as I got closer the water seemed to irradiate a crimson color. I nearly choked as I saw something bobbing in the water. I jumped out of the boat as it crashed into the dock as a frantically rushed over to the shape. I yelled as I grabbed the body and quickly pulled it on top of the dock. His face was blue, his flannel shirt and old ripped jeans soaking wet. It was too late.

I shook my self from the memory and held back the tears. As I pulled up to the dock, the water was as clear and shimmering as always, the breeze brushed against my back. I docked the boat and curiously checked the spot where i saw the strange light. Whatever it was, it wasn't there anymore. I gave up and brought the stuff purchased from the market into the house.

Time passed on as it always did and soon it was the night of the full moon once more. I glanced at my watch and headed outside to greet my father like I had every other time. The night was cool and crisp, the lake shined, the moon glistened. Everything was fine. I turned as I heard a faint buzzing sound as the aurora appeared on the shore next to the dock. It pulsated and grew larger. I took a step towards it, determined to get a better look for once as a large crack sounded and the aurora exploded into a large swirling cloud of light. I was taken aback and shielded my eyes from the bright light. The normally calm wind was roaring ferociously and lighting boomed and cracked. The ground began to shake at the cloud grew larger and larger, swirling in an angry mass towards everything. The moon shone bright and sparkled off the lake in a shimmering path as it reached the dock. A man appeared at the edge and began walking towards the center. I yelled trying to call out to my dad but the wind knocked me backwards off my feet. He contemplated the swirling mass in front of him. "Dad!" I yelled again. The man on the dock paused for a moment, contemplating what to do. He looked up at me and smiled, nodding his head. He turned and walked towards the cloud. "No!" I screamed as he disappeared into the swirling mass. It flickered a crackled one more time, and then slowly fizzled out of existence. The wind returned to its calm nature, the lake glistened in the moonlight. This time he was gone for good.
© Copyright 2011 Alice (metalatlas at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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