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Rated: E · Article · Political · #1832572
About the two-day war of Anna Hazaare for the extirpation of Corruption...

I thought if everyone is writing on the hot and happening issue of today...why can’t I use a part of my “right of freedom to express”....
I was a little confounded earlier that the whole nation is joining the so-called campaign...should I too.....but something inside...was not granting.....not persuading......!!!!!Are all the people on the roads find themselves wholesome...if that is the case..I am too far from this pinnacle...because as I know i am and had been corrupt for many times.......soo how can i joined the campaign.. and  be a part of this turmoil all around....and support the Man behind it......i cannot!!!!we admit the corruption is on extreme...we agree to be the victims of this..but is it the right way for its eradication...it is rather seems to be “something” else......
The way what I suggest is very simple yet the most difficult....This is indeed not by blaming the government...not by creating the agitations..Not by seeking the overthrow of our nation...but just bring it out from your own self individually ...... then the digit we are counting for the people who are on the roads....which is so big......would be the digit for the people in India who are non-corrupt ...and perhaps the other day we can experience the corruption free India....
I really wonder whether this turbulence going on across the nation is justified!!!!!!! I am just trying to be apprised of the logic behind the demands made by the “team Anna”......! I am neither alleging Anna Hazare nor his intentions behind his fast.....he must be the man of honour and dignity.....also I do believe that being a responsible citizen of India..I have the right to question the authorities for what they are responsible for... But I don’t believe if it the only way to question them..???????
As quoted by Arundhati Roy,” For completely different reasons, and in completely different ways, you could say that the Maoists and the Jan Lokpal Bill have one thing in common — they both seek the overthrow of the Indian State. One working from the bottom up, by means of an armed struggle, waged by a largely adivasi army, made up of the poorest of the poor. The other, from the top down, by means of a bloodless Gandhian coup, led by a freshly minted saint, and an army of largely urban, and certainly better off people.”
Also she said that “While his means may be Gandhian, Anna Hazare's demands are certainly not. Contrary to Gandhiji's ideas about the decentralisation of power, the Jan Lokpal Bill is a draconian, anti-corruption law, in which a panel of carefully chosen people will administer a giant bureaucracy, with thousands of employees, with the power to police everybody from the Prime Minister, the judiciary, members of Parliament, and all of the bureaucracy, down to the lowest government official. The Lokpal will have the powers of investigation, surveillance, and prosecution. Except for the fact that it won't have its own prisons, it will function as an independent administration, meant to counter the bloated, unaccountable, corrupt one that we already have. Two oligarchies, instead of just one.” Now...What is his fast really intending for..???? Is it really about bringing a bill in parliament...? If that’s the case then why can’t Team Anna be with one of the Opposition Party MPs and get his/her support to take the bill to the parliament? Why can’t they discuss this privilege given by our law..??? why has not any party come forward and propose such type of solution and???
Team Anna has also suggested that the Lokpal Law should have the Prime Minister and the judiciary under its purview. But has it been realized that the Lokpal will himself/herself will be a selected official or a bureaucrat whose independence and authority will again be questionable, just like what has happened with the judiciary? In that case, how will you keep a check on the Lokpal? Does the solution lie in bringing another law into act and not being able to implement it effectively? Or do we, the people of India, still have the power vested by one of the most sophisticated constitutions of the world, to act against corruption in India?
“Corruption is inculcated in each component of society....from bigger to smaller....its not just a legality or a financial irregularity....!!!!” as stated by Ms. Roy. We might be realising all of this but before it goes...someone made the people realize that if we do not come for the support we are not the “true Indians”..
My  another elucidation is about the remarks made by Anna Hazare made while addressing the public. He urged the govt. Officials to go on a mass leave in support of his fast and also called the students of Delhi university asking for “8 days for the nation”..The comment like this doesn’t go with the image Anna hazare is trying to make...
All these discussions have strengthened my idea of an ideal India. The idea is to fight corruption in everyday life and not by burning candles at India Gate. The idea is not to give or accept a bribe, but to find ways of not giving bribe. The idea is to ask questions everyday and not go to jails to show solidarity. The idea is to change you to change the nation. The idea is to follow the law and implement the law, than just having the law.
I support “India Against Corruption”. I support a “fight against corruption” everyday and in every way. But I DO NOT support these protests.

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