Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1832095-Hair-Cut
Rated: GC · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1832095
A short horror piece written for the Daily Slice-Horror Inc contest. (Daily Winner)
Jacob awoke suddenly as he had every night for weeks now. Although he had been having no trouble falling into what could only be described as extremely deep sleeps, they were in no way restful. This night like, all the others he had been plagued by an increasingly disturbing dream. It always started in the same manner; Jacob who worked at a fairly large law firm situated in the center of the richest part of the city and who at twenty six years old was well on track to become the youngest partner in the company’s history found himself somewhere he had never seen before and would never have any occasion to go.

The first thing Jacob noticed was the stench, a putrid mix of vomit, sweat, feces and other body fluids that he did not feel the need to identify. All around him lay trash bags, broken bottles and other various forms of garbage and excrement. Looming on either side of him stood the bleak, windowless walls of tall unmarked buildings. Suddenly Jacob heard the distinct sound of running footsteps coming from the shadowy darkness further down the alley.Without realizing that he’d begun to move, Jacob walked toward the noise. He glanced down at his feet noticing that he’d begun to run at an almost breakneck pace.

A few seconds later Jacob heard a crash and a small cry ahead of him and his eyes focusing in on the shadows he saw the small, curled up form of a young blond girl, maybe fourteen or fifteen years old reached out and used the girl’s shoulder to roll her over. He caught the first glimpse of her face; an expression of pure terror spread across it, her small blue eyes widening. Instinctually feeling the need to calm the poor, frightened girl Jacob began in as much of a calm tone as he could muster to tell her that “Everything was…” and then he heard the noise.

The sound was just a slight buzzing, a noise similar to the sound of his cellphone on vibrate but for some inexplicable reason it filled him with a feeling of excitement greater than anything he had ever known. Almost instantly his body was filled with a feeling almost orgasmic in nature, every hair, every cell on his body was on edge, ready, but for what? Then, looking down at the girl he followed her terrified gaze, not falling on his face but farther down his body, ending on his left hand which held a small, dark object. On closer examination Jacob realized that this object from which the buzzing noise was emanating was a modern looking electric razor whose blades seemed to have been extended and sharpened into what looked like six, long, curved, vibrating knives.

Turning back to the girl Jacob felt an unrelenting, irresistible urge to touch her hair. Digging a knee into her chest to hold her down and ignoring her high pitched screams Jacob slowly began to move the blades towards the girl’s long, golden, shining locks.A huge smile spread across Jacob’s face as he watched the girl’s hair fall to the dirty ground. Her screams became louder and louder as the blades quickly ripped more of her hair out by the root, blood started to pool in small droplets on the concrete beneath her.

Finally grabbing the short curls right above the girl’s forehead Jacob dug the razor deeper and deeper until he felt the tight skin of the girl’s scalp begin to rip away, and as he sunk the blades even deeper still into her skull he screamed with glee as torrents of blood and small pieces of gray matter splattered onto his face with the sickly sound of someone stepping into a wet, dirty puddle.

And then each night, just like this one Jacob would awake to find himself in bed, his boxers sticky as they were when he woke up from “wet dreams” as a child but feeling relieved knowing it was just a dream. On this night however relief did not come so quickly, the pervasive feeling of what he had done continued to eat at him and that’s when he heard a familiar, heart-stopping noise, a soft, slow buzzing.Shaking with fear, Jacob turned toward the source of the sound. There, lying on his bedside table was a small six-bladed electric razor covered in skin, blood, and long strands of shining golden hair.

© Copyright 2011 Matt Tilley (nmwriter20 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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