Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1832058-hero-story
by konnic
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1832058
not yet done
The spirit realm has watched over mankind and kept them safe for 19 centuries, But the forbidden realm wants claim over their souls and has a sinister plan to eradicate mankind.

(The Hero)
At a church, on a bright Sunday morning during worship service with 300 people who simultaneously combusted into white fire, burning the church down in minutes. a worker of the clean up crew found a baby boy alive in the middle of the ashes, who he rushed to the hospital in hopes they would find the boys family. when the testing was over they were stunned to find out the boy never had a family, they placed the boy in a foster home where he spends 3 years of his life. a sweet lady and a kind man adopted the boy after they lost there son in a car accident 3 years ago. 13 years later the boy was heading home from school when a pure white limo pulls over next to him, the boy stops and a man steps out of the limo in a pure white tux the man tells the boy “you been on earth 16 years as of today. I have a gift for you” the man gives the boy a gift “it feels like its made of fire” says the boy as he drops the gift. when he bends over to pick it up off the ground it was no longer hot “hey I don’t know who you are but thank you” the boy raises his head to see the man has vanished. the boy runs home to open his gift, he slams the door to his room and rips into the gift were he finds a book that looks 800 years old. the boy lays it down to throw the mess away, when the boy walks back to the book it glows yellow and a gust of wind fills his room the boy looks at the book as it opens and he sees faces drawn in glowing yellow ink the pages of the book flip one by one with faces on each page the book stops and closes the boy grabs the book and opens it to find the pages are now blank he flips to page 301 the last page of the book that isn't blank the boy reads “on year 16 this book gives the one born by spirit the powers needed to save the world. The spirit realm”

(The Villain)
A Pregnant woman gave birth to her son at 6:06 A.M. the boy weighed 6 pounds 6 ounces and is 18.3 inches in length. She and her husband are very happy but this baby is chosen by darkness to bring the world to its knees in 16 years time. On there way home from the hospital, a drunken truck driver collides with another truck making a pile up causing the woman's husband to crash, The newborn baby is tossed from the car taking the newborns life. As difficult as it was for the family plans to bury there son had to handled the next day, the city's new cemetery will be done in time for the baby to be the first to have his burial in it. When the day arrived and the ceremony was over the ground began to sink (causing the people to run.) when the ground stopped, the headstone and casket was gone later that day the mayor shut down the cemetery. The mayor's dirty little secret about an abandoned psychiatric prison, sent the baby into the darkest abyss that will reanimate and train him to have ultimate unspeakable powers. In the year 1932 members of the order of darkness has been apprehended and arrested, for the slayings of countless victims over the past 72 years on uncharted ground. The city wanted to use the uncharted ground for the construction of a new psychiatric prison, so they began to build the new psychiatric prison. Then in 1968 The prison began overcrowding when corrupt guards started using ruthless authority, Picking on the inmates shoving there heads in excrement and replacing there beds with wooden benches. One day the inmates started a riot setting the benches on fire to burn the prison down, However the inmates got locked inside alone and died in the fire they started.
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