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Rated: GC · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1831904
My own take on D. Gray-man's story using my own characters intertwining with the original.
Zena- Parasite Type Innocence, high Synchro-rate
Tena- Weapon Type- not made for fighting, low Synchro-rate, Zena’s other half.

Tena has a low Synchro-rate because she is originally from Zena- the Innocence that had given itself a host. Then her body became compatible with Innocence, though she is still attached to Zena some, she cannot Synchronize well with this new Innocence.
Zena and Tena are two halves. Originally, it was only Innocence within the mother. But the Innocence bonded and basically created a host for itself, though that host split into two parts of the same whole- that is why Zena and Tena are inseparable, though Zena wants to be away, they cannot stay away for long. So each of them has a different personality to atone for being separate wholes of the same- Zena being lonely and sadness, Tena being happy-go-lucky.

(I'd say, that like Jasdevi, Zena and Tena are two halves of the same whole. That is why they have two different personalities, to account for them making up each others losses)

– The infant's cries were taken out of the room as another came to this world. Pain mixed with pain. The mother reached out to the closing door, relishing the moment the doctor stole away her daughter. The newborn held out to her was dismissed suddenly. Her wail was not just that of a regular infant new to the world- pain scorched their wavelengths. The sweat drenched face of the proud mother became creased with angered regret at having the second - the unwanted second. Soon the room became quiet, nothing but the steadying breathes coming from the woman on the bed. Then were complaints. Complaints of another, complaints of the torture she'd get from the sight of that wretch; complaints about the infant. The gentle roll of wheels accompanied the nurses bringing the children. The mother eagerly reached for the first born, while the unwanted second lay still in purple, all alone even in the very beginning. The young nurse offered the other to the mother, but she declined hurriedly. Unbeknownst to the young infant any reason why this had become of her... Nobody seems to admire a deformed person...

“You know, we're a lot alike, Allen.” “Oh yeah, what do you mean?” Allen looked at her expectantly, waiting for her to answer. “Uh-well--” Zena allowed her redness to wear-off before continuing. “Our Innocence.” She blurted abruptly. Allen blinked. Then he smiled, and said, “Oh, yeah. That's right. We're both Parasite types,” He laughed, “That can't be the only thing on your mind, right?” Zena tensed, lifting her shoulders. Why am I so nervous? Just talk to him! She sighed and looked at him confidently. The sweetness of his smile and the deep color of his eyes made her blush and return to her confined position. “Uh, yeah, uh, well you know... “ “You mean how we got here? How we came to be at the Order?” Allen answered, understanding completely. Once again Zena tensed. She nodded stiffly. “Yeah. It's just... I knew you had a hard time getting here.. As did I, and I just felt that, uh, we were kinda alike with all the, uh, hardships and things we had to go through-” “You're right.” He interrupted. Surprised, Zena looked over at him. Allen was staring off in the distance, almost like a sad look on his face. He understands... She admired that about him, and now more than ever, all Zena wanted to do was hug him. “I'll admit, we've both had it pretty hard, right?” Allen began, “And I'm sorry for all you had to go through,” He looked over at her, eyes shining. “If I could've made things easier, I wish I would've... If you ever need help, I'll be there.” “No! It's fine.” She stopped him, a little too abruptly. Allen watched her with a startled face. Zena hesitated. “I, uh, mean, no it's fine. You've had it plenty worse than me after all, I should be the one helping you,” She looked to the ground. “You've gone through so much for your years, and I feel so bad. After being abandoned at so young, then having the person who took you in die and almost turning him into an Akuma-” She paused a moment to sigh. Then continued in a hushed tone, “-but you still hold your head up and carry on as if nothing happened, as if you've lived a normal life all along. You always show a smile and help everyone, even if it endangers yourself,” Zena's shoulders began to shake, her voice cracking with the tears falling. Her attempt to hide them became that of a curtain of hair she pulled with her falling head. “And all I do is complain about how I've been treated, and how nobody respects me and all they want is my sister, nothing to do with me!” Now her voice was raised despite herself. She took in a shuddered breath and continued, not knowing the sympathetic look Allen gave her at her side. “You had it so rough... and yet you still are happy, and free,” She concluded. Zena's eyes fell shut, clenched to fight the tears.“I wish I had been abandoned...” Her words froze him; dumbstruck, as if he'd just been slapped. After a long moment, he managed a soft sentence and retreated. “Zena, how can you say that...?” Zena heard the footsteps advancing farther down the hall. She knew she'd gone too far; it always happens like this. Always, she's alone. Always... She sank in her despair for a long moment, drops falling to the floor like unwanted memories. Her eyes clenched tight, trying to fight the tears. Silence... The pressure of a gentle hand on her back ended the river of grief. “Zena.” The same gentleness she'd come to love accompanied the pressure at her back. She recognized his warm, comforting voice instantly. Reluctantly, she lifted her head and pushed back her hair, gradually getting a clear view of her accompanist. Zena and Allen's eyes met for a split-second before she retreated and averted them back to the floor. Although, the break she felt in her heart at seeing the legitimate, sincere, and genuine concern- sympathy- he felt towards her lasted much longer. Allen... he came back... He patted her back with a laugh, startling Zena to a point of almost falling forward. “Come on, Zena. Let's get outta here. I've got something for you.” She looked up to his smiling face, amazed at how well he was able to do that; change her mood so easily, make everyone feel better. She blinked. Allen held out his hand to her and motioned to the other end of the hall. Zena looked at his offer, then back into his eyes. After a pause she reached up for it, trying to suppress a smile and a gleeful squeal at getting to hold his hand. 

Oh my God, we’re practically holding hands! Zena nearly collapsed from enchantment. She struggled not to show her emotions for him, but the wobble in her legs was pretty obvious. “Heh, now come on, don’t be like that,” Allen looked around and saw Zena hiding her face; looking away. She turned back to him, a slight twitch demanding at the corner of her lips. “You’ll like it, I promise.” He smiled that nice friendly smile of his. And this time, Zena smiled back.
Allen stopped abruptly, which caused Zena to stumble and rev backwards to avoid colliding with him. He paused a moment. “Uum, Allen…?” She leaned over a touch to look at his face. Without notice, he quickly spun around behind her, placing his hand over her eyes. “Shh! No looking, now.” Allen’s voice was in a slight whisper, though Zena could tell he was just trying to keep his ecstasy under control. For a brief second Zena stiffened, ready to bolt if she had to. But his words got to her, and she settled, allowing him to slowly guide her. This amazed her- she never really put her trust in anyone before, regardless of their relationship. But Allen was so gentle, she could plainly see how much sympathy he carried, and how kind he was. In a circumstance like this, she should be on her guard, possibly not ever let herself be in it. But she felt safe…
It was awfully quiet. They had walked a long ways; the daily noises of work should’ve been going on around them, wherever they may have been. But it was silent, save for the wind that resonated off the walls from the depths, and no matter how safe she felt, this still brought on a feeling of uneasiness. Then Allen halted. Utter silence as they just stood there. Zena hesitated a shuttering moment before a tiny voice escaped her. “A-Allen… Wha” “Shh.” Allen hushed her. Zena swallowed the lump in her throat. I’m not Ok with this anymore… what is he keeping from me? A small scuffing noise sounded a short distance to the side of her. Instantly, she jumped free of Allen’s grasp, on guard several feet away from him, facing the thought-to-be danger. A loud thumping sound followed her movement.
“Oh, come on! You ruined the surprise, Reever!” The man who was called Reever stood, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “Haha, sorry,” He laughed, “Lost my balance a bit there.” An overturned chair was proof of his words, it was likely he had been tipping in it the time Allen and her walked in.
Zena looked around. She remembered this place- it was an off-room the Science Division used for their down time. She’d passed by it once or twice on the way to Hevlaska. Much of the Science Division was there. Although, Zena didn’t recognize many of the faces. She saw a lone Exorcist in the corner, standing there in the shadows — Reever approached her, extending his arm. “Hi, I’m Reever. You could say I’m captain of the Science Division.” Zena looked at him, his outstretched hand, and took it timidly shaking. “Sorry about the scare, we didn’t mean anything by it. Just wanted to cheer you up.” Zena looked around again, staying silent. The Exorcist who was in the corner was now gone. Her face was blank. Everyone waited, an awkward sort of tension rising at the long pause. Zena turned back to Reever. His worried tension was visible.
She cracked. A small chuckle at first, appearing on her lips, then Zena began laughing - a real laughter of amusement. For a moment, everyone hesitated. Then an exasperated sigh of relief drifted through the room as everybody joined in the happiness. There were a couple cheers, and one or two people were heard saying ‘Yes, she’s happy!’ – or something along the lines of that – but then all settled.
Zena looked back at everyone, smiling. “Thank you, everyone,” She said turning to Reever. “It really means a lot that you’d go through all this trouble just for me.” Reever smiled back at her. “No trouble at all. Family looks after each other. Can’t have you all depressed now, can we? ” Zena blinked at his  words, about to acknowledge him about the ‘Family’ when she felt a pat on her shoulder. She turned to see Lenalee smiling at her. “Hey, Zena. Where have you been?” “Oh, I uh…” Lenalee laughed. “Hehe, no problem, just remember that you’ve always got us, OK?” Without realizing it, Zena nodded. Perhaps this was really her family now…
Lenalee walked away, meeting up with Allen and a few other Science Division members. Zena stood there watching it all; in the middle of a group of people conversing like they’d known each other forever. Maybe they did, maybe they didn’t. But it was nice, how they all treated each other like family; with love. This place had begun to grow on her, even if she did feel a bit lonely now and then. Family sounded pretty good to her.
Suddenly, she felt someone standing next to her. Startled, she jumped to the side, head facing up to a large man – the Exorcist she’d seen in the corner. How did I not notice him before? He’d been standing there quite some time, Zena too lost in the view to even notice. His eyes looked down at her. He chuckled and gave a kind-of cocky half-smile. “Feeling better now, Zena?” His voice was low, and intimidating, but also calm and gentle. He emphasized her name with a slight pause. Zena tensed then relaxed. “Y-you know my name?” She stuttered, looking up at him with innocent eyes. The deep laughter sounded again. “Hmph, you’re a smart girl, I’m sure you’ll make it pretty far. Just don’t push yourself.” He ruffled her hair with his big hand. “Come play chess with me sometime. I’m sure I’d enjoy it.” He said to her, walking away.

“Suman, Suman? Ready to play chess, Suman? I've decided to have a match... Suman...?” Her call resonated off the stone archway, cascading into a deep moan-like sound at the end of the hall. Footsteps also accompanied the echo; muffled pats on the cold floor. “Suman...?” A parted door neared, a symbol of the Exorcist posted in the center of the wood. No light emitted from the slight crack. Zena inched closer, words becoming a nervous hush in the empty corridor. “Um, are you there, Suman? 'Cause, I'm all set if you are,” She placed a hand on the door and gently pushed in farther open. “We can play now--” Zena stopped short, caught in her throat. The room was empty. A mix of calm apprehension filled her, unable to understand fully what she felt. She slowly strode around the room, taking in a glance of Suman's living space. She noticed the table in the far corner and halted. Chess board. The pieces were all set up perfectly, as if one awaited a player. Without thinking, Zena reached out and gently picked the black King, holding it in her hand. Her eyes scanned it, growing wide.
Then she ran. She bolted out of the room in full terror of the possibility of anything happening. Her arms pumped feverishly at her sides, hand gripping the King tightly. A soft wind came at her face, sounding violent in the silence, along with the patter of her bare feet. Her eyes let a single tear escape – running down the side of her face to be soaked into her hair. Within a second she wiped the wetness away and turned the corner, jumping the railing onto the stairs. In no time she was at the door of Komui's office, breathing intensely, staring at the group of Science Division members gathered around the desk now gazing at her in surprise. Without even thinking, or waiting to catch her breath, Zena blurted, “Where's Suman?” It came out in a frantic tone. Zena silently cursed herself for a split-second because of their looks, but it passed quickly. The members exchanged looks, most with visible unease. After a long, excruciating pause, Komui pushed forward, walking up to Zena with his head low. When he reached her, he stopped and just stood there. Zena looked up to him with desperate expectancy. This seemed to hurt him by the way he winced, looking away.
“Zena, Suman has gone missing.” Zena froze. “...What?” She knew what he said, but it came out of nowhere. The question escaped her reflexively; it's not like she wanted to hear him say it again. “Zena, I know it's hard. I'm sure you and Suman had a good relationship, but you've got to understand-” He stopped when the first drop hit the floor. Blood. Zena's arm was shaking violently. She gripped the chess piece now as if it was holding her life. But harder. The groves of the marble dug into her skin, tearing it deep. The blood trickled in thick lines down her hand on onto the floor. Komui watched the small puddle beginning to form, expanding ever-so. “Zena,” Komui began in horror.
Zena did not respond. She didn't speak, didn't move. For some reason her body was acting on it's own at the words, though she herself was numb. Why... why... She was frozen – a statue forever in sorrow. But when the first tear made its way down her cheek, the full force of it all struck her like a killing blow.
Time slowed – the bloodied chess piece tinged on the floor, splashing in the blood; Zena turned and ran, tears flying off her face; Komui reached out for her, too slow to even have his fingertips touch her arm as she pushed away from him.
Zena's feet slapped the stone floor in an unforgiving way, uneven strides like a hysterical lunatic. She rubbed at her eyes with her arms to wipe away the river of tears blurring her vision. The sobs were uncontrollable and as much as she tried could not bring herself back to sanity. Nothing seemed real, but the pain still ripped at her heart and mind. How... Why? I- I don't know anymore!
Everything mixed together under the layer of sadness in her eyes. She could no longer tell where the walls ended and the floor began. Zena's shoulder bumped an edge, sending her chest to smack into a corner. Ignoring the outside world, she continued on numbly, rounding the corner to once again become a hysterical lunatic on the run. She coughed and sobbed, all the while attempting to wipe away the sorrow with her hands. Zena's face became wet with smeared tears.
THUD! The world came back to her for a split-second as she smacked into the side of another being. She looked to see the vaguely startled face cast down upon her by the ever- scowling man. For a moment, she was surprised, caught off guard by being radically pulled back to this world. Kanda... Then all feeling was replaced with the past and Zena broke. She instantly embraced Kanda around the waist bawling madly. She pulled herself into his side like a child would their parent.
Kanda didn't know how to react to such sort, nothing like this. He began to object with a snort and harsh words but halted. He realized she was hurting, and he wasn't completely heartless. This kind of pain was dealt with ease, comfort was needed. He softened, as much as was possible for him, by placing a hesitant hand on Zena's shoulder. “There, there...” Kanda said. And, although is wasn't done confidently, Zena really felt in the back of her mind that this was what it was like to be with a father.
© Copyright 2011 MelodyNote (zenakarma at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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